Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1147

With the just resignation of US Secretary of State Ross, the matter of the military and the FBI jointly reopening the investigation was rumored, and the two teams led by Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were also at about the same time. Choose to stay put.

Obviously, they're waiting, watching, to see if this time will be the same loud thunder as before, but only tiny drops of rain, or if Ross is actually on trial for those crimes.

If it is the former, then they will continue to stage several superhero battles in public to put pressure on the US government.

Of course, none of this matters to Alan.

Because it was Friday, he had promised to go to the movies with Wanda.

As a single male with almost zero experience in this area, Alan originally planned to wear the same casual clothes that he has never changed and drive an ordinary SUV to pick up people at the school gate. That's it.

But "Little Hot Pepper" Pepper Potts got the news, and immediately couldn't help but order him an expensive handmade gray suit and a pair of tan leather shoes.

And Tony Stark kindly sponsored a new energy vehicle that was newly designed by Stark Industries Group and has not yet been sold on the market.

It can not only run on wheels on the road like a normal car, but it can also change into a flying form and fly in the atmosphere at a speed of Mach 3.

Its small-scale controllable nuclear fusion technology has been able to do it within several decades without adding any fuel.

When the car was just built and displayed at the industry fair, the world's richest people were frantically wanting to place an order to buy it.

Some even offered five times the price of a luxury private jet, but were ultimately rejected by Iron Man ruthless.

It can be seen that once this car appears at the gate of the school, it will cause a violent commotion among those young girls.

Looking at himself dressed up in the mirror and ready to go to the fashion week catwalk, Alan asked helplessly, "I'm just going to watch a movie, is it necessary to be so serious?"

"Of course! According to you, this is your first date with a girl, and I believe Wanda should be similar. So I think you have to dress formally."

Pepper Potts answered, combing the slightly messy silver short hair with a comb.

Alan feels like a doll, at the mercy of others.

No wonder prodigals like Tony Stark were eventually perfectly cleared by Little Hot Pepper.

This kind of smart woman who can calmly deal with any situation and arrange everything properly is indeed a bit powerful.

"We're not in the relationship you imagined. At least not yet," Alan emphasized with a wry smile.

"Maybe not for you, but for Wanda it is. Anyway, as a gentleman, it's your duty to give a girl a good dating experience. Well, Perfect. I bet you just stop by the school gate now and you'll catch the eyes of all the girls."

Speaking, Pepper Potts put away her comb and stared contentedly at the mirror The work that was made by myself.

But Alan whispered: "As long as I drive the car delivered by Tony, even if I wear a beggar suit, I can attract the attention of all girls. Not only girls, but also those boys."


"pu! hahahaha! That's right! You have a good eye. It took me a lot of thought to know that new car. Both men and women will love its streamlined body, and A cool smart system that can be transformed at any time." Iron Man showed off with a big laugh.

At this moment, he was raising his right hand and teasing his daughter, as if he was a good father.

But if you look closely, you can see that this guy's fingers are flickering with a faint Arcane energy.

And little Selene followed suit, and slowly released a little Arcane energy from her fingertips.

The night elves' innate terrifying talent for Arcane energy is vividly and thoroughly embodied in this brief moment.

Although in Azeroth, the thrilling War of the Ancients is over, the Highborne that brought the Burning Legion into a mass exile.

From now on, the Night Elf Race group will fully embrace the wild Demi-God and the energies of nature, and will no longer be allowed to study the power of magic and Arcane.

But their Arcane affinity under the influence of the Well of Eternity is not going away.

Just the opposite!

Except for the high elves that evolved from the high elves in the future, there is no other race on the entire Azeroth planet that can match the night elves in terms of magical innate talent.

It's a pity that neither Malfurion Stormrage, who advocates the way of nature, nor Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, who believes in the moon god Elune, did not realize that giving up Arcane's magical power was a great deal. undermined its own advantages.

Of course, I can't blame them either.

After all, the Spirit Emperor country is still the dominant one at the moment.

Whether it is the troll tribes scattered around the world, or the future races of humans, gnomes and dwarves, they have not yet been born and entered the stage of history.

So they don't have much pressure to survive and compete, so they naturally want to solve internal problems once and for all.

But the Arcane energy is clearly too complex and unmanageable for a baby.

After playing around for a while, little Selene suddenly got tired of this troublesome control, and directly released the little energy in her body.

Next second...


After a lifetime of loud noises, all the tables, chairs, and visiting snacks and toys around the sofa in the living room were all pushed to the ceiling by some invisible force.

Fortunately, Iron Man was well prepared, and immediately created a weightless area through the device at hand, avoiding the tragedy of a close contact between the head and the ceiling and the ground.

Similarly, little Selene was startled by the sudden noise she made, and then opened her mouth to cry.

Seeing this scene, Pepper Potts didn't care to continue talking with Alan about the dos and don'ts of dating, and turned around and roared: "Tony Stark! I How many times have I told you! She's still young! Don't teach her those dangerous things! Especially magic!"

"Hug...sorry, I accidentally forgot." Iron Man was obviously taken aback by this He was so frightened that he even stuttered when he spoke.

Don't watch him play the "overbearing president" outside all day long, but his "brother position" at home can basically be determined.

"Get out! Don't let me see you near Selene for at least five hours!" Pepper Potts quickly picked up the baby girl and coaxed, pointing to the living room door and giving the order deportation order.

In desperation, Tony Stark could only stand up and went outside with Alan.

In order to relieve his embarrassment, he pretended to play said with a smile easily: "Women, especially women who have become mothers, are really terrifying creatures. I can't imagine it. , if we had a second child, it would be a terrifying scene."

"If it were me, I would have kicked you out too. Because you belong there Well, you are the most reliable father when your daughter is in danger, but you are the most dangerous being when your daughter is not. Teaching a baby to control Arcane energy? I really don't know what's going on in your head." Alan Couldn't help rolling the eyes.

"I just wanted to play with her, like most fathers do with their daughters." Tony Stark justified his reckless and dangerous behavior.

"But in most games between father and daughter, there is no energy explosion. Believe me, because of the small relationship, Selene has less Arcane energy in her body. Wait a little bit older. One point, she can blow up half a room with one magic runaway. Although I know you don't care about the decoration cost at all, what if you accidentally blow up someone?" Alan reminded meaningfully.

To be honest, Iron Man, like his father Howard, is not a good father.

Especially Tony Stark, although he is in his 40s, he still has a childlike innocence. laugh thing.

Tony himself obviously knew this, scratched his head lightly and replied: "Don't worry, I will pay attention. Compared to this, I would like to ask you about the afterlife of the alien town. Arrangements. Knowing that the establishment of the patrol team made S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council very nervous."

Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Just let them be nervous. Anyway, with time They will gradually get used to this new world pattern. Most importantly, those traditional politicians and bureaucrats have been unable to adapt to the development of the times, and it is time to be eliminated.”

“Eliminated. Out?" Iron Man frowned subconsciously at the word.

"That's right! Knocked out! What do you think I brought the Red Skull back from the planet? He is more experienced than you and me in cultivating and supporting political parties. With the help of The network of Nine Headed Snake everywhere, a group of political parties that can adapt to the new era will soon rise up and have a strong impact on the traditional establishment. Well, let’s not talk about these spoilers, I have another appointment, first Take a step."

Speaking, Alan walked straight to the white streamlined new energy sports car.

He didn't even use any keys, or fingerprints, facial recognition, and the door opened automatically as soon as he approached it.

Not only that, the in-vehicle artificial intelligence also greeted him very intimately: "Good afternoon, Mr. Alan. It is a great honor to serve you. Where are you going? Drive yourself, or activate the automatic driving function. "

"Activate the autopilot function and send me to this high school."

Alan sat down in the driving position and quickly clicked on Wanda on the projected map Where to go to school with Quicksilver.

Although the twins had little interest in going to school, Captain America insisted that they go to school, so the Avengers gave them a fake identity and sent them to a private high school.

normally, they use makeup to hide their identities, so people in the school don't know that the two are actually Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

It didn't take long for this cool new energy concept car to leave the garage and drive fast along the bustling streets of New York.

Everywhere along the way, pedestrians will stop in succession to watch this high-tech sports car.

Others pulled out their phones to shoot.

After all, most people who care about technology know that there is only one such new energy vehicle in the world, and it belongs to Tony Stark, the Iron Man.

No matter who is sitting in the car dealership, it must be closely related to this influential figure.

Be aware that there are two things you cannot borrow in the United States, one of which is a car, and the other is a wife.

This shows the status of cars in the minds of Americans.

Unfortunately, the glass of this car is one-way bulletproof glass, so it is impossible to photograph the inside from the outside.

So many media interested in this have been watching social media and short video platforms on the Internet, waiting to see the final result.

In their opinion, no matter who the driver is, as long as they get out of the car, they will immediately be captured by passers-by with good deeds and uploaded to the cyberspace.

By that time, a little more research will naturally lead to an eye-catching piece of news.


At the same time, Wanda, who is far away from the last class in the school, is constantly looking down at his mobile phone, and occasionally looks out the window at the school gate at a glance.

You don't need to ask to know that she has long lost her mind to listen to the class, and her mind is full of thoughts about appointments after school.

As soon as the bell rang for the next get out of class, the young girl immediately picked up her schoolbag and walked towards the direction of the women's locker room.

A girl with short black hair quickly caught up from behind and asked curiously, "Hey! My good sister, why are you so rushing out of school today? Could it be... you have an appointment with someone? ?"

" do you know?" Wanda was stunned for a moment.

"Ha! It's not simple! You put all your thoughts on your face. Unless I'm blind, you can always see it. Tell me, who are you dating? It's our school The boy in here? I remember that Sean from the football team, he seems to have always been very interested in you." The girl inquired very gossip.

"No, it's not. I'm not interested in those dumb, hormonal sports boys." Wanda pursed her lips and smiled and looked the head.

She grew up in a war-torn region and experienced the pain of terrifying firsthand, living in a completely different world from these carefree American teenagers.

More impossible to have any common language.

The high school boys who believe oneself infallible want to show themselves in order to compete for the campus "mate choice" will only make her feel embarrassed and amused.

"Damn! You actually found one outside behind my back? How old is he? Is he handsome? Is he in good shape?" the black-haired girl asked enthusiastically.

The two walked into the women's locker room one after the other, and changed out of their school uniforms and walked out after about a few minutes.

Wanda, who was wearing a black tight skirt and black stockings, made everyone in the corridor wide-eyed. I couldn't believe that this was the normally dressed up transfer student.

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