Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1197

If the war on Earth was a mass event, then the war in Asgard was a stage for the very few.

Because when a person's strength reaches the point that no matter how many ordinary soldiers can't defeat him, then the so-called number loses its meaning, and it takes people of the same strength to defeat him.

And Odin's two children, Hela and Thor, undoubtedly reached such a level.

The destructive power generated by the collision between them, whether it is those dead Spirit Warrior soldiers who have no fear at all, or those brave Immortal Palace warriors, can't bear it.

So everyone stepped back very consciously and gave up the entire square to these two Odin descendants who also had the right to inherit.

In other words, whoever wins this battle will be able to become the new king of Asgard after Odin.

As for the other side, the battle between giant wolf and Hulk is full of power and wildness.

One man and one wolf hit the waterfall next to the cliff directly from the Rainbow Bridge.

Even the skin is rough, flesh is thick Hulk has several bloody wounds.

The condition of the giant wolf is not much better, not only the fangs in the mouth were knocked off several times, but also the large thick hair near the head was forcibly smashed down, revealing the skin hidden underneath, far away. From a distance it looks like a terrifying alopecia areata.

Seeing such a fierce battle scene, Frigga took a deep breath, turned around and asked Alan: "The Ragnarok is about to start, right?"

"en! That's right! If nothing else, Thor should soon realize that to defeat Hela, he must destroy Asgard and the World Tree hidden under the palace." Alan carelessly nodded, and at the same time took out a twig that had not yet been crystallized and handed it over. "Here, this is a twig taken from the World Tree, you can replant it in a safe place after the All Gods turn to Dusk is over. It won't be long before it grows into a new World Tree again. "

"Understood! I'll send people to evacuate the people immediately."

Frigga took the twig without any nonsense, and cautiously stored it in a pre-prepared box inside, and winked at the maid behind him.

The latter figured it out, and immediately turned around and trotted all the way, disappearing at the end of the empty corridor.

Not long after, a large number of people began to withdraw from the city in an orderly manner, dragging their families and moving towards the spaceship hidden in the shelter.

Because Hela's attention was completely focused on Thor, she didn't notice what was happening under her nose at all.

Just the opposite!

She is enjoying the thrill of pinning the younger brother to the ground with a hammer.

Be aware that since losing to Artoria, the dead Goddess has been quite depressed and unhappy for a long time.

But now, all this depression and unhappiness has been vented through violence.

Facts once again prove that the happiness of some people is always based on the pain of others.

Seeing her son being beaten like this, the mother Frigg subconsciously clenched her fists and wanted to charge ahead and drink Hela several times, but she finally endured it.

Because she understood that all this was arranged by her husband before his death.

It is only through pain, despair and suffering that Thor will understand the weight and responsibility of the crown.

Similarly, Asgard will be reborn from the ashes from the devastation caused by All Gods turn to Dusk.

Frigga didn't notice that the real Alan had already left Asgard, leaving only an Avatar as a cover.

At this moment, the huge fleet under Thanos is approaching the planet ruled by Loki.

You don't need to ask to know that since Thor arrived in Asgard, Alan has already sent a message.

"Are you sure the Time Stone is on this clown?" Thanos stared at Loki's influence on the projection with interest, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

In his opinion, taking away the Rubik's Cube from this guy is simply easier than eating and drinking.

Alan nodded without thinking: "That's right! I personally put the space gem by Loki's side. I believe that with his character, he will definitely take it secretly and hide it. It's just that He's very good at Illusion Technique, so it takes a little bit of work to know where the gems are hidden."

"Hehe, let's enjoy this clown's performance together. Ebony Throat, immediately let the fleet block the entire planet to ensure that no spaceship escapes."

Thanos raised the arm with the infinity glove and gave an order to his most trusted hand.

"As you wish!"

Ebony Throat bent down and bowed slightly, then spread out the entire fleet at a very fast speed, and filled the surrounding with various The wormhole planet is completely blocked.

When the formation is fully deployed, almost all energy cannons and missiles start firing indiscriminately.

In an instant, even the dark universe was completely illuminated.

And before Loki, who was enjoying his subordinate's praise to him, could realize what happened, he heard deafening noises and vibrations from outside.

When he jumped up from his chair and looked out the window, the outside had turned into a purgatory.

This competitive city, built by Gao Heavenly Venerable from the rubbish heap with countless efforts, has now been completely reduced to ruins.

Whether it is a arena that can accommodate millions of people, or a large house for fighters to rest and live in, as well as those derived entertainment venues, they are all blasted into bits and pieces by a round of saturation bombardment.

As for the people inside, they have long since evaporated into a gaseous state, and even the corpses were not left behind.

If Gao Heavenly Venerable hadn't installed an energy shield near his residence, I'm afraid the results here would be the same as outside.

"Damn! What's going on? Who can tell me what the hell is going on?"

Loki stared at the fleet covering the heavens, shielding the sun overhead, enduring He couldn't help but think that his subordinates let out a roar of rage.

It didn't take long for him to get the dominion of this planet, so he shouldn't have offended anyone.

According to common sense, this terrifying fleet should be aimed at Gao Heavenly Venerable.

So Loki didn't immediately think about running away, but was going to talk to the commander of the fleet and tell him that the owner had changed here.

It has to be said that his idea is a bit naive.

But considering that Loki has been pursuing power all his life, longing for the attention and praise of others, it seems not difficult to understand that he wants to keep his dominance over the planet under his feet.

Alan also discovered this weakness, so he achieved his ulterior purpose by giving it away for free.

Otherwise, with the ability of the universe cube, Loki can teleport himself away at any time.

"Master! That...that's the fleet of the mad Titan Thanos!"

In a trembling voice, an alien said that everyone present fell down Take a breather of facts.

After all, not long ago, this lunatic had just captured Xandar and slaughtered almost half of the population according to tradition.

Right now, the planet that once had a highly developed civilization is now being visited by interstellar pirates and Bounty Hunters in turn.

It's horrific.

" Thanos?!"

Hearing this name, the fear in Loki's heart was instantly awakened.

Because he didn't repay the former Thanos an account.

After realizing this, he didn't care about the idea of negotiating before, and immediately turned around and ran to the place where the spaceship was docked.

According to the character of Thanos, Loki can already foresee how terrifying the ending will be if he is caught.

Just relying on the name of an Asgard Prince can't fool this terrifying lunatic.

even more how, now that Odin is dead, he is in a state of exile.

But Loki obviously forgot that he wasn't the only one who thought of boarding the spaceship and escaping.

Those who are normally rambling around under him also want to escape and survive.

The problem is that the number of well-preserved spaceships is limited, and it can't hold everyone at all.

As a result, this group of guys who are used to selfishness actually fought for positions.

It's ridiculous that many spaceships were hit by energy weapons during the engagement process, resulting in fewer people able to escape.

With fewer locations, more intense firefights are triggered...

In this vicious circle, thousands of people eventually die and less than ten are left. two.

And the spaceship also has only a small one left.

Because the large-scale spaceship is relatively large, it is particularly easy to be hit in the chaos of war, and it has been scrapped long ago.

On the contrary, small spaceships are small in size, and are generally docked in unremarkable corners, so they are fortunately preserved.

"Guys! There's still one spaceship left. We can all go up there. There's no need to fight anymore, right?" Loki tried to quell the rebellion with a nervous expression.

Although he has the Universe Rubik's Cube in his hand, he doesn't want to use it easily.

After all, once this thing is seen by others, it will immediately be targeted by all the forces in the universe trying to collect Infinity Stones.

By that time, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube will not only have no positive effect, but will become a huge trouble.

"He's right! This is the last spaceship. If it breaks again, we'll all die here. Let's make peace!" Also followed the path of attachment.

From dressing and garb, he was clearly one of the slave fighters who escaped amid the chaos.

With excellent fighting skills, get all the way to this place.

With him, there are several fighters.

The characteristics of these people, without exception, are that they have strong fighting skills and have experienced countless bloody battles, and their strength is far stronger than those of ordinary mercenaries who are pampered.

"I agree!"

The leader representing the mercenary side also stood up and gave an affirmative answer.

As Thanos' army begins to land, it will be too late if they don't leave.

Seeing that the two forces that were incompatible as fire and water had reached a settlement under their own mediation, a smug expression appeared on Loki's face, and he pointed to the entrance of the spaceship and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up. Click let's go up."

tone barely fell!

He was the first to open the hatch to get in and get a good position.

But at this moment, both slave fighters and mercenaries exchanged glances with each other.

The next second...

A device specially designed to capture and control the slave was launched directly, and was precisely attached to Loki's neck.


A strong electric current spewed out of the device, causing Loki to twitch violently and roll down from the hatchway, his face full of disbelief.

And the mercenaries and slave fighters smiled playfully, and some spat fiercely in his face as they passed by.

A few minutes later, Loki watched the spaceship lift off in violent and uncontrollable convulsions.

But before flying out of the atmosphere, a red light flashed.

The energy shield followed by the small spaceship was punctured on the spot, and the whole ship exploded in midair, like a huge fireworks.

As for the people inside, of course, they all died without exception.

"See? This is the fate of the betrayal."

With a low and magnetic voice, Thanos slowly walked out of the darkness.

Not only him, but also the five obsidian generals such as Ebony Maw and General Deathblade.

Seeing these familiar faces, Loki, who was suffering a violent electric shock, was numb and numb all over his body, and his heart stopped.

Because he understands that the betrayal actually includes himself.

When he came to the front, Thanos bent down and used only two fingers to crush the bauble with no difficulty that once made Thor powerless.

Feeling the moment the current disappeared, Loki immediately rolled over and got up from the ground, while backing cautiously, he said nervously, "Listen to me! The failure of the attack on Earth was not entirely my responsibility. You should know that a guy named Alan appeared out of nowhere on Earth. He and the forces behind him were very powerful, and all those Chitauris under your command were wiped out without even holding on for a few minutes. "

"Oh? But didn't you tell me at the beginning that Earth is very fragile and easy to be captured?" Thanos asked playfully.

In fact, since he played against Alan, he has already forgiven Loki's failure, and just wanted to find an excuse to come to the space gem - the universe cube.

"Okay! I admit that there was a problem with my intelligence. But you must also admit that the failure was not entirely my fault."

It's hard to be fooled by sight. , Loki immediately changed his strategy.

Meanwhile, he started using the Illusion Technique as cover, taking out the cosmic cube hidden behind the cloak, ready to run away.

As for meeting force with force with Thanos and his subordinates, from the very beginning is not a choice.

Just kidding!

He is Loki, the god of tricks, not Thor, the God of Thor who only knows how to fight recklessly.

The troubles that can be solved with the brain and mouth, why risk the mortal danger to go all out?

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