Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1145

After a period of construction and renovation, "Afterlife" is no longer the primitive primordial village that looked quaint and backward.

On the contrary, spacious streets and residential areas were quickly planned with the help of volunteers, and a building of about ten stories was built near the center, as the town. future ruling center.

Not only that, in order to manage more and more newcomers, they also established a voting Elder Council and a patrol team composed of powerful aliens.

As for the former, it is somewhat similar to the prototype of the parliament.

It is mainly through a show of hands of the Elders to determine what can be done and what cannot be done.

In simple terms, it is the separation of powers and checks and balances.

Of course, since the shock girl Daisy successfully ousted her own mother from power and prevented the Inhumans from confronting S.H.I.E.L.D., most of the elected Elders obey her, this Elder Council temporarily It's just a decoration, and it has no practical significance.

As for the patrol team, it is closer to an organization like the military police.

For any alien who joins this group, the main task every day is to exercise their own abilities and battle strength, so as to ensure that the "afterlife" will be able to survive the invasion of foreign enemies or the censure of the International Security Council. Sufficient self-protection and countermeasures.

Especially the latter, very, very important.

Because a government like Britain and the United States has always only understood "violent language", it is absolutely unrealistic to expect them to sit down and listen to your reasoning.

So, despite the opposition of many people, Daisy resolutely established this armed force that only belongs to Inhumans.

And they have not only the super powers of Inhumans, but also various magical equipment and high-tech weapons provided by Tony Stark.

Now, just pick a single person from this team and you can kill a fully armed army with no difficulty.

It is precisely because of this patrol that the pressure from the outside world is suddenly much less.

Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or the military threats of those great powers, it seems to be disappeared without a trace overnight.

Combined with the effect of the public opinion offensive, a regime that does not belong to any country is thus established from nothing.

Although no one in the international community has recognized that the "afterlife" is a country, no one dares to claim that the "afterlife" is a part of their own country.

All neighboring countries seem to have acquiesced in its existence.

Obviously, Alan changed the fate of the shock girl Daisy Johnson, and also changed the fate of the Inhumans on Earth.

With genetic testing sponsored by Iron Man, and Terrigan crystals stored in warehouses, they are quietly expanding their numbers.

It won't be long before the number of "afterlife" aliens will break through the 100,000 mark.

By that time, no one can ignore such a powerful force.

"As the creator of all this, how do you feel now?" Lincoln stood in front of the windowsill, looking down at the increasingly prosperous town.

Daisy laughed and shook the head: "no! You are wrong. It's not me who created all this, but Alan. If not for his reminder, I might still be working for S.H.I.E.L.D. I can't get out of that Fire Pit for the rest of my life. You know? I met Coulson not long ago, and even he realized that S.H.I.E.L.D. had become a tool of political struggle, and was very disappointed and chose to quit."

"Colson quit S.H.I.E.L.D.? I can't believe it!" Lincoln turned stared wide-eyed in surprise.

In his impression, people like Coulson were born to be agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

apart from this , no other profession can fit it so perfectly.

"Yeah! It's unbelievable, isn't it? Don't say it's you, I can't believe it. But now he has just joined another superhero group led by Captain of the United States, with himself in Mind's idol to perform tasks together, he must be very happy..."

During this remark, Daisy's tone was slightly worried.

Because she is not a fool, she knows that not long ago, a group of people including Steve Rogers became a national wanted criminal.

I should be busy hiding in Tibet right now, I don't think I can even eat a hot meal.

But the shock girl didn't know that at this moment, Coulson not only had hot meals to eat, but also steamed beef stew with potatoes and tomatoes.

As for the staple food, it is sliced buckwheat hard bread.

Although the place to eat is a very shabby-looking warehouse, it did not affect the appetite of everyone.

Especially the second-generation "Ant-Man" Scott Lang, who uttered a moan that produced infinite reverie while eating, making Hawkeye upset, and reminded angrily: " Hey! Do you have to make such an ecstasy cry? Those who know we are eating, and those who don't, think you are making out with a certain woman."


Bucky, the winter warrior next to him, couldn't hold back, spit out all the food in his mouth, and then kept coughing.

The American team was very considerate and handed over a water bottle.

The latter hurriedly took two sips and managed to keep his image of a ruthless and tough guy.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to stop laughing.

"Come on! I'm just enjoying the vibe, get it? Come to think of it, it's a World of Ice and Snow outside, and we can hide here and have a fire and goulash with potatoes and tomatoes. What a pleasant thing this is, don't you feel that mood at all?" Scott Lang rolled the eyes angrily.

No way!

Who made him the lowest in the team?

Even the taciturn Vision was a little more reliable than he seemed.

"Then don't make that disgusting noise!" Hawkeye gnashing teeth emphasized.

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up. You really don't know how to enjoy life."

Scott Lang sighed helplessly, lowered his head and sighed Taking sips of the rich broth, he closed his eyes from time to time to show an expression of incomparable enjoyment.

I have to say, he definitely belongs to the kind of guy who is very optimistic about life.

Even in a very difficult environment, you can find your own fun.

With such a living treasure in the team, the atmosphere will not be too bad.

Except for Vision, who didn't need to eat, everyone else bowed their heads and enjoyed a rare hot meal.

After waiting for a big pot of beef soup to be completely drained, Coulson patted his bulging belly with satisfaction and said with a smile: "This is what I have been eating for nearly 20 years. The most delicious beef stew with potatoes and tomatoes. Captain, I can't believe that your cooking skills are as good as your skills."

"Haha, it's an award. The reason why you think it's delicious is because you have fourteen consecutive I haven't eaten anything in an hour. People who are hungry will feel extra delicious no matter what they eat." Steve shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

While speaking, he took out his wallet from his trousers pocket, took out about five hundred dollar bills from it, put them in the most conspicuous part of the warehouse, and pressed them with a stone as compensation to the owner of the warehouse .

After all, it is the most basic common sense and bottom line to give money to eat other people's food.

Although Earth has begun to inevitably move towards digital currency with the development of new technologies and the Internet, the "Ancient One" of the American team still maintains the habit of carrying banknotes.

Just when everyone wanted to discuss what to do next, a Transmission Gate opened out of thin air, followed by Alan and walked out.

When he saw the soup pot that was still on the side and smelled the fragrance left in the air, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said in a half-joking tone: "As a group of wanted criminals, I have to say your The dinner was really unexpectedly rich. No wonder Tony couldn't find you anywhere, he was hiding in a place where there was no internet and no surveillance cameras."

"Tony always feels that he has a technology called technology. The power of , no matter what can be done easily. But he ignores that, for a person like me, there is still some way to completely avoid his search." Steve responded with a smile.

This World War II superhero is not as out of touch with modern society as people think.

On the contrary, he understands where his real advantage lies compared to the rapid technological development.

With this advantage, it has successfully avoided the Internet and surveillance cameras everywhere in the metropolis.

The so-called great intelligence may appear to be stupidity.

It is estimated that Iron Man is still using Internet technology at this time to try to capture his opponent from his hiding place from countless surveillance cameras and cameras on mobile phones and tablets.

It's a pity that no matter how much advanced equipment and technology he uses, it is impossible to find the Captain America that has been completely separated from modern society.

"Wonderful! It seems that you are much smarter than most people in the outside world think." Alan praised without hesitation.

"This is also forced out. After all, Tony's body is full of unexpected high-tech. If you want to defeat him, you must start from his blind area of thinking and must not be led by him. Walk with your nose. By the way, you came here specially, shouldn't you just say this?" Steve Rogers's eyes flashed with a hint of doubt.

Alan gently shook the head: "No, of course not. In fact, it was Tony who asked me to ask you a question, he wanted to accept the terms of the U.S. government and the International Security Council for revenge. He's back up and running. But at the cost, you guys have to play with him."


Bucky's eyes widened, completely It's not clear what's going on here.

It wasn't long ago that he had a fight with the Iron Man team, the fiercely, who were hunting him down.

"Sorry, Bucky, I'll explain this to you later." Captain America gave his friend an apologetic smile.

The latter had a thoughtful look on his face, and immediately returned an "understanding" look.

"What's his plan?" Steve blunt asked.

"It's very simple! Take advantage of the global panic caused by this Avengers infighting, take the opportunity to blackmail the International Security Council and the US government, and give the Avengers the right to act freely. At the same time, severely punish the creation of the Hulk and Secretary of State Ross, who has suffered many tragedies. According to Tony's meaning, he is directly sent to the Supreme Court to be tried in public." Alan said calmly.


As soon as he heard the name, Captain America immediately frowned.

While the Hulk and the Abomination were making a splash in New York, he hadn't been dug out of the Arctic glaciers.

But also through some internal information of S.H.I.E.L.D., we know how many casualties and property damage Ross and his army caused during several pursuits.

I don't know why, but the U.S. government gave up accountability and coldly dealt with the whole thing.

All the media also wanted to be blind and deaf, and they did not follow up and report from beginning to end.

A few "independent journalists" tried to dig deeper, and the result was either an unfathomable mystery disappearance or an eight-shot "suicide" in their basement.

All in all, everything related to this Old Guy is full of weirdness.

What's even more outrageous is that such a person with a black history as thick as a stack of A4 paper can even make a comeback and become the Secretary of State of the United States.

Every time I think about this, Steve Rogers's heart is filled with disappointment and disgust for the entire country.

Finally, he lifts the head and asks in an uncertain tone: "Are you sure this time, Ross will get what he deserves?"

"Of course! Because if The laws of the United States cannot make a fair ruling, then Mr. John Schmidt will personally seek justice for those dead civilians." Alan gave a meaningful affirmative answer.

Let that old bastard of Ross spend the rest of his life in prison comfortably?

Stop kidding!

He has already prepared a full meal, waiting for those capital to abandon his ruthless.

"Okay! I agree!"

After much hesitation, Captain America made a quick decision.

Because even if he doesn't believe in the US judicial system, he absolutely believes in the methods of the "old friend" Red Skull.

If nothing else, this Ross, who has been in the military and politics for many years, will be extremely unlucky this time.

"Fantastic! Then I'm going to notify Tony now so he can get started. Oh, by the way, you'd better watch out for that guy named Zemo. His The spirit has become crazy under the distortion of hatred, and it is not surprising to do anything." Alan warned meaningfully.

"Does he really hold that legendary codebook?" Steve asked, narrowing his eyes.

"If Nine Headed Snake's intelligence is not wrong, the answer is yes. Also, I suggest that you better keep an eye on your good friend, otherwise once he is brainwashed again, he will be killed.

" What an appalling tragedy, I am afraid there is no other way to go except to apologize to death."

After saying that, Alan turned around and stared at the confused and fearful pair of winter warriors. s eyes.

If anyone has the most pain in their hearts at this moment, it must be this poor man.

Frozen, brainwashed, controlled to kill his friends, the Howards...

When he learned all these truths, the only motivation to keep him from committing suicide and turning himself in was. All that's left is the friendship with Steve.

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