Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1179

"An eternal dimension, Demon God, just died? It sounds unbelievable!"

After reading Dormammu's life experience, Natasha finally couldn't help expressing emotion.

She just had a daughter, and for the first time she felt that life was so fragile that even the Demon God of Eternal and Undying might be killed.

If I die accidentally, who should take care of the little fellow who is just learning to speak?

Alan responded with a smile: "It's not surprising. As long as you find the right way, killing the dimension Demon God is troublesome, but not impossible. Even more how, I was originally more than Doma. Mu is powerful, and killing him was completely expected."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have used some kind of time rewind ability just now, right?" Iron Man narrowed his eyes and probed.

"That's right! But it's not me, it's another guy named Stephen Strange. The old one is dead, and he's now the new Supreme Mage."

In this matter, Alan has no intention of concealing, and gives a positive answer generously.

After all, it won't be long before Thanos will launch Infinity War. When the time comes, the strange Academician who has not gotten rid of his rookie status must join forces with the Avengers to resist this powerful universe. overlord.

Calculating the time, at best it will take a few months to half a year.

"What? Earth's Guardian, Supreme Mage Gu Yi died?"

The war machine Colonel Rhodes, who had been silent for a while, changed abruptly.

After all, unlike other Avengers, in addition to being an Avenger, he also represents the position of the U.S. government and military.

Simply put, he is the eye placed inside the Avengers to ensure that these heroes with powerful superpowers will not make dangerous moves again.

Combined with the close relationship between Rhodes and Tony, his placement would not have caused fierce opposition from the other members.

Alan is undoubtedly very aware of the role of War Machine in the Avengers, and replied meaningfully: "Yes! The ancient one was tired of performing his duties for a long time, so he chose to die. Previously, she passed the title of Karma Taj Supreme to Stephen Strange. If you are interested, you can investigate the identity of this man. With his controversial reputation in the medical field, I believe that it should be It's not difficult."

Without any hesitation!

Rod turned on the built-in communication system of battle clothes without any nonsense, and quickly reported the situation to his superiors, including the Ministry of Defense and the White House.

About ten minutes later, he said solemnly, "Lord Alan, we hope you can help contact the new Supreme Master - Doctor Stephen Strange."

"Sorry, I can't do it. In fact, my relationship with him is not as good as you think, even a little bad. But don't worry, within a year at most, he will definitely take the lead Contact the Avengers."

After saying this, Alan didn't care whether the other party understood the subtext in it, and the whole person tore the space gap disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the cracks that were slowly recovering in front of him, Colonel Rhodes couldn't help but ask Iron Man, "What did he mean when he said he didn't have a good relationship with Stephen Strange?"

"Simple! Alan respects the previous Supreme Master Gu Yi, but not so much for the new Supreme Master. Or maybe, this guy named Stephen Strange , in some ways disgusted Alan. So you can save your delusions of using Supreme Mage to check and balance Alan. I don't think this guy can pose any threat to Alan." Tony Stark explained succinctly .

Although he has not been to Karma Taj so far, he is no stranger to Stephen Strange.

As soon as I came back from Afghanistan, someone suggested to ask this brilliant doctor to take out the shrapnel left in the chest.

To this end, he also specially investigated the background of the other party.

It doesn't matter if you don't investigate the results, only after an investigation finds out that this is simply a copy of yourself.

Both of them are also so proud, conceited, and full of personality that they don't consider other people's feelings at all.

The only difference is that Tony Stark makes arms, and then sells them all over the world, making terrifying wars and killings.

Stephen Strange sent patients who couldn't afford expensive surgery, or who were not 100% sure they would be cured, to go home to die.

For Iron Man, who was in a period of psychological transformation at the time, he was undoubtedly very disgusted by such people, so he categorically refused to undergo surgery.

But who would have thought that fate actually made a little joke.

The former death merchant and playboy has become the Iron Man who is now used to take responsibility and is eager to promote human social change.

The wicked doctor who sentenced countless patients to death has also become Earth's Guardian - Supreme Master.

Thinking of this, Tony Stark has the urge to laugh out loud.

This 180-degree turn of identity and thought is just like black humor, full of naked satire about reality and itself.

"Damn it! This is not good news. You should understand that people like him, without checks and balances, are very dangerous to us. even more how, you seem to have mentioned just now Is it time?" Colonel Rhodes's tone was tense and urgent.

“en! is time rewinding. That is to say, the United States and even Earth have been destroyed many times without our knowledge, and were later restored to their original state by some kind of Power of Time. After all, Earth is too small and fragile for the two dimensions Demon God that broke out in a full-scale war. Even if a little aftermath spreads out, we will instantly turn into the dust of the universe. Well, don't worry about these, let Let's go back and have a drink and relax. You know that tonight, I have seen so many interesting things and phenomena, and I am planning to write a thesis on time, space and energy. Believe me, once this theory is confirmed, The basic science of mankind will go a long way."

After saying this, Tony Stark raised his arm and patted his friend's shoulder, and then issued an order to the other Avengers to disband in place.

Except for those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who still stayed in place to detect various data and collect a few fragments that fell from the passage, other violent organizations such as the police and the National Guard, which maintained order, also They all returned to their original positions.

After all, although the peak of the wave of riots sweeping across the United States has passed, the aftermath will certainly continue for a month or two.

During this period, a high-pressure vigilance must still be maintained to prevent the resurgence of those "tricksters".

But the Avengers didn't know that when everything that happened over New York was organized into intelligence and sent to the White House, the president who was ready to accept impeachment and stepped down, his eyes lit up instantly. , as if caught the last straw.

He didn't even hesitate for a second, and immediately lifted the head and asked his chief staff: "How do you feel about doing something about this?"

" What do you mean... fanning the fear of those capital interest groups for our allies?" There was a panicked expression on the staff's face.

He can understand that his client doesn't want to give up this hard-won presidency, but it is definitely not a wise choice to rashly provoke a powerhouse that is unmatched by the national strength of the United States.

Especially those capital interest groups who have enjoyed the free technology spree will never offend their gold master father easily.

If the president dares to mess around, then convertibles, theater plays, mental disorder gunmen, etc., can be arranged at any time.

The president obviously knew the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly waved his hand to explain: "No, you misunderstood. I'm not an idiot, how could I do something like courting death. I mean, Render the threat from the dimension Demon God a little bit, and then take the opportunity to declare a state of emergency, or even a state of war. In this way, I can buy some time to spend the rest of my life and avoid being impeached The president who stepped down."

Hearing this remark, the staff sighed in relief for a moment: "Whoo--scared me to death. But the problem is, our understanding of the dimension Demon God is still very limited. The only information It comes from the God of the Underworld Hisoka Encounter encountered by Colson and his subordinates when exploring the foreign world. According to them, Demon God in any dimension has the power to easily destroy Earth and even the solar system. The weapons we use, no matter what It's nuclear bombs and energy cannons, all of which can do any damage to them, let alone kill them."

"We don't need to know too much, as long as the dimension Demon God describes enough terrifying, It's evil enough, and it's enough for Earth glare like a tiger watching his prey. And these propaganda are also helpful to divert people's anger and disgust towards the government. After all, the best way to successfully pass on internal conflicts is to find a terrifying external The enemy."

When he said this remark, a proud expression appeared on the president's face.

In his view, this is simply an opportunity God has given him.

If you don't take advantage of it, you're a complete fool.

Before and after World War II, the United States took the words of the Propaganda Minister of the Communist Party of China that "a lie told a thousand times is the truth" as the guiding ideology on the propaganda front.

Once this machine is activated, it is guaranteed to make the populace start to fear, fear and hate the dimension Demon God.

In this way, the maddened black history of the US government has become a fault that can be temporarily let go or even forgiven.

"Understood! I will immediately contact the presidents of major media and ask them to come to Washington for an emergency meeting."

The staff immediately acted without saying a word.

About two or three days later, all the media in the United States immediately took a 180-degree turn from the abuse of attacking the government, the military and politicians.

Several major mainstream media introduced the secrets about the dimension Demon God and the strange sights that appeared over New York.

The harsh reality once again proves how short American memory is.

The city that was originally rioting gradually subsided as the dimension Demon God became the object of intense discussion.

For a while, it seemed like the end of the world could come at any time across the United States.

Many people began to bring their families to church to worship, longing for the omnipotent God to save their lives and their families when the judgment of the last day came. It is really not possible for the soul to go to heaven.

The religious atmosphere is incredible!

What is even more outrageous is that many of these people are felons such as murder, robbery, rape, drug trafficking, etc., as well as black people who actively participated in the "zero yuan purchase" activity during the recent riot.

In response to this phenomenon, the church system in the United States and various gods have made their debut one after another. Several famous "pastors" with billions of net worth also called on believers to quickly transfer all their property to their own names. The church, in order to obtain redemption from God, is like a replica of the "indulgence" in the Middle Ages.

apart from this , some cults that preach the end of the world are on the rise again, attracting tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of believers in less than a week.

The spectacular scene of the coexistence of demons dancing, flickering and cheating, it is estimated that if they were seen by Demon God of other dimensions, they would not help shaking their heads one after another, sighing that you Earth people can play.

What's even more ridiculous is that the American police and judicial system turn a blind eye to this.

Because of these religions, the people's awareness of resistance has been greatly paralyzed, so that they no longer go to the streets to fight, smash and loot, conduct anti-government demonstrations, and destroy social stability.

Similarly, the president took the opportunity to declare a state of emergency, and pretended to appoint himself a wartime president, and put on a TV show, assuring the public that he would sacrifice his life to defend American "democracy" and "democracy". "Freedom" will never let Earth fall into the control of the dimension Demon God.

But the president didn't know that, just as he was busy avoiding impeachment and keeping his position, a squad led by Lena, the new leader of Nine Headed Snake in North America, had approached a building located in North America. A luxury estate on a rural farm.

The villa appears to be the size of at least 200 football fields.

Although it has never appeared in any magazine or the introduction of luxury houses, it is often seen that various celebrities and rich people come and go here.

Various cocktail parties and dance parties are held regularly at regular intervals. Even if there are riots in major cities across the United States, it has not affected the enjoyment of life by these upper-class people.

Looking at the list and information projected from the personal terminal in her hand, Reina, who had regained her beautiful appearance, took a deep breath and asked Ross who was standing beside her with a smile: "My dear general, are you ready? Are you alright?"

Ross opened his mouth to reveal a cruel smile: "Of course! I dreamed of betraying these bastards who betrayed me and wanted to kill me, one by one. Break every bone in their body."

"In that case, let's get started. Remember, this will be a massacre, and no one will leave alive."

Having said that, Reina brought up her oriental floral long dress and stepped forward to show the invitation from the front door and entered the ball.

With the technology mastered by Nine Headed Snake, it is easier than eating and drinking to create an electronic identification system with a fake identity to hide from the other party...

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