Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1174

Supreme Mage Gu Yi died?

Even passing on the position of Karma Taj Supreme to himself before dying?

Looking at the Eye of Agamotto in his hand, Stephen Strange was in a state of daze and did not understand why the other party did this.

Compared to his poor spellcasting ability, Mordo's previous performance was worthy of the title of Supreme Mage.

But as Dormammu turned his attention to him, an indescribable fear quickly surged from the bottom of his heart.

Because he has just witnessed the terrifying power of this dark dimension Sovereign just now, Strange Academician knows very well that with the mana he has now, it is impossible to carry out an evenly matched head-to-head confrontation like the ancient one.

In the face of the opponent's endless attack methods, he couldn't hold it for a few seconds.

Thinking about this, Stephen Strange immediately pinned all his hopes on this treasure that gave him the power to control time.

Without any hesitation!

He started with his current state of survival and ended with his own death according to the spell recorded in the book at the fastest speed, successfully setting up a simple cycle.

After all this was done, the man who was hailed as the best Supreme Master in the past finally summoned up his courage, raised his head and said to Dormammu's big face made of energy: "I. Think we can negotiate!"

"Negotiate? hahahaha! Koichi, is this your chosen successor?"

Dormammu apparently didn't notice the strange Academician's With a small movement, he split his mouth and uttered a reckless mockery.

In his view, the sad mortal in front of him was obviously so frightened that his brain couldn't understand the current situation at all.

With the death of the Supreme Mage Old One, the Earth of this universe has no power to stop its progress.

Soon, the entire Earth and its billions of people will instantly become part of the dark dimension.

But Dormammu didn't notice, doesn't mean Gu Yi didn't notice.

How could she, who has been in charge of the Time Stone for hundreds of years, not notice the time force surrounding the strange Academician's body, and immediately said with a smile: "No, you are wrong, it's too much. Mam. Stephen Strange has done his job perfectly."

"Oh? Really! Then let me test him for you."

Speaking, Dormammu unceremoniously gathered terrifying energy, and smashed it straight down.

bang! ! !

With a loud noise, Stephen Strange and the place standing under his feet instantly turned into a piece of dust, dissipating in the endless dark dimension.

Just when Dormammu was about to sneer at Gu Yi, he suddenly felt a trance, followed by that deja vu voice that appeared in his ears again.

"I think we can negotiate!"

Stephen Strange, who should have died, was once again standing intact on the unidentified mass that also should have been destroyed.

He looked unscathed and even spoke in exactly the same tone of voice as before.

Dormammu subconsciously responded: "Negotiation? Hahahaha! Gu Yi, this is you..."

Before he finished speaking, he subconsciously noticed this sentence He had already said it just now, his face changed drastically.

After all, as a dimension Demon God that transcends the constraints of time, although Dormammu is also affected by the power of the time gem, he can completely retain his memory and consciousness.

He is not like an ordinary person, he is unaware of the existence of the time loop, and only repeats those actions and words that he does not know how many times.

Just the opposite!

As a Sovereign of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu can feel the signs of the time loop with just a little attention.

There is no doubt that in the pure dark dimension, he can easily fight against the power of the Time Stone.

The problem is that this is not a simple dark dimension, but the edge of the boundary between the dark dimension and the single universe where Earth is located, which is affected by the universe rule where the time gem is located.

In the end, under the control of flying into a rage out of humiliation and resentment, Dormammu directly smashed an incomparable gigantic like a meteorite fiercely, and instantly killed the strange Academician. to vent the anger in his heart.

Because he knew that from the moment the time loop was set, his plan to devour Earth had failed.

What needs to be contested next is no longer strength or wisdom, but who can endure the fatigue and boredom repeated over and over again.

Obviously, Stephen Strange has a bigger advantage in this regard.

After all, he is so weak, and the magic he finally learned from Kama Taj is as ridiculous as a child in front of the dimension Demon God.

Dormammu can kill him thousands of times with no difficulty by just waving his hand.

Each death, and the process of fighting it, is new to Stephen Strange.

And through such confrontation, magical skills are becoming proficient at an incredible rate.

That is to say, in such a time cycle, his strength is becoming stronger and stronger.

Where is Codomam?

It's as if human beings crushed the same ant over and over again with their fingers.

Maybe it would be interesting to watch the other person struggle and fear at first.

How about a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a million times?

That is definitely the most terrifying torture in the world!

Right now, Dormammu is in such torment.

On the one hand, he was unwilling to lose to Gu Yi's successor, an out-and-out rookie mage, and he was even more unwilling to accept the negotiation proposed by the other party, so he could only kill him again and again. Outrage.

On the other hand, every kill Stephen Strange makes him feel so bored that he wants to go crazy.

The most important thing is that if consciousness is permanently locked in this time loop, then Demon God of other dimensions may take advantage of the emptiness and attack the dark dimension.

Finally, after killing the Strange Academician 1,365,429 times, Dormammu finally gave in, roaring furiously: "Mortal! What do you want? What?"

"It's very simple! Leave Earth, release the soul of the Ancient One, and swear never to come back." Stephen Strange raised his head and made a condition without fear.

Because no matter who has died more than a million times in a row, they will inevitably lose their respect for death.

Not to mention death, even the severe pain caused by broken bones and squashed internal organs is not so unbearable for him.

"Okay! I agree to your request! Hurry up and get rid of this damn time loop!" Dormammu threw the ancient one's soul fiercely out, and urged impatiently.

"As you wish!"

The bizarre Academician who already had the power of the Initial Mastery Time Stone was obviously reckless and closed the Eye of Almoto directly.


The Power of Time begins to fade rapidly, and everything seems to be back to normal again.

However, he did not immediately disarm his guard, but watched each other's every move vigilantly.

If the other party repents, the time loop will start again in less than a second.

But just as Dormammu began to control the dark dimension to retreat and was about to leave Earth, the soul of the ancient one suddenly and meaningfully asked: "Do you think you can just do nothing like this? Will the price go away easily?"

"Why, don't you think that trifling a time gem can cause irreversible damage to me?" Dormammu sneered taunted.

"no! You misunderstood, I'm not referring to Stephen Strange, but someone else, a dimension with the same power as you, or even greater power level. Demon God..."

Before Gu Yi's voice fell, a dazzling holy light descended from the sky, directly illuminating the entire dark dimension, destroying all the surrounding spaces composed of dark energy and matter.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Following, a young man with a faint smile appeared out of thin air in front of Dormammu.

There is no doubt that Alan, who has been waiting for a long time, finally made his move.

And according to his understanding of the dark dimension, he used holy light, which constitutes the six energies of the Azeroth universe, to deal a heavy blow to the opponent.

Not only that!

Artoria and Sakura also quickly launched a general attack from both sides of the dark dimension.

With the invasion of the entire Azeroth universe, the dark dimension has been cut from one whole into countless regions.

After all, the original dark dimension is not big, otherwise it would not be the mortal mage of Dormammu to discover and occupy it.

The reason why it has expanded to the current level is entirely because Dormammu has been fighting, swallowing, transforming, and slowly integrating together over the years.

In other words, the Dark Dimension is essentially a Super Stitcher.

But now, when another dimension launches a full-scale invasion, the drawbacks of this crazy expansion are revealed.

Every time an area is cleared, it is forcibly pulled into the Azeroth universe.

Through this kind of encroachment, Dormammu's power will inevitably become weaker and weaker.

Even if he could be resurrected in a believer after his death, it would never restore the power of the dark dimension Sovereign.

Because Alan's approach is to devour the entire dark dimension and directly dig the roots of the other party.

This is also the only way he has concluded that he can kill the dimension Demon God.

After all, when the dimension Demon God loses its dimension, even if they are resurrected, they cannot continue to be called the dimension Demon God.

"Hello, Dormammu." Alan greeted with a smile. "You know? I wanted to meet you a long time ago. After all, from an ordinary mortal mage to this step, you have done countless things that no human could even imagine. But it's a pity that you met It's rude to say that, but I'm going to say that your Legendary life experience is coming to an end. Today, you, the Sovereign of the Dark Dimension, will fall here."

"You...also dimension Demon God? How come I've never heard of you before?" Dormammu squinted his eyes cautiously probed.

At the same time, he began to control the forces of the entire dark dimension, fighting back against the influx of invaders from Azeroth.

Since Dormammu voluntarily gave up his body when he merged into the dark dimension, now the entire dark dimension is equivalent to his body.

Feeling that the body was invaded and even lost some of its important "cells", how could he just sit back and ignore it.

"Me? My name is Alan. I'm a newcomer who has recently become a dimensional Demon God. Please take care of me. Also, I'm not here today to say hello or catch up with you. Just Instead, I'm here to declare war. Come on, show me your power. I'll use your death to offer a gift to Supreme Mage Ancient One."

With that, Alan pulled out from behind him. With the bow and arrow made of neutron stars as raw materials, it is unceremoniously injected with holy light energy to form a golden arrow that cannot be described in words.

The next second...

His fingers loosened slightly, allowing the arrow to fly towards the opponent's position.

"Declaring war? You are really arrogant as a newcomer!"

Dormammu grinned and gathered a lot of dark energy, and fiercely moved towards golden arrows and threw them out.

When two energies with diametrically opposite interests collided, a terrifying explosion swept through everything around at an incredible speed.

Gu Yi even loudly reminded his successor: "Quick! Use the power of the time gem to block all these energies from the channel connecting with Earth. Destructive power that can destroy the entire solar system in seconds."


Steven Strange came back to his senses, whispering Cursing, and scrambling to escape from the passage.

I saw him standing on the ruins of the New York Temple, controlling the power of the Time Stone and quickly restoring the entire Temple to its original state.

Once it is found that there is energy leaking out of the channel, the impact generated by the explosion will be forced back through time backtracking immediately.

After repeating this for a few times, Strange Academician was finally exhausted and couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "What the hell is going on? Why did you die suddenly? Why did Alan wait for you to die? He appeared later? According to what he just described, he should have been preparing for this war a long time ago."

"Sorry, this is all my choice. Because I am tired of fulfilling Supreme Master for a long time. I am also tired of constantly dealing with various crises.”

Gu Yi didn’t hide anything, and frankly stated that his death was arranged.

"What? You designed it all by yourself? Even death was the result of your own choice?" Stephen Strange widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

Because the choice to die is far beyond his comprehension.

Gu Yi nodded with a smile: "Yeah! With the power of the Time Stone, I saw this scene a long time ago, so death has nothing to fear for me. On the contrary, I have been looking forward to this day. And you, will be the Supreme Mage beyond me. Stephen Strange, the future of Earth and humanity will be guarded by you from now on. Before leaving, I One last piece of advice, never try to fight Alan. He won't kill you, but he will make you suffer."

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