Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1180

Entering the main entrance of the manor, the first thing Reina saw was all kinds of precious flowers, as well as groups of men and women in formal and evening dresses.

The men are generally older, even the youngest are in their early 40s, and most of them are fifty-sixty and older.

They are like medieval nobles, in small groups gathering together to talk about something, sometimes laughing, sometimes brows tightly frowns, their expressions look serious and solemn.

In contrast, the ladies are generally less than 30 years old, and they are all dressed up, looking like they are specially invited to liven up the atmosphere.

For the topics discussed by the men, let alone participating, they would be politely driven away by the service staff even if they approached.

Some of them have even played small roles in film and television works, and some of them are models of small reputation on the runway.

The characteristics of these women, without exception, are that they are beautiful, and their bodies are very well maintained. There is absolutely no fat where there should be flesh and where there should not be flesh.

apart from this, there is also a strange place, that is, there is no black or Asian in the whole manor.

Even Hispanics are poor, only about two or three models with Komugi skin.

As for their role, of course, it is to satisfy the vanity and physical desires of these ruling-class men

There is no doubt that this is the status quo of the highest society in the United States.

Don't look at the rising winds, scudding clouds of various feminist, Black Lives Matter, and special gender movements outside all day long, even schools and education systems are inevitably affected.

But in fact, the real ruling class still maintains the white supremacy and male supremacy of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

They know very well that these methods of dividing people into black, Asian, white, Latino, or creating gender antagonisms based on skin color, race, are just to blur the concept of class.

It has to be said that these people succeeded.

A look at the representation of blacks, who make up the highest proportion of the underclass population in the United States, shows that race and identity politics have been unconsciously widely accepted.

Each ethnic group only cares about its own interests, and can't wait to trample other ethnic groups under their feet, just like what white people did to themselves, to plunder and enslave each other.

Rena, who is witnessing all this, finally realizes why Alan must destroy this huge vested interest group of capital.

Because if these people are not eradicated, the very nature of how the world works will never change.

The so-called Earth federation will always remain in concept and cannot achieve real union.

Thinking of this, Reina activated the device on the inside of the lady's watch at night without the slightest hesitation, then walked gracefully to avoid the service staff's obstruction, and went straight to a man in his sixties. , hair grey-white old man, asked with a smile: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Holmes, chairman of Caleda Foundation?"

"en? Who are you?" The old man for Holmes was subconsciously frowned.

In his opinion, it is definitely the service staff's dereliction of duty to let such a strange woman approach him hastily.

If he wasn't afraid of losing face in front of his friends, he would definitely call the security guard or waiter immediately to "invite" this stupid and daring woman out.

"My name is Lena, an insignificant nobody. If you don't mind, can you tell me that you were abandoning Ross and proposing to do something about his only daughter. What kind of mentality do you have? You have to know what he did originally. But after something happened, you abandoned him ruthlessly, and even tried to kill a witness to silence them.”

Although when she asked these questions, Reina still maintained her weak image, completely unlike those European and American reporters who gave an overbearing posture.

But in Holmes' eyes, this was already a blatant and unabashed offense. A terrifying cold light suddenly appeared in the two light blue eyes, and he asked with a sneer, "Are you a reporter?"

Reina gently shook the head: "No, I'm not a reporter, and I'm not a non-governmental organization that prides itself on being righteous. I'm just here to ask General Ross why you betrayed him in the first place."


Holmes' face changed drastically, subconsciously trying to grab Lena and control her.

But unfortunately, before he could put this idea into practice, a huge black shadow fell from the sky, smashed the roof of the manor with a bang, and smashed out on the floor of the brightly lit hall. a big pit.

And this shadow is none other than Ross who transformed into the Red Giant.

I saw him glance at the people present, and greeted with a grinning smile: "Everyone! long time no see! How are you all doing during the days when I disappeared? Yes? Didn't you miss me?"


The misunderstanding scene, which was still very lively, suddenly became absolute silence.

Because everyone was scared silly!

There is no way not to be afraid!

After all, Ross has shown his terrifying destructive power that is very similar to the Hulk in his last appearance.

As long as he wants, he can make this manor blood flow into a river in minutes.

At the running speed of a human, I am afraid that if you can't run even 100 meters, you will be smashed into flesh with no difficulty.

even more how, all guest vehicles are parked outside the gates of several hundred meters.

At this moment, the huge area and the European-style garden that twists and turns like a labyrinth have become a cage.

"Ro... Ross! How dare you show up?" Holmes' voice was trembling.

"hahahaha! Of course I'm here to repay an old friend like you. I never knew how vile, dirty, Cowardly soul. How dare you attack my daughter? Very good! Then I will let you taste the pain and despair today."

Speaking, Ross raised his stout arm and hooked behind him Hooked his finger.

In the blink of an eye, a Nine Headed Snake special operations squad descended from the sky, and six men and women, bound by restraints, were shoved out of the cabin.

The oldest of them is probably in their early thirties, and the youngest is in their teens.

Without exception, they are Holmes' son and daughter.

You don't need to ask to know that what Ross needs to do next is to do what the other party wanted to do but failed to do, in front of the enemy.

His values are very simple and rude, that is, how others deal with him, he will take revenge in the same way.

A Tooth For A Tooth!

Blood For Blood!

Only in this way can these bastards who eat people without spitting bones feel fear, fear, and even despair.

After all, in their ancient values, wealth, power and status can be inherited through blood and family.

Once all the offspring are dead, what's the point of saving up what you've worked hard for all your life?

Holmes apparently also realized what Ross was going to do, and could no longer maintain his so-called demeanor. Even the crystal glass he was holding fell to the ground and shattered, and the champagne was sprinkled on the ground. Putting on his pants, he roared directly at Ross: "No! You can't do this! They are all innocent! They have the ability to come at me!"

"Yes! Yes! That's it! Anger! Pain! Despair! Why didn't you consider my feelings when you proposed to attack my daughter? Now, kneel down and lick my toes." Ross ordered with a grin.

While speaking, he still grabbed one of the youths with one hand, breaking the other's arm without the slightest hesitation.


"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!father! Help me! Help me!"

This youngster had apparently never been treated so rudely, and immediately sent out a slaughtering pig. lament.


The rambunctious Holmes didn't hold back for even a second, and knelt down like a dog to lick the pungent smell of the Red Giant's stinky feet.

No dignity!

No pride!

No normal attitude towards ordinary person aloof and remote.

Close obviously didn't let him go so easily. Instead, in front of Holmes, the young man on his hand made a 360-degree turn like a twist.

Accompanied by the broken bones and heart-piercing screams, the body of this unlucky bastard burst open with a bang, and blood, minced meat, internal organs and broken bones splattered in all directions.

And these were all raining down on Holmes' body, causing him to tremble uncontrollably, and he didn't dare to look up at the terrifying matchless scene.

Keros deliberately pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Ah! Sorry, I didn't expect your son to be so fragile, he would be broken with a little effort. I believe you It shouldn't be. 't be mind, right? You have three sons and two daughters after all."

"You...what do you want?" Holmes bit his lower lip, desperately trying not to. Let the tears flow from the eyes.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to repeat your original proposal on yourself. Now I no longer desire money, power and social status, I just want to see you suffer until Look like you're trying to kill yourself. Enjoy it! I'll slowly run over your sons and daughters one by one. No matter how much you plead, how much you resist, there won't be any change in the end." Ross bent down Whisper in each other's ear.

tone barely fell!

He grabbed another young man who was slightly younger, threw it directly in front of Holmes, raised his foot and stepped on it fiercely.


After a deafening bang, the whole body of this youngster was trampled, and the tragic death was fully displayed in the eyes of Holmes, the father.



The old man completely collapsed, rushing towards the red giant like crazy, trying to let the other party kill him directly, saving him the pain and humiliation before dying.

But unfortunately, Ross obviously didn't want to kill the enemy so early, completely ignoring the opponent's attack, each minding their own business and turning to the next target.

At this time, no matter how stupid the guests who came to the banquet were, they realized that he was here for revenge.

In order to avenge those mortal enemies who betrayed him in the first place.

The Nine Headed Snake special warfare team was not idle, and quickly disarmed the manor, shot all the hired "watchdogs" on the spot, and blocked access and transportation. At the same time cut off contact with the outside world to ensure that no one can escape.

At the moment, the entire manor has been completely under the control of Nine Headed Snake.

Just by looking at the posture, you can tell that these militants who suddenly appeared with Ross are definitely not here for ransom or political demands.

Just the opposite!

They must be for some more terrifying purpose.

It's a pity that these people have a lot of capital in their hands, they can call the wind and summon the rain within the world, and even the "great character" who makes plans to invade other countries unscrupulously is only a mere "great character" in the face of absolute power. It's just a group of ordinary persons who are powerless.

Don't talk about resistance, even life and death are out of your control.

Reina quickly screened the list of all the guests present, and ordered her subordinates to carry out brutal torture. Finally, with the information she had collected, she quickly established a capital network covering the United States and even the whole world. .

With this net, Nine Headed Snake can completely influence and control it from the dark with its powerful penetration ability.

And those that are not easy to control can be removed directly.

As for those guys who lost their use value, they were thrown to Ross, who became the Red Giant, and let him take revenge.

About more than an hour later, this luxury manor worth at least one billion dollars has turned into a dark red like a slaughterhouse.

Whether it's the carpet, the walls, or the dome over the head, it's covered in black blood.

The corpses were all piled up in the hall, forming a small mountain of corpses.

In order to conceal the true purpose of Nine Headed Snake, Ross, who became the Red Giant, also deliberately let one of the surveillance cameras capture himself, and kept a backup of the surveillance footage.

After all this was done, Leina's pair of red high heels stepped on the blood plasma, slowly boarded the plane with stealth ability, and disappeared into the vast night with her men.

She believes that the entire United States and even the world will be shaken when the nearby residents or police see the horrific images in the manor tomorrow.

Because of this time, it is no longer those refugees who are insignificant in the eyes of politicians, nor the civilians of the third world backward countries in the Middle East or Africa, but tens of billions, hundreds of billions of people who die. Behind the scenes of Capital Power Sovereign.

Their death will open a new chapter in the course of human history, and it also marks that the capital that has ruled the world for three-four hundred years has finally begun to shake.

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