Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1222

After a brief confrontation, Seth took the lead.

I saw that he did not use the spiritual and spiritual power that he was best at, but took the initiative to integrate himself into the field of neutral magic, and used neutral magic rules that anyone could use to fight and fight. interference.

Hisoka followed closely from behind, frantically mobilizing the power of dark magic, reversing reality through sacrifice, trying to force Alan out of this dimension.

With the close cooperation of the two Ancient Gods, Alan could even feel that his body, soul and consciousness were being pushed back by some invisible force, and a naked eye appeared in front of him. Invisible septum.

But he didn't panic at all, instead he calmly praised: "Use the nuclear Heart Demon law rules I created to fight against me! As expected of the Ancient God who has lived for billions of years, it is so You will be able to grasp the key soon. That's right! The source of the power of neutral magic is that it can be used by anyone without restrictions. But have you forgotten the second rule, that is, in the neutral magic field, you can Change the form and attributes of magical energy at any time. This means that we can absorb and transform the magical attacks released by each other. But the question is, in the process of absorbing and transforming, who is responsible for different types and attributes of magical energy The more you understand, the more efficient the transformation will be. In the end, the most efficient person will win."

As the last word blurted out, Alan instantly released Seth with the help of the neutral magic field. All of the attacks were resolved, and they were transformed into another energy that restrained the opponent, and they were pushed back.


As one of the ancient gods as famous as Hades, Set immediately realized that he had made a huge mistake, and immediately tried to understand what was in front of him. Energy never seen before.

But before he finishes parsing and transforming, Alan's second round attack follows closely from behind.

It is followed by the third round, the fourth round, the fifth round...

The magic energy attribute used by each attack is different from the previous one.

At this moment, Seth realized why the other party would formulate a "fair" core rule that seemed to have no preference for him at all.

The answer is simple!

There is no second person in the entire multiverse who can match Alan in mastering and understanding the number of energy attributes.

This also means that as long as no one can beat him in this regard, he will always be the Sovereign of Supreme in the field of neutral magic.

In the end, the serpent god was swallowed by the energy hiding the sky and covering the earth, the body was forcibly shattered to pieces, some death and shadow energy even caused terrifying corrosion to its cells , as a result, a large number of Unknown Creatures exuding a dark and distorted atmosphere were born from within.

And these creatures are like new born spiders, the first thing is to devour their "mother" frantically, and then continuously grow themselves.

The terrifying biting and chewing sound immediately made the other dimension Demon God who was secretly spying around him feel the scalp tingling.

At the same time, they also put the "extremely dangerous" label on the head of Alan who caused it all.

But as an Ancient God, Seth obviously didn't die so easily.

With the powerful regeneration ability, he quickly recovered as before, and in an extremely violent attitude, he crushed all the little monsters who were lying on his body and gnawed to death.

After finishing all this, he lifts the head and questioned: "What is the energy filled with death and corruption just now? Why can it work on my cells and soul?"

"Sorry, I'm not obliged to explain to you. Even more how, Hisoka En's preparations are almost done, you don't need to continue buying time for him."

says Then, Alan turned his gaze to the god of the underworld not far away.

In fact, from the very beginning his focus was on Hisoka, not the god of giant snakes who took the initiative to attack.

The reason is simple!

Compared with Underworld God, the creator of black magic, although Seth was also one of the Ancient Gods that survived back then, he possessed an incomparably powerful mind and spirit strength. Intensified, capable of encircling several parallel universes when the body swells to its limit, but lacks the decisive power of the final word.

So Alan never took Seth seriously.

There is always only one prey he locks on, and that is the famous god of the underworld, Hisoka En.

"How dare you despise me?"

Site was obviously provoked, and immediately opened the tunnel to his own dimension "Sea of Snakes".


The power of terror spews out!

In the blink of an eye, the original image of the seven-headed giant serpent swelled to an even larger level than any planet.

And the body also began to rot, looking like a large piece of wriggling rotten flesh, and the eyes jumped out of their sockets, and the end was connected to a thick nerve.

Without a doubt!

This is his real body.

The previous one, but an Avatar or projection.

"Are you in such a hurry to die?" Alan asked with narrowed eyes and expressionless face.

"Death? No one can kill me in this world! Not even Atum! Arrogant fellow, feel the wrath of the Serpent God!"

Accompanied by a roar, Set's seven heads opened their mouths almost simultaneously, releasing seven completely different violent energy shocks.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

All the energy swiped at Alan's location and smashed down.

The terrifying formidable power even made the surrounding space and dimensions extremely unstable, and the indescribable chaotic power filled every corner.

But unfortunately, all these attacks, when they touched Alan, seemed to be blocked by an invisible force field, and could no longer get close to even a millimeter.

Not only that!

All the energy is still being transformed at a very fast speed, and then bounced back intact.

As a result, in the eyes of outsiders, the battle has completely turned into Seth's left and right fight.

Alan just lifted a finger, and this guy was caught in a closed loop of himself and his own consumption and couldn't get out.

The relaxed attitude is not like dealing with an Ancient God who is as famous as Hisoka En, but a stupid and ignorant wild beast.

As for Seth himself, if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, he can't care about anything else at the moment, so he can only keep increasing his energy input.

Otherwise, once he is backlashed by energy, his body will definitely be severely damaged by unimaginable, or he will really be killed.

Although generally speaking, a dimensional Demon God like him may be resurrected even if he dies.

But there is a lesson from the dark dimension Sovereign Dormammu, and now there is no dimension Demon God who dares to bet on the probability of his own resurrection in front of Alan.

Just like that, Alan as easy as blowing off dust held Seth in place.

Hisoka En saw this scene, and immediately said in a meaningful tone: "You are really getting more and more like the God Eater Atum."

"Atum the God Eater? Please don't mention me on equal terms with that pathetic tool man. I am not him, and I will not be at the mercy of anyone. I will only follow my inner thoughts and will." Alan There was a hint of disdain in his tone.

Without a doubt!

The God Eater Atum, who can make the ancient gods feel fear and tremble, is absolutely powerful in terms of personal strength.

But the problem is that the reason for his birth is that various Gods of the past kill and devour each other, so from the moment of birth he carries a certain mission.

And as the number of Ancient Gods killed increases, Atum absorbs more and more of the opponent's power, the result is inevitably affected, and eventually the blackening becomes the need to destroy with himself. goal does not make any difference.

What about Alan?

His way of growing up is not much different from that of Atum, and he is also constantly grabbing and devouring.

But the biggest difference between the two is that Alan stayed awake during the devouring process and never lost himself for a moment.

"Since you are not Atum, why are you so hostile to the Demon God of our dimensions? With the power you have now, there is no need to strengthen yourself by devouring yourself, right? Then What's the real reason you have to kill me?" Hisoka probed cautiously.

"Of course it's the joy of hunting." Alan answered without thinking. "I am the hunter, you are the prey. This relationship has been set since we first met. So if you still want to try to resolve the conflict through words, die as soon as possible. Just like me As I said before, I don't have the determination to kill you, but the premise is that you must show enough strength. Otherwise, today is your death, just like your brother, the god of giant snakes, Seth Same."

tone barely fell!

Alan suddenly increased the conversion efficiency of the neutral magic field, and lit up the Infinity Stones, directly punching Mount Tai.


Set's real body was flooded into the body by dozens of completely different energies, causing a violent explosion inside.

About a few seconds, countless corrupted flesh and blood collapsed together with the dimension "Sea of Snakes" behind him, completely disappearing from the multiverse.

Set, the god of giant snakes, who successfully escaped the catastrophe billions of years ago, died completely at the hands of Alan.

As for his corpse and dimension, Alan followed the example of dealing with the dark dimension, directly compressed to the extreme, and then integrated into his own magical domain.

Before the dimensional Demon Gods hiding in the dark and prying eyes could react, his power was greatly improved and strengthened.

The fall of another Ancient God and dimension Demon God undoubtedly immediately triggered a violent shock in the entire multiverse.

The followers and followers of Set, in particular, fell into madness almost instantly.

Some became delirious lunatics, while others killed their wives, sons, and the entire sect with their own hands, before committing suicide.

Of course, no one cares about these insignificant ants.

Hisoka clenched the mysterious symbol in the palm of his hand tightly, and shouted at the eyes of the pair of masters who were hiding in the dark and prying: "You have all seen it! This guy Demon God is a huge threat to all dimensions. Before it's too late, stand up and fight with me. Otherwise, when I fail, Seth's end is the end of you all person."

No Needless to say, this sentence is quite provocative.

After all, as an Eternal Existence that transcends time, no dimension Demon God would be willing to face the threat of death, trembling with fear, and live all day long.

Unfortunately, the Underworld God obviously ignored the shock and fear that Seth was killed in seconds with no difficulty, bringing these dimensions to the Demon God.

In the end, there was not even a single person who stood up.

This shattered dimension is empty all around, with only large swathes of torn space and matter, and darkness engulfed in chaos.

Seeing this scene, Alan couldn't help laughing unscrupulously, while laughing and taunted: "Look! This is what I said about bullying the weak and being afraid of the hard. Your courage is far from even being beaten. A mortal who sees himself as a plaything. At least mortals know how to stand up and resist when they are oppressed and threatened, even at the cost of their lives. Admit it, the so-called dimension Demon God and Ancient God are just a bunch of despicable people All of your so-called actions, whether good or evil, chaos or order, are essentially just a game mentality. When your life is truly threatened, all the rules you adhere to and establish will be It's like a castle on the beach, it's broken down by the waves."

You don't need to ask to know that Alan is using this method to try to provoke the Demon God of more dimensions and lure them to show up. .

Unfortunately, after the group mocked for a few minutes, none of the entrances to other dimensions were opened.

Hisoka sighed helplessly: "Alas—well, I have to admit that you're right in this regard. Although we have power beyond the reach of mortals, we are not as willing as they are for something Faith and the courage to fight to the death. Since no one is willing to help, let's end it all. I promise, the final sacrifice of dark magic will never let you down."

"Oh? Really? That's really exciting. But are you sure I will allow you to complete this sacrifice?" Alan faint smile asked.

"You will! Because in your eyes, I see madness that despises everything. You are not after pure victory, but stimulation, the strongest stimulation from the outside world." Hisoka En Very sure nodded.

"hahahaha! That's right! Loneliness and boredom are always a problem for powerhouses, and I am no exception. As a reward for not escaping, I'll give you this time."

"Hahahaha! p>

After saying this, Alan retracted the expanded neutral magic field, giving the opponent some space to flow out.

"no! You're wrong! It's not that I didn't try to escape just now, but the collapse of Set and the dimension he controlled caused serious disruption. Forget it, it's not important anymore."

Hisoka En said, slowly opening the black magic field, the whole person from the body to the soul was transformed into a huge shadow in an instant...

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