Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1212

"In the past, in order to eliminate half of the life of the Exterminating Universe, I did not hesitate to launch a brutal war, and constantly create all kinds of massacres. Now I am willing to sacrifice myself to protect this universe. Thanos is really a complex and contradictory person. But Fortunately, it's all over."

Watching Thanos' body collapsed and the dust left behind, Alan couldn't help but sighed slightly.

And judging from the final obliteration launched by the sacrifice of his life, his life has been truly threatened.

The Infinity Stones, as expected, have an unimaginable upper limit.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of Infinity Stone holders are unable to fully utilize their huge potential.

But it's different now. In Alan's hands, these Infinity Stones will become one of the most important cards against the God of the Underworld Hisoka En and the Trinity Vishanti.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and retracted the sword that was destroying the entire universe, and brought back the Infinity Stones that flew out just now by one by one summon, and activated the power of six at the same time, Bring this already almost ruined universe back from the brink of collapse.

Following, and using the time gem to resurrect the dead tyrant.

When the mad Titan woke up again, he immediately frowned and searched the chaotic memory, and it took a full minute before lifts the head probed: "Did something happen between us?"

"No, it's nothing. You have fulfilled your promise, and now you can enjoy the leisurely and peaceful rural life to the fullest."

Alan didn't give the other party a chance to ask questions again. Throw the blank infinity glove that was also repaired directly, then activate the power of the space gem and send it to the reclusive planet in the original plot.

As soon as Thanos' forefoot was sent away, Sakura walked over from the other side through the Transmission Gate and asked with great concern, "Are you all right?"

"I look like Is it okay?" Alan asked in a half-joking tone, pointing to the disappearing half of his body.

"Why let him touch you at the last moment? With your speed and reaction, you should be able to dodge easily."

Seeing that Alan is still in the mood to joke , Sakura's originally tense emotions immediately relaxed, trying to figure out what happened at the last moment.

Alan explained with a smile: "You don't understand, the last touch of Thanos used the power of the six Infinity Stones at the same time. In other words, he imprisoned the time, space and soul around me. , followed by the intervention of the reality gem to ensure that I cannot dodge, and finally use the Spirit Treasure stone to predict my next second action, and the moment I grab it, I activate the power gem to make me unable to break free. Unless I withdraw it The huge energy attached to the sword, otherwise it can only be let it grasp."

"That is to say...if his infinite gloves and body can withstand a little stronger, yours Will the consciousness and soul contained in the body really be wiped out?" A rare shocked expression appeared on Sakura's face.

Because before, no matter how powerful the enemy was, Alan never said that the opponent could threaten his life.

But this time, he actually admitted that Thanos, holding six Infinity Stones, is really qualified to kill himself.

"That's right! Thanos is the strongest opponent I have ever met. With your perception of magic, you should be able to perceive that the half of my body that disappeared was forcibly erased, Not destroy in the normal sense. So to repair it, it also needs to be done with the power of the Infinity Stones, like this."

As the last word blurted out, Alan held up the flashing multi -Gem of colored rays of light, lightly pressed near exposed internal organs.


Those inactive cells at the edge begin to divide and multiply again.

Although the pace is very slow, there are already signs of recovery.

"At this rate, how long will it take for your body to recover?"

Artoria also rushed to the scene at some point, releasing a ball of holy light to try to speed up the healing .

But unfortunately, these energies that are enough to bring people back to life have no effect at all.

"It's useless, don't waste your efforts." Alan stopped the kindness of the Dumb King. "It will probably take me a few weeks to two or three months to clean up the residual killing power. Before that, let's make do with other things for a while."

"Other things?" Sakura Eyes A flash of color flashed.

Alan smiled nodded: "That's right. Before I met you, I had been to many worlds and learned all kinds of strange abilities, such as using cells to make a A special creature like Avatar, and then let it fill in the missing part of his body. As long as you are careful, you should not see any traces."

Before he finished speaking, Alan removed a little of his own cells from the body. It is extracted from the body and injected with a huge amount of life energy.

In the blink of an eye, this group of cells squirmed and proliferated wildly, and gradually evolved into a large pool of shallow white Unknown Creature.

Before Sakura and Arturia could react to what happened, the mass of white matter climbed up along the half of the body that disappeared, and quickly changed its form, eventually making Alan become the same. Normal people are no different.

Even the light white color quickly darkened within a few seconds after the shape was fixed, blending perfectly with the skin at the junction.

"Wood Dun?"

Sakura had obviously checked the information on ninjutsu in the library, and called out the name of this group of cells in one bite.

That's right!

It is a derivative made with Mudun.

"en! Although it's a bit fragile and can't withstand too much energy, it's barely usable as a temporary prosthesis. At least it's much stronger than those mechanical ones."

Alan moves his arms and fingers made out of wood dung cells.

Of course, this "fragile" is relative.

In fact, even with the Mudun prosthesis, he can still easily hit the stars with one punch.

Only when dealing with Thanos who has collected all six Infinity Gems, or Demon God of those dimensions, he will not be able to exert his full strength.

Apart from this, Alan has another option, which is to "fit" with his own half, the Red Dragon Queen Verna Lazas.

However, considering that after solving Thanos, Earth will enter a relatively long-term peaceful development period, and there will not be any too powerful enemies for the time being, so this alternate option has been shelved for the time being.

"Are we going to prepare for the final battle in this world?" asked Sakura blunt.

"That's right! Go and hand over your cosmic empire to Nine Headed Snake. After my body recovers, I'll use three connection points to connect Vishanti and the place where Hisoka, the god of the underworld, is located. Come together. I want to see how interesting fireworks will erupt when the sources of black magic and white magic collide."

As he said this remark, the corners of Alan's mouth were slightly upturned. A chilling smile.

"Where's Wanda? She hasn't decided whether she wants to join the team and leave with us." Arturia couldn't help reminding her.

"Don't worry, give her more time to think and choose. It doesn't matter if she chooses to stay instead of leaving with us. Anyway, when Hisoka Eun dies or is severely injured, this guy will be lost Control over Wanda. Remember, not everyone has the courage to abandon the familiar environment, life and people, and bravely embark on an unknown journey. Both you and Sakura lost everything in their own world. But Wanda Different, she also has a twin brother, a poor, backward, and desperately needy motherland."

Alan expressed his full understanding of Wanda's hesitation.

After all, the so-called "love" between the two is still at a stage that has not yet started, and he can't make any promises.

Therefore, Wanda will never be like Sakura, who was brought up by herself since childhood, or Artoria who longs to end the endless cycle of death and wants to go to the New World to start her life, almost without the slightest hesitation agreed to join.

"In other words, the only person who left with us in the end was probably the hated Hela?"

"No way! Who made this the promise I made to Odin. Of course, if Hela's performance doesn't meet expectations, I don't rule out the possibility of leaving her halfway. After all With so many interesting worlds, there are always places that are full of darkness and despair." Alan touched the chin with a smile of proven mystery.

Hela is a tyrant, there is no doubt about that.

But a tyrant does not mean that he cannot rule a country or the world properly.

In Alan's mind, there are too many worlds for this dead Goddess to rule even more desperately.

For example, the famous classic dark anime - Wind Sword Legendary.

That world was completely ruined by Demon God. Humans fought against fate like ants, but in the end they always ended in tragedy.

If Hela is left in such a place, then she will definitely start a killing spree, slaughter all the Demon Gods, and establish an order of death.

As cruel as these orders may be, they are far better than what they have endured before.

"Darkness and despair? Does such a world really exist?" Artoria's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Believe me! Worlds full of kindness and order will always be a minority, and most of the worlds are full of strife and fighting. As for the darkest, human beings are like playthings, freed by Demon Gods at will Playing. Their efforts to defy fate are as ridiculous as a clown in the eyes of Demon God." Alan blunt answered in the affirmative.

If he really arrives in the world of Wind Sword Legendary in the future, then he will never mind to kill and stage a doomsday judgment against Demon God.

Let these formerly aloof and remote chops have a good taste of life rather than death.

When Artoria heard this remark, she immediately subconsciously clenched the saber at her waist: "Promise me! If you really come to such a world, please give me the right to move freely."


"No problem!" Alan agreed without hesitation.


Just as the universe had just experienced an unprecedented catastrophe, the people on Earth knew nothing about it.

To be precise, they didn't realize that in another timeline, they had been completely annihilated by the sword shot by Alan, and they were still busy dealing with the crisis brought about by the sudden disappearance of half of the world's population.

And those vested interest groups with few remaining capital finally couldn't bear the crazy infiltration of Nine Headed Snake and the brutal cleansing of extinguish sect at every turn. intention.

As a great man said, this thing of capital is inherently weak and compromising.

Although it once set off waves again and again in the world, capitalizing all resources and commodities, even "people" are no exception.

From colonization, genocide and plundering in the age of navigation, to the competition for raw material origin and market in modern times, to the plundering of the entire world by financial means in the information age...

May After actually encountering a ferocious organization like Nine Headed Snake, its fragile nature is exposed.

After all, there are only a handful of people at the top of the pyramid who really control capital in the world.

When their identities were exposed and slaughtered wildly, this set of rules that only served a few people immediately showed signs of collapse.

In addition to a snap of Thanos' fingers, Earth's population evaporated by half, many of which are great characters in the capital world, which made the original crisis even worse.

In desperation, this group of hidden guys finally elected a delegation and went straight to the Nine Headed Snake headquarters in Europe.

And the Red Skull just wanted to see if the other party was willing to surrender, and chose to meet the delegation in the underground secret Conference Hall.

After polite and simple greetings, the two sides sat at the oval table and started this important negotiation that will determine the future direction of human society.

As a representative of the global capital group, he took the lead in taking a deep breath as an old Jew in his seventies, staring at the face not far away that made him have nightmares when he was young, and took the initiative to take the initiative to take a deep breath. He opened his mouth and said, "Mr. John Schmidt, it is a great honor to be able to see you after a long absence."

"Oh? Have you seen me?" Red Skull showed a puzzled look .

Because in his mind, there is no memory or impression of the other party at all.

"Yes! As you can see, I am a Jew. So I was fortunate to meet you in the ** concentration camp. Compared with the other compatriots who were detained at the time, I was more fortunate to escape. A catastrophe has passed." The old man deliberately stated his experience in a casual tone.

"Concentration camps? Ah! so that's how it is. You and your compatriots are indeed born traitors. You know? I've thoroughly understood your history, and the Jewish people after World War II. What have you done, the more you feel that the Führer's decision was correct. It's a pity that a demon in human skin like you escaped in the end." Red Skull shrugged his shoulders with great regret.

The man who led the development of Nine Headed Snake made no secret of his hatred of Jews.

If the Jewish old man in front of him does not represent the capital interest group behind the world, he will even immediately make up for the things that were not done in the past.

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