Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1209


With a deafening bang, Alan's promised battle with Thanos finally begins.

With just one punch, the crust of Titan star was torn into countless fragments under the impact of the extremely terrifying fist, and a large number of lava spewed out from the depths of the earth, quickly covering the surface.

From a distance, it looks like a broken egg on the ground.

Not only that!

The continuous spout of massive high-temperature lava has caused the magnetic field of the planet underfoot to become extremely chaotic, causing the remaining atmosphere and water to be quickly evaporated, and all kinds of rays from the stars are directly irradiated to the ground, destroying the last remaining trace of life.

Such a terrifying scene suddenly made the only spectator on the scene, Vision's eyes widened, and he could hardly believe what he saw.

Similarly, for the first time, he has a clear understanding of the power that Alan and Thanos possess.

As long as they are willing, both of them have the ability to easily destroy a planet, or even a galaxy.

After a tentative round of fighting, Alan felt the strength of the fist just now and asked with a smile, "Isn't this the extent to which you can use the power gem to the maximum? If yes, that would be so disappointing."

"Maximum? No! This is just the beginning."

Speaking, Thanos lights up the Purple Infinity Stones, smashed with fists fiercely.


An incomparable gigantic mass of energy falls from the sky like a meteorite.

Its diameter is no different from the Titan underfoot.

If it is really hit, then Thanos' hometown will disappear from the universe.

Of course, he can also use the Reality Gem and Infinity Gloves to create a brand-new, not abandoned Titan.

"hahahaha! That's right! That's it! I've been looking forward to this fight for a long time, and you must make me happy."

With unbridled laughter, Alan It didn't mean to dodge at all, but rushed towards this incomparable gigantic energy group.

The next second...

The entire world is instantly enveloped by a dazzling light!

A bright white appeared, and the Vision could see nothing, hear nothing, and couldn't feel what was happening outside.

I don't know how long it took.

Maybe minutes, maybe hours.

When the white light gradually receded, he finally saw that the original Titan had been completely disappeared.


Disappear rather than become hundreds of millions of pieces scattered in space.

You don't need to ask to know that the entire Titan star was forcibly crushed by the incomparable gigantic energy ball just now, into elementary particles that the naked eye could not observe.

It was replaced by a circular arena standing in space.

This is created out of thin air with reality gems, with the hardest metals in the universe as basic elements.

Even if Thor's storm axe is chopped up, at best it will only leave a mark, that's all.

But in the battle between Alan and Thanos, it may collapse at any time, and at best it can only be used as a foothold in battle.

"Is this the dimension Demon God? It can actually counter the power of the Infinity Stones..."

Thanos looked at Alan who was intact after the giant energy ball hit, his face For the first time, he showed a surprised expression.

Because according to his estimation, even if this blow does not cause any fatal injury, at least it will not be taken as easily as it is now.

Especially at the moment of impact, most of the energy is not released, but absorbed.

That is the violent energy of the Power Gem, and even Thanos himself, who holds the Infinity Gloves, has to endure the terrifying backlash when he uses it.

In contrast, Alan shook the dust on his face contentedly, stood up and asked meaningfully: "You seem surprised?"

"Don't I? Should you be surprised?" Thanos asked, narrowing his eyes. "You blocked an energy crash that could almost destroy a star system, and even sucked more than half of the energy into your own cells and stored it in an instant. As far as I know, there is no second person in this universe who can do it. This."

"Hehe, that just means that you didn't stand high enough and didn't see far enough. Do you know? This universe is actually diverse, and there are countless parallel worlds and Timeline, but also a dimension beyond time. In these places you don't know, there are hidden existences that even I need to be careful about. And the Infinity Gloves and Infinity Stones, at best, have just reached this threshold. even more how , you are still far from fully exerting the power of the six Infinity Stones. Let me demonstrate how to use the Infinity Stones."

Speaking, Alan suddenly raised his left hand high .


The Space Gem and Power Gem on Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet began to glow without warning.

Before he could realize what had happened, an energy group that was compressed to the extreme by space collided head-on.

bang! ! ! ! !

No surprises!

Thanos was instantly engulfed by this group of energy that seemed to be unremarkable at all, but was extremely terrifying when it erupted.

The terrifying energy storm ripped apart his body quickly, and not even a bit of blood flowed out during the whole process.

Because all the blood was rapidly evaporated, vaporized, and dissociated into particles that naked eyes couldn't distinguish under the sweep of the energy storm.


When most of his body had disappeared, he finally came to his senses, immediately used the time gem to rewind the time, and the next second after the rewind was completed, he turned his body sideways to avoid this small energy ball. , and then watched helplessly as it collided with another satellite not far away, and released a terrifying energy storm in an instant.

In less than a few seconds, this moon, which is almost the same as Titan, disappeared completely.

There is no doubt that the second, if only from the perspective of destructive power, the total amount of energy in the front and rear groups is actually similar.

But Alan uses space to compress it, so it is much more violent than uncompressed, and also has more destructive power.

But compared to these, what makes Thanos most unbelievable is why he responded to Alan's summon even though the gem was in his hands.

It's hard to understand!

"I think you must be wondering why I can control the two gems on the Infinity Gauntlet, right?" Alan took the initiative to throw the question out.

Thanos immediately nodded: "That's right! How on earth did you make it resonate with yourself without touching the Infinity Stones?"

"Very Simple!

Since the last time I collected all the Infinity Stones, I have established a very deep connection with them.

And this connection is not trifling an infinity glove It can be cut off.

Or to put it another way, the Infinity Gauntlet is just a medium. You do not have direct contact with the Infinity Stone, but instead borrow the power of the gem through the medium.

But I'm different.

I don't use any external medium to put my body in direct contact with the gems.

So when I make a request, in the priority of the infinity gems, stay away A higher level than you, the person who uses the medium.

Apart from this, you also do not fully understand the power of the rules that each gem represents, so this is the situation.

Actually, the power of the Infinity Stones is much stronger than you think, and what you are using is just a little bit of the power of the gems."

Alan is generous without any cover up gives the answer.

After all, even the entire universe of Azeroth was created with the power of the Infinity Stones, so his understanding of the Infinity Stones far exceeds that of the overwhelming majority who once held them.

even more how, when it comes to using the Infinity Stones, Thanos was originally not on the list.

It's just that he is the first person in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to collect all six, which makes him so special.

"Priority? You mean... Whoever owns the Infinity Stone can gain power from it?" Thanos' eyes flickered in shock and disbelief.

At the same time, he realized why Alan, after collecting all six Infinity Stones, dared to re-spread them throughout the universe.

Because even if you get six Infinity Gems, the other party can get stuck on the priority level, so that the snap of your fingers will not take effect.

"Yes. The Infinity Stones are more complicated than you might think, and they're not just a dead thing. When someone has a deep relationship with one of the Infinity Stones, even if they don't Holding this Infinity Stone can also gain power from it. And I found that you can't seem to activate two gems at the same time, so I judged that you simply don't have the power of the Infinity Stone, you are just borrowing it."

Alan blunt expresses his inferences and conclusions.

Obviously, although such Thanos looks very powerful on the surface, and can even crush many multiverse-level powerhouses, it is not enough to pose a threat to him.

The reason is simple!

The entire power of Thanos comes from the six Infinity Stones, and Alan prioritizes the gems far ahead of the other.

The latter can seize control of the gem at any time if they wish.

After listening to this remark, Thanos fell into a brief silence, looking down at the six sparkling gems on the back of the Infinity Gauntlet.

It took a full minute before he lifted the head and asked, "According to your logic just now, do I abandon the Infinity Gloves and use my body as a carrier to truly obtain the Infinity Stones? Recognition?"

"Maybe yes, maybe not. After all, abstract concepts like time, space, reality, power, mind, and soul, everyone has their own cognition and understanding, there is no so-called The correct answer. Whoever understands better and who can get closer to the essence will gain the upper hand in the control of the Infinity Stones." Alan shared his experience with a smile.

Obviously, although the current Thanos has the qualifications to fight with him, he is not strong enough.

He hopes that the other party can sudden enlightenment, and then become stronger, at least to the extent that he can truly threaten himself.

Otherwise it would be too boring.

Thanos also noticed it, chuckled and said with emotion: "I hope that the opponent in the battle will become stronger, your arrogance is really beyond the scope of my comprehension. Are you giving up your life and forgetting your death? Is it really able to bring you such great pleasure?"

"Why do I need to work so hard if I can't feel pleasure? Those words have already taken your understanding of the Infinity Stones a step further. Now, use them in battle and please me as much as you like. Otherwise you might really die..."

accompanied by The last word blurted out, and Alan rushed forward like an arrow from the string, raising the long sword in his hand and slashing fiercely.

If you get hit from the front, the whole person will instantly turn into a blood mist like being hit by neutron star matter, and disappear completely in less than 0.01 seconds.

Feeling the killing intent of Assaults the senses, Thanos raised his wireless glove without hesitation, instantly lighting up the Time Gem and Space Gem, directly pulling Alan's blow for an infinite length of time, as if forever You can't even reach your close self.

Following, the purple rays of light of the power gem also lit up, wrapping the entire hand with a layer of amazing energy, and finally moved towards Alan's chest and hit it down.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

With deafening loud noises and vibrations, the amphitheater underfoot, which was cast with the hardest materials in the universe, collapsed instantly.

And Alan himself also turned into a pop and disappeared directly into the depths of the vast universe.

It is not difficult to see from this combination of defense and attack that Thanos has gradually understood how to maximize the power of the Infinity Stones.

However, he did not feel complacent just because he succeeded, but once again created a platform out of thin air, standing on it and patiently waiting for the opponent's return.

About ten seconds or so, Alan passed through a Space Crack and drilled over from the other side.

I saw him gently rubbing the place where his chest was beaten, and commented with satisfaction: "It's a very good defensive counterattack. Especially the combination of space gems and time gems, even I can't do it in time. Reaction. Very good! I am very satisfied with your learning ability. Now, you have at least the probability to beat me, although it is small, but you are undoubtedly qualified to be the prey."


When Thanos heard the word, his pupils shrank suddenly.

With the ability brought by the Spirit Treasure Stone, he could clearly feel that he was locked by an invisible force, no matter how he escaped.

"Ah! That's right! I'm the hunter and you're the hunted. Now, let the fun hunt begin. Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you, I just want you to cooperate with me Finished this last play."

tone barely fell!

Alan pushes his speed to the limit.

After only 0.001 seconds, Thanos suddenly felt a heavy blow to his abdomen, the hard armor instantly deformed under the terrifying impact, and then his feet involuntarily lifted off the ground and floated in the air.

During the whole process, he didn't even catch the shadow of the other party.

But this is just the beginning. In just one or two seconds from floating to landing, he has endured tens of millions of beatings.

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