Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1182


Alan instantly became alert.

Because he understands that dreams like this usually don't happen by chance, let alone a coincidence.

It's the underworld god trying to exert a mental influence on Wanda, even a certain degree of hypnosis and control.

If it weren't for the Azeroth universe, the other party would most likely have succeeded.

And Hisoka En's sudden behavior is most likely related to Dormammu's death and the disappearance of the dark dimension.

It's a pity that Alan has realized this for a long time. Recently, he has always let Wanda live in the city of the sky, so that the other party has no way to easily pass through the multiple protections and directly control the mind of the Scarlet Witch.

As a last resort, we can only take this roundabout way.

Otherwise, once his energy input is too large, it will be discovered by the manager.

It has to be said that Hisoka En's accomplishments in dark magic are really amazing.

After all, just quietly passing through the gap between two dimensions is not something that ordinary dimension Demon God can do.

even more how his actions have not been noticed by anyone.

If Scarlet Witch hadn't received enough training recently and learned a lot about magical theory, I'm afraid she would not have realized what these dreams meant.

"That's right! I think this dream means that your previous judgments have begun to come true. But I'm not sure if I said something in the dream." Wanda explained quickly.

"In other words, your memory in the dream is not clear, and it always maintains some kind of hazy and vagueness?" Alan touched the chin with a playful expression.

Wanda gently nodded: "That's right! The reason why I can confirm that he is the god of the underworld is entirely because when the dream ended, I opened my eyes and found that the formidable power of the Primal Chaos Demon method has been obtained. Greatly enhanced. According to Karma Taj's theory of magic, this must be evidence that the dimension Demon God is expanding the connection between the two."

"Interesting! I think Dormammu's death must have made him I feel uneasy, so I desperately want to find out the truth of the matter. Unfortunately, the dark dimension has been compressed into a singularity by me, and he can't get any useful information at all."

In When he said this remark, Alan's tone was slightly mocking.

He will never forget, when the two met for the first time in the foreign world, Hisoka Eun's arrogant eyes of aloof and remote, and the fact that everyone except himself was regarded as someone who could play with chess pieces at will. Attitude.

But now, he is also nervous and flustered.

Because of Dormammu's death, it completely exceeded the expectations of this ancient god of the underworld.

“What should I do now?” Wanda cautiously asked.

Alan replied without hesitation: "Don't do anything, just make sure you don't go back to Earth. In my universe, his powers will be weakened to the point where it's impossible to do anything to your spirit. Too much impact. As long as you are vigilant while sleeping, don't take the initiative to speak no matter what you see in your dreams."

"Got it."

Wanda Undoubtedly a smart girl, who immediately understood the way to combat this kind of dream invasion.

That is to keep your mouth shut and never respond to whatever you see or hear.

In this way, no matter what tricks Hisoka-en plays, in the end, it is impossible to get any information from his own mouth.

Getting the solution, Wanda's originally nervous and scared mood quickly relaxed, raised his head and stared at Alan's eyes, raised his mouth and asked with a playful face: "Counting the previous This time and today, I have helped you twice. How are you going to thank me?"

"Oh? What kind of thanks do you want." Alan faint smile asked rhetorically.

This time, Wanda did not speak, but raised his right hand index finger and pointed to his cheek, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"No problem. It's my pleasure."

Alan bent down and kissed the other person's cheek lightly.

And Wanda also took the opportunity to hug Alan tightly, the whole person became very excited and excited, and it took a long time to let go.

Sending away the Scarlet Witch, whose eyes sparkled with infinite anticipation and longing, Alan immediately came to the training ground in the subsidiary space.

I saw Artoria in blue tight clothes, waving weapons and fighting with her phantom.

She would never wear this kind of shapewear that was close-fitting like a plastic body before.

Because this kind of clothing is almost equivalent to wearing a layer of skin when naked, it will show the characteristics of all parts of the body.

Whether it's a man or a woman, it's inevitable to feel awkward and uncomfortable the first time you put it on.

But after hearing Alan's comments on his body, especially his chest, he was so angry that he almost drew his sword and slashed people.

After the fight, she held an angry attitude and deliberately wanted to put it on for the other party to see.

As a result, you can see the benefits of this tight training suit.

For example, sweating and heat dissipation are faster, and for example, it can make the body lighter, and can perform some actions that are normally difficult to do.

Facts once again prove that no one can escape the law of true fragrance.

With the sword technique of thousands hammers, hundred refinements, Arturia quickly defeated several Guardians, stroked the golden long hair hanging down from her ears, turned around and asked, "Is something wrong? "

"I'm going to meet Odin, are you interested in joining us?"

Alan admired the flat figure of the Dummy King, and how completely different from other women. With a heroic temperament, he issued an invitation with a smile.

"Of course! I heard that the father of the gods of Asgard was once a mighty and invincible warrior, a wise king. To send such a king to the end of his life The last trip is my honor." Arturia happily agreed without thinking.

"The king? hahahaha! Your words remind me of the king's banquet during the Fourth Holy Grail War. At that time, you were humiliated by the two tyrants Gilgamesh and Iskandar. It's not too light." Alan sighed with a smile.

After all, most people's superficial understanding of history often stops at those fascinating wars, conquests and expansions, or various myths and ancient legends.

But they don't really know much about the good rulers who have really pushed forward decisive reforms and made their citizens rich in history.

Some have never heard of it at all.

I have to say, this is really sad.

Because those who tout these tyrants often forget that during their reign, commoners like themselves often lived the most miserable lives.

Altolia's eyes also showed a trace of nostalgia: "Yeah! If there is another King's Banquet, I will definitely retort the two of them and be speechless. After all, I am not the one I used to be. Naive King Arthur."

But Alan laughed and looked at the head: "no! Trust me! No matter how eloquent you are, come up with convincing evidence and logic, like the King of Heroes and the King of Conquerors. Such extremely self-centered people will not change. They have a firm belief that cannot be surpassed by ordinary people, even if they know that there is a fork in the road leading to sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, they will still drive the carriage with a whip and rush. In the past, until it hit rock bottom."

"Okay, this time I admit you're right. Trying to subdue them through language is indeed an impossible thing to do. Wait a minute, I'll change A suit of clothes."

Speaking, Arturia shrugged her shoulders and directly opened a Transmission Gate disappeared without a trace.

About ten minutes later, she changed into a black suit and reappeared, and at the same time there was a faint scent of shower gel on her body, obviously she had taken a bath.

I have to say that compared to those women's clothes, Duma Wang still looks better in neutral or men's clothes.

Alan didn't talk nonsense, he directly tore the space rift, and brought Arturia to a seaside in northern Europe.

At this moment, Odin, who was sitting on the beach and basking in the sun, was like a corpse, releasing the smell of aging and decay from the inside out.

But because his power is so powerful that even the Death Rule of everywhere in the universe can't immediately end his life, he can only slowly carry out the final confrontation.

When he found that there were guests visiting, the old man slowly opened his one eye and greeted with a smile: "Good afternoon, young friend. If you come a little later, I'm afraid you won't be able to see you. Me. Also, just a few hours ago, I heard about your feat of killing Dormammu. I believe that the dimensional Demon God of the entire multiverse will be scared to pee his pants when he hears this news. After all, many of them are They all think that they can never be killed."

"A few hours ago? Gu Yi's successor came?" A strange color flashed in Alan's eyes.

It's not surprising though.

Although Strange Academician Stephen Strange is still a rookie, he is learning and growing rapidly.

But for things like Odin's long stay on Earth, why would he come to ask.

Otherwise, this Supreme Master would be too incompetent.

"Yeah! A very good youngster, although a little immature for the time being." Odin said casually.

After saying this, he sat up a little bit, and lazily looked like an ordinary old man who came to vacation.

But Alan knew that this was a sign of a major decline in bodily function and life force.

The king of Asgard, who once made the universe tremble, is now struggling to control his own body.

"Come on, you came here before I died. What else do you want to ask? Ask me before my brain starts to get confused, or it will be too late." Odin Rare joke.

If Thor were here, 80% of them would be stunned, unable to believe that his normally solemn father would speak in this tone.

"Nothing important, I just happened to be a little free, so I came here to see how you are. To be honest, I have never been able to understand your attitude towards death with Gu Yi. With the means of both of you, I believe in avoiding Death shouldn't be a difficult thing, right?"

Alan didn't hide anything, and frankly expressed his doubts.

Although in the eyes of many people, aging and death are the inevitable great cycles of nature.

But this so-called natural world refers only to the planet's ecosystem.

If you look at the entire huge universe, the so-called nature and ecology are nothing.

Odin picked up the beer placed beside him, raised his head and took two sips, then said meaningfully: "It is not that we chose death, but that we did not escape our own destiny. Understand that sometimes Eternal and Undying isn't a good thing in this universe of dangerous lurks on every side. That means taking more responsibility, taking more risks, and some outcomes are often more terrifying than death. You're young , I'm afraid it's difficult to understand our way of thinking. But in a few thousand years, you will almost be able to understand. In addition, the current state of the ancient one is not so much death, but rather abandoning the body and taking another form Existence."

"Who came to take the soul of the Ancient One that day? Death or eternity?" Alan continued to ask, narrowing his eyes.

"You know the five gods of creation?" A surprised look appeared on Odin's face.

After all, he only found a few words in the process of collecting the Infinity Stones.

Alan nodded slightly: "en! I know each of them represents some sort of ultimate rule of the multiverse."

"It seems you know better than I expected A lot. But I suggest that you better not have too much curiosity about them, otherwise it will lead to big trouble." Odin warned with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, I'm not very interested in them. Compared to this, I'm more concerned about when your body will collapse. If you don't mind, your Eternal Spear can send Give it to me as a collection?" Alan smiled and made a rather excessive request.

You must know that Odin's Eternal Spear is the symbol of Asgard, and he defeated one strong enemy after another in the north and south.

It is no longer as simple as a weapon.

But Odin's answer was quite surprising.

I saw that he took out the Eternal Spear without the slightest hesitation, and was still on the beach: "If you like it, take it. Anyway, I'm going to die soon, and it's useless to keep it. As for my body, I can probably hold it for another hour or two. Before I die, Loki and Thor will come to Earth to see me one last time. No matter what happens, I hope you don't Show up and don't interfere."

"No problem! I respect your wishes and privacy."

Alan picked up the Eternal Spear and fiddled with it in his hand, immediately Realize why the other party doesn't care so much.

Because it, like Thor's Hammer and Storm Axe, is just an energy amplifier in essence.

What really matters is the so-called "Divine Force" within the Asgardians.

If there is no such "Divine Force", then the formidable power of the weapon will be greatly reduced, and a series of complex transformations are required.


Sky City has such technology for a long time, so it is not a big problem.

In the next hour or so, Alan and Artoria accompanied Odin to review his life, whether it was the tyrant whose wild ambition wanted to dominate the Nine Realms in the first half of his life, or In the second half of his life, he changed his face and put on a kind-hearted appearance.

Until the rainbow bridge's light falls from the sky...

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