Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1181

The Azeroth universe.

Sky City.

Since the war with the dark dimension ended, this place has been in a state of repair.

Various Guardians who are keen to engage in research have devoted their energy to studying the matter and energy plundered from the dark dimension.

For them, these substances and energies are very different from the morphological properties that exist in the normal universe. Whether they are used to improve their own strength, or to build weapons and equipment, they are all very good raw materials.

On the other hand, those lost war weapons and troops also need to be resurrected and replenished.

For a while, everyone was busy and busy, and the lazy atmosphere in the normal was instantly disappeared.

Especially the Soul Furnace, which operates almost twenty-four hours a day at full power, just to digest the souls of those creatures plundered from the dark dimension and convert them into continuous soul energy.

No way!

Even if these souls only account for less than one-sixth of the dark dimension, the base is simply too large.

As for the rest, it's all compressed within that singularity.

Just as Alan was thinking about what to do with this thing, some hot Internet and social media reports sent by Sakura himself interrupted his thoughts.

I saw the front page headlines on the front pages of all mainstream news media, with pictures of "Red Giant" Ross and the horrific image of the corpses behind him.

And the title is even more sensational.

All together, less than 150 people died, probably not as many as the number of civilians accidentally injured by the US military's invasion of other countries in a large-scale bombing.

But under the media rendering controlled by these capitals, it seems that millions of people have died.

If Ross is not brought to justice, the entire world will be plunged into turmoil and chaos.

The Avengers were even shouted in the air, asking them to quickly address this "huge" threat to ensure the safety of these "respected" gentlemen and ladies.

There is no doubt that this brutal slaughter frightened the capital interests that were hiding behind the scenes to enjoy exploitation, oppression and plunder.

He even used the power of public opinion to morally kidnap the superheroes of the Avengers.

After all, this practice of not negotiating conditions, not compromising, let alone accepting surrender, is just pure killing, and killing the whole family in one kill is exactly what their families who rely on bloodline inheritance cannot bear. .

"Interesting! I didn't expect Ross and Lena to lock on the target so quickly and chose to do it." Alan commented with a blank expression.

He had absolutely no feeling about the deaths of these people.

Because everyone who can join this kind of private banquet is basically a capital group that has been rooted in the United States for at least a hundred years.

Almost each one, with their hands smeared with the blood of innocents, and some of their fathers who participated in the business of selling drugs to the East, or the bloody suppression of early workers' strikes, died 10,000 times. Not enough to pay the blood debt.

Some people may think that the sins committed by predecessors have nothing to do with future generations.

But Alan believes that if these offspring do not inherit and enjoy a little bit of the sinful wealth of their parents, then they can naturally get rid of the relationship.

But if it is inherited, then these sins will be transferred along with the wealth.

"Tony Stark sent an angry message just now, asking how this matter should be handled. He is obviously very dissatisfied with this kind of massacre." Sakura conveyed Iron Man's meaning truthfully.

It was obvious from her casual attitude that she didn't care at all.

"Tell him that there is no revolution in the world that does not require bloodshed. When one class overthrows the rule of another, it must be brutally purged, otherwise the latter will rely on the Social resources and wealth, from which to destroy and interfere. If he can't accept it, then I don't mind washing his memory and letting Nine Headed Snake take over completely."

When speaking of this remark, Alan He didn't hide his dissatisfaction with Iron Man's "naivete" at all.

"Aren't you afraid that this guy is doing it against you?" Sakura asked curiously.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Why should I be afraid? Although Tony Stark is actually one of the few really smart people, his level is too low to be my opponent at all. .even more how, the Infinity War is about to begin. He won't have the mind to pay attention to the Nine Headed Snake soon, but to face Thanos with the Infinity Stone. Oh yeah, take the time if it's convenient Bringing the Red Skull to your empire and assigning him a position would be considered fulfilling my previous promise."

"You really intend to hand over a cosmic empire to Nine Headed Snake when you leave. ?" Sakura stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"That's right! Anyway, Nine Headed Snake is also an organization composed entirely of human beings and represents a trend of thought in human society. I intend to give them a chance to prove themselves." Alan smiled at Answer in the affirmative.

"Okay, I'll arrange it. But those aliens that have been transformed by monster cells are all a little rebellious, and it may be difficult for an outsider to make them obey. I think even if With my orders, John Schmidt will not be in charge of this empire for long, and it will soon be overthrown or divided. After all, he lacks the most crucial power." Sakura made a bold prediction.

Don't look at the fact that the new empire she built is very powerful on the surface, but in fact there are many internal conflicts, and even the most basic integration has not been completed.

Whether it is national identity or ideological unity, it still remains in the past.

In other words, the so-called new empire is just a huge alliance, and each planet joins for its own benefit.

It's just that these contradictions were eventually covered up by Sakura's strong personal strength as the queen, and her extremely exaggerated record.

When she disappears, these dark mines will detonate one by one, which will test the political wisdom and skill of the supreme ruler.

But Alan didn't care about this, and responded meaningfully: "It doesn't matter. Let Nine Headed Snake take over your empire, to put it bluntly, it is just a social experiment. If it succeeds, Earth people will naturally become the universe. A powerful force in China. Even if it fails, it can provide some lessons for the rulers of Earth. Compared with this, I am more concerned about when Odin will die. You know that Arturia has been a daily life. While practicing sword techniques, I can't wait to have a fight with the dead girl, Divine Sea."

"Did she pull you to practice again?" Sakura held back a smile ask.

"Yeah! I'm getting bored to death. You know, she's a very serious person no matter what she does, and it's not trivial to do anything. I just fix and reinforce it every day. The space will take more than an hour." Alan rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

He now understands what it means to commit suicide and not live.

"Do you need me to send the father of the gods Odin the last ride?" Sakura's eyes flashed with dangerous rays of light.

"Forget it. I don't want you to bully an old man whose lifespan is about to come to an end. Even more how, now Odin doesn't have much power left." Alan hurriedly shook his head to stop.

Sakura shrugged his shoulders with regret: "That's a pity. It seems that there is nothing fun to do to pass the boring time recently. Besides, your little lover has been talking to Sky Castle. Guardians ask about our past experiences and the world we've been to."

"You mean Wanda?" Alan lifts the head to glance at his adopted daughter, followed by laughing and laughing at the head. "Two corrections. First, she's not my lover, at least not yet. Second, the decision to join is not in her hands, but mine."

"Oh? Isn't it a lover? Then what's the matter with your relationship?"

" counts as a friend, a lover, and a lover. And I'm not sure, after absorbing the dark dimension, those energies can really work." As he said, Alan looked at Throw to the singularity floating in front of you.

Just after the decisive battle with Dormammu, he once approached the red dragon and asked about his physical and mental changes after absorbing dark energy.

As a result, Vernarasas just gave some inferences and guesses, and there is no guarantee that his desires will return to normal after devouring the dark dimension.

Sakura extended the hand, feeling the huge energy contained in the singularity, and suddenly said, "Why don't you try it?"

"Try it? You haven't always disliked it. Wanda?" Alan asked with interest.

"Because I'm more looking forward to seeing you act like a normal person than disliking her. You know? Although you've been working hard to maintain your human identity, as your power continues to improve, You will inevitably lose your humanity gradually. I worry that if this continues, one day you will leave all of us and leave alone. But if you have desires and concerns, your humanity will slowly recover. After all, people It is a race driven by desire."

Sakura solemnly expressed her worries.

If that day came, she felt that she might not be able to accept the cruel reality and go completely crazy.

Looking at those light purple eyes, Alan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It took a full minute before he lifted the head and smiled comfortedly: "Don't worry, I won't become what you imagined. As for this singularity, let's put it first. Let it go. If I devour it now, it will definitely be perceived by Demon God in other dimensions, which is not conducive to the implementation of the next plan."


Get the promise Sakura, who was clearly delighted, bent down and kissed Alan's cheek before turning around and disappearing into the Transmission Gate.

As soon as she left, Alan pointed at the door of the room and said, "Come in, I know you're outside."


The closed door was slowly pushed open, and Wanda, wearing a red low-cut magic robe, walked in embarrassedly, and explained with a blushing face, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you. Talking, just happened to come to you."

"It's okay, you didn't hear anything anyway." Alan waved his hand dismissively.

For those close to him, he is not so concerned about personal privacy and confidentiality.

This room in the central tower is open to the public all year round, and any Guardian can enter and exit freely.

Hearing this sentence, Wanda immediately sighed in relief, followed by cautiously temptation: "Why did Sakura find you just now? She seemed to kiss you when she was leaving?"

"Why, are you jealous too? Am I going to experience the first Asura field in my life today?" Alan couldn't help but joke.

"no! I mean...she's clearly not as attached to you as a simple daughter's attachment to her father." Wanda mustered the courage to make it clear.

"I've known about this for a long time. But the problem is, when I met Sakura, she was just a little beanie. Well, this is a photo of her back then." Alan took it directly He picked up a picture of himself with the young Sakura and placed it on the table.


Wanda was attracted by the pitiful little fellow in the photo.

Because unlike the "queen" Sakura who exudes a strong aura all over her body now, Sakura when she was a child was simply a poor little girl who was enough to make anyone want to hug her tightly and love her when she saw it.

In addition, this photo was taken not long after Ying Ying got out of the control of the old inspect, and there was still a touch of fear and fear on her face.

"My Heavens! She... how did she become like this?" Wanda opened her mouth in surprise.

No way not to be surprised!

If it weren't for the same facial features, pupils and hair color, the character and temperament shown in the photos would not be connected with the current Sakura at all.

Alan shrugged replied: "Probably, in order to let her get rid of the shadow of childhood earlier, I deliberately cultivated it in a strong direction. As a result, accidentally, it made her character 180 degrees. U-turn. To be honest, I really miss Sakura's good-natured appearance as a child."

"so that's how it is! I think I get it."

Wanda took the photo Putting it back on the table, the whole person was clearly sighed in relief.

Because unless it's those perverted pedophiles, normal people won't have any wicked thoughts about such a petite and cute loli.

More should be compassion and care.

"So you're relieved now?" A playful look appeared on Alan's face.

Wanda blushed slightly, and hurriedly nodded: "en!"

"You came to see me specially, shouldn't you be asking this?"

Seeing that the other party was so embarrassed that he was about to dig a two-bedroom and one-bedroom on the ground with his toes, Alan decisively chose to change the subject.

"I want to talk to you about Hisoka Eun. Just last night, I had a dream of a scene, a fuzzy silhouette in the crimson space. He kept calling my name, Tried to get me close to him. But then I didn't know what was going on, and I suddenly woke up from the dream."

When he said this remark, Wanda couldn't help but shivered.

Because she can feel that when the other party calls her name, the power of the Primal Chaos Demon in her body will become more powerful and uncontrollable.

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