Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1146

"Don't worry. From now on, I will never let Bucky out of my sight."

Steve Rogers, clearly aware of the seriousness of the problem, immediately solemnly It gives a guarantee.

Because if the previous terrorist attacks and assassinations can still be blamed on Nine Headed Snake, then if there are any more accidents now, it is the responsibility of his friend and monitor.

Alan slightly nodded: "Better so. Also, you better pay attention to that King of Wakanda. He has a vendetta against Bucky for killing his father, at least T'Challa thinks so. ."

"Wakanda? The only country on Earth that produces vibranium?" Coulson interjected suddenly.

As a former SHIELD Director, he knows a lot of secrets about this world.

Wakanda is naturally included in it.

"That's right! That's why I made you be careful. Know that if people on Earth were to be ranked according to their wealth, Tony Stark would only be second. And first, this is the King T'Challa with a mine at home. According to the current price of Zhenjin in the market, his net worth is about several hundred trillion US dollars. The market value of Stark Industries Group is only one for the Wakanda royal family. hair from nine oxen. Apart from this, Wakanda is not like you imagined, it is a primordial backward African tribal country. On the contrary, with vibration gold, they have developed a series of unique and advanced technologies. Among them, energy In terms of weapons and shields, it is at least two to three generations ahead of other Earth countries."

Alan didn't hide anything, and frankly revealed the secrets that Wakanda has been trying to hide.

"What?! Are you kidding me? Count...several millions! My God! How much is that?"

Only one poor Scottie was present Lang exclaimed in disbelief.

Be aware that he was originally an electronics expert, but ended up in jail for robbery.

I finally made up my mind to change my evil ways and start a new life, but my daughter fell ill and had to go back to my old business in order to raise medical expenses.

As a result, in this vicious circle, he has always been heavily in debt, and his poverty level is beyond the reach of Peter Parker, who has always called himself a civilian hero.

After all, the little spider just has less money, but Scott Lang owes the bank a lot of money to repay.

"There's no way, it's so rude to have a mine at home. This world is so unfair, some people work hard all their lives, but they're always poor. But from the moment they're born, some people are With a huge wealth that ordinary women can't imagine in a lifetime." Alan chuckled and spread his hands.

"Damn it! Listening to you, I feel more and more unbalanced in my heart. You know I'm not the kind of greedy person who just wants a stable job and enough money to support my family. Income," Scott Lang complained indignantly.

"Huh? Didn't Steve tell you that being a superhero is actually a post-income?" Alan asked suddenly.

If he remembered correctly, Iron Man has opened a secret account for everyone who responded to this call and sent money to it every month to ensure that these people and their family has no worries about food and clothing.

At least you don't have to be distracted by the chores of life.

"Ah? We still have salaries? What's wrong? What about medical insurance? What about social security?" Scott Lang asked with concern.

After all, people are poor and short, and horses are thin and long.

He has a daughter to support.

If being a superhero can really support his family, he doesn't mind risking his life.

"Uh...sorry, I haven't asked the specifics, I'm not very clear at the moment. You wait a moment, I'll go ask Tony now."

After that, Alan Opened a Transmission Gate again, and disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.

About five minutes or so, he came back again with several bank accounts in his hand, handed them to everyone including Scott Lang, and said casually: "This is It is the welfare security system within the Avengers. Each member can receive a basic living security of $50,000 per month, as well as social security, medical insurance, accidental injury and accidental death insurance, etc. In short, if you are implementing If you are injured during the mission, you can receive almost two million dollars at a time, and you can receive basic living security until death. If it is an accidental death, your designated beneficiary can receive no less than five million dollars at one time. In addition, this is the account of each of you, and from the end of this month, you will have money in your account."

"Five thousand dollars a month? Shet! Then am I rich? ?"

Scott Lang's eyes began to light up, and he began to fantasize about what gifts he was going to buy for his lovely daughter.

But soon, Alan pulled him from fantasy back to reality in one sentence.

"I think you'd better think about how you're going to explain to Pym Academician about sneaking out in that Ant-Man suit and becoming a wanted criminal."


Scott Lang's smile froze on his face, and there was an indescribable fear in his eyes.

As soon as he thought of the serious, proud and vicious old man, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Of course, that old man's beautiful daughter still doesn't suit his appetite.


Eagle-eyed keenly grasped a key word.

Alan smiled nodded: "That's right! Don't you think that the clothes that can be enlarged and reduced freely are made by himself? In this world, he has the ability to make the core material of Ant-Man suit. ——There are only two people with Pym particles. One of them is naturally Pym Academician himself, and the other person is me."

Speaking, he extended the hand and touched it lightly The place where the Pym particles are stored in the Ant-Man suit successfully replicated the structure of the tiny particles in an instant.

The next second...

A tube of Pym particles was created out of thin air.

" is this possible!"

Scott Lang was speechless in shock when he saw this scene.

Because he had been in contact with Pym Academician, he knew all too well how difficult it was to make such particles.

Even Pym Academician himself takes a lot of time and effort.

But now, the other party can create Pym particles with no difficulty by just touching it.

In the next few minutes, Alan grew bigger and smaller like a child who got a new toy, constantly testing the limit of the Pym particle enlargement and reduction.

I have to say, this thing is really amazing.

It can even allow people to enter the microscopic world in the quantum realm while maintaining reason and consciousness.

The only problem is that in that bizarre and motley scene, it's hard for the ordinary person not to lose himself.

"Okay, man, stop playing and help me figure it out. You know I don't want to lose my $50,000 a month job." Scott Long way of help.

"Sorry, I can't help you. Because it depends on whether Pym Academician agrees or not. After all, whether it's the Ant-Man suit or Pym particle, it's his invention." After that, Alan comforted patted each other's shoulders.

Scott Lang crouched down on the ground and began to think hard about how to persuade the stubborn old man to join the ranks of the Avengers.

You know Pym Academician and Iron Man's father Howard, but they fell out because of something.

If he knew that the Disciple he cultivated was going to join the Avengers led by Howard's son, he would definitely refuse the slightest hesitation.

Maybe, the Ant-Man suit will be taken back directly.

Just like that, Alan ignored Scott Lang's bitter little eyes, chatted with Captain America and Coulson about Tony's plans, and then turned to leave.

As for the outcome of this game, from the moment Tony Stark decides to accept the terms of the US government, it doesn't matter.

Time flies, and most of the week has gone by in a flash.

Although Iron Man and Captain America's teams collided two more times during this time, both sides maintained a degree of restraint and no one was injured.

On the contrary, the US government can't stand it.

Because many people attributed this infighting to the last time Secretary of State Ross forced Tony to sign the agreement, which eventually led to the dissolution of the Avengers.

For a while, politicians and senior officials in the White House were struggling to cope with all kinds of abuse and plummeting approval ratings.

Even though Ross has submitted his resignation, he has not been able to suppress the storm.

In desperation, they can only discuss with Tony Stark again, hoping that the other party can accept the "recruitment" and re-establish the Avengers according to the current team.

At the same time, it is best to arrest the American Captain and others who are hiding the internationally wanted man Bucky.

Only in this way can the huge wave of opposition be quelled.

However, when the owner of the White House saw the conditions offered by Iron Man, he immediately fell into a rage.

I don't even care about my personal image, and directly yelled swear words in the office: "Fake! What does this conceited bastard want to do? He actually ordered me to be tried for the crimes committed by Ross! And not to use The president has the right to pardon."

"Your Excellency, please calm down. Don't forget that it is not us, but he who has the initiative now." The consultant cautiously persuaded.

"Calm down? How did you make me calm down! If I do as he says, then I'll be the first president in American history to try his own appointment of a secretary of state for being blackmailed. I will Become a complete laughing stock! No one will support me anymore! Because I can't even keep my own men!" The president roared frantically, waving his fists.

There is no doubt that this request touched his political bottom line.

"no! I take the opposite view. Since Ross is already in negative equity, why not throw him out as a scapegoat? Don't forget, the crimes he committed were real. If Done right, you may not only not lose your prestige, but you may gain a reputation for fighting corruption and political shady by daring to investigate and try high-ranking officials like the Secretary of State, and ultimately win more support from set up Sect voters in the next election ." Another person touched the chin analyzed.

"You my personality?" There was a hint of hesitation in the president's eyes.

The former hurriedly nodded: "Yes! Adjust the personality. Don't forget, money and power trading has always been the most hated situation for the middle and lower classes. If we use the banner of anti-corruption and political shady, we will publicly try Ross first. , and then loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, if you catch some insignificant shrimps, then the publicity will definitely work wonders."

"But there is also a lot of risk in doing so." Consultant He reminded with a solemn expression.

"Do we still have a chance to choose? If we don't agree to Tony Stark's conditions and let them continue like this, Mr. President will become a not just in name only, but also in The laughing stock of reality."

"I think you should be careful!"

"It's too late! According to the latest survey, our approval rate has plummeted from fifty percent to About 32 percent. If it keeps going down, I'm afraid there will be no chance of being re-elected."

"I hate this feeling of being blackmailed. Can we give Stark Industries an antitrust investigation. Do you want to force Tony to compromise?"

"Initiating an antitrust investigation against Stark Industries? You believe or not to make an announcement, and then he will transfer the entire group to Europe or Asia. Go. That's the most advanced clean energy production company in the world, and losing that capital would kill us."

"Damn! I hate Tony Stark! He's always so hard Tangle!"


With fierce quarrels and debates, the President finally made a final decision and agreed to the conditions set by Iron Man.

In order to show sincerity, he immediately called the military and the FBI to restart the investigation into the Ross case.

When the news got out, there was an uproar all over the United States.

Forget about the United States, and even other countries in the world are looking at it.

Because "officer" and "government officer" are two completely different concepts in European and American capitalist countries.

One of them is similar to civil servants, with clearly defined rights and responsibilities, and mistakes will be punished, even legal proceedings.

But the other is that there is no clear division of rights and responsibilities. Even if a big mistake is made within the authority, at best, it will just step down, and there is no need to worry about being held accountable.

After all, these people were elected through "democratic" methods, and they are members of parliament recognized by the local people themselves. If something goes wrong, the people themselves must bear the consequences.

Especially a high-ranking official like the Secretary of State has never been tried before a court in the history of the United States.

However, Iron Man this time was very calm, and did not easily agree to the other party's request just because the White House released a signal.

On the contrary, until the public trial is over, he will do nothing but appreciate this dog-eat-dog farce.

That's right!

In Tony Stark's eyes, those politicians are jackals of the same tribe, and there is no good thing at all.

even more how, this is just to start an investigation.

If he agrees to sign those documents now, the so-called investigation is likely to continue for several years or even a dozen years, until finally a lack of evidence is given, and then nothing is left.

But if you don't respond, the speed of the investigation will become very fast.

Results will be available within a week or two at most.

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