Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1223


Endless darkness!

In this darkness, stands a huge shadow, which is the true gesture of the god of the underworld, Hisoka, after sacrificing himself.

In other words, this is the most apt one of his many titles - the Great Demon.

Similarly, this huge black shadow is the embodiment of the source of dark magic.

Through this ultimate sacrifice, Hisoka Eun finally raised his strength to an unprecedented level.

But the price is that from now on, he will lose his body forever, and he will gradually lose his self and consciousness, turning into something like a rule.

"This is your full body? It's a bit surprising." Alan commented with narrowed eyes.

The power system of the Marvel Universe has always been quite confusing.

There are not only plausible technological systems, but also magical and mythological systems that are completely unrelated to technology, as well as more than one creator.

And all these power systems have one thing in common, that is, whoever masters the rules can stand at the apex of the entire multiverse.

The Infinity Stone is the embodiment of the rules, so those who master it have great power.

Dimensional Demon God also holds the rules, so they transcend the constraints of time and become eternal beings.

Therefore, the practice of giving up everything, sacrificing everything, and integrating oneself into the rules like the Underworld God will undoubtedly bring the strength of the incomparable gigantic to increase.

"I said, I won't let you down. Now, we are finally on the same level. Come on, come and feel the strongest dark magic, this is what I specially designed to deal with Atum Prepared hole cards."

With the last word blurted out, Hisoka En opened his arms and instantly turned the entire dimension into his home field.

Countless dark creatures were created out of thin air, and the terrifying energy was like a tidal wave hiding the sky and covering the earth to besiege Alan's magical realm.

No matter how many dark creatures die, they will be replenished immediately.

How much the dark magic energy is converted by the neutral magic field will be doubled in the next second.

Because the Underworld God has turned himself into some kind of regular existence, no matter how much dark magic energy he wants, he can create it out of thin air.

Not only that, but the ability of dark magic to interfere with reality has also been brought into full play.

Although there is no way to directly affect Alan, it has been able to transform the surrounding environment, and even create a violent explosion that is several times the size of a supernova out of thin air.

Unfortunately, these explosions were, at best, only a little distracting for Alan, who had six Infinity Stones in his hands.

If you want to hurt him, you need at least the formidable power of hundreds of billions of stars to explode.

The real threat is the dark magical energy that gathers around the edges and erodes the realm.

Because these energies may gather at any time, instantly launch an interference with reality, and create some unexpected effects.

When the strength reaches the level of Hisoka En and Alan, ordinary energy confrontation has long lost its meaning.

What will be staged next will be the confrontation between rules and rules.

This is obviously not going to be decided in a short period of time.

Fortunately, since the dimensional space is not affected by time, no matter how long the battle between them lasts, it is only a momentary thing to the outside world.

So Alan was not in a hurry and began to fight for the dominance with Hisoka En inch by inch.

Because he understands that although there is no concept of time in the dimensional space, his opponent will slowly become lost as the battle continues.

Wait until the underworld god is completely fused with the rules of dark magic, it is the moment to win the final victory.

As for the rest, none of it matters.

Enjoy this battle that may not happen again in the future.


But compared to Alan's whole-hearted devotion, Wanda, Sakura, Arturia and the others, who are completely shielded from detection by dark magic, are unavoidable. start to worry.

Especially Wanda, who has always lacked a comprehensive understanding of Alan's strength, is even more the question from brows tightly frowns: "Is he going to be okay?"

Artoria gently shook the head: "I don't know! This level of battle is far beyond my comprehension. But it should be fine! After all, since I met Alan until now, he has never lost even once."

As a Knight, she feels a little ashamed and helpless for not being able to help her sworn allegiance in battle.

No way!

With the experience of more and more worlds, Duma Wang can feel that although he is constantly getting stronger, it is still too slow compared to the speed at which Alan is getting stronger.

In contrast, Sakura was obviously full of confidence in Alan, who had raised him since childhood, and said decisively: "Alan will definitely win! No one can beat him! Even the dimension Demon God is no exception. !"

"That's right!"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, the red dragon queen Vernarasas tore a space crack and drilled out from the other side.

Her appearance immediately made everyone present feel at ease for a while.

Because as Alan's half body, as long as Vernarasas hasn't gone into battle, it means he hasn't done his best.

"How is Alan now?" Wanda asked nervously.

Verna Lazas glanced at the naked Scarlet Witch with only a red coat with a playful look in her eyes, and replied meaningfully: "He is now having a fight with Hisoka En. A contest between the rules of the root of magic, and enjoy the whole process."

"The rules?"

Sakura, who has been learning and using magic power all the time, keenly grasped the key. word.

"Yes, rules. In this universe, there is nothing more powerful than rules. Whoever masters more and more rooted rules can become the most powerful existence in the entire multiverse. No matter what. Whether it's Alan or Hisoka, they've reached the bottom of this line." Verna Lazas explained patiently.

"Can this kind of rule be taken away? Or who is it that it only takes effect in this universe?"

Sakura is indeed a genius who was trained by Alan since childhood, and asked at once focus.

As a group of travelers traveling between different worlds, the power that can be taken away is truly valuable.

As for those that cannot be taken away, no matter how powerful they become in this world, they are only tasteless after all.

Just take the authority that Yohabach obtained from the Spirit King in the Death God world - omniscient and omnipotent, and immediately after leaving the world, it became the ability to predict and predict the future only for a short time.

Its value is not comparable to the original one hair from nine oxen.

"It's hard to tell until this battle is won. But Alan seems to have incorporated those rules into his magical realm, which is attached to the Azeroth universe. .So in theory, he can completely absorb all these rules and pack them away. If you want to go further on this path of magic, it is best to start thinking about how to create rules and slowly form your own magic field ." Verna Lazas blunt gave advice.

"You make me a dimensional Demon God too?"

Sakura comprehended the meaning of the Red Dragon Queen almost instantly.

After all, mastering the rules and fields of magic means becoming a part of the dimensional Demon God.

Almost all dimensions of Demon God are more or less mastered.

It's just that not every magic rule and field is as exclusive and unique as the dark magic created by God of the Underworld Hisoka En, or the white magic created by Weishandi.

Verna la Sasillo was only slightly denoting the dimension, and at the same time corrected: "It doesn't have to be Demon God. Look at Alan, he merged the dark dimension of Dormammu and the dimension of the Sea of Serpents of Seth. Go to the magic field and form your own home field advantage."

"so that's how it is! I think I understand what to do next." Sakura's face showed a thoughtful look.

"What about me? What should I do?" Artoria also asked.

"You don't need to do anything, just continue to follow the path of the Sword Knight. Don't forget, the reason you became a Heroic Spirit in the first place did not come from pure power, It comes from belief, strong and unshakable belief. All you need to do now is to reawaken that belief and put it into the sword in your hand. Well, that's all for now, the rest of you Think slowly for yourself. I'm going to Hisoka En's dimension to see how Alan performs in this battle."

After saying this, Vernarasas immediately passed between the two The indistinguishable spiritual connection locked the position, and then tore the crack and drilled in again.

At the moment when the crack was torn open and closed, terrifying dark magic energy spewed out from it, and a brain poured into Wanda's body.

In an instant, the scarlet witch trembled slightly involuntarily, and at the same time, her pupils released a terrifying red light, and the Primal Chaos Demon method that had disappeared also reappeared.

Not just dark magic energy!

Silver-gray neutral magical energy also entered her body, and it was like a snake that kept wandering, making the Primal Chaos Demon increasingly uncontrollable.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Leave! I...I can't control this energy!" Wanda roared brow beaded with sweat.

"Damn! What's wrong with her?"

Artoria was obviously panicked, and immediately wanted to release holy light to expel the magic energy that was running around.

But before she could take action, Sakura stopped her: "Don't act rashly! It's not just energy, but also the rules contained in two kinds of magic. If you use holy light again, Her body won't be able to withstand the bang from the inside."

"What should I do now?" Arturia asked, brows tightly frowns.

"We can't do anything but make sure that the energies that contain the rules don't threaten her life. As for the rest, let's wait until Alan returns."

After all, Sakura quickly activated the protection magic, isolating the three layers of Wandali and the other three layers, making it impossible to obtain more energy from the outside world.

In this way, under the premise that the total amount does not change, it will basically not threaten the safety of life.

And Scarlet Witch herself is also trying to control the runaway Primal Chaos Demon method, and strive to perfectly integrate the three.

But she didn't know that what happened just now was not an accident at all, but intentional.

Right now, in the dimension of the god of the underworld Hisoka En, Verna Lazas is admiring the collision of the magical realm, while smiling and reporting through the soul connection report: "What you asked me to do has already been done. Done. The Primal Chaos Demon in Wanda's body is activated again, and the formidable power is far greater than before."

"Good job!" Alan nodded with satisfaction.

"Are you sure it's a wise choice to push that young girl into the position of the god of magic?" Verna Razas asked in an uncertain tone.

Alan responded without thinking, "Maybe. It's the only path I can think of that's best for her. Since Wanda doesn't want to follow me away, leave this to her as a last farewell. Give it a gift."

Wanda would lose the Primal Chaos Demon method for losing the Hisoka Ensign, he had already anticipated that, so he had arranged everything in advance.

When the thoroughly regularized Hades loses self-awareness and Alan himself leaves the universe, Wanda will become the only one with the rules of both dark magic and neutral magic.

If there is no accident, she will inevitably become stronger and stronger, and eventually become a well-deserved magic Goddess with the help of these two magic rules.

"What is this? The reward for her willingness to help you? Or because of your ambiguous relationship?"

When mentioning this matter, Verna Lasa There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Probably a little bit. You know? After merging into the Sea of Serpents and the Dark Dimension, I found that my desires recovered a little, and I was able to experience a little emotion that I couldn't experience before. And this In everything, Wanda played a vital role." Alan explained with emotion.

Although he was communicating with his half-body through the soul connection, his hand didn't stop at all, and he continued to engage in a fierce confrontation with Hisoka En.

Its intensity has far exceeded the limit that most dimension Demon God can imagine.

One of them, the Trinity Wei Shandi, watched all this nervously, not even daring to miss a second.

Because Osset, who laid the foundation of white magic, knew that no matter who won in the end, Weishandi's influence would be severely damaged.

Especially the great inclusiveness and openness brought by Alan's neutral magic rules are definitely something that countless mages have been yearn for something even in dreams.

Based on this alone, it is doomed that there will be countless sorcerer organizations jumping back.

But unfortunately, she can't do anything right now.

Let's not talk about the huge gap in hard power, even Hisoka En, who incarnates into the shadow of the Great Demon, can repel the trio with no difficulty.

Apart from this, Alan showed abilities similar to God Eater Atum, which also made Osset feel a little terrified who had experienced the war of Ancient Era.

In the end, it all boiled down to a sigh.

The Goddess finally admitted in his heart that he was right.

Their dimensions, Demon God and Ancient God, have each one, and they are all despicable people who bully the soft and fear the hard.

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