Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1175

For Alan, the bizarre Academician senses are undoubtedly quite complex.

Because all the dissatisfaction and resentment in Alan's heart disappeared after he learned the reason why Alan deliberately adjusted himself.

After all, Dr. Stephen Strange, who used to be desperate and drove desperate patients home to die, even he himself feels incomparable disgust and disgust in retrospect.

Although under the US laws of the capitalist system, doing so would not violate any laws at all.

But as there is a saying, a person who advertises himself as abiding by the law is not necessarily a good person, it is entirely possible that he is a complete scum.

After all, what the law stipulates is the minimum moral bottom line of being a member of society.

Abiding by the law is never something to be proud of, but a duty that every citizen should fulfill.

Otherwise the order will collapse and the streets will be filled with terrifying violent crime.

Obviously, the former Dr. Stephen Strange was such a "law-abiding" scum.

So for Alan hating himself, and fiercely rectifying himself, allowing himself to taste for the first time the feeling of those who were "sentenced to death" to go home and wait for the dead, the strange Academician has long been relieved .

But when he learned that Mordo's magic to manipulate the souls of the dead also came from Alan, he subconsciously had some kind of indescribable resistance.

Although the ancient one after another directly emphasized, the Sky City is an important ally of Kama Taj.

Just when Stephen Strange lifts the head and wants to ask Gu Yi for more information about Alan, he suddenly finds that the soul that was standing beside him just now has been disappeared.

At the same time, the surge of energy in the channel connected to the dark dimension above the head also became more intense.

The horrific sight of Heaven and Earth mutation, even the ordinary person noticed.

The Avengers, led by Tony Stark, came out in full force, trying to figure out what was going on with the bizarre and motley overhead.

Compared to the energy response of millions of stars, whether it is a problem with the instrument, or a sign of Earth's impending doom.

But all of these actions, under the power of the Time Stone, turned into unwitting repetitions over and over again.

On the other side, inside the dark dimension, the battle between Alan and Dormammu has also completely heated up.

Even with naked eyes, you can see that the universe of Azeroth has been highly integrated with the dark dimension at this moment, and has entered the most tragic energy collision.

Hundreds of millions of planets annihilate every second!

Even the Dark Titan Sargeras, and the creatures hidden in the Twisting Nether, have joined in this unprecedented battle.

Of course, at the moment they are not controlled by their own consciousness, but by the "manager" Alan who can incarnate into countless Avatars.

It is by virtue of his extreme control that is accurate to single digits, the army of the Azeroth universe can conquer the city without any disadvantage.

In the face of the same level of energy and quality, the dark dimension was defeated.

After all, no matter how powerful Dormammu is, he can't split his consciousness into so many parts for "micro-manipulation".

even more how, he has to face Alan, a fighting lunatic.

"Stop! I order you to stop immediately!"

Seeing that his power was losing ground, and a large number of dark dimensions were swallowed by the opponent, Dormammu finally panicked. .

Because he knew that it was only a matter of time before his dark dimension would be devoured if he continued like this.

It's better to negotiate while you still have chips.

Even if half of the dark dimension is ceded, as long as you can get out of your body, you can still replenish it from other places through battles.

Unfortunately, Dormammu obviously didn't know the opponent he encountered this time.

Alan not only did not stop, but also unscrupulously vented the strongest power in his possession, sneered and asked: "Order? Stop? Was my declaration of war not clear enough? Today, you and I Only one person can leave alive. Either you devour my dimension and kill me here alive, or you become the nourishment for me to become stronger. There is no third way to go."

" Are you crazy? Do you know what you will do if you do this?"

Dormammu has now become an incomparable gigantic black flame giant, continuously controlling himself including but not limited to the elements , teleportation, distorting reality, creating a different-dimensional space out of thin air, and a series of super powers are displayed.

Some of Alan's attacks, before they even touched the opponent, were twisted by some invisible force, and then suddenly disappeared.

Only those attacks that exceed the endurance limit can break these defensive barriers.

"Consequences? If you mean the fragile balance between yourself and the Demon God of other dimensions, what does that have to do with me? All I want is to kill you to the last one! Strengthen yourself with your dimension and strength. Come on! Pleasing me with your Final Struggle! It's been a long time since I've vented my greatest strength."

After that, Alan He raised the sword that was forged with the bow, and slashed it with force.

bang! ! ! ! ! !

One tenth of the dark dimension was completely cut off by this blow, and countless creatures living in the dark dimension were torn to shreds by the energy shock that erupted at the moment of cutting.

Dormammu even let out a heart-piercing wailing: "no! You bastard! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

The voice was not finished , he draws energy from the surroundings and makes his body become bigger and bigger.

Finally, with him at the center, black's magical flames burst out like a supernova explosion all around.

Whether it was the holy light naaru temporarily recruited, or the powerful eredar Demon Lord like Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, they were all swallowed up in an instant and turned into a pile of tiny particles. worthless residue.

Of course, this death is only temporary.

As long as the Azeroth universe can win this war, they will all be resurrected when the dust settles.

And will not remember what happened, still faithfully fulfilling Sargeras' orders.

"Angry? Very good! This is the fight I want."

Looking at his left hand, which had been swallowed by the black magic flame and disappeared completely, Alan's face A satisfied expression appeared.

There is no doubt that Dormammu's attack succeeded in injuring him, and even threatened his life to some extent.

But unfortunately, for Alan, who has infinite energy, a small injury like this kind of broken hand and foot is basically no essential difference from a small cut in the hand of an ordinary person.

About a few seconds, he stimulated the division of his own cells by drawing energy, and grew out again.

But in the process, those black magic flames came out again and again like gangrene, trying to prevent regeneration.

But in the end, it was Alan's ability to regenerate better, forcibly rebuilding the entire arm against the scorching flames.

Feeling the power of rules contained in the flames, he commented with a smile: "Did you combine dark energy with the ability to distort reality? It seems that your dark dimension Sovereign is not useless. "

"Really either the fish dies or the net splits?"

Watching the arm regenerating in flames, Dormammu felt fear for the first time .

Because in the battle just now, he was completely at a disadvantage, and he couldn't find any chance to turn defeat into victory.

And as the Azeroth universe erodes the dark dimension faster, so does the power he can wield.

"Sorry, although I don't want to insult you, with the strength you've shown so far, the fish will die, but the net won't break. In fact, this hunt against you Kill, I'm just trying to figure out if the dimension Demon God really can't be killed. Now, I've got the answer I want. Even if you give up your body like this and use the entire dimension as a Life Source, you can Killed."

Speaking, Alan slammed out his second sword again, and before Dormammu could react, he directly cut off the opponent's huge flame arm.

This sword is obviously not an ordinary physical attack or energy attack, but is attached to part of the space and Power of Time.

As Dormammu tries to draw force to reassemble the arm, the force of space interrupts the shaping of the magical flame, and the force of time causes the flame to return to its original state.

In the end, Dormammu struggled for a long time, but only made the big arm connecting the shoulders grow a small section.

It's just as different as heaven and earth with Alan's easy recovery of arms under the magical flames.

Similarly, this is also a true reflection of the strength gap between them.

To be precise, as Dormammu, who was equal to or even slightly higher than Odin at the peak period, from the very beginning was no match for Alan.

It's just that because of his special life form, it is relatively more difficult to kill.

"Bastard! How dare you think of me as a lamb to be slaughtered?" Dormammu was clearly irritated by Alan's indifferent attitude.

Ever since he became the Dark Dimension Sovereign, it has been a long time since anyone dared to speak to him in such a tone, let alone be treated as prey.

"Or else? You have done everything you can, but you can't pose any threat to me. And my dimension is constantly taking and swallowing your dark dimension. As long as you can't reverse this situation, your failure And death is the inevitable end result. And...after devouring so many pieces of the dark dimension, I can now use the same energy as you."

As he spoke, Alan raised his hand. It suddenly released a black red magic flame that was exactly the same as the opponent's body.

This is something transformed from pure dark energy, and theoretically only the Sovereign of the dark dimension can control it.

But now, he is not only in control, his proficiency is not much worse than Dormammu.

Obviously, the severity of this kind of behavior is basically no different from face-to-face NTR.

"NO!!!!!!! You are forever impossible to take the dark dimension from my hands! It belongs to me!"

Dormammu was instantly mad and no longer cared What, dragged the huge body and pressed it all over.

At this moment, he ruthless kills all creatures that he controls in that part of the dark dimension, annihilating all matter, just to get the most energy.


Alan maximized the resonance ability of the Shock Fruit, and slammed his fist into it.

Under his extremely skilled use, the current shaking fruit can not only resonate with matter, but also with energy.

Just a face-to-face!

The huge dark energy that Dormammu finally gathered was completely dissipated and spread all around in the form of an explosion.

Admiring the mixed shock and disbelief on Dormammu's face, Alan said meaningfully: "The dark dimension never belongs to anyone, you are just its discoverer, and then Occupy, that's all. Now, I'm stronger than yours, and I can take it as my own. For the sake of your imminent death, I can tell you a little secret. My real goal It's actually the source of dark magic - Hisoka, the god of the underworld, and the source of white magic - Wei Shandi. As for you, it's just a small test to realize this great plan. Finally, allow me to thank you, you let me 's guess has been confirmed."

"Hisoka grace? Vishante!"

Dormammu was no doubt stunned by Alan's madness.

Because whichever of the two is, he cannot afford to offend.

Hisoka, the source of black magic, naturally needless to say.

When Dormammu was still a human mage, he used dark magic, and even Sovereign, who later became the dark dimension, was always shrouded in the shadow of the underworld god.

As for the Trinity Wei Shandi, it is even more familiar and can no longer be familiar.

The Supreme Mage, backed by Agamotto, has fought him thousands of times throughout almost the entire multiverse.

So whenever he heard the name of Weishandi, Dormammu would hate it, but he couldn't do anything about it.

After all, he can't even deal with one Agama, let alone three at the same time.

"Hahahaha! You seem surprised?" Alan asked back, laughing. "A guy named Tiki once told me that human dreams will never end. In my opinion, it is more appropriate to replace dreams with ambitions. Because human beings are a race driven by desire. Since you are destined to be accompanied by ambition and desire, why not set your goals higher?"

" want to capture the source of black and white magic?!"

Dormammu suddenly came back to his senses, a terrified expression on his magical flame face.

He is very clear that the reason why the other party told him all these words is that he has made up his mind 100% to kill him permanently here.

Because only the dead don't reveal these secrets.

"That's right!" Alan readily admitted nodded. "I intend to connect the dimension of Hisoka En with Vishanti through some special channels. Imagine what interesting things will happen when the sources of black and white magic collide directly? I'm afraid both sides suffer is the only result. Well. Now, here's my chance..."

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