Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1206

Titan, the home planet and birthplace of Thanos.

An incomparably brilliant civilization was born here, but in the end it died out due to lack of resources.

It is also that he has witnessed his own race depleting the resources of the entire planet as the population continues to expand, and Thanos would not have such a strong sense of crisis, and at the same time believes that he is responsible for restoring the entire universe to balance responsibilities.

Simply put, this guy was stimulated by an unimaginable outside world, so that the original three views completely collapsed, and finally he was completely twisted and embarked on a Road of No Return.

According to psychology, Thanos is a typical mental patient.

But the problem is that his ability and potential are too amazing, and his mind is extremely smart, so he has gradually formed his own theoretical basis and logical system.

In his opinion, killing half of the life in the universe by himself is completely just, so that the remaining people can survive better, instead of repeating the mistakes of Titan.

But Thanos never thought, what qualifications does he have to make decisions directly for thousands of planets and races?

Unfortunately, there is no turning back.

Right now, this man with blood on his hands is standing alone on the surface of the deserted Titan star, raising his chin and looking at the city covered in sand in the distance, and two 3 minutes have passed. Without looking back, he asked, "So, the task I gave you is only half completed?"

"I'm so sorry! The power that Earth humans currently possess is beyond our imagination. Not only the Avengers, but also those Inhumans left over from the Kree's genetic modification experiments, as well as Kama Taj's mages, all joined together. Maybe it's not a big problem to deal with one or two alone, but if To deal with them all at the same time, just the two of us can't support it." Ebony-throated one-knee kneels explained helplessly.

"No! I'm not blaming you, I just want to know about Earth's current resistance." Thanos waved his hand indifferently.

On his infinite glove, which had many empty grooves, there was a red reality gem and an orange soul gem.

There is no doubt that this guy has been to the void in the depths of the universe and sacrificed his daughter Gamora.

Four of the six Infinity Stones, not five, are already under control, and are only one step away from snapping your fingers.

As a complete lunatic and idealist, Thanos has never felt so close to that "great" ideal.

As if extending the hand can reach.

As for the captured vision, it has been imprisoned on the ground by the power of the space gem, no matter how hard or how hard it is, it cannot pass through a small blue diaphragm.

Because which thin arm represents two completely different spaces.

Perhaps after he has fully mastered the power of the Spirit Treasure Stone, he can still have a chance.

But now...

Vision is like a little kitty locked in a cage, allowing the other party to play with it at will, and even struggling is regarded as a kind of "cute" ".

That's right!

This is the original sin of weakness and weakness!

Obviously, Thanos is not in a hurry to get the fifth Spirit Treasure stone, but seems to be waiting for something.

And Ebony Maw took this opportunity to describe all the opponents he encountered, and even called up the video data captured in the spaceship.

When he saw Tony Stark's steel battle clothes that combined technology and magic, Thanos said with a blank face: "I knew that he would not let me take it too easily. To all the Infinity Stones."

"You mean... these people were deliberately brought up by Lord Alan to oppose us?" Ebony-throated cautiously probed.

"no! It's not specifically against us, but Earth's power to resist foreign invasion. He is using us to put pressure on these people to test whether those avengers, aliens and mages can protect Earth and Protector. To put it simply, all of this is a game for him."

When he said this remark, Thanos' eyes were as deep as deep water, and the original image suddenly appeared in his mind. The deal the two had reached, and Alan's unabashed excitement and joy at the time.

There is no doubt that he is now a prey being targeted by hunters.

Alan will never come off the field until he's got six Infinity Stones and snaps his fingers.

But when the fingers snap, it is the beginning of the battle between the two futiles.

In this universe, no one can stop it.

If it were someone else, I might be afraid to fight against such a powerful enemy.

But Thanos is not afraid at all, but rather be eager to have a try.

After all, in his eyes, the whole meaning of his life is to permanently eliminate more than half of the population and achieve a perfect balance between resources and life in the entire universe.

After completing this ideal, it may be a good choice to end everything with a tense and exciting battle.

Thanos will not forget how miserably they were suppressed in the previous battle between the two, and it can even be said that they were completely powerless to fight back.

But now, he not only has Infinity Gloves, but he will also collect all Infinity Gems soon, so he definitely has a chance to be ashamed.

Just when Ebony Mow was about to say something, a short sound suddenly came from the communicator, followed by the General Deathblade, who was in charge of guarding the space orbit, and immediately reported: "Those Earth The people on a spaceship finally caught up! In about ten minutes, they will land on the ground."

"Oh? Is it finally here..."

There was a glint of contempt in Thanos' eyes.

Because he never regarded these "superheroes" on Earth as his opponents, because they were not worthy at all.

To be precise, there is always only one opponent identified by Thanos, and that is Alan who is waiting for him to complete his ideal at the end.

"Please give me another chance to bring back the last time gem for you." Ebony throat touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

You don't need to ask to know, he's quite brooding about running away on Earth, so he wants to take this opportunity to get it back.

But Thanos gently shook the head: "No, there's no need for that. Since they've come to the door by themselves, I'll tell them that, given the gap in absolute strength, who has no number? Meaningful."

While speaking, he walked alone to Vision and said in a sympathetic tone: "I'm very sorry, child. Although this is not my intention, I still can't Instead of killing you, take the Spirit Treasure stone from your head. This is a sacrifice that must be made for a greater purpose, just as I killed my most beloved daughter, Gamora, with my own hands.”

"Daughter...daughter? Kill yourself!"

The young Vision was instantly shocked and terrified by the amount of information contained in this sentence.

"Yeah. It's sad and painful, but it's all a price that has to be paid.

Have you seen this desolate planet with depleted resources?

It used to be my hometown, and it used to be so beautiful.

But with the continuous growth of the population, countless resources were rapidly consumed, until one day the population exceeded the capacity of the planet. The highest limit that can be tolerated.

At the time, I once proposed to draw lots in the fairest way, and then kill more than half of the population, so that the other side can survive and continue civilization.

Otherwise, the final result can only be destroyed together.

Unfortunately, those leaders did not accept my opinion at that time,

They were frightened and chose to take the initiative to choose Run away.

As it turned out, I was the last person in the group to survive.

Be aware that the lottery I proposed was absolutely fair, regardless of gender , regardless of age, background and social status, including myself.

Since then, I have vowed to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

This universe There are too many intelligent life forms in the world, and it has exceeded the limit that the universe can carry. What I have done is to restore the balance of the imbalanced scale.”

Perhaps because the ideal is about to be realized, there are also Possibly seeing Gamora fall off a cliff and die alive, Thanos is more sentimental than usual today.

In normal times, he would not bother to explain his original intentions and experiences to anyone.

"But that's not the reason for your massacre! What right do you have to stand in the position of aloof and remote to decide the fate and life of others?" Vision asked angrily loudly.

"Reason? Rights? None of this matters to me. What matters is that I now have strength, unshakable will and determination. You are a kind-hearted man who loves life, It's a pity to stand on the opposite side of me. I'm sorry, I'm going to take the Spirit Treasure stone from your head now, and end your short life."

With a low voice, off Ba canceled the space isolation, grabbed Vision's neck and lifted it up.

The other hand also slowly approached the Spirit Treasure Stone, ready to forcibly snap it off his forehead using violent means.

You must know that Vision itself is a body that Ultron created for itself, and it has an extremely complex circuit structure inside. Even if it is damaged just a little bit, it will cause it to lose its existing personality and memory.

The latter is better to say, but if the former is lost, the vision is no longer a vision.

At the crucial moment, an astonishing force suddenly appeared out of thin air, directly knocking Thanos out, and after rolling on the ground for several times, he barely managed to stabilize himself. shape.

When he got up from the ground, he saw Alan who had just walked out from the other side of the space rift.

"What do you mean?" Thanos' eyes suddenly shot out extremely dangerous rays of light.

Because for a moment, he even felt that this was a signal to start the war in advance.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to stop you from collecting the rest of the Infinity Stones, I just don't want a kind-hearted newborn baby to be killed by your extremely brutal means."

Speaking, Alan raised his hand and gently wiped Vision's forehead.

The next second...

The Spirit Treasure Stone was removed with no difficulty.

Alan didn't show even the slightest desire for the Infinity Stone, and threw it at Thanos.

The latter caught it subconsciously and put it directly into the groove of the infinity glove. The whole figure seemed to be inhaling snuff, and closed his eyes and twitched slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, Thanos had obtained the power of the Spirit Treasure Stone, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, showing a very satisfied expression: "so that's how it is. I thought you were going to I have to tear up that agreement."

"You're overthinking it, I don't have the habit of tearing up agreements and promises. Even more how, I would like to ease the gap between resources and population by controlling population growth. Interested in the contradictory subject and desperate to know if it will work. Oh, by the way, don't take it too hard later. I don't want to rush over and resurrect the dead."

After saying this, Alan ignored Thanos' reaction and dragged Vision disappeared without a trace directly.

"The subject? Is this treating my ideals as a social experiment?"

Thanos was not a fool, and immediately sensed the intention expressed in Alan's words.

But he didn't have time to calm down and think about these complicated issues. Instead, he looked up at the small spaceship that was intercepted by the breakthrough and hit the ground like a cannonball.


With a loud bang, this Earth's first-generation spaceship with Space Jump technology, designed and manufactured by Tony Stark himself, stood up straight. It came to a hard landing, smashed a big crater on the ground on the spot, and slid forward about fifty meters.

Fortunately, the force field device was activated in advance. Except for a huge groove in the bow part, the rest of the equipment, especially the vital power engine, was basically not damaged.

When the spaceship was completely stopped, the Avengers headed by Iron Man first filed out, followed by a few Inhuman elites led by the Magician and other mages and the Shockwave Girl.

It is not difficult to see from the personnel composition that in order to catch up with the annular spaceship of the ebony throat, they did not have time to recruit more people, and just simplified the original strength of the team a bit.

Looking at the pale-yellow Heart Spirit Treasure stone on the Infinity Gloves, Tony Stark's heart suddenly sank to the valley, resisting his anger and asking, "Where's Vision? What do you do with him? What?"

"Vision? Ah! You mean that interesting mechanical being. He has sacrificed for a greater purpose and ideal." Thanos deliberately concealed what just happened thing.

Because it was part of his agreement with Alan.

Until the other party does not violate it, he will not take the initiative to violate it.

"Sacrifice? Bastards! For Vision! For the blood debt of the dwarves, I am going to chop off your head here today." Leaping high, holding a storm axe, set off a terrifying thunderstorm.

The incomparably powerful energy immediately shocked everyone present.

After all, the last time he fought side by side, he was far less fierce than he is now.

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