Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1213

"Devil? You call your hands covered in blood. I'm a little uncomfortable. At least my compatriots and I didn't slaughter so many innocent people, we were just making money through various means."

Faced with the death threat of the famous Red Skull, the Jewish old man was very calm, and he could even refute with reason.

Obviously, he was ready to die from the beginning.

After all, Nine Headed Snake was once a close ally with a ** who hated Jews so much. Both sides shared the same values and philosophies.

But John Schmidt sneered unceremoniously and sarcastically said: "Yeah! You don't really have blood on your hands like me, but it's not because of how noble you are. , but you are better at hiding your vile tricks. If I just kill people, then you are eating people alive. Also, don't think I don't know that you are trying to build your own in the Middle East. The country has used many disgusting methods. And in order to avoid being expelled and excluded again, it does not hesitate to use the power of public opinion to dress itself up as a victim. Goebbels' propaganda theory and the head of state's ethnic cleansing, You really have learned everything from the past."

"So what? Now the whole world thinks that we Jews are one of the most intelligent and united nations in this world. , and even a large number of people worship us. But your Nine Headed Snake and ** Germany have been nailed to the pillar of shame in history."

When talking about this remark, the Jewish old man There was a glimmer of undisguised pride in his eyes.

There is no way to be unhappy!

As an old man who has personally experienced the whole wave of European piety before World War II, he knows all too well what has happened in these short several decades.

To be precise, it was the power of Jewish capital that completely reversed the world's perception of Jews.

This is clear from the difference between the description of Jews in Shakespeare's book The Merchant of Venice and the description of Jews in modern society.

And the method they used was the theory of Goebbels, the German propaganda minister.

To sum up in one sentence, a lie told a thousand times is the truth.

By adding a series of content such as Jews are good people, Jews are smart, Jews are good at learning, etc. in various film and television works, forcibly a group that was originally hated by people and disliked by dogs has become It is a group that has quite a lot of energy on a global scale right now.

As for what was done to the local aborigines in the Middle East, it was not much worse than that of the ** concentration camps.

By constantly launching small-scale, low-intensity attacks, they constantly eroded the land and wealth of the local people, drove each other together like sheep, and then imprisoned them.

After all, according to international regulations, it can be called a "war" only when the number of wars and deaths have reached a certain level.

Before this, unification was called "conflict".

Most ordinary persons who don't know the truth will feel fear and disgust when they hear the war, but they will often show disdain when they hear the conflict.

"hahahaha! You are more courageous than I thought. Very good, I like brave people. But unfortunately, you and the capital forces behind you will completely withdraw from the stage of history. Got it. Do you know? There are only a dozen or so groups that really control the capital power of this world, and of the dozen or so groups, almost half of them have been delisted. What you spent more than a hundred years building, I only It took me a few months to subvert it with no difficulty. I could even kill thousands of you disgusting jews at any time if I wanted to. But I didn't do it, you know Why?"

When saying this remark, the Red Skull leaned forward slightly, and his eyes flashed with chilling rays of light.

"Why?" cautiously probed by a Jewish old man.

Perhaps sensing danger, he immediately became cautious and alert.

The reason is simple!

So far, these capital interest groups still don't understand how far Nine Headed Snake has developed and how many people it has on a global scale.

Where do those technologies far beyond human society come from?

Why did the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. both give up the pursuit and siege of Nine Headed Snake not long ago?

Since the return of the Red Skull, the entire Nine Headed Snake organization has been like a giant beast shrouded in fog, and outsiders can't see the whole picture at all.

The unknown is sometimes the most dangerous and scary thing.

Admiring the changing expression on the other's face, John Schmidt stood up and walked straight to the other side, whispering in the old man's ear, "Because I'm working for someone you can't even imagine. powerful existence to serve. His will is as irresistible as the will of God to you ants who believe oneself infallible. Most importantly, there is no place for you in Earth and the future of mankind. Your destruction is doomed Yes! No matter how much you struggle, nothing will change."

"Who is he?"

The Jewish old man lifts the head sharply.

Obviously, one of the purposes of his trip was to find out who was behind Nine Headed Snake.

"Sorry, you filthy maggot didn't deserve to know his name. Well, now let's talk about the terms of your surrender. Remember! You only get one bid, if you can't let me If you are satisfied, then there will be no room for negotiation from now on. I promise, I will sweep you into the garbage heap of history with my own hands."

After that, the Red Skull turned back to his seat, dragging With interest on his chin, he looked at the group of guys who had been soaked with sweat.

These people who represent the interests of capital have now lost their way and don't know how to speak.

Fear and despair are filling their every nerve.

The situation is completely beyond the expectations of the capital controller!

In their opinion, they took the initiative to throw an olive branch to seek peace, Nine Headed Snake should choose to cooperate with themselves without the slightest hesitation, and then subvert state power on a global scale, little by little to realize the ambition of ruling the world with dreams.

But who would have thought that the current Red Skull is not a real ambassador at all, but an executor.

At the same time, he also despised Earth, a small place, and was already preparing to accept the huge interstellar empire established by Sakura.

After being silent for a quarter of an hour, the Jewish old man at the head took a deep breath and took the initiative to say: "As everyone knows, this world revolves around interests. So I think You know, if we give up control of the world, can we keep our current property and personal safety?"

"You still want to keep your property?" A hint of mockery appeared on Red Skull's face.

"What about the other half? What about one third?" The Jewish old man obviously didn't give up.

After all, as a "smart" and "cunning" Jew, if he doesn't bargain, how can he be worthy of his innate commercial innate talent.

"Forget it, I shouldn't have any expectations for you people at all. Let's be honest, if you don't want your whole family to die, the easiest way is to hand over all your property and keep the More than $200,000 in deposits, and make sure that no more than three generations are engaged in any business related to finance, politics, and media public opinion. If you agree, we can conclude a truce today, and Nine Headed Snake will monitor your commitments.” Red Skull blunt gives its own conditions.

If the property is lost, the controller behind these capitals will lose the most important wealth.

Without the dominance of media public opinion, it is impossible to control the thoughts and sources of information of the ordinary person, let alone cultivate them into crop after crop of high-quality leeks.

As for cutting off the connection with politics, it is directly digging the roots of capital.

You must know that the so-called capitalism, in the construction of the ruling system, is to retain the fundamental of the transaction of money and power.

Otherwise, how can the capital that controls the wealth influence the power from the government?

It can be said that John Schmidt's condition is equivalent to directly and fundamentally eradicating capital, the cancer that has plagued human society for hundreds of years.

At least for several decades, it is impossible for a new batch of huge capital interest groups to emerge.

If human society cannot enter the next stage in the blank period of several decades, it can perish by itself.

There is no doubt that this is absolutely unacceptable to the existing capital group.

The Jewish old man headed by the delegation even raised his beard in anger, and clenched his fists and asked: "If you want to use a single sentence, you will take away the accumulation that took us hundreds of years to accumulate. wealth, connections, and influence?"

"no! Correct! Those things don't belong to you at all, but were exploited and plundered from those ordinary people. You can choose to reject me, but the result is That is, I will kill all of you, including all women, old people and children, and completely cut off your bloodline in this world." Red Skull opened his mouth and said with a bloodthirsty threat.

If he is not in a hurry to get out and go to the faraway depths of the universe to take over the huge interstellar empire, he would actually prefer to stay here and play slowly with this group of capital controllers, bringing each other little by little closer dead end.

But unfortunately, there is not that much time to waste now.

"Aren't you afraid of us either the fish dies or the net splits?" The Jewish old man's tone was full of anger and unwillingness.

“either the fish dies or the net splits? Do you mean those European and American governments that are struggling to maintain basic domestic order? Or those dictatorial warlords you support? You are believing or not, I As long as the elite squads are dispatched to perform beheading operations, with no difficulty can they control many countries and subvert their regimes? Capital is weak, and this can be seen from the Second World War. Any country that implements downright liberal capitalism , whether it was Britain or France, collapsed soon after the war. On the contrary, the United States, which implemented state capitalism, Germany, which had a wartime economic system, Japan, and the Soviet Union, which mobilized the whole people for socialism, supported it to the end. ."

John Schmidt, a veteran, undoubtedly saw the nature of the Second World War better than anyone else.

What kind of bullshit liberal capitalism is preached in modern society.

This set has proven to be a complete failure as early as World War II.

Let's not say anything else, just look at which countries have recovered the fastest after the sudden disappearance of the general population on Earth, and which countries are still in chaos, naturally obvious at a glance.

All countries that advocate the so-called "small government" and "autonomy" basically have each one.

The high quality that is normally promoted in the "disaster" is also revealed in the Monster Revealing Mirror.

On the contrary, those countries with strong political power and centralized power can quickly restore order in their countries and adjust their internal economic and industrial structures to ensure the supply of food and daily necessities.

It can be said that from the moment Thanos snapped his fingers, the capital group of human society lost the bargaining chip.

The state apparatus that used to provide them with martial power protection can now handle domestic riots, not to mention the Nine Headed Snake that appears and disappears unpredictably.

In the end, the Jewish old man headed by repeatedly made several phone calls and argued fiercely, and united with some people to give up the struggle in order to save the lives of himself and his family.

After all, you have everything in life, but nothing in death.

As for those who do not intend to surrender, but continue to resist to the end, they can only seek more blessings for themselves.

Looking at the list and property list he just got in his hand, John Schmidt couldn't help but cracked his mouth and showed a smile of excitement and joy, and handed it directly to Lena who was standing behind him: "Take it. Come on! You should know how to do it."

"In three days at the latest, I will give you a satisfactory explanation." Reina hurriedly took it over and rubbed her chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

With her extraordinary wisdom and ability to do things, she has stood out among the new generation of snakeheads and entered the scope of the Red Skull's investigation.

If nothing else, this woman who likes to wear floral dresses will soon get a high-ranking position in the future cosmic empire.

"Do well, don't let me down, and don't let Lord Alan down."

After saying these words of encouragement, John Schmidt immediately crossed the road and stood there. The Transmission Gate in the central hall has reached the other side, or another planet.

It also looks a little chaotic here, as Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out more than half of life in the universe.


As a new empire built on pure violence, Sakura's deterrent power has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so after a short period of disorder, it quickly recovered.

Right now, groups of soldiers are standing patrolling the streets, and small fighter jets are constantly passing overhead.

Once any suspicious behavior is found, they will immediately go to the scene of the incident and arrest the person concerned.

If you resist...

You will be blasted to pieces by energy weapons in minutes.

Under Sakura's dictatorship, human rights never existed.

Just when John Schmidt was very satisfied with what he saw in front of him, an alien walked over and made a standard military salute: "Your Excellency Prime Minister! According to your order , I have sent the fleet to patrol all the important planets in the territory of the Empire to ensure that all the riots will subside in a short time."

"Very good! Keep it up!" Red Skull calmly Nominate.

It can be seen that the reason why he can control the power now is all because Sakura Zhong announced that he has been granted the status of under one person above ten thousand people.

Those aliens are not so much obeying John Schmidt as they are showing allegiance to Sakura.

Of course, the Nine Headed Snake leader who is good at playing with power has not been idle, and has begun to place his own personnel in some key positions one after another.

He knew that Sakura would never come back as queen again.

If you can't become a real Leader as soon as possible, you will be brutally eliminated soon.

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