Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1205

"What? I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again."

No doubt!

This news is so shocking that Tony Stark needs to confirm it again and again.

"It's Vision! He was kidnapped by two aliens who came out of nowhere. Captain and I just contacted the Outer Space Observatory and the staff told me there was indeed one UFOs entered the universe from Earth," Coulson explained in a sharp tone.

Apparently, he had just seen the alien invasion happening in the United States through the news, so he immediately realized that it was no accident.

On the contrary, this is most likely some kind of huge conspiracy against Earth and humanity.

"Damn! They actually sent two groups of people at the same time."

Tony Stark couldn't help but cursed his gnashing teeth, followed by the strangeness not far away Academician said: "Bad news! The vision with the Spirit Treasure stone has most likely been taken by another group of Thanos. Now what are we going to do?"

"It's easy! We must take back the Spirit Treasure Stone. Otherwise, when Thanos gets five Infinity Stones at the same time, one Time Stone alone is not enough to fight against him." Stephen Strange immediately gave his judgment.

Although he knew it would take great risks, even the Time Stone he was guarding was taken away.

Staying on Earth is basically the same as waiting to die.

On the contrary, the charge ahead still has a chance.

After all, Thanos has made it clear that he wants to collect all the infinite gems and realize that crazy ideal. Sooner or later, he will set foot on Earth to capture the last one. No matter how he hides, it is impossible to open.

"Where's Alan? Isn't he Earth's ally and protector? Why hasn't he shown up since such a big thing happened?" Daisy, the shock girl, suddenly interjected.

"It's a pity that Alan somehow blocked all connections between Sky City and the outside world. No one can contact him now." Iron Man responded with a wry smile.

"no! He's not completely closed. At least not long ago, the queen named Sakura, Your Majesty, came to me and asked me to repair the destroyed Quake." Strange Academician looked serious retorted.

"Not closed? Then why didn't he come to help us?" Tony Stark frowned suddenly.

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Stephen Strange gently shook the head. "Through the power of the Time Stone, I've never seen his silhouette appear in this war so important to Earth and the universe. That is, for some unknown reason, he will no matter what. not participate in this war. Now, we can only rely on ourselves."

"What did you say about Thor's Hammer being destroyed? Could it be that Thor..." Quicksilver suddenly Had a bad feeling.

"en! You guessed it right. Because Odin ran out of life and died on Earth not long ago, the death girl who was imprisoned by him, Divine Sea, finally broke free from the cage and defeated with no difficulty. Thor, at the same time crushed that formidable power hammer with his bare hands. Now, they should be busy fighting for the throne of Asgard."

For this matter, the Strange Academician has nothing to hide , said it generously.

After all, Thor is a member of the Avengers, so Iron Man, the leader of the Avengers, is entitled to know the truth.

"Thor also has an elder sister?"

Tony Stark revealed an undisguised shock.

Because he couldn't imagine how "horrifying" and "horrifying" it would be if a woman was as tall as Thor, with tendons all over her body.

Similarly, he also recalled that Alan once mentioned that Asgardians, especially members of the Asgardian royal family, tend to be more powerful with age.

In addition to hearing that Hela squeezed the Thor's Hammer with her bare hands, which she and the others couldn't even lift, she was even more certain of the hot-eyed picture she imagined in her mind.

Stephen Strange responded with a wry smile: "Yeah! Even I was frightened when I heard the news. And this eldest daughter of Odin is very powerful. , much more powerful than several Thors put together. So you better not expect him to suddenly come down from the sky with lightning to help us, he is very likely to take care of himself now..."

Before the bizarre Academician's words were finished, the sky above was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! !

A silhouette landed firmly on the ground under the glare of white lightning.

He is none other than Thor, the god of thunder with a storm axe.

As soon as the new king of Asgard landed, the first thing he did was roar: "Where are the lackeys under Thanos? Get out of here! I'm going to let you guys out today! a debt of blood must be paid in blood!"


The scene was very embarrassing for a while.

Especially the bizarre Academician who asserted that Thor was too busy to take care of himself, the whole person froze in place, with two big words written on his forehead - shame.


As the Supreme Master of Kama Taj and the Guardian of the Time Stone, to make a wrong prediction in this matter is definitely a social death.

Looking at Mordo, who was trying to hold back his laughter, he knew how much he lost.

It is estimated that no one will believe the prediction from his Supreme Master's mouth.

In contrast, Tony Stark was obviously very happy, went straight to the front, patted Thor's shoulder hard, and greeted with a smile: "Hey! Thor, long time no see. I heard that you have had some conflicts at home recently, have you resolved them now? By the way, your new axe is good, and it looks much more powerful than the previous hammer."

"Of course! It is a Divine Item created by the Dwarf King himself. By the way! What about Thanos' subordinates?"

Thor first showed off the storm axe in his hand, and then quickly patrolled all around, wanting to Find enemy trails from streets that have been completely destroyed.

"Don't look for it. Thanos' men are gone. And they successfully kidnapped Vision." Iron Man angrily admitted his mistake.

In his opinion, this is all because of his own numbness and carelessness, and the other party succeeded.

"Vision?! Damn it! Didn't Thanos get another Infinity Stone." Thor's face changed instantly.

Because after having Infinity Gloves, every time you get an Infinity Gem, Thanos' strength will increase exponentially.

When the six are gathered together, he will become a god that no one in this universe can match.

By that time, it's too late.

"Don't worry! The Time Stone is still in our hands." With that said, Tony Stark turned and pointed to the Eye of Agamotto that hung from the Strange Academician's neck.

Since Stephen Strange has used its power in the battle just now, everyone knows the terrifying of the Time Stone.

It is a treasure that can manipulate time at will, and even change the past, present and future.

"no! It's too late! You don't understand how powerful Thanos is. He's the most dangerous, craziest guy in the universe. Even my father Odin, when talking about Thanos , will show strong fear." Thor shook the head, no longer the slightest optimistic spirit before.

In other words, the battle with the elder sister Hela has made him mature and understand that there are enemies in the universe that he cannot match at all.

And Thanos with Infinity Stones and gloves happens to be one of them.

Just when Iron Man was about to ask about the current state of the universe, Strange Academician suddenly interjected: "Is Alan in Asgard right now?"

" en? How did you know Alan was in Asgard?" Thor was obviously taken aback.

"Well, it looks like I guessed right. He should have made some sort of agreement with Odin and Gouyi to refuse to take part in this Infinity War."

"You're right. Alan made some deals with my father Odin before, so it helped prevent the All Gods turn to Dusk from destroying the whole of Asgard, while also taking my elder sister Hela. But after doing these things, he's gone. No one knows where he's gone or what he's going to do."

Thor did not Any intention of concealment, generously said everything he knew.

After all, he is now the new king of Asgard, and he must stop Thanos from collecting all six Infinity Stones, and then use a snap of his fingers to eliminate more than half of the lives of the Exterminating Universe.

apart from this , he still has a blood debt to Dwarf Race that needs to be repaid.

In order to do all this, it is definitely not enough to rely on one's own strength. It is necessary to unite as many allies as possible.

In Thor's eyes, the Avengers who have fought side by side several times are naturally the best candidates.

"In other words, he helped Asgard avoid a crisis of destruction?" Strange Academician narrowed his eyes and analyzed.

Thor's subconsciously nodded: "Yes! If it weren't for him, I can't imagine how Asgard would have been saved from such a terrifying catastrophe."

"Isn't that right? It means that he is standing idly by now, actually exercising and testing us, whether we have the ability to surround Earth's safety?" Stephen Strange put forward a hypothesis.

"Test?" Iron Man also showed a looked thoughtful expression. "It sounds a bit like his style."

"I think this may be a precursor to his departure. Don't forget, Alan and the city in the sky behind him were originally a group of dimensional travelers They've been in our universe for a long time, and it's not worth making a fuss about nothing to leave now."

After getting enough information, Stephen Strange began to try with further inferences.

He felt that behind Alan's unusual actions, there must be some secrets that he didn't know.

It's a pity that Gu Yi died too quickly and suddenly, and he didn't have time to explain his death.

In other words, some secrets were never intended for him to know.


Iron Man's heart suddenly froze, and he began to touch the chin to think about this probability.

Because he's used to having Alan's bottom line in everything, he's a little afraid that if the other party suddenly disappears one day, is he really capable of protecting the safety of Earth and humans?

At least for now, he's not very sure about Thanos.

Wanting to understand this, Tony Stark immediately rubbed his swollen forehead and asked in an uncertain tone: "If your speculation is true, then what are we going to do next? ? Or to put it another way, how far do you think Alan will come forward to clean up the mess when we fail?"

"I don't know. He is an elusive dimension Demon God, in our wisdom, fundamentally impossible really guessed his intentions. The most important thing is that in the infinite possibilities of the future, I have never seen his silhouette. So I suggest that you better not have any unrealistic fantasies. This time, we may I really can only rely on myself."

Stephen Strange obviously knows that Iron Man and Alan have a very good relationship, and it can even be said that most of the magical battle clothes with amazing formidable power on him now have more than half of them. It is all due to the massive magical knowledge and technology of the Sky City, so I took the initiative to remind it.

Tony Stark's indifferent expression responded: "I understand. Relying on external interference to defend Earth will not last long, and sooner or later we have to take our responsibility. Even more how, Alan has Enough has been done."

After saying that, he glanced at the mage, aliens and members of the Avengers who were present, and felt a little more calm in his heart.

Of course, apart from this, there are also those Nine Headed Snakes that are hidden in human society and are constantly cleaning up the huge tumor capital power that has become parasitic in society.

Since these days, almost no politicians from European and American governments have jumped out to engage in moths, and it is basically the credit of the Red Skull.

There is nothing on the world that is more efficient than killing the entire family.

Although very cruel, savage and rude.

Especially after going to the depths of the universe and seeing the huge interstellar empire that Sakura built with his own eyes, John Schmidt is like crazy, and he starts seeking instant benefit and can't wait to get Earth. All the capitalists above are wiped out.

This can be seen from the stock market in the United States, which dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, and the securities companies on Wall Street that are constantly closing down every day.

Not only that!

Those secretly funded politicians also began to emerge in the political arena, crowding out the territory of those traditional political elites in large numbers.

It can be said that the original plan to transform Europe and the United States has reached at least 60% to 70%, and only the last sprint is left to succeed.

And all these changes stem from Alan's support and intervention.

So even Tony Stark, who had more expectations, didn't think he was qualified to ask Alan to do more.

In this way, after everyone got together for a brief discussion, they finally formed a squad, took the spaceship newly designed by Stark Industries Group, and chased the ebony throat to the depths of the universe.

Their goal is to save the kidnapped Vision before Thanos gets the Spirit Treasure Stone.

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