Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1208

"no! !!!! Don't give him the Time Stone!"

Seeing that Thanos got the last Infinity Stone, Vision, who was brought back to the Sky City by Alan, immediately expressed despair cry.

Because he felt the other's crazy thoughts and unshakable will like a rock at close range.

This also means that, including Earth, more than half of the life in the universe will disappear forever.

This is an absolutely unacceptable outcome for a vision that loves life so much.

But unfortunately, he can't do anything right now but watch it all happen.

Not to mention vision, even Thor, Iron Man Tony Stark and others on the scene were shocked by the sudden surrender of the strange Academician.


Actually, in their eyes, this is an absolute betrayal.

But Thanos' face showed the same relief as an "old father": "Choice wisely, Mage. You avoided a battle that was doomed to fail, and at the same time saved those who tried in vain to resist companions. of life. Believe me, after half of life is gone forever, the whole universe will be reborn. Those who survive will have more resources, no longer have to suffer from poverty and hunger, and they will be better off than before. And Those who disappear will not feel any pain."

"I am not interested in your so-called lofty ideals. The reason for doing this is to avoid the war on Earth. Supreme Mage's The responsibility is the Protector-like civilization, and you already have the power to destroy it."

Stephen Strange ignored the strange eyes of others around him, and blunt gave the reason.

Although he knew that he would be the missing part the moment he snapped his fingers.

"Don't worry, I don't have any ill will towards Earth and human beings. Or, I never thought of destroying any race or civilization, I just wanted to help them get out of the gap between population expansion and resources. Trap."

While speaking, Thanos slowly took out the green time gem from Agamotto's eye, raised it above his head and felt the rules and energy contained in it.

It's a pity that his thoughts are destined to be incomprehensible to a race that will suffer the loss of half of its population.

Thor, who had just become the king of Asgard, jumped up at this opportunity, focused all of his Divine Force into the storm axe in his hand, and instantly released a dazzling lightning to thunder. Wan Jun's force fell fiercely.

As a simple man, he doesn't care about the big things, he just wants to make sure that the Asgardians don't suddenly disappear in half out of thin air, and at the same time avenge the dwarves who died tragically.

At the same time, Tony Stark also moved.

First, she gave Daisy, the leader of the aliens, a wink, and the latter immediately understood, and brought all the compatriots, Quicksilver and little spiders and other rising stars, and returned to Earth through the teleportation ability that ignores distance.

Watching that no one else had left, Iron Man raised the extremely dangerous bomb in his hand and pressed the launch button without the slightest hesitation.


With a loud bang, Thor's axe fell first, but it was easily caught with one hand by Thanos who had been prepared, and at the same time A gem on the Infinity Gauntlet emits a red glow.

You don't need to ask to know that he used the power of the Reality Gem to modify the attributes and terrifying destructive power of the Storm Tomahawk, making it completely harmless. Boss hacked to death.

The reason is simple!

In the original plot, Thor was not so much the power to kill Thanos as it was an unexpected sneak attack.

Otherwise, he is not qualified to challenge the opponent at all.

After all, Thanos, who holds Infinity Gloves and five Infinity Stones, has long since gotten rid of the limitations of a single universe and has risen to the level of a multiverse.

Even in the face of those more powerful existences, they can be invincible.

And his seemingly simple snap of his fingers is actually not simple.

First, the ability of the Spirit Treasure Stone is needed to perceive one's own intentions, that is, to eliminate more than half of the life in the Exterminating Universe;

Secondly, use the Power Stone to provide sufficient energy;

Again, use the Reality Gem to erase the half-life body and traces of existence;

Follow the power of the Space Gem to expand the scope to the entire universe;

Finally, use the soul gem to destroy the soul, and modify the timeline at the same time to kill all the probability that reverse this result.

This not only requires extremely strong physical fitness, but also requires almost terrifying willpower.

Otherwise, if you snap your fingers, the Hulk will not lose an arm, and Iron Man will lose his life for this.

" is this possible!"

For Thanos to catch his strongest blow with only one hand, Thor showed unprecedented shock.

You must know that even in the face of the powerful elder sister Hela, he was not as powerless as he is now.

But soon enough, before Thor came back to his senses from the shock, the bomb fired by Iron Man flew close.

The next second...

The dazzling violet rays of light symbolizing the Arcane energy are instantly released from within, becoming billions of times brighter than the sun overhead.

And it expands to all around at an unobservable speed with naked eyes, tearing and decomposing everything it encounters along the way, including the gravel ground, air and garbage underfoot, into protons and medium. , and exudes terrifying energy that words cannot describe.

Compared with it, the nuclear fusion technology mastered by Earth humans is as ridiculous as a child's toy.

If nothing else, these energies will eventually devour the entire Titan star, spread around, setting off a terrifying storm, and finally collapse inward to form a unique and unmatched special black hole.

Look at Tony Stark sitting on the ground with his buttocks on the ground, his eyes revealing the infinite nostalgia for life, he knows that he is ready to perish together at the moment of detonation, and there is not a single bit of it. I want to use teleportation magic to escape.

Because now, the surrounding space, matter and energy have become extremely unstable, and can even be described as violent.

There is no way to cast any magic and similar superpowers at all.

Just when Thor and Iron Man thought the enemy was dead, the latter's infinite gloves suddenly lit up with green rays of light.


Everything around seems to have entered a reverse turn of time. The terrorist bomb that had been detonated went straight back to before it was detonated. Thanos grabbed it in the palm of his hand and commented with a chuckle: "Not bad bauble. .But I said it didn't work for me."

"The Time Stone?! When!" Tony Stark's mouth widened in surprise.

Because he obviously didn't see the other party insert the last Infinity Stone into the groove of the glove.

"It's very simple, because I modified reality. Now, I can finally realize my great ideal of yearn for something even in dreams."

Speaking, Thanos punched He kicked Thor out in front of him, followed by snapping his fingers without the slightest hesitation.


Accompanied by the crisp sound, Stephen Strange's body suddenly turned into dust and blown away in the wind.

Obviously, he was "lucky" to draw that one-half chance.

Not only him, but also the Death Blade and Proxima Centauri of the Obsidian Five Generals have also become victims of this catastrophe.

It's just different from the unwillingness of the strange Academician, they knelt on the ground and offered the last blessing to Thanos, and then disappeared contentedly.

Apart from this, the Earth countries are also horrified to find that the population on their own territory has evaporated by half out of thin air, and it is decomposed in an incomprehensible way under the watchful eyes of the public.

Such a completely random death has directly created tens of millions of orphans around the world who lost their parents at the same time, as well as a large number of elderly people who lost their family care.

The social structure has become extremely chaotic and on the verge of collapse.

Some countries even had to deploy crippled armies to maintain order.

Especially those so-called democratic countries that implement the one-person-one-vote electoral system have lost so many professional politicians and bureaucrats all at once, causing government functions to be almost paralyzed.

There is neither enough manpower to hold new elections nor a way to keep the existing government afloat.

Of course, more terrifying was the economic collapse that followed.

After all, Earth has lost the general population in an instant, which means that the general labor force and the consumption power are reduced by half.

Combined with the absolute fairness of Thanos, these disappearing people are completely random.

Some of the more unfortunate countries die more of youngsters, causing the population to become over-aged in an instant, and the existing taxes are simply not enough to feed so many old people.

Anyway, this snap of fingers sent Earth into chaos.

The contradictions between the major powers also have to give up confrontation and turn to cooperation as they are in crisis.

Because there is no country or system on Earth that can deal with such extremely bad emergencies.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the artificial intelligence and robotics technology Alan shared at the beginning can perfectly solve the problem of labor shortage.

So while productivity is still guaranteed, there is no need to worry about famine or shortage of necessities.

On the contrary, after several big countries got together for a meeting, they unanimously decided to take this opportunity to promote fully automatic assembly lines and artificial intelligence robots to liberate humans from heavy manual labor.

As for those workers who are eliminated, they will move to other new industries.

In this close cooperation, whether Earth is economic, cultural, or military, it will inevitably begin to merge and slowly move towards integration.

After all, the snap of Thanos' fingers has directly awakened the high-level political elites of various countries, making them understand that the wealth, power and status in their hands are not enough to ensure the safety of themselves and their families.

Earth humanity must come together to deal with increasingly frequent and dangerous situations.

This time, Thanos only wiped out half of the population. What if next time someone wants to destroy all mankind?

The most important thing is that the Nine Headed Snake led by the Red Skull has attacked the multinational capital interest groups, knocking out those in the leading position, and the rest are hiding out of fear. , did not dare to continue making waves.

"Ah! Finally! I have fulfilled my dream! Now the universe is in balance!" Thanos had a contented expression on his face.

At this moment, he enjoyed so much that he completely ignored the fact that he rushed up to try to kill Thor, but just beat him back without any pain.

Tony Stark not far away, the circles under his eyes began to turn red, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Because battle clothes has just given a series of death lists, including Peter Parker, the little spider that he raised as a son.




These negative emotions flooded the brains of the two of them, making them completely lose their minds. They knew they were invincible like crazy, and they kept attacking, as if asking Thanos to kill them.

But Thanos didn't do that, just using the power of the Space Gem to teleport them back to Earth directly.

After all this was done, the tall and strong man sat down slowly and let the sand blow on his face.

About a few seconds, a space rift suddenly opened, and Alan walked out of it with a vision of extreme depression, and asked meaningfully: "Are you ready?"


"Of course! Thank you for your help, my dear friend. Look how beautiful this half-life-less universe is. It is no longer crowded and many resource-poor planets are slowly coming back to life." Thanos responded with a smile.

"Hehe, that's just your wishful thinking. I don't think halving the population will bring any change to the universe. Take Earth as an example, if it weren't for the power that destroyed capital, those blood The greedy people with the blood of evil flowing in the vessels will only intensify their efforts to squeeze and plunder the lower class people, and the gap between the rich and the poor will further widen. "

Speaking, Alan passed the wine bottle in his hand.

Thanos didn't say anything, took it over and pulled the plug, raised his head and gulped two mouthfuls, then wiped his mouth, shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Such a system problem, that's yours. Humanity's own business has nothing to do with me."

"no! You are wrong! I can guarantee that in this universe, similar things are definitely happening one after another. Because your actions destroy the social structure. The stability of the world will inevitably lead to disasters. Forget it, there is no point in arguing about it now. Come on, let's follow the agreement and have a spare no effort battle. Let me see you with six Infinity Stones , to what extent can it be achieved."

After saying this, Alan slowly pulled out his strongest sword, his face full of excitement and anticipation.

In contrast, Thanos seems to have seen through everything in the world, he has no mood swings at all, he just drank the wine in the bottle, and then stood up and moved his muscles a little: "If you Wish! But don't expect me to show mercy."

"show mercy? Are you underestimating me? Or do you think that with your shallow strength control over the Infinity Stones, really Can you beat me?"

As the last word blurted out, Alan threw the vision far into the sky and banished him into the gap between this universe and the Azeroth universe.

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