Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1190

"Hey! Man! Remember me? Where have you been? Everyone thought you were missing or dead! You know, a lot has happened since the last mission. I lost my beloved hammer, so It feels as fresh as it was yesterday. Oh yeah, and Loki, he's sitting on it right now..."

Thor, apparently unaware of the seriousness of the problem, also Surprised and trying to get close to this green Big Fatty.

Completely forgot the experience of being punched out of the blue when I was fighting side by side.

In his opinion, this is the big surprise that Alan just mentioned.

And as long as they cooperate with the Hulk, there is nothing on this planet that can stop the two.

When Loki in the VIP seat saw this scene, he suddenly felt cold all over his body.

Especially after the Hulk also cast a look full of anger and fury in the direction of Thor's finger, his feeling suddenly became worse, and he felt that the big green man might rush up at any time, and the wheel He got up his legs fiercely and slammed it on the ground.

Like what they did in the Battle of New York.

If I have to use one word to describe Loki's current situation, I am afraid that there are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

Because whether it is Alan not far away, the tall Heavenly Venerable, or the fully armed and extremely dangerous green fatty below, they can press him to the ground repeatedly with no difficulty.

"You seem nervous?"

Alan pursed the corners of his mouth knowingly, revealing a playful smile.

"no! I'm just feeling a little cold. Damn it! It must be too windy tonight." Loki hurriedly made an excuse for himself.

The frost giant is afraid of the cold?

This is simply the most easily debunked lie in this world.

The strong fear in his heart has made this god of tricks lose his shrewdness in normally.

After all, his little tricks have proven to be of no use to Alan and the Hulk.

As for hard power...

Well, Loki doesn't feel qualified to talk about this in front of the two of them.

"Cold? I happen to know a magic that can help you warm up quickly."

After saying that, Alan completely ignored the fear and despair in the other party's eyes, and directly gave Luo The base sets an ambient temperature control spell and keeps it constant at the upper limit.

In less than a few seconds, sweat dripped down Loki's forehead continuously, and even his clothes were soaked.

For the Frost Giant, although this temperature is far from lethal, it will undoubtedly be very uncomfortable.

Looking at Loki's expression at the moment, he knew that he had already greeted the Alan family and the eighth generation of ancestors in his heart.

But the question is, who told him to be cold.

There's no question that Alan is trying to get Loki right on purpose.

Although he promised Odin that he would not kill the last frost giant, it did not mean that he would make the other party feel better.

Perhaps feeling the malice emanating from Alan, Loki was very smart and did not try to resist, but just gritted his teeth and endured silently, hoping that the final gladiatorial performance tonight could end soon.

And Gao Heavenly Venerable sat next to him and admired Loki having unspeakable bitter suffering, his face full of happiness and joy.

Because he has lived for an unknown number of years, he has not seen such an interesting scene for a long time.

Just when Alan was teasing and torturing Loki for fun, the Hulk below also clearly expressed his attitude to Thor: "I'm not Banner! I'm Hulk!"

tone barely fell!

The huge monster, strong as an ox, wielded its weapon and charged.

"What? It's me! Thor!" Thor was obviously panicked.

Because he doesn't have the beloved hammer in his hand now, only a head mallet made of an unknown metal.

But unfortunately, the Hulk didn't listen at all, and jumped high while running, and then fell like a meteorite.


The ground instantly splashed with gravel!

forcibly was smashed into a big hole.

If it wasn't for Thor's rich combat experience, he would have been seriously injured and lost consciousness by now.

But before he could gain a firm footing, Hulk hit him with a hammer in his backhand, knocked it horizontally and flew out, and rolled out a dozen or twenty meters away on the ground, and finally managed to stabilize his body.

As for the hammer and shield in their hands, they have long since disappeared.

Seeing that the Hulk was in a state of complete inability to communicate, Thor could only helplessly pull out the two spare weapons he was carrying, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Banner! We are friends! This is crazy! I don't want to hurt you!"

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!"

The Hulk didn't want to respond at all, Roaring and rushing up, he frantically waved the hammer and axe in his hands.

Because he has not received any professional system fighting training, these attacks seem to be just a simple release of brute force, and there is no formula at all.

But even so, with his amazing strength, Hulk still made Thor suffer a lot.

The whole person is like a tattered rag doll, constantly flying around in the arena, knocking down a lot of walls and gates.

If it weren't for the Asgardians' strong physical fitness, it is estimated that those who have died now cannot die.

Watching the spectacle of the Hulk beating Thor, Gao Heavenly Venerable finally couldn't help showing off triumphantly: "How, my champion is not bad, right? You know that when I was on him, I spent a lot of money. It took me a lot of time and energy. If nothing else, I'll win this bet."

"Don't jump to conclusions, the show has just begun." Alan didn't care. shrugged bladder.

Because the two of them were talking, the battle situation below suddenly began to take a turn for the worse.

The Hulk, who originally appeared to be crushing, suddenly made a fatal mistake and threw the huge hammer in his hand as a throwing weapon.

The result was picked up by Thor, and it was a backhand blow.

Hulk slammed into the outer protective wall and tumbled to completely destroy the circular protective wall that was more than a hundred meters long. The whole person sat in the ruins and shook his head vigorously, trying to regain consciousness. , stand up from the ground again.

" is this possible!" Gao Heavenly Venerable's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Friendly reminder! The person who is fighting the Hulk is called Thor, the son of Odin, the father of the gods in the Divine Domain of Asgard." Alan casually said Brother Hammer's real identity.


Hearing the name, Gao Heavenly Venerable subconsciously shuddered.

Although ordinary Asgardians were not in his eyes, it would be different if they were replaced by Odin's son.

He didn't want to see the one-eyed old man holding the Eternal Spear, killing him with a terrifying army.

After all, Odin is quite intimidating in the minds of the older generation.

Just when Gao Heavenly Venerable was hesitating whether to stop the game, Alan suddenly added: "I almost forgot to tell you that Odin was actually dead, not long ago. Right now. Asgard is ruled by the eldest daughter, Divine Sea Ra, who was once exiled and imprisoned by him. Unfortunately, this Lady Sea Ra does not have a good relationship with her two younger brothers."

"Odin is dead? That's a real joy... ah no! It's a sad thing." Zuo grief left a few crocodile tears.

Not far away, Loki saw this scene, his hand hidden in his sleeve suddenly clenched into a fist, and his eyes shot out with anger and fierceness.

You don't need to ask to know that this style of Gao Heavenly Venerable completely pissed him off.

At the same time, a "famous scene" is also being staged in the ring.

I saw Thor, who just fiercely smashed the Hulk with a hammer, pretending to imitate the tone of Black Widow Natasha, walking forward cautiously, and said softly: "Hey! Big man! Sun It's going down the mountain."

This sentence instantly activated Hulk's memory, making his original hideous face show a trace of nostalgia, and quickly became quiet.

And this unusual move caused Thor to have a wrong judgment, thinking that he had succeeded, and immediately extended his left hand slowly, trying to force the Hulk to change back to Banner by touching.

But he apparently forgot the biggest problem, that Black Widow is a woman, and a beautiful woman who is very well versed in psychology.

But what about him?

He is a man of five and three thick, and his body exudes the breath of male hormones.

More importantly, when Natasha makes this move, she usually throws away the weapon in her hand first to express that she has no threat or hostility.

Tor is still carrying a hammer that just smashed the Hulk...

It is the so-called details that determine success or failure.

A guy like Thor who has made several fatal mistakes in a row would have no reason if he didn't fail.

"That's right, that's it. The sun is going down, I'll never hurt you again, no one will hurt you."

When talking about this remark, To Er even licked his face to reveal an extremely wretched and lewd smile.

As if in this brief moment, he really incarnates as Black Widow, and wants to use love and peace to build a friendship with the Hulk.

But the next second...

Hulk's originally complicated eyes suddenly flashed a hint of cunning, and then he grabbed Thor's leg at a lightning-fast speed. , the round arm began to beat frantically.

It's basically the same thing that was used on Loki at the beginning, and re-staged it on the big brother.

That tragic situation made the listeners cry.

"pu hahahaha!"

Alan didn't hold back, he couldn't help laughing.

Loki jumped up from his chair excitedly and cheered: "That's right! That's it! That's what it feels like!"

There is no doubt that seeing Thor being Hulk's violent appearance made him feel extremely happy in his heart.

But Thor is Thor after all, and he is much stronger than Loki in terms of physical fitness.

After taking so many heavy blows, he still got up from the ground like a normal person, waving the sledgehammer in his hand to fight the Hulk again.

From weapons to hand-to-hand combat.

The two used actual combat to show all the audience how a warrior should defeat the enemy.

In addition, they are all strong as an ox, skin is rough, flesh is thick type, so the fight is basically punch to flesh, and the visual impact is quite enjoyable.

For a while, the audience cheered enthusiastically.

The guy who participated in the betting shouted loudly about the object of his bet, roaring like a madman.

In this atmosphere, rationality and calmness all cease to exist.

But in the case of pure hand-to-hand combat without the use of Divine Force, Thor is clearly not the Hulk's opponent.

Especially after Hulk became more and more angry after being beaten, he eventually fell behind in terms of strength, being knocked to the ground with a fist, and repeatedly hammered and beaten like a sandbag.

If it was replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that under such an attack, it would have already turned into a mashed meat.

But instead of turning into flesh, Thor, the god of thunder, began to be filled with a kind of naked eye visible energy.

The silver lightning released from the eyes is especially noticeable.

“ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!!”

Accompanied by angry roar, Thor slammed a punch containing thunder Divine Force and rode him on his body The crazy output Hulk hit his feet several meters off the ground, and then fell heavily to the ground on his back, even his helmet fell off.

This is the first time he has activated the Divine Force within himself without using a hammer.


The entire arena becomes absolute silence.

As the host, Gao Heavenly Venerable stood up from the chair and stared at Thor, who was surrounded by lightning at this moment.

This scene reminded him of the war of conquest in which Odin led the Asgardian army to sweep half the universe.

"How, do you understand what I'm saying now?"

Alan raised his glass with a smile, then raised his head and took a gulp.

Unleashing your Divine Force without using a powerful Divine Item is the sign of the Asgard Royal Clan Bloodline's complete awakening.

Again, this is the minimum standard to inherit the power of the World Tree.

Next, with a little familiarity, Thor has the capital to fight against Hela.

Although there is still a big gap between the two in terms of hard power, at least they have the power to fight in the first battle compared to before.

"Will this guy be the second Odin?" Gao Heavenly Venerable asked in an uncertain tone.

Alan shook the head with a smile: "no! No! Because of his character, he can't even be a qualified king. And I think he should continue Odin's previous policy, let Asgard continues to recuperate, not fight around. Plus, I won the bet, and you have five hours to pack and leave."

After saying this, Alan didn't pay any attention to it. Gao Heavenly Venerable's ugly face, put away his sword, turned and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

With Thor's Divine Force fully awakened, the outcome of this match is sealed.

Unless the Hulk also starts to stack his anger without limit until the situation is completely out of control, otherwise there is no way to turn it around.

Recognizing that he had just lost the planet under his feet, Gao Heavenly Venerable suddenly became extremely annoyed, and immediately picked up the controller he had lost before, and pressed the switch without the slightest hesitation.

Thor, who was majestic and majestic just like Heavenly God descended to earth in one second, was stunned by a suffocated electric shock in the next second, and was beaten frantically by Hulk riding on his head again.

Obviously, Gao Heavenly Venerable did not do this to save the game by cheating, but simply to vent his inner depression.

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