Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1231

as everyone knows , the bond of human connection with each other is from the original blood and region, and gradually evolved to religion, culture, civilization and nation.

The humans of Azeroth, who are still in the primordial tribal system, obviously rely on blood to maintain the connection between people and families, families and families.

Take the tribe where Thoradin Thorbane was born, from the patriarch to the Elder, almost everyone goes back several generations, without exception, they are relatives.

So under this primordial Great Family-like management, everyone has a strong sense of identity with the tribe, and is willing to risk death to fight for the benefit of the entire tribe.

When Thoradin Trollbane points out that if you don't fight but flee, most of the clansman won't be able to survive the coming winter, immediately triggering the lurking in the bones of all clan members sense of crisis.

After all, in this land where civilized order has not yet been established, the only way to preserve its own continuity is to be more powerful and savage than other tribes.

Otherwise, it will either be massacred or annexed, and there is no third way to go.

It is in such a completely disordered environment that the tenacious, tenacious, unyielding, cunning and brave characters of the human beings in the world of Azeroth are cultivated.

When danger comes, they often only need a leader to stand up and take the lead, and they can move towards the same direction immediately.

It only took about six or seven minutes, and the entire tribe, young people from the age of twelve, who were still a little immature, and old people who could use weapons at the age of fifty-sixty, all wore clothes without exception. The humble leather armor stood in the square of the settlement.

Almost half of them are women.

Altolia, known as a genius warrior, is on the list.



Due to their Vrykul traditions, the humans of Azeroth do not, like the Earth primordial clans, see women as weak to protect, or to take care of the house and bear children. A tool for female reproduction.

Just the opposite!

A woman's strength, speed and reflexes are no less than men's.

With a little training, you can make an excellent warrior, hunter, or sorcerer.

It's a pity that since the vrykul people created by the Titans have completely cut off contact, human beings don't know what magic is.

The first time they came into contact with magic, they had to wait until Thoradin united the human faction to establish an empire and made contact with the High Spirit Spirit King before they could learn how to manipulate arcane energy from the latter.

Looking at the stern and serious expressions of these clansmans, the young "Great Emperor" only felt that his blood was burning, and immediately asked without looking back: "Teacher, we will definitely win this war. victory, right?"

"War is never a certainty, but always accompanied by various accidents. Because no one can predict what will happen in the next second, So any war is equivalent to a gamble. Also, something like this that has neither tactics nor any strategy, just for pure looting and plundering, should not be called a war, but should be called a battle more appropriately One point. Remember! War is purposeful and organized. If you want to start a war, you need to figure out what you want and when it should stop before that.”

Alan stands behind the young Thoradin and uses a very low voice to teach him various advanced knowledge and ideas to help him grow rapidly.

After all, he hopes that the humans of Azeroth can step onto the stage of history and establish their own civilization as soon as possible.

Otherwise, watching the night elves hide in the big forest to live their carefree days, and the high elves of the Spirit King country Quel'Thalas and the giant Demon Emperor country Amani are fighting each other, It really doesn't make any sense.

"You use martial power with caution?" Thoradin's tone was strongly uncertain.

Alan smiled and shook the head: "no! I mean, learn to be restrained when using martial power. Martial power is a means to an end, not an end. If you forget that , you will indulge yourself in the thrill of conquest and domination, and will inevitably lead to self-destruction."

"Understood! But tonight, I shouldn't pay too much attention to these for the time being, right? ?"

When he said this remark, the corners of young Thoradin's mouth were slightly upturned, and a faint smile appeared.

But soon the smile was replaced by a serious and angry look.

I saw him go straight to the high platform built of logs, and began to give a pre-war mobilization speech to all the tribe warriors present in an impassioned tone.

Looking at the blazing ambition in the eyes of this fourteen-year-old boy, Artoria could not help but approached, frowned and asked, "The envoys formed by the patriarch and the Elders were attacked, is it true? A conspiracy between you and him? Otherwise I really can't think of who would rashly attack a tribal leader who holds hundreds of warriors."

"Believe me, sometimes the truth doesn't matter that much, What is important is the result it brings. In history, anyone who is called "Great Emperor" is absolutely impossible to be a kind person, and Thoradin is naturally impossible. He has his own ambitions and desires , and will expand as he has more and more power. But while satisfying his own ambitions and desires, he will also lead the entire human race to civilization and glory, which is enough."

While saying this remark, Alan subconsciously touched his thick iron long sword hanging from his waist.

For the upcoming battle of human unification, he has been honing this body for more than ten years, and today is the time to test the results.

"I knew that dirty things like politics will always be impossible to get rid of crafty plots and machinations."

Altoria is obviously not a fool, she understood immediately The subtext to be expressed in Alan's words.

The patriarch and the Elders who died were not actually killed by an accidental attack, but a well-planned murder.

Only when all of them die, Thoradin can stand up and play the heroic role of pulling strongly against a crazy tide in times of crisis, and become a worthy leader afterwards.

As for those attackers, whatever promises were made in advance, they now face a disaster.

Not only will they die, but the tribes behind them will also fall prey to this conspiracy and eventually be captured and annexed.

With Thoradin's strong character, it's absolutely impossible to just be content with knocking back or killing the opponent.

What he wants is a pretext for war that everyone can accept, and continues to grow the tribe he leads until he unites the entire human race to establish a country.

As a saying goes, some people spend their whole lives waiting for opportunities to come, while others will take the initiative to create opportunities for themselves.

Though Thoradin was only fourteen this year, he was mentally more mature than those fifty-sixty-year-olds.

At the same time, influenced by Alan, I know very well what I want and what method I need to use to achieve my goal.

A few minutes later, when the pre-war mobilization speech was over, the whole tribe was fully mobilized.

All warriors are divided into two teams, and veterans who have experienced many battles are placed on the surface, ready to withstand the first wave of the enemy's most ferocious attack.

And those rookies who have not experienced any battles are arranged to be ambushed on the flanks of the tribal gathering place.

There is only one thing they have to do, that is, when the enemy's frontal attack is held back, they will launch a surprise attack from the flank, cut off the opponent's retreat by the way, and ensure that as many living forces as possible can be annihilated.

There is no doubt that this is a very simple tactic.

Simple enough that anyone who has fought a few times can figure it out.

But there are very few who can really use it in actual combat and win.

Because war is something that requires a strong intelligence system support.

Especially in small-scale encounters with less than 1,000 people, whoever scouts can find the other side first and make a bold raid often means whoever wins the final victory.

But Thoradin dared to divide the few tribe warriors into two parts, not relying on scouts, but he already knew who came to attack and how many warriors he brought with him. .

In his opinion, there will be no suspense at all about the outcome of the upcoming battle, and he will surely win an incomparably brilliant victory.

At night, the cold wind of late autumn blew across the endless plain, causing many soldiers who had waited for a long time to shiver. A bonfire is lit in the tent for warmth.

Everyone is waiting patiently, waiting for the enemy to arrive after a long-distance attack.

The hard work pays off.

Just when the hands and feet of many warriors were about to freeze, a slight vibration suddenly came from the ground, and at the same time, a row of bright spots appeared on the horizon in the distance.

You don't need to ask, the vibration is the effect of hundreds of horses' hooves stomping on the ground, and the light spots are the torches ignited one by one.

After several hours of waiting, the enemy finally crossed the wide river not far away and was running towards the place where the tribe was at a very fast speed.

"Teacher, they came as you expected." Thoradin's tone was full of excitement.

Alan explained indifferently: "Because they had to come. These small tribes that failed to accumulate enough food and fur in the fall, if they could not grab enough supplies before winter, then When the First Stage snow falls, they will freeze to death or starve to death. For any creature, survival is always the first. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, good or evil, just a kind of engraving The instinct in the bones. Apart from this, human beings have all kinds of desires, ambitions and emotions. As long as you can make good use of this, you can predict the other person's thoughts and actions in advance. For example, this time, you only Need to reveal some information secretly, aren't they obediently hooked."

"Yeah, for survival." Thoradin nodded with emotion. "The human tribes have lived on this land for countless generations. If they want to expand, they must unite to form a strong and unified empire. Otherwise, the endless trolls in the wilderness will become a nightmare for all humans."

"That's right! That's it. Unity creates a powerful centripetal force that can integrate more resources and defeat previously seemingly invincible enemies. As long as human beings are united under one banner, then we can create Perform miracles that will amaze the gods. Thoradin, believe it or not, it is your mission to unify the human tribes." Alan said meaningfully.


The young Thoradin clenched his fists excitedly, and slowly drew his weapon and went straight to the forefront of all warriors, raising his shield to do it. Okay, a fighting stance.

The warriors behind him also lined up in tight infantry formations, including the lance necessary to meet the cavalry charge, and the short sword used for hand-to-hand combat.

There are even more than a hundred professional archers and javelin throwers in the last row.

These mature and slightly complex phalanxes are exactly the changes brought about by the arrival of Alan and Arturia over the years.

Compared to the situation where other human tribes are still rushing to the melee, this complex and large phalanx of multiple arms can be said to be a dimensionality reduction attack.

The only problem is that the original patriarch and Elder didn't understand the gap very well.

So although the phalanx has been trained, it is never actually used.

Today, it will finally show its fangs and open the prelude to the unity of the human race.

Listening to the sound of horses' hooves from far and near, and the light of fire in a line, Thoradin took a deep breath, raised his weapon and shouted: "Listen to my orders! The front row of vertical spears. Raise the shield! The archer shoots three rounds!"

"The spear! Raise the shield!"

"The archer draws the full bow! Three! Two! One! Shoot!"


whiz whiz whiz whiz  …

With the vibration of the bowstring and the sound of arrows piercing the air, hundreds of arrows swept across the beautiful parabola in the midair, moving straight towards Falling in the direction the enemy is heading.

Because of the darkness, the other party didn't notice anything at all, and they fell off their horses like cut down wheat in an instant.

Most of them broke their necks before they even had time to scream, or were trampled into flesh by the horses' hooves behind them.

"Damn! What's going on? What happened?" The leader of the group hurriedly restrained the horse and asked loudly both shocked and angry.

"It's a rain of arrows! We were raided! That tribe is not as defenseless as they say! Judging from the losses, there are at least a hundred archers on the other side." The voice answered loudly.

"Damn! I can't handle that much anymore! Order all to charge! A hundred archers won't make much of a difference. I promise, when it's done, everyone will get a share that's enough for you to spend the whole time. Winter food, and enough livestock, wealth and slaves."

The leader obviously did not see the hedgehog-like infantry phalanx standing in the dark, thinking that there were only more than 100 archers in the other side. Try desperately to resist.

Soon, under his order, this group of hesitant light cavalry quickly put down their last guard and ran into Thoradin who was waiting for the battle with red eyes and press forward.

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