Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1196

As everyone knows, Thor has never been a patient person, much less one who thinks hard and makes careful plans.

On the contrary, he is the kind of lunatic who rushes to fight the enemy desperately if he disagrees, and will never take a half step back even if he knows he is lost.

If I have to describe it in one sentence, it is to try not to make noise if you can.

So after successfully persuading Bruce Banner and Martial Goddess Valkyrie, he immediately asked Loki for a spaceship and went directly through the huge wormhole to Asgard .

Thor's purpose is very simple, that is to defeat the powerful elder sister Hela and pull her off the throne.

As for whether he can become the new king of Asgard, he doesn't care at all.

In other words, he has no interest and desire for power at all.

Meanwhile, just as Thor was on his way home, Frigga, far away in Asgard, was brows tightly frowns, standing at the top of the palace, watching from afar those The army summoned by Hela in the name of the king asked worriedly: "Are you sure she really won't start a war?"

"Of course! Thanos has already obtained the Infinity Gloves and Power gem, as long as she's not a fool, she can realize what this means. So now these actions are not so much preparation for war as it is to deal with possible war." Alan shrugged unconcernedly.

His attitude towards this "Queen of God" who is good at plot against and vigilant about himself has always been very indifferent.

If it is not for Odin's sake, he will not communicate with each other in any form.

Frigga was undoubtedly very aware of this, so she ignored Alan's almost rude attitude, narrowed her eyes and continued to probe: "I heard that Thanos slaughtered the dwarves who were sheltered by Asgard. A family?"

Alan gently nodded: "en! The shock brought about by the death of Odin and Gu Yi is far more serious than expected. If nothing else happens, Thanos will soon set off. An Infinity War, to realize the great and holy ideal in his mind."

"Then will he attack Asgard?" Frigga asked the question she cared about most.

After all, there was a grudge between Odin and Thanos a long time ago.

If the latter chooses to take revenge at this time, there is no other person in the Divine Domain who can resist it except the dead woman Divine Sea.

But the problem is that overthrowing Hela's tyranny and letting her own son Thor come back to inherit the throne is exactly what she wants to do most right now.

As a result, the two things are caught in an irreconcilable contradiction.

If Hela's rule is overthrown too soon, Asgard will face annihilation when Thanos attacks.

But if Hela is not overthrown, the reign of the dead Goddess will become more secure over time.

Who cares about the defeated Thor when most of Asgard has tasted blood, glory and victory again?

So Frigga's current mood is extremely complicated.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows. I'm more worried about Thor than Thanos. As mother you know best, he was never a patient man, And Hela has already started trying to extract energy from the World Tree. If Thor suddenly comes back at this time..."

Speaking of this, Alan suddenly stopped, his eyes flashing with playfulness and playfulness.

Judging from his judgment of Hela, even if the Thor in Infinity War with the storm axe almost split Thanos in half, he could only kneel on the ground and sing conquest.

After all, Thor is still in the growth stage, and he is at least two thousand years away from his Peak state.

How about Hela?

Although it has not reached Peak, it is very close.

In other words, the difference in hard power between the siblings is the age difference between the Asgardians.

Generally speaking, the Divine Force within an Asgardian will grow to its zenith only when it reaches about 3,000 to 3,500 years old.

Calculating the age of Odin when he died, Hela should be about three thousand years old now, and Thor is only about fifteen hundred years old.

This also means that the latter has almost half the growth period less than the former.

And both are royal bloodline, their innate talent gap is not big.

"Damn! You have to stop Thor from coming back! Tell him it's not the time yet." Frigga was obviously a little panicked.

You must know that she is often in close contact with Hela these days, and she knows very well how powerful the eldest daughter of Odin has become, even if the rest of the entire Asgard is added to the Give it all together.

But Alan stared at the sky in the distance and responded with a smile: "Sorry, it's too late. Your treasured son has returned to Asgard now."

tone barely fell!

The magical protection above the Divine Domain's head was suddenly torn open, followed by a spaceship with an incomparably ornately decorated exterior, diving straight down from the sky, avoiding the interception of anti-aircraft artillery, while rushing straight To Hela who is reviewing the army.

Seeing this press forward posture, anyone who is not a fool will realize that the only heir appointed by Odin, Thor, has finally returned.

Besides him, there is no other person who would fly a vehicle in this way, and that courting death makes no difference.

"My Heavens!"

Frigga was undoubtedly stunned by her son's madness and recklessness.

In less than a few seconds, the spaceship collided with the ground without decelerating at all, forcibly completed a terrifying abnormal landing .

What's even more terrifying is that during the landing process, it also deliberately rammed into the place where the undead army was most dense, and crushed a phalanx of infantry into slag and debris on the spot.

When the entire spaceship gradually stopped under the huge friction with the ground, Hela, who was standing on the high platform, had a frighteningly cold face, and her eyes were full of burning anger.

For today's review, she has been planning for a long time, intending to take this opportunity to remind these brave Asgard warriors back when they fought around and returned full of honor and spills of war taste.

But now, it's all been ruined by a trifling spaceship that suddenly broke in.

Without any hesitation!

Hella directly raised her hand and waved, and instantly created an incomparable gigantic sharp blade out of thin air, and inserted it straight into the cab from below the spaceship, trying to stab all the bastards inside.

It's a pity that the people inside had expected this for a long time, and the moment the sharp blade pierced the spaceship's abdomen, they jumped out of the hatch.

There are not many people, there are only three in total, namely Thor, Martial Goddess Valkyrie and Bruce Banner, who has not yet transformed into the Hulk.

It's just that the last Banner was a little embarrassed, and it could almost be said that he ran out after rolling and crawling.

"Ah! Isn't this my dear younger brother. Why, didn't you learn the lesson last time and wanted to challenge again?'re going to kneel down and ask Ah Sgard's new queen swears allegiance? It's alright, I'm a generous person and don't mind the rudeness you've shown."

Hella walked with grace when speaking about this remark His pace was slowly approaching, his body exuding an astonishing imposing manner.

Although she had a slightly exaggerated smile on her face, her eyes were frighteningly cold.

"Allegiance to you? Dreaming! I won't let Asgard fall into the hands of evil people like you." Thor sternly and loudly refused.

It's just that, unlike most of the population, who say what they say and think in their hearts, he really believes that he is fighting for the people and future of Asgard.

"Evil? hahahaha! You're so naive! Who do you think I learned from my character and behavior? The answer is very simple! It's our father Odin. Before you were born , he is not the weak one he was later on. On the contrary, he is keen to pursue great power and continuously wage wars to conquer those planets that dare to disobey Asgard's rule. So if by your logic, Asgard It was originally an evil kingdom."

Hela laughed wildly and dismantled the false mask that Odin had worn on his face for more than 1,500 years.


Stop kidding!

Odin chooses Mercy because he realizes he can't collect all the Infinity Stones and his body starts to go downhill from Peak.

In other words, Asgard has entered a conservative state from external expansion to strategic contraction, which is completely a transformation based on its own needs.

As for the dignified but benevolent father image in Thor's memory, it is exactly what Odin looked like after he lost his ambition because of old age.

Strictly speaking, that simply isn't the real Odin.

Hela knew this, so she was full of contempt and disdain for her two ignorant younger brothers, and even felt that the other party didn't look like a real Asgard Prince at all.

Because before that, almost all members of the Asgardian royal family were keen on war and conquest.

"no! You're lying!"

Hearing someone "slandering" his hometown and father, Thor was instantly enraged, and silver lightning flashed in his eyes.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why he waited so long to come back is to master the powerful Divine Force contained in his body so that he can compete head-on with the elder sister.

But soon, Martial Goddess Valkyrie next to him couldn't help but reminded in a low voice: "She didn't lie! Asgard under the leadership of Odin was fighting almost every year. , and plundered a lot of spills of war from other planets. Especially the gold used to decorate the palace."

Hearing this remark, Thor was instantly dumbfounded and turned his head in disbelief.

As if asking which side are you on?

"I just speak frankly. In my opinion, Odin has nothing to do with the word kindness." Martial Goddess Valkyrie spread his hands innocently.

For a while, there was an embarrassing smell in the surrounding air.

Thor stood in the same place stupidly, and the anger that had finally accumulated was completely vented in an instant.

But just because he was standing stupidly doesn't mean that Hela is also standing stupidly.

The latter directly lifted black's long hair and transformed it into a headgear like spider feet.

"Stupid younger brother! I really don't understand how Odin chose you to be the successor of the throne! With your IQ, it's not suitable for you to survive in this universe of dangerous lurks on every side, and more There is no way to lead Asgard to prosperity."

"no! You are the one who is truly stupid! Times have changed! Conquering other civilizations with martial power like yours will only Drag Asgard into the abyss of destruction." Thor roared and greeted him with a fist.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

With the dazzling lightning and shock waves, everything within a radius of tens of meters was reduced to ashes.

That terrifying destructive power shocked and disbelieved even friends who were once very familiar with Thor.

Because at this moment, he doesn't have the hammer that symbolizes the status of the crown prince in his hand, he just did it all with a simple fist.

But soon, everyone's shock turned into fear and despair.

Just when Thor thought he had hurt the elder sister, Hela, who took a big move, shook the dust on her body like a normal person, and stood up intact. .

Not to mention the injury, even the clothes are not torn, and there is not a single scratch on the face and neck.

The gap between the two sides' hard power has obviously reached a level that cannot be filled at all.

" is this possible! This is unscientific!" Bruce Banner opened his mouth in surprise.

According to his judgment, the thunder Divine Force released by Thor just now is definitely worth all the energy generated when an atomic bomb explodes, even more concentrated.

In the face of such destructive power, even steel will instantly vaporize.

"Science? Sorry, it seems that you don't quite understand the horror of the bloodline of the Asgardian royal family."

Speaking, Martial Goddess Valkyrie drew his weapon and went straight to Hela The location rushed over, trying to buy a little recovery time for Thor, who had consumed a lot of Divine Force.

Just as Banner wanted to find a safe place to hide, he suddenly felt a damp, hot breath behind him.

As a subconscious first reaction, he glanced back.

I don't know the result, but I was almost scared to death when I saw it.

Standing behind him is none other than Fenrir, the pet giant wolf pulled by the dead girl Divine Sea.

At the same time, the Hulk in Banner's body also responded quickly, and the whole person began to swell and turn green at a very fast speed.

About three or five seconds, the Hulk appeared on the parade square.

One man and one wolf stared into each other's eyes like this, making threatening roars from time to time.

When the imposing manner reached its peak, they rushed up and scuffled together.

Fenrir opened his mouth full of fangs, trying to tear the green fatty in front of him to shreds.

Hulk stubbornly opened the wolf's mouth to ensure that the other party would not bite his arm or neck.

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