Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1207

There is no doubt that Thor's active attack means the official start of an all-out war between Earth and Thanos.

No matter what Tony Stark was thinking, he must now be on the same page as Thor.

As a result, a battle to decide the fate of half the population of the entire universe broke out on Titan.

All of a sudden, the Avengers, Inhumans, and mages all played their cards, trying to steal the Infinity Gloves and the five gems embedded on them from Thanos.

And Thanos has his sights set on the last Time Stone in Strange Academician's hands.

The two sides, you come and go, ravage this deserted planet unscrupulously.

I saw Thor, relying on his awakened Divine Force, and the storm axe he had just built, constantly launched a life-threatening impact on Thanos.

Almost every attack, it can force the opponent to play twelve points to deal with it.

And Stephen Strange, with the magic of Myriad Transformations, assists and pinches from the side, creating attack opportunities for Thor and the Inhumans.

As for the extremely mobile little spiders Peter Parker and Quicksilver, they are like two lightning bolts that shuttle back and forth on the battlefield, or they can cause trouble for Thanos, or bring wounded Companion retreats.

The cooperation between each other, even Iron Man, the leader of the Avengers, couldn't help clicking one's tongue in wonder.

But considering that these two youngsters normally team up as vigilantes to deal with rampant criminals and gangsters, it doesn't seem surprising to have such a close tacit understanding.

It's a pity that the little spider's sensitive reaction and intuition, as well as the speed of Quicksilver, can't play an unexpected effect in the face of Thanos who holds five Infinity Stones.

Especially the space gem and the reality gem are enough to make the two of them unable to even get close.

When Kuaiyin felt that his attack was about to succeed, either he found that he was blocked by an invisible space barrier, or he kept a step away from Thanos no matter how much he ran.

And this step is so close, yet worlds apart.

The former is known without asking, and is blocked by the power of the space gem, while the latter is a modification of the reality gem to what is going on right now.

apart from this , as well as the unrivaled terrifying power of the Power Stone, the Spirit Treasure Stone can read and modify the consciousness of others at will.

The power of just two Infinity Stones has already made these superheroes on Earth feel what is called overwhelming power.

No matter what means they use, in the eyes of Thanos, it is no different from child's play, as if a high mountain is standing there, and it is impossible to be pushed down by a few arrogant monkeys under the mountain.

Even Strange Academician tried to use the power of the Time Stone several times to repeat the successful case of imprisoning Dormammu in the time loop, but it was eventually cancelled by the power of several other Infinity Stones. declare failure.

Seeing that the attacks of his teammates were easily resolved by Thanos, Iron Man realized that he had to do something to salvage the decline, and took the initiative to take out the super weapon of Trump card, a Magic Magic A bomb crafted from Talisman.

Although this thing is only half the length of a human arm and about the thickness of a beer bottle, when it appeared, everyone present felt an indescribable fear.

Thanos smashed Thor into the air with one punch, and his expression instantly became extremely serious: "Are you sure you want to take this risk? If you detonate here, no matter whether it will work for me in the end, you companions All of them will die in an instant, and no one can escape."

Hearing this, Thor, who had just climbed up from the ground, immediately became extremely nervous and asked loudly: "Stark! What are you taking?"

Not only him, but everyone around him stopped fighting and looked towards him.

After all, no one dares to ignore the destructive power that a super genius who combines technology and magic can create.

even more how, Iron Man has a lot of "convictions" in this regard.

Some of these weapons tests, even S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council felt tingling in their scalps.

In other words, this guy is a natural flame hair master from in the bones, and his innate talent in weapons is far higher than other aspects. Come up with something that could have devastating effects on Earth and humanity.

Feeling that the vigilant eyes around him were staring at him, Tony Stark took a deep breath and explained: "This is a super energy created by strong interaction. Shock bomb. It can ignore all space and Energy Shield blocks, directly destroy the nuclei of all surrounding matter, and eventually evolve into a reaction that I call annihilation. Although I don't know what Infinity Stones and Infinity Gloves can do To what extent, but I can guarantee that when it is detonated, everyone on this planet will be impossible and safe."

Obviously, the raw material of this bomb is the one that Alan gave to him before. Iron Man's Eye of the Titan shard.

And the so-called strong interaction force is the strongest one of the four basic interaction forces in the legendary universe.

Also known as the nuclear force, it is the basis for the combination of protons and neutrons within the nucleus to form matter.

The mass-energy equation and nuclear weapons use the destructive force released when the strong interaction collapses.

In other words, Tony Stark used the principle of nuclear fusion to turn the Eye of the Titan into an alternative super magic energy bomb.

Once detonated, let alone the planet under your feet, even the nearby planets will be affected.

The most terrifying ones may even form large black holes that continue to spread, consuming the entire galaxy completely.

"Tony Stark, you really deserve to be a person cursed by knowledge, you can create such amazing weapons with limited technology." Thanos praised without hesitation.

Because he suddenly found out that the other party was actually a bit similar to himself, a genius in his own race, and he could feel the huge crisis hidden under the calm surface.

More importantly, the other party also has an extremely strong sense of mission and is willing to sacrifice his life at a critical moment to fulfill his responsibility to the entire race.

"Why, are you afraid?" Iron Man sneered provocatively.

"Afraid?" Thanos looked at the head indifferently, slowly raised the arm with the infinity glove, and asked meaningfully: "I guess you have even what infinity is now. You don't know the gems, right? Maybe in your eyes, the Infinity Stones are just a simple energy aggregate, just like the reactor on your chest made of the isotopes of the Rubik's Cube."

"Isn't it? ?" Tony Stark narrowed his eyes probed.

As the other party described it, he really didn't quite understand what the Infinity Stones were.

Because of Earth's current technology level, let alone the Infinity Stones, which is the original material of the universe that is still being explored by high-level alien civilizations, and even the Space Jump technology of those bad streets. Reverse engineering also encountered a number of difficulties.

If it weren't for the large amount of theoretical knowledge and experimental data stored in the Sky City library, it would have taken even Iron Man at least ten years to build the first prototype.

Among all Earth people at the venue, the only one who can truly understand the power of the Infinity Stones is the strange Academician who is the current Supreme mage.

And this understanding is only a little bit of fur.

Of course, Thanos isn't that strong either.

But compared to these humans who have been trapped on Earth for many years, his intelligence network is spread throughout the universe, and he knows many secrets that Earth people don't know at all.

For example, those who have obtained the Infinity Stones once, and those civilizations who forcibly studied the mysteries of the Infinity Stones, resulted in the occurrence of terrifying disasters.

By collecting, collating and summarizing this information, Thanos has developed a clear understanding of the power of the Infinity Stones.

The only regret is that among all the six Infinity Stones, only the Power Stone fits him the best, and the remaining five are barely used with the Infinity Gauntlet.

Looking at the intense thirst for knowledge in Tony Stark's eyes, Thanos lit up the Power Stone, Space Stone, Reality Stone, Soul Stone and Spirit Treasure Stone in turn, and then with a low voice Said: "No, of course not.

The Infinity Stones are not as simple as you think.

In other words, each Infinity Stone represents the ultimate high condensation of the universe. Rules.

Their energy represents the energy of the entire universe and is inexhaustible.

This also means that unless the bomb in your hand has The power is enough to destroy the entire universe, otherwise there is no way to threaten me.

I can use the pure power of the power gem to destroy the energy shock generated by the detonation of the bomb in your hand;

It can be teleported to another galaxy with the Space Gem;

The explosion can be turned into a beautiful firework with the Reality Gem;

Can be changed with the Spirit Treasure Stone Your mind and consciousness;

You can use the Soul Stone to strip your body and soul.

In short, unless you also have the Infinity Stone, there is no way to fight it.


So give it up, your bomb is meaningless to me except that it can be used to commit suicide and kill my companions."

"Then yours" "What about the children? Don't you care if they live or die?"

Speaking, Tony Stark glanced at the five obsidian generals who were standing not far from Ebony-throated.

"They?" Thanos couldn't help showing a contemptuous expression. "What do you take me for? You know that in order to realize this great ideal, I even pushed my beloved daughter off the cliff with tears and sacrificed in exchange for the soul gem. In fact, my children and I have long been Be prepared to embrace death. As long as the universe can be brought back into balance, it doesn't matter if you kill me afterwards to vent your anger."

"That's right! Dedicated to this great cause Life is our honor." Ebony throat without the slightest hesitation expressed his loyalty and attitude.

There was not even the slightest fear of death in his eyes, only the calmness of death.

No selfishness!

No greed!

There is no desire for power and wealth!

At this moment, all the superheroes from Earth realized that they were facing a group of enemies.

The young spiders, Quicksilver and Shockwave were shocked speechless, and even had a little admiration for the enemy.

There is no doubt that this is a group of guys who have broken away from vulgar tastes and raised their lives to a very high level.

After realizing this, Iron Man immediately forced himself to calm down, and blunt asked: "So there is no room for negotiation or de-escalation between us?"

"Yes. Didn't you expect this result from the very beginning? Especially the Guardian of the Time Stone, who has the ability to spy on the past and the future. He should be the clearest."

Speaking of this remark , Thanos turned his attention to the bizarre Academician again.

The latter subconsciously touched the Eye of Ago Moto hanging on his neck, and smiled wryly and looked at the head: "I'm sorry, I'm not a qualified Guardian yet, or I'm still in the internship period. , I can't master its power very well. Apart from this, our Kama Taj mages have a unique understanding of time, and will not peep into the future at will, so as not to be immersed in unrealistic fantasies and unable to extricate themselves. "

"It seems that you are very smart, much smarter than most people. You know? Time is the most wonderful force in this universe. Some people think that mastering time is equivalent to mastering the past, Now and the future. But they don't know that time, this thing, is never static. Many times going back to the past and changing the present brings not a better outcome, but a worse outcome. So your caution is worth it Praise. But now, hand over the time gem. Too many people have died painfully today, and I hope you can become the living half under an absolutely fair selection."

Said , Thanos slowly stretched out his other hand and asked Strange Academician for the last time gem.

At this time, he was so confident and strong, and his eyes were full of sadness and pity.


This madman, whose hands are stained with the blood of innocents, who has carried out massacres on countless planets, even has feelings of grief and pity.

This alone is enough to prove how serious his mental illness is, even to the point of being close to a split personality.

Feeling the heavy pressure from the powerful enemy in front of him, even the calm and composed Stephen Strange couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

Although Thanos just extends the hand, neither approaching forward nor intending to snatch.

In the end, under the fierce struggle, he finally recalled what Gu Yi once said to himself when he was learning magic.

When the enemy is unprecedentedly powerful, you might as well rest as naturally as running water.

Only in this way can Earth and the continuation of human civilization be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

After all, the goal of Thanos is to only want half of the population of Destruction Universe, not really to destroy Earth and human beings.

So, with Iron Man's unbelievable expression, Strange Academician slowly took off the Eye of Agamotto hanging from his neck, and placed it in the palm of the enemy's palm with trembling hands.

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