Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1221

Earth, the new magic Holy Land.

A group of young apprentices ranging from twelve to seventeen years old are gathering in the center of an oval open square, trying to build a connection between themselves and magical energy according to the teacher's teaching.

Some of these children with high innate talent can already vaguely control energy to change matter.

Although these changes were so small that they were almost imperceptible, Mordo, who was observing from a distance, still showed a relieved smile.

Since the end of the war on Titan, he has returned to Earth to concentrate on building Earth into a powerful civilization where technology and magic coexist in accordance with his ideals.

And based on this, let my little by little savings, explore those unknown corners of the universe, until one day I find a dimension without a master, and then abandon my body to merge into it, and become a Demon a member of God.

Of course, the meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and becoming a dimension Demon God also has to be done step by step.

For Mordo, the most important thing at the moment is to train these apprentices to become independent mages.

After all, his biggest rival, Kama Taj, has now lost its most important leader, the Supreme mage, Stephen Strange, and is in unprecedented chaos.

Everyone didn't know what to do or who to lead, and even the operation of the Temple was paralyzed.

Although within Kama Taj, there have always been people who disagreed with Gu Yi for conferring the title of Supreme Master on a rookie before his death.

It was only when something happened that they found out that the strange Academician had been unconsciously and shouldered the responsibility and mission of Supreme Master.

When he disappeared, no second person could stand up and carry the banner.

Mordo hopes to completely establish his position in the magical world of Earth during the few years when Stephen Strange disappeared.

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on his face, and without turning his head he said to the followers behind him, "How many apprentices have we recruited?"

"One thousand five hundred people, Master. This is already the limit we can bear at present. You should know that although the magic system we are currently teaching is not as dangerous as the original Kama Taj, it still needs to be arranged. A large number of people keep an eye on the curious little fellows. Since their admission to the present, we have discovered at least 30 secret summon ceremony held in private, and more than 50 damage caused by unauthorised magic. Some of them almost turned themselves into idiots!"

A middle-aged man in his mid-forties, sighed slightly, blunt spoke of the predicament Holy Land is currently facing.

Obviously, these teenagers from ordinary families, who have not been exposed to magic since childhood, and have not received systematic training, have no idea about the dangers of magic.

So it is very troublesome and laborious to manage.

If the number of apprentices continues to expand, there is no telling when terrifying fatalities will occur.

At that time, the positive perception of magic was finally established in human society, which would soon have negative effects.

"Then let's maintain the status quo for the time being." There was a hint of regret in Mordo's tone.

You don't need to ask to know that he wants to continue to expand the number of apprentices.

After all, the larger the base, the greater the benefits when this batch of apprentices graduates, and the future development speed will be faster and faster like a snowball.

By the time Stephen Strange returns, everything has been settled.

When he thought that it would not take long for him to reach the height of the ancient one and become the leader of the Earth magic world, Mordo felt like a flame was burning in his heart.

Just when he was extremely excited and excited, a large amount of silver-gray ignorant energy suddenly spewed out of thin air from the center of the building under his feet, spreading all around at a speed visible to naked eyes.

And this kind of energy has never been seen by all the mages present, including Mordo himself.

When this energy collided with the source of Earth's magic, the entire planet seemed to come alive, countless animals and plants began to mutate uncontrollably, and a large number of individuals with magical power bursts emerged in human beings. .

In just a few minutes, the human society, which had only experienced a catastrophe, was once again plunged into turmoil.

Looking at the magnificent scene in front of him, the middle-aged mage who was reporting his work to Mordo asked in a slightly trembling voice: "Big...Master! That feeling is coming again! What is this? What's going on?"

"Don't ask me! I don't know! But this kind of neutral energy without any attributes is somewhat similar to the source of magic on Earth. Maybe... that lord has already It has reached a height that we can't imagine. And all this is the gift he gave us."

When he said this remark, Mordo's tone was extremely excited, and he opened his arms to absorb these silver coins frantically. Gray energy.

The powerful feeling like omnipotent made him deeply intoxicated.

You don't need to ask to know that these silver-gray energies are exactly the chain reaction produced by Alan in the entire universe after he perfected his neutral magic field.

In fact, not only Mordo, but Tony Stark at the seventeenth meeting of the Earth Federation Preparatory Committee also felt it.

He didn't even care about the speech in progress, he ran off the podium and rushed outside. Lifts the head stared at the constantly wandering energy surrounding the atmosphere, and immediately asked the artificial intelligence he carried with him: "Friday! What the hell is going on here?"

"Sorry, sir. I've only detected a massive magical energy enveloped around Earth so far, and it's starting to affect all flora and In the past few minutes, more than 3,000 magical rampages have occurred around the world. This energy seems to be indiscriminately intensifying all those with magical innate talent."

Succeeding Jarvis Friday, the new AI steward, gave the answer right away.

"Magic energy? Report its possible harm and potential threats." Iron Man frowned subconsciously.

As a mage, he naturally couldn't feel such a huge amount of energy, but he couldn't figure out where this energy came from.

After just a second, digital models and calculations were completed Friday, and the report immediately reported: "So far, this energy has not caused any damage, but has created a shield on the surface of Earth. layer, which can effectively resist dangerous creatures from other dimensions and spaces. But potential threats still exist! That is, animals and plants that have been enhanced by energy, and people who have fallen into magical berserk."

"Kama Taj And Mordo's reaction? Didn't they take action?" Tony Stark continued to ask.

"Karma Taj was in a semi-closed state after Stephen Strange disappeared, with little contact with the outside world. I don't think there would be too many of them if they wanted to help . As for Mage Mordo, he should have been busy bringing those people who have runaway magic power back for training. After all, those who can awaken magic power at this time, without exception, have quite good innate talent.”

Hearing Friday's analysis, Iron Man quickly fell into contemplation, considering how the Avengers should act to prevent possible riots, just like the troubles caused by the large-scale awakening of the Inhumans.

About three or five minutes, he turned his attention to the energy in the sky that was swimming in the atmosphere like a snake: "Can you find out where this energy comes from?"

"According to the direction of energy flow and the density of global energy distribution, I can basically judge that they should come from another dimension. Otherwise, if Earth has such energy inside, or it is connected to the energy source Point, then Earth people should not be in the age of technology, but in the age of magic."

Friday explained, while presenting the images he detected in the form of projection.

Through this projection, it can be clearly seen that the first place where energy appears is a point, and then quickly spreads all around.

This is very clear evidence from other dimensions.

Tony Stark stared at the projection for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly, and immediately instructed: "Call the Avengers! This matter alone depends on the power of Mordo and Kama Taj, and it is not enough. And I always have a hunch that this must have something to do with Alan."

"As you wish!"

Immediately on Friday via a dedicated satellite, Avengers scattered around the world send out encrypted signals.

Soon, the superheroes who survived the snap of Thanos' fingers were busy again.

Unbeknownst to Iron Man and Mordo, what Earth is going through is actually happening on many planets throughout the multiverse.

And it is in this way that Alan announces to all the sorcerers in the universe that a source different from dark magic and white magic is officially established, with a concept that is completely different from the first two, and has nothing to do with it. poor development potential.

At this moment, he is standing in front of Hisoka, the god of the underworld, and Set, the god of giant snakes. When it comes to the magic system, what kind of core rules have been added to it?"

Hisoka shook the head with a solemn expression: "I don't know! But I can be sure that it is definitely not ordinary, otherwise it is impossible. Such an amazing outbreak."

"There are two core rules that I joined. One is that whoever wants to, can use neutral magic to accomplish what he wants to do. Whatever the matter Whether it is good or evil, even I have no right to deprive and hinder. The second is that any form of energy can be absorbed and utilized by neutral magic, and transformed into the form the sorcerer wants. This It means that your dark magic and Weishandi's white magic will not have any effect on me from now on."

As the last word blurted out, Alan was like an arrow from the string again. rushed out.

This time he did not use the power of the Infinity Stones, nor did he draw energy from the Azeroth universe, but only to expand his magical realm.

Hisoka's habitual release of dark magic energy creates a shield, while Set releases a powerful psychic energy that tries to interfere and invade Alan's spirit.

In the end, the energy released by the two was absorbed by the neutral magic field in an instant, and then transformed into a golden beam of light and smashed down from the top of their heads.

bang! ! ! ! ! !

An indescribable light force severely burned the two Old Gods on the spot, causing them to wailing in pain.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!! What's going on? What happened?" Seth quickly backed away, his eyes full of fear and vigilance.

Hisoka quickly started offering sacrifices to restore the injured body to its original state, replied by gnashing teeth: "It is the transformation of energy! This guy has shaped his magic source into the same as Atum, can The rules for absorbing our energy at will."

"The second God Eater Atum? Damn it! What did you do to bring about such a monster." Seth complained frantically.

"How do I know that he will grow to the current level in such a short period of time? Well! Don't talk nonsense! If you don't want to die, put away those little thoughts and join hands with me. Only in this way, Only then can an opportunity be created." Hisoka En, the god of underworld, made a quick decision.

If before that, he still had the confidence to maintain an unbeaten situation, then now there is only one thought left, and that is to run away quickly.

Because dark magic can interfere with reality, but it is also based on dark magic energy.

If these energies are captured and drained the instant they are released, the magic will ultimately have no effect.

This is also why, at the beginning, Atum was able to kill the ancient gods until blood flowed into a river, and even if the remaining gods joined hands, they could not compete with it.

Now, Alan has the same, or a similar ability.

"The old way?" Seth probed in an uncertain tone.

Hisoka responded immediately: "Like the same! Remember! There's only one chance! He has six Infinity Stones in his hand. If we slow down, we'll face an endless pursuit. ."


Site didn't care about the pain caused by the large scales on his body burning into black, and extended his best mind and spirit strength to the extreme.

Similarly, Hisoka En also took out the things from his trump card and started to sacrifice wildly.

Seeing the little actions of the two Ancient Gods in private, Alan just showed a playful smile, and said casually sarcastically: "Escape? Your performance really disappoints me. But from the battle awareness In terms of determination and determination, you are not even comparable to the firm-willed warriors on Earth. In addition to bullying the weak and fearing the hard, you will only deceive and fool mortals who have no resistance. When you encounter an enemy that can threaten your life, the first thing you think about is It's not how to defeat each other, but to run away with their tails between their tails. Is this also worthy of being called a god?"

But unfortunately, Hisoka En and Set are both Ancient Gods who have lived for billions of years. , so as not to get angry with a few provocative words.

Just the opposite!

For them, saving their lives is their first priority.

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