Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1195

"You have a problem with me?"

Stephen Strange subconsciously walked frowned, squinting up and down this Earth-famous genius scientist.

Because he has never used the Time Stone to spy on each other's past and future, he has no idea why Iron Man is so hostile.

Normally speaking, the two should meet for the first time, and there should be no prejudice.

even more how, the name of my Supreme Mage is inherited from the ancient one, shouldn't it be accepted from the standpoint of the Avengers?

But why does Tony Stark seem to have a deep grudge with himself, and his tone is full of naked and undisguised irony.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was also a mage, the Strange Academician would definitely try to read his mind directly like he treated Thor, and figure out the reason for all this.

But unfortunately, he can't do it now.

Otherwise, once it is discovered, it will be equivalent to completely disobeying the entire Avengers, which will have a serious negative effect on the major crisis that Earth will face in the future.

"That's right! I know what you've been up to, Dr. Stephen Strange. I have reservations about your ability to be a Supreme Mage for now. And don't expect either. The Avengers will obey your leadership and cooperate with your plan. Because you are not the Ancient One Master who has protected Earth and humanity many times."

Tony obviously didn't bother to talk too much nonsense, blunt showed his own Attitude.

You hand over your precious daughter to a scumbag for education?

Don't even think about it!

Obviously, Iron Man is more willing to believe in Mordo, who is supported by Alan and stands on his own, than the bizarre Academician.

At least the latter did not cover up when recruiting students, but stood up generously and declared their existence to governments and institutions all over the world.

And it does recruit a lot of students, some of whom will update their news on social media and short video platforms every day, sharing their daily learning, training and rest.

How about Kama Taj?

Still maintaining a proud attitude of being mysterious and secretive isolated from the world, unaware that the world has undergone drastic changes silently.

And Mordo's approach is undoubtedly more in line with the appetite of modern society, and it also breaks the mysterious veil shrouded in magic, so that everyone understands that this is just a skill to control energy, which can be mastered through exercise and learning .

It's not as described in many texts and film and television works, hiding in a dark basement all day, mixing a pot of potions with some disgusting and strange things with a stick.

The side effect, of course, is that people lose their awe of magic and are desperate for this power.

But this is exactly what Mordo wants to achieve.

After all, he very much agrees with Alan's explanation of human nature, that is, human beings are creatures driven by desire.

As long as there is enough desire, miracles can be created that will amaze the Demon God.

And to make Earth from a magical desert into a powerful magical civilization, it just happens that countless people have an interest and desire for magic.

It doesn't matter whether these people have other purposes.

It is important that, whether they want to or not, they will be part of the overall Great Demon law revival plan.

Compared to Mordo's complacent, the strange Academician's face is much uglier now.

He would never dream that the notoriety he accumulated when he was a doctor would actually affect his current mage career.

And there is no way to refute it, because these are hard facts.

Just as Stephen Strange pondered how to explain it to convince Tony Stark that he had reformed himself and assumed responsibility for Supreme, Mordo immediately interjected: " Give it up! The practice of Kama Taj is outdated. Don't you realize that the planet under our feet already has its own source of magic, and there is no need to continue to rely on the charity of Demon God in any dimension. In the near future, the number of mages will increase exponentially. Therefore, only by allowing more people to contact and understand magic can we strengthen our strength and achieve the purpose of resisting the invasion of foreign enemies."

"But do you know the consequences of misuse of magical power?" Stephen Strange asked with narrowed eyes.

It can be seen that he is trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart at this moment.

After all, according to the concept of the previous Supreme Master, the ancient one, the research and study of magic should be cautious.

Otherwise, there will be a large number of mages who are seduced, charmed, and controlled by the dimension Demon God or otherworldly creatures, increasing the frequency of Earth being invaded by otherworldly beings.

It can be foreseen that if Mordo continues to collect the disciple according to the current practice, it will almost certainly not be long before there will be a large number of people who have learned a little bit of knowledge, in order to gain strength and prolong their lifespan, follow Those completely unknown powerful aliens contact, or even sign terrifying magic contracts, and eventually become puppets controlled by the other side.

This is why, Kama Taj has always maintained the ancient tradition of one master with several disciplines.

Without him!

Everything is done to ensure absolute safety.

"Abusing? In your opinion, is the practice of promoting and popularizing magical knowledge and enhancing the magical power of Earth abusing? Or do you, the Supreme mage, want to use similar means to make Kama Taj Continue to monopolize the magical resources on Earth?"

Mordo clearly understands the human heart better than Strange Academician, and knows how to express it to make Tony and Natasha doubt Kama Taj's motives.

After all, anyone with a bit of common sense understands that monopoly is bad and will breed a lot of corruption and darkness.

This has been fully proved both in the feudal era that lasted more than two thousand years in the past, or in the era of the rise of capital in the last few hundred years.

As Mordo expected, Iron Man, who has always liked to oppose the government, questioned authority, and had a somewhat rebellious personality, confirmed his position almost immediately, blunt said: "Steven Strange. Doctor, I'm very sorry, I have to inform you with regret that my daughter will never go to Kama Taj to study magic, so you should die."

"Are you sure you want to do this? Mordoko is not what you think it is. Especially the magic he teaches is very, very dark and cruel." Stephen Strange tried to turn the situation in a last-ditch effort.

But unfortunately, this effort ended in failure.

Tony Stark didn't even want to say a word, and made a gesture of invitation.

In desperation, Singular Academician had to open the Transmission Gate first and turned away.

As for using the power of the Time Stone to do it all over again, it was completely out of his consideration.

In other words, with the knowledge of magic theory and the properties of the Infinity Stones, he began to use it more and more cautiously, just like the ancient one after another.

Unless there is a huge threat, it will never be taken out easily.

Mordu, who thought he had won the victory, showed a faint smile on his face, and once again rubbed his chest with one hand and bowed slightly: "Thank you very much for making the right choice. I promise, in your Before your daughter is an adult, she will never be exposed to those dark magical knowledge."

"Wait! When did I agree to your request?" Tony Stark asked rhetorically with a sneer.

"Then what do you mean..."

Mordo was a little confused about what the Iron Man had planned.

After all, in his opinion, in addition to Kama Taj on Earth, only the new Holy Land he built can teach magic systematically.

"I mean, I'm not going to give my daughter to anyone until I've asked Alan, and I'm not going to allow you to use my daughter as a tool in each other's factions. Remember, I am Iron Man Tony Stark, your little tricks are useless in front of me at all." Tony unceremoniously exposed the other party's thoughts.

After all, he had known for a long time that little Selene's night elf bloodline and strong Arcane affinity were destined to be spied on by countless people.

So be extra vigilant and cautious in this regard.

But Modu shrugged his shoulders indifferently and explained: "I never deny my ambition. But have you ever thought about it, I will train your daughter to be the strongest on Earth. There is no conflict between great mages. It's like you are one of the richest capitalists in this world, but you still hate capital. And I can swear that I will definitely teach every student seriously to ensure that they can become independent in the future. Mages. Only when the number of Mages on Earth gradually increases, the magical power of human beings will become more and more powerful."

"So you want to expand the total number of Earth Mages in this way. Quantity?" Natasha keenly grasped the key point.

"That's right!" Mordo nodded with a smile. "Don't you think that a large Earth, with a population of more than seven billion, has only one or two hundred trifling mages, which is pitiful?"

"But Stephen Strange mentioned just now How to solve the problem of magic abuse?"

As one of the few individuals with high IQ and EQ in the Avengers, Black Widow is not so easy to fool.

Not to mention unfathomable magic, even the popularization of energy weapons has caused a series of big troubles in the world.

“The development of anything will be accompanied by a series of side effects. I think Mr. Stark understands this best. Since the first industrial revolution, the use of coal as energy has been experienced by human beings. How many times of terrifying pollution and torture? The answer is countless! After all, the progress of science and technology must be accompanied by various costs. In my opinion, these magic abuses are also a price. What we have to do It's not because of fear that I don't dare to take that step, just like a large number of unemployed workers at the bottom in the United States are opposed to the use of artificial intelligence and automation."

When talking about this remark, a look of incomparable expression appeared on Mordo's face. Excitement and frenzy.

In his opinion, the diffusion of this knowledge is also equivalent to a revolution in the magical world, breaking the monopoly of knowledge by Kama Taj.

If it succeeds, the Earth magic world in a few hundred years will surely become extremely powerful.

And he himself can use this power to help himself achieve that unreachable ambition.

As a scientist, Tony Stark certainly did not know the serious consequences and social problems brought about by several industrial revolutions, touched the chin thoughtfully: "I admit, you It makes sense. Any change is meant to be a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will become a force for social progress. If you use it badly, it will cause violent social unrest. But Why do you think that you have such ability?"

"I brought my sincerity, you can take it and see it slowly."

Speaking, Mordo He took out a very heavy magic book from his pocket, placed it lightly on the table, and glanced at the two little fellows out of the corner of his eye, followed by opening the Transmission Gate and passing through.

After he left completely, Iron Man turned the page and swept the knowledge and magic theory recorded above at a very fast speed.

After about a few minutes, he was completely drawn to the content.

After all, Tony Stark had never been in contact with Kama Taj and the tier magic system before, so all this was novel and groundbreaking for him.

"Tony, what are you looking at?" Natasha asked in an uncertain tone.

"A book about magical knowledge and theory. I have to say, that Mordo did have two strokes, and I began to have a little idea of sending my daughter to him to study." Does not lift the replied.

"Only with a book?"

Black Widow's suspicion is obviously heavier, and there are strong doubts in his eyes.

Although she doesn't know any magic herself, she is also a user of shadow energy, and she knows a little about the skills of energy shaping and control.

Tony nodded thoughtlessly: "Yes! This book alone. And I think Mordo is right, we shouldn't stop moving forward in fear of paying the price. Scientific development is In this way, the same is true for my attitude towards magic. But this time, I will learn the lessons of Ultron and prepare for any crisis in advance."

tone barely fell!

He took out an energy core with dazzling rays of light from under the table behind him.

That's the eye shard left after the death of an Azeroth world titan, with unimaginable huge Arcane power.

Alan gave this to Iron Man as a parting gift.

Obviously, he now wants to use this thing to create a powerful and terrifying weapon or armor to ensure that the possible misuse of magic can be quickly suppressed.

"My God! Where did you get this stuff?"

Natasha jumped up from the sofa in fright and hugged her two children Back and forth.

At this moment, the shadow energy in her body seems to be encountering a natural enemy and is constantly issuing warnings.

Tony Stark said meaningfully: "It's a gift from Alan. I have to say, this guy is quite generous when he treats his friends..."

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