Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1189

"You're still as reckless and impulsive as before, and nothing has changed. I seriously doubt that Odin's previous teachings to you had no effect at all."

Looking at the Aspen The future king of Gard covered his head with a painful look on his face, and Alan couldn't help but sighed slightly.

To be honest, none of the three children, Odin, could have any peace of mind.

The eldest daughter, Hela, is a war madman, and all she can think about is to lead Asgard to conquer the entire universe, and let all planets, empires and civilizations acknowledge allegiance at their feet.

She didn't realize how many desperately powerful beings were hidden in this universe.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with conquest and expansion in and of themselves, but beyond a certain point, things immediately change.

So if the throne is passed to Hela, Asgard must end in collapse and demise.

As for the adopted son Loki, he is not an Asgardian, let alone inheriting the power of the World Tree.

In this universe of dangerous lurks on every side, being weak is the original sin.

Especially the once famous Asgard Divine Domain, once there is no powerful enough king to sit in, it will definitely attract the snooping and attack of the enemy.

In addition, Loki's character is too emotional and full of all kinds of performance desires, which is not suitable for running the country at all.

And the only biological son Thor, although the potential is strong enough, seems to have no brain at all, always taking action before the brain thinks.

Maybe he would be a good warrior, a general who leads the way, but he is never fit to be a king.

Because the king had to deal with complex political, diplomatic and internal matters.

Odin couldn't even imagine where Asgard would end up under Thor's leadership.

But no way!

Apart from Thor, the remaining two are more inappropriate.

In desperation, I can only pull the taller one out of the dwarf and drive the duck to the shelves.

Including the sealing of Divine Force and exile to Earth, all of them are means to improve their political ability and consciousness in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

Although Thor has already had the consciousness of being a king, his own character determines that he is not destined to be a qualified ruler.

"Damn it! When did you become like Loki and like to use such boring tricks." Thor complained angrily.

Now the thought of his half "biological brother" makes him mad.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Illusion Technique is not a boring trick. A real Master can use Illusion Technique to confuse the enemy, easily play the opponent on the palm of his hand, and even let them kill each other. Oh, by the way, your mother Frigga asked me to help you with a word, and she will help you protect Asgard until you are ready to Return of the King."

"mother? My elder sister Hela didn't do anything to her, did she?"

Thor was worthy of being a filial son, and immediately began to care about his mother's condition.

"Relax! Ms. Frigga is very good, and she has drawn a lot of people to fight with Hela in the political arena. I must say, compared to your brave and clever mother, you are just like A brainless Barbarian. Remember that although Asgardians have a strong physique and strength that other civilizations can't match, it's actually wisdom that has made you so far. I suggest you run into trouble in the future, better first Use your brain."

As he spoke, Alan tapped his temple with a finger.

He really doesn't understand, whether it's Odin or Frigga, they all have a very smart brain.

How could such an alien as Thor be born.

Does it mean that there is a "negative and negative" in the birth of a child?

"You came all the way here to teach me a lesson, right? Don't talk nonsense! Quickly help me get this thing off my neck, and then we will join hands to kill it." Er said excitedly.

Every time he saw his short hair, he couldn't help but think back to the Old Guy not long ago, who used a terrifying machine to shave off his proud long hair.

Not only that!

The other party also threw those precious hairs on the ground like garbage, and let the robot throw it into the garbage pile with the sewage flowing outside.

All Thor wants to do now is find that Old Guy and punch him fiercely in the face.

"Sorry, I won't help you this time. Because your current strength is not enough to deal with Hela. So stay here and exercise your Divine Force. Remember Odin Did you say anything? You are the god of thunder, not the god of hammers. That hammer is just for better triggering the real Divine Force within you. Okay, that's it for the conversation. Counting the time, it's time for you to play Time. By the way, there's a big surprise tonight, hope you'll like it."

tone barely fell!

Alan's phantom disappeared instantly, giving Thor no chance to defend and refute at all.

Leaving Thor alone in the empty room in a daze.

Because this is different from what he imagined.

On the other side, in the big arena of brightly lit, Alan's body is sitting on the VIP seat, enjoying the spectacle of the surrounding people with great interest.

Benefiting from advanced technology, Heavenly Venerable has created a place far more spectacular than any stadium on Earth, capable of accommodating millions of spectators at one time.

Some people who have their own spaceship can even drive the spaceship to the sky above the arena, condescendingly and admiring the upcoming fight.

"Lord Alan, what do you think of the atmosphere here?" Gao Heavenly Venerable asked with a smile.

As one of the most well-informed people in the entire universe, he clearly recognized Alan's identity.

After all, the Sovereign Dormammu of the Dark Dimension was smashed into the sand in Earth, and it has spread in a small area of the powerhouse.

Although there is no evidence that Alan did this, all indications point to him being the only one on Earth who has this ability.

"Very good! I just don't know how good the fighters who put on the show tonight are." Alan replied casually.

While he was talking, he didn't forget to glance at Loki, who was trying to hide himself, out of the corner of his eye.

The poor god of tricks, now like a frightened little animal, curled up as much as possible and covered his face with his cloak.

He will never forget how the other side concocted himself during the battle of New York, making him realize for the first time in his life what life is better than death.

"About that, I can assure you. Whether it's my champion Hulk, or that Asgardian, they're all pretty good warriors. I'm sure they'll show a good deal. A splendid show of strife," said Gao Heavenly Venerable solemnly vowed.

"Yeah, so who do you think will win in the end?" Alan continued to lead the conversation with a smile on his face.

Heavenly Venerable pretended to think for a moment, then responded without the slightest hesitation: "Of course it's my champion Hulk!"

"Oh? Are you sure?" Alan deliberately Took a long tone.

"Very sure! My duel champion is invincible!" Gao Heavenly Venerable's tone was full of confidence in the Hulk.

"If that's the case, why don't we make some bets?" Alan suggested.

There is no doubt that his words hit Gao Heavenly Venerable's cool point instantly.

This eccentric Old Guy has an unusual obsession and interest in fighting, gambling and other winning and losing activities.

So after a short period of surprise, I immediately asked with a face of ecstasy: "What do you want to bet on?"

"It's very simple! Since you are so confident in your championship , why don't we bet on the outcome of this gladiatorial fight? If your champion wins, I will give you the weapon I used. But if your champion loses, then this planet, including all slaves, will belong to you I am." Alan said the rules casually.

At the same time, he also took out his long sword made of neutron Star Core material and placed it lightly on the table.


This weapon attracted the attention of everyone present.

Even Loki, who was extremely afraid of Alan, couldn't help but squinted his eyes and looked at the terrifying quality and energy contained in the blade.

Especially those intricate magical craftsmanship that even dwarves can't match, making Asgardians proud of their weapons feel ashamed.

"Oh - my Heavens! It's a masterpiece!"

Heavenly Venerable is undoubtedly a know-it-all, immediately cautiously extending the hand to caress the blade, from time to time There will also be a burst of admiration.

I can't help but admire!

Even if it is unusable, just as a collectible, its value is much higher than the planet under its feet and all fighters including the Hulk.

About half a minute later, Gao Heavenly Venerable immediately nodded without the slightest hesitation: "Deal! I have to say, you are the most daring of all gamblers I have ever seen.

"Because I know I can't lose. Unless...someone is cheating." Alan stared at the joystick used to control the discharge device on Thor's neck. metaphor.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, I haven't lived enough yet, how dare I play tricks in front of a great character like you." Gao Heavenly Venerable hurriedly picked up the joystick and threw it aside, And laugh to cover up embarrassment.

Just as the two were talking, Thor, the challenger, finally slowly walked out of the waiting room.

He was wearing an ordinary breastplate, holding a shield in one hand, a blunt weapon that looked like a mace in the other, and two long swords on his back. There's even red paint on it.

At first glance, it really looks like the Barbarian in many movies and games.

Of course, these weapons and armors are completely different from those enchanted equipment produced by Asgard.

In other words, there is not much difference between wearing that armor and not wearing it.

The defensive power is most likely not comparable to Thor's own skin and muscles.

The most important thing is that Gao Heavenly Venerable didn't know whether it was undoubtedly or deliberately, and called the Thor's title "Lei Ren".

Based on this alone, Alan felt that Thor must now strangle Gao Heavenly Venerable himself.

There is no doubt that the Prince of Asgard is not used to the feeling of being treated as a plaything by others, constantly patrolling the screaming crowd all around the stands.

But soon enough, he had to turn his attention to the door behind him that kept making loud noises and vibrations.

The next second...


A monster with explosive green muscles all over his body, before the outer sect is fully opened, Rampage jumped out.

He is none other than the Hulk Hulk who was self-exiled in a Kun-style fighter.

It's just that compared to the shirtless and bare hands before, the Hulk in front of him not only wears a helmet and protective gear, but also carries two giant weapons that are taller than adults.

One of them is a hammer and the other is an axe.

No wonder there are rumors outside that any guy who challenges the current champion is basically either a flat patty or a shredded patty that can't be stitched at all.

Whoever it is, it's definitely not going to be too good to be hit by that thing.

Just as the audience cheered loudly for the bloody slaughter that Hulk once presented, and longed for the same scene to be staged tonight, Thor suddenly showed an uncharacteristically excited and joyful smile, pulling The voice shouted: "Awesome! Awesome!"

In contrast, Loki couldn't help shivering, and his eyes were full of fear that couldn't be concealed.

He even thought that today was his unlucky day.

First hit the nemesis of Alan, and now suddenly encounter the terrifying monster of the Hulk.

If possible, all Loki wants to do now is to turn around and escape this week as quickly as possible.

It's a pity that Gao Heavenly Venerable is sitting on his right hand at the moment, and there is Alan next to Gao Heavenly Venerable, so he doesn't dare to act rashly.

Alan noticed Loki's reaction and couldn't help but teased with a smile: "Why, can't you forget the scene that happened in New York? Deeply imprinted on your soul?"

"en? Do they know each other?" Gao Heavenly Venerable asked with a puzzled look.

"Yes! Your guest had a little conflict with the Hulk before. Believe me, he was in a very bad situation at the time, and he was only one step away from death." Alan faint smile give the answer.

“so that's how it is! The conflict with the Hulk can still live to this day, maybe I can consider throwing him on the field as well.”

Gao Heavenly Venerable touched the Chin seriously considered the feasibility of this plan.

In his eyes, Loki is just a clown who knows how to please himself.

It would be great if this clown could also be a fighter.

"no! No! No! I'm an Illusion Technique and I'm not fit to fight like those fighters, and the audience will be disappointed if I play."

Loki didn't care about pretending to be transparent at this time, and hurriedly stood up to excuse himself.

Let him go up and fight with a monster like the Hulk?

Stop kidding!

Just watching from a distance, his legs are shaking uncontrollably.

If you stand in the ring like Thor, 80% of them will piss your pants on the spot...

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