Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1144

As the two closest peers, Little Spider and Quicksilver undoubtedly have a lot in common.

In addition, they are both boys, so they became good friends who talked about everything after meeting.

Especially the school that Iron Man arranged for Quicksilver and Wanda is not far from Peter Parker's school, so they made a private agreement to contact more in the future.

In contrast, Wanda has been secretly looking over there from the corner of her eye from the moment Alan appeared.

After waiting for about seven or eight minutes, she finally summoned the courage to walk over from a distance, and said hello nervously: "Hi! long time no see, what have you been busy with recently?"

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "I have nothing to do. On the contrary, I have been very idle recently. Basically everyday all I am hanging out with nothing to do."

"I have nothing to do? So you should Got a lot of free time?" Wanda's eyes flashed with joy, continuing to probe cautiously.

"cough cough! I'm sorry, I still have something to deal with. I'm sorry for a while."

Tony Stark coughed twice, and made a random excuse to turn around and leave .

As an old driver and a gunsmith, he has no time to be a light bulb here, and he is not interested in watching others throw dog food in public.

Although Iron Man doesn't think Wanda can finally get together with Alan.

But it doesn't hurt to try.

If Alan can stay permanently, then Earth will have an extra guarantee.

For a long time, there is no need to worry about foreign invasion.

Watching Tony Stark walk up to the Black Panther and communicate in a low voice with the current king of Wakanda, Alan turned around and stared at Scarlet Witch's pair of red lights flashing from time to time. Eyes, Faint Smile asked: "Why, do you want to ask me out for a walk?"

"en! There is a good movie recently, I wonder if you are interested in watching it together?" Wanda plucked up the courage to take the initiative to issue an invitation.

This was obviously a crucial first step for her.

Seeing the girl's nervous appearance, Alan couldn't help but smile and nodded: "Yes. But I declare in advance that this is my first time dating the opposite sex, so you'd better not have any expectations. In addition, I hope this movie will not be a boring literary or romantic movie. For most straight men, watching such a movie is no less than receiving a mental hypnosis, and there is a 70% probability that they will lie down Go to sleep on the seat."

Pu chi!

Wanda couldn't hold back, she covered her mouth and laughed, and her previous nervousness followed with this sound Smile completely relaxed.

After laughing for a while, she quickly pursed her lips and teased: "I bet you are the most demanding of all dating men. I can't believe that you can still Say it confidently."

"I can't help it, I have such a personality, and I will never wrong myself for accommodating others. Even more how, you should know best that I don't have a worldly attitude towards you. a desire." Alan stated his attitude directly.

He didn't want any unnecessary misunderstandings between himself and the Scarlet Witch.

"I know. But I want to try." Wanda raised his chin without hesitation.

"Okay, that's what you want. But trust me, the experience may not be as good as you think it is," Alan reminded softly.

"Whether the experience is good or not, I don't want to leave any regrets. The movie time is this Friday afternoon, I hope you can pick me up at the school gate when school is over, can you?" Wanda The rays of light flickered in the eyes of anticipation.

Obviously, she had already given up and set the date and time directly.

Alan nodded thoughtlessly: "Yes! I'll drive to pick you up."

"Fantastic! Then we'll make an appointment to meet you at the school gate on Friday afternoon. ."

After saying this, Wanda seemed to have used up all her courage and ran away with a blushing face.

Not long after she left her front feet, Natasha came out of the shadows with her back feet, and asked with a look of surprise: "What is this? Dating or love? I can't believe it, with your character Accept her invitation."

"No way. Wanda is very important to me, she is the most important part of dealing with Hisoka, the god of the underworld. I don't want our relationship to get too rough. ." Alan shrugged helplessly.

He now begins to understand a little bit, what Aizen feels about the Death God of those women who are crazy about worshipping and infatuated with him.

The only difference is that he can't be as cold and ruthless as the other party.

"Be careful! Love is something that cannot be controlled by human beings. Maybe you will fall into it yourself." Natasha's eyes flashed with strange rays of light.

"Oh? Is this the experience of someone who has come here?" Alan lifts the head, watching with interest the first person to sign a contract with him.

But how could the professionally trained Black Widow easily reveal his deepest secrets, pretending to be mysterious and smiling and replied: "Don't worry, my soul belongs to you anyway. Wait for me. After you die, you can get the answer directly from my soul."

"Sorry, I already got the answer I wanted. It seems that your love life is more exciting and richer than I expected. Much more."

With the help of his inner strength, Alan almost effortless broke through the opponent's psychological defense, helping to flip through the memory like a book.

As the well-known Black Widow, this woman has played with more men in her life than many people imagine.

Especially in the few years she just graduated from the Red House, she almost completely used her body as a tool to vent her revenge.

Of course, people will inevitably have emotional entanglements.

The KGB swallows and crows who rebelled during the Cold War, as well as the beauties and handsome guys hired by the CIA, who defected every now and then is the best proof.

But Natasha was different. She personally executed several men who had fascinated her.

This is the most terrifying.

"Damn! You are reading my memory!"

Black Widow realized something in an instant, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

After all, everyone will have their own secrets and side they don't want people to know.

This is also why countless religions and morals have repeatedly made it clear that lying is bad, but lies have always prevailed among people.

Because it acts as a lubricant.

If one day all lies disappear and everyone in the world only tells the truth, it must be a rather cruel society.

Nearly every moment there is a social death of a large number of people.

Now, Natasha felt as if she was completely naked, and was seen through by the other party.


She'd rather strip naked and show off her lithe and graceful body than have those memories in her head spied on.

"Relax, I'm a very good keeper and won't tell anyone. But I'm curious, is it because of guilt or to commemorate your lost emotion that you named your child that name? Don't worry, I'm not blaming or criticizing you. In such an environment, there is no way to survive by fair means or foul. Like winter warrior Bucky, you are also involuntarily."

After saying that, a trace of sympathy appeared on Alan's face.


It's sympathy!

Because of Black Widow's life experience, it is more tragic than many people imagine.

If Bucky lost memory and consciousness, she lost emotion and soul.

"No, not at all. I just hope this child doesn't repeat his original tragedy, that's all. Well, I still have things to do, so I won't chat with you." Nata Sha's mood clearly began to fluctuate violently, and she quickly turned around and disappeared into the shadows with a gloomy face.

With her long practice, she has been able to use the shadow energy to hide herself anytime, anywhere.

Even the most advanced infrared and sonic scans would not be able to detect her presence.

"She's angry? What did you tell her just now?" Tony Stark, who had just finished talking to Black Panther, asked with a confused expression.

Alan spread his hands indifferently: "It's nothing, some talk about the past. By the way, how is that night elf baby girl doing now?"

"It's pretty good. Little Hot Pepper has been taking care of her like her own daughter. To be honest, it's the first time I've seen her so gentle and considerate, it makes me a little jealous." Tony replied in a half-joking tone.

It is not difficult to see from the expression on his face that he has accepted the role of father and is enjoying it.

"Sounds good. What about this game? How are you going to end it?" Alan touched the chin each minding their own business and continued to ask.

Tony Stark hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The International Security Council and the White House have called me just now. They want me to lead these people and rebuild The entire Avengers, must arrest the entire group of Steve who covered Bucky."

"So you want to use this opportunity to make the Avengers come back?" Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"That's right! Anyway, Red Skull has a way to help Steve and the others escape, right?" Iron Man asked meaningfully.

Alan looked thoughtful nodded: "Makes sense. That is to say, you're going to join forces to play tricks on those politicians and bureaucrats. But you'd better ask other people's opinions before responding. , especially Captain. You know he's a stubborn old man who is not just in name only, but also in reality. Don't tell me, there is no contact information between you."

"Sorry, it's true No. Because Steve felt that if he carried any electronic devices for contact, he would definitely be tracked and located by me."

Tony Stark put on a sad expression when he said this remark Desperate look.

Obviously, Captain America's words show that he doesn't trust his character.

"Okay, don't make a fuss. I'm just about to go over there, so I'll ask you. But remember, must have ruined Ross completely. Like this rubbish scum, every breath you take Fresh air, I think is pollution to this world, and injustice to those dead civilians." Alan warned repeatedly.

As soon as Ross was mentioned, he exuded a naked and undisguised killing intent.

No way, this guy and the capital forces behind him are really disgusting.

If the Supreme Master Gu Yi hadn't been alive, Alan would have personally come off the scene to take care of him and let Ross taste what life is better than death.

"hmph! Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I won't let him go easily. Look, no matter how the president in the White House covers up, I will send him to the Supreme Court this time. Take the trial." Tony Stark also became somewhat murderous-looking.

Because of this treaty incident, he was also disgusted, and he had been holding back for a long time to get revenge.

Since the other party has something to ask of him this time, he can naturally ask for a price.

As for the capital forces behind Ross, Iron Man is not worried at all.

He is a member of Capital himself and knows very well how Capital works.

If Ross still holds the army, or some secret research, then the capital behind him will be desperately protected.

But now, besides the name of a secretary of state, does this guy have any other use value?

The answer is no!

In addition, the wind of public opinion has taken a 180-degree turn, and it is only a matter of time before it is abandoned.

If you can get some benefits with an abandoned son, I believe that those greedy capital will never refuse.

In this way, in just a few words, the two of them pronounced Rose's fate.


At the same time, far away in the "afterlife" of the alien village, Daisy, the shockwave girl, is also busy, counting and classifying the growing population in the village. , it has been confirmed which abilities are suitable for frontal combat and which are suitable for auxiliary.

Looking at the thick stack of A4 paper in front of her, she couldn't help holding her forehead and complaining: "God! Please forgive me! When will I see so many statistical tables? Can't you use a more advanced spreadsheet?"

"Sorry, this is your order. To ensure that data will not be stolen, all content must not use electronic products, only use the most primitive Paper. By the way, the Stark Foundation recently gave us another grant. Do you think it is possible to build a satellite receiver to connect the village to the Internet? Otherwise, I think those youngsters will rebel sooner or later. ' Lincoln suggested in a serious tone.

"No! At least not for the time being! Wait patiently for a while and wait for accurate news from the Avengers." Daisy thought for a moment, then shook her head quickly and refused.

To be honest, it was really hard for her, an internet-addicted hacker, to have no internet access.

The problem is, the Internet has always been a double-edged sword.

Once connected, those young aliens will inevitably begin to accept various ideas and concepts.

It's normal to say, but if you come into contact with those extreme thoughts, the problem will be serious.

On this point, look at the felons held in the underground prisons of the "afterlife".

These guys whose hands have been stained with the blood of innocents will spend the rest of their lives in all black, no daylight dungeons, and wear shackles that can inhibit the activity of Inhumans' genes.

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