Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1214

Crisis and opportunity are like a pair of twins, always appearing together and disappearing together.

Although Red Skull is very clear that if he fails this time, then waiting for the ending of the entire Nine Headed Snake organization is to disappear forever, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

After all, Earth people are always only a very small number in the universe.

The rule of the few by the few is an extremely dangerous move without absolute martial power.

But John Schmidt couldn't resist the temptation to rule a vast cosmic empire.

Exactly, for someone like him, power is as important as breathing.

If he had no power, he would rather die himself.

Similarly, for the first time I came into contact with a huge interstellar empire involving countless planets and galaxies, the social structure and governance of all kinds of Earth on Earth obviously have no reference value.

The reason is simple!

A policy that can allow a small country with a population of several million to live and work in peace does not mean that it can be perfectly adapted to a large country with a population of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

When the population and land expand countless times, the difficulty of governance will increase exponentially.

This is also why the social contradictions of big countries are always more and more acute than those of small countries.

But now, Nine Headed Snake is facing a cosmic empire with countless races and a territory spread over several huge galaxies, and the internal problems of this empire have been suppressed for a long time. Like a sealed volcano.

When Sakura was around, there would be no major problems.

But if one day, those aliens know that their invincible queen will not come back, then all the dissatisfaction, greed and desire suppressed by the powerful martial power will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

apart from this, as well as different languages, different beliefs, different customs, different values...

The more I understand this interstellar empire that has been forcibly kneaded together, The Red Skull has a growing sense of crisis and urgency.

He understands that his time is running out.

"Brock!" John Schmidt, who was staring at the star map in a daze, suddenly shouted without looking back. "How long will it take you and your men to fully control a main fleet?"

"The manipulation of those alien battleships is too complicated, it will take at least two months." Crossbones thoughtlessly give the answer.

"But I can't wait two months! You should know the state of the Nine Headed Snake organization as a whole. We have to establish ourselves as Supreme before those aliens react. The rebellion will grow bigger and bigger like a snowball." Red Skull calmly stated his current situation.

Two months to master a main fleet?

How long will it take to control more than half of the entire empire's military power?

A few years, several decades, or hundreds of years?

When the time comes, let alone rule, you can go directly to the funeral.

Crossbones is undoubtedly very aware of what the leader of the family is worried about, and explained helplessly: "No way, I have too few people at hand. Especially, I have to be loyal to Nine Headed Snake. One, you can eliminate more than 50% of the guys. If you can, I suggest that you better recruit some aliens to join our team. In this way, the efficiency can be doubled several times in an instant.”

"Absorb aliens?"

Red Skull touched the chin and fell into contemplation.

It's not that he didn't think about it, but he wasn't sure to let these advanced civilizations with advanced knowledge and technology believe in the ideas that Nine Headed Snake advocates.

"We have to try to find out. And I think this is our only choice at the moment." After that, Crossbones placed one hand on his chest and bowed deeply to persuade him.

As the most loyal core member of Nine Headed Snake, he hopes more than anyone that John Schmidt can lead the entire organization to complete this leap from quantitative change to qualitative change.

"Okay, then do as you said. But at the beginning, you must be careful, you must show any clues." Red Skull hesitated, and finally chose to agree.

In this way, Nine Headed Snake begins another crucial transformation.


At the same time, in the Avengers headquarters in New York, a group of superheroes, including Iron Man Tony Stark, are frowning gathered together.

But compared to before, there are almost half of the people here.

In addition to the scarlet witch Wanda who stayed in the city in the sky, and the vision that was thrown to the outer planet, the little spider Peter Parker disappeared, the strange Academician Stephen Strange also disappeared, the black Leopard T'Challa also disappeared, as did winter warrior Bucky.

apart from this, the Hetero-Human Race also has about half of the population disappear from the face of the earth.

Not to mention the sudden loss of half of Earth's population.

Such a heavy loss makes these people, who are normally used to taking saving the world as their mission, feel unprecedented pain, frustration and depression.

Especially Thor, the god of thunder who had just been crowned king, had already received the news that Asgard had reduced almost half of its population out of thin air, and was sitting on the sofa with his hands over his face, not knowing how to go back to face him. To those who have lost their husbands, wives, children, fathers and mothers.

I don't even know how to explain to my friend the Dwarf King why he failed to deliver on his promise of revenge.


terrifying silence!

It seems that even the air has become frozen.

It took more than ten minutes before Tony Stark finally broke the silence and took the initiative to say: "I'm sorry, guys, I let you down, and I let this world down."

"No, it's not your fault."

Captain America has undoubtedly seen the video of the battle and understands how tricky and terrifying the enemy Thanos is this time around.

He can guarantee that even if he goes to war, the outcome will not be much different.

Not even the power of an Infinity Stone can stop it.

"What should we do now?" Coulson touched his almost bald forehead, his tone dazed.

In the past, he believed that S.H.I.E.L.D. was too constrained by the International Security Council to fulfill its responsibility of encircling Earth.

But this problem can be solved simply by joining the more powerful Avengers.

But now it seems that in the face of truly terrifying enemies, the once invincible Avengers will also have times when they can do nothing.

"I don't know! Thanos has obviously achieved his purpose and left us with a huge mess. If nothing else, countries will start to promote the integration process and eventually form Start an Earth Federation." Tony Stark rubbed his slightly swollen forehead.

From the two swollen dark circles, it is not difficult to see that he has suffered from severe insomnia in the past two days, and he basically hadn't slept much.

Because as soon as you close your eyes, the faces on the dead list come to mind involuntarily.



Reproach yourself!

All kinds of negative emotions plagued this genius who had problems in his heart.

"Earth Commonwealth? Will the capital groups behind Wall Street allow the government to do this?" Coulson's tone was filled with strong doubts.

As an out-and-out old American, he is all too aware of the virtues of this group of vested interests and those politicians.

It is better to expect them to do something that benefits the country and the people than to expect dogs to eat shit instead.

"It's up to them. Don't worry, someone has cleared all the obstacles for us. Next, a new chapter in human history will be opened."

When he said this, Iron Man's originally frustrated eyes revealed a little bit of anticipation.

After all, from a long time ago, he longed for Earth human beings to break down the barriers of national, ethnic and religious beliefs and completely integrate together to form a whole.

It is somewhat ironic, however, that problems that were not resolved in peaceful times are instead being promoted in the current great crisis.

In a way, it's a blessing in disguise.

"Ai, I hope so."

Natasha sighed slightly, her thoughts drifting back to her daughter.

She is very lucky, neither herself nor her daughter are being wiped out by Thanos snapping his fingers.

In contrast, Hawkeye, who didn't come at all, lost his son and daughter, and the whole person is charging ahead like crazy, and now he is killing those profiting from somebody's misfortune gangs and gangs. Mafia, to vent the emotions inside.

"Thor, when are you going back?" Steve Rogers lifts the head, glancing at the decadent Thor.

The latter raised the bottle, gulped down the expensive high-quality whisky, burped, and smiled wryly at the head: "No! I don't plan to go back. If you don't mind, I hope to settle down in Earth."

"Settle down? Damn it! Are you trying to escape?" Iron Man raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Escape? No, I just don't think I'm qualified to be king of Asgard. Maybe it would be better for my mother to rule, at least she has enough wisdom and patience. Oh , by the way, if you see Alan show up, remember to notify me immediately. I'm going to ask him face to face, why do I stand by this matter."

As the last word blurted out, Thor held the Empty wine bottles fiercely tossed towards the wall not far away.


The glass bottle collided with the wall, shooting out countless pieces of trivial glass that fell to the ground.

It can be seen that he is full of resentment towards Alan.

"By the way, Pietro, hasn't Wanda contacted you recently?" Tony Stark suddenly remembered that Alan took Quicksilver's twin elder sister with him before disappearing.

The latter hurriedly hooked the head: "No. She hasn't contacted me since she left last time."

"Then did she mention it to you? To leave forever, or to do something unusual like a goodbye?" Tony Stark continued to ask.

This time, Kuaiyin thought about it for a long time, and finally replied: "She promised me that if she decides to leave, she will greet me in advance. But when she left this time, she didn't have such an intention for the time being. . So I think Wanda should not have left, but for some reason, it is not convenient to contact us."

"Tony, have you found any problem?" Black Widow was keenly aware of the steel Xia's unusual reaction.

“en! A little nodded. I feel like Alan is planning an amazing move. Remember what he said earlier about the origins of Wanda’s Primal Chaos Demon method? Nope Unexpectedly, the target he wants to deal with this time should be Hisoka, the god of the underworld. Killing Domamu before was an attempt to confirm whether the dimension Demon God can really be killed.”

Tony Stark was quick to say his guess.

After all, he is one of the very few people present who really understands Alan's character, and also knows many secrets about the multiverse and the dimensional Demon God.

"God of the Underworld? Isn't that the guy I met in another world last time..."

Hearing the three words Hisoka En, Coulson immediately involuntarily hit him. He shivered, and there was fear and despair in his eyes.

He will never forget the whole process of watching a world corrode, degenerate and collapse.

I can't even imagine what kind of purgatory it would be like if a Heaven and Earth ball was also infiltrated.

Compared with that vision, Thanos's painless way to wipe out half the population can be called benevolence.

"About this dimension Demon God, how many records does S.H.I.E.L.D. have?" Captain America asked directly.

"I hold that very much. The only thing we know so far is that Hisoka En is a very, very old Demon God, so ancient that even Dormammu can only be regarded as his descendant. This, he is also the creator and source of the dark magic of the entire multiverse, and the dark sacred book made by him can allow anyone to obtain unimaginable and understandable knowledge, magic and technology from it."

As for the question of idols, Science Ersen didn't hide his secrets at all, and generously said everything he knew.

Because he has experienced it personally, he knows that the Underworld God cannot be dealt with by any person or organization on Earth right now.

even more how, the Supreme Mage who originally performed this duty has now disappeared with a snap of Thanos' fingers.

It is estimated that the masters who stayed behind in Kama Taj are going crazy now.

"How does it compare to Thanos?" Captain America asked in an uncertain tone.

Coulson replied with a wry smile: "For us, like Dormammu, Hisoka En, Thanos with the six Infinity Stones, there's nothing fundamentally different. Because whoever it is. , as long as you stretch out a finger, you can run over us like ants with no difficulty. Although I'm not quite clear why Thanos finally let Stark and Thor go, it's definitely not his inability I want to kill you, but simply don't want to."

"Fake! In the end, I still need to find Alan and get the answer from his mouth."

Tony Shi Tucker rubbed his face angrily, picked up an unknown magic device from the table and pressed the start button.

Unfortunately, in the end, the installation did not respond at all except for the projection of a gray mist.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the result of not being able to connect to another terminal.

But it does not rule out the possibility that the opposite party is not willing to connect at all.

In fact, this is not the first time, so Iron Man did not show impatience, but tried to link again and again, until everyone else was completely disappointed, one by one got up and left. to...

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