Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1232

"Not good! There's an ambush!"

"We've been fooled!"

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!"


Pu chi!

With shocked shouts and roars, the unlucky guy in front of him directly collided with the sharp point of densely packed.

You must know that even the heavy cavalry, which is covered with hard armor from top to bottom, dare not easily attack the dense infantry phalanx holding lances and large shields, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses.

Not to mention a group of light cavalry in rudimentary leather armor.

The result was not unexpected, more than 30 cavalry soldiers and horses died in less than a minute.

And the direct cause of their death is precisely the strong inertia brought about by their own speed and weight.

Of course, Thoradin's slaying of these mounted enemies did not come without a price.

Six people died on the spot due to being stabbed by the broken lance, and four others fell to the ground with serious injuries, and it was impossible to participate in the next battle.

But it doesn't matter anymore!

The thirty people who died just now, together with their horses, have formed an obstacle made of flesh and blood.

Subsequent enemies who want to impact the infantry phalanx must slow down or they will be tripped.

If a cavalry loses its most important speed and maneuverability, can it still be called a cavalry?

Can you still firmly grasp the initiative in the battlefield?

The answer is obviously no!

Rather than being called cavalry, it would be more appropriate to call such cavalry mounted infantry.

If you are a calm and rational commander, you should immediately order to retreat, and reorganize the team, constantly deploying left and right around the infantry formation, forcing the opponent to reveal a weak spot when adjusting the direction, or It was the physical strength and energy that could not support it and collapsed first.

But these guys are just a group of bandits and bandits united by small clans.

Let's not say whether we can realize this, it is an impossible thing to achieve unified command.

No one will hand over the precious elite warriors of their tribe to others to command, which is no different from digging their own graves.

Therefore, in the absence of battlefield observation, judgment, and command, the light cavalry, which consisted of hundreds of people, was like a swarm of headless flies, swarming in the dark.

More than half of them were tripped over by the corpses of humans and horses, and one by one fell into confusion.

Before they could realize what was going on, the deadly javelin followed closely from behind and pinned the hapless ones to the ground.

For a while, the withered and yellow grass was dyed with a layer of black and red, and it exuded a pungent fishy smell.

That's the color of blood!

It is the color of life Death Decay!

Since the start of the war, Thoradin, who participated in the battle for the first time, has killed four enemies, and the original fear has been replaced by excitement and bloodlust.

After all, living in this primordial and ignorant era, it is unavoidable for anyone to deprive others of their lives to protect their own right to exist.

And he killed warriors, not old and weak women and children.

Compared to the "Great Emperor" who is still a little immature, Artoria is like the brightest star on the battlefield, blocking the turns of a full fifty cavalry with strength of oneself alone shock.

At the same time, he also uses his sword technique and pace of thousands hammers, hundred refinements, to easily dismount and kill two opponents one by one.

Every swing of the sword is full of sharpness and beauty. Under the bright moonlight, like a dancing lightly and gracefully elf, it makes the onlookers involuntarily produce an indescribable throbbing. .

Only when you see the dead corpses lying on the ground will you realize how amazing her killing efficiency is.

And Alan on the other side is like a shadow escaping into the darkness.

Almost no one saw how he did it, but there were unfathomable mystery around him. There were some more mutilated corpses, each with completely amputated limbs and heads.

The most important thing is that the seemingly crude long sword has never been stained with even a little blood, but the opponent's weapon was cut off with no difficulty.

You don't need to ask to know that Alan has blessed his sword with some kind of energy that can't be distinguished by naked eyes, it may be life energy, it may be some kind of magic energy, or the power of the four elements .

No matter which one it is, it is enough to have a devastating blow to this group of robbers who don't know what magic is.

Seeing that the casualties of their own side became more and more heavy, the battle situation began to tilt towards the enemy one-sidedly, and this looting gang formed by the alliance of small clans could no longer keep pace.

A total collapse was finally triggered as two of the guys turned around with a dozen people and started running away.

How ruthless they were before, how fast they run now, for fear that they will be caught and killed by the enemy behind their butt if they run too slowly, or become a prisoner and become a slave.

"Win! We won!" Thoradin shouted excitedly.

This is the First Stage battle he has participated in since he was born, and it is also the First Stage victory that he commanded and won. Excitement exhibits one's feelings in one's speech .

But Alan poured cold water at this time and reminded with a blank face: "According to the plan, you should have ordered those warriors in ambush to attack before the enemy collapsed. You didn't even think about it."

"Ah? Damn it! I forgot about this!"

Soladin woke up instantly, and immediately raised the symbol of the highest tribal The trumpet of power blew with all his might.


When the low voice echoed in the night sky, the impatient ambush finally rode on his horse and took a big bag from the side. Circle, ruthless cut off the enemy's back road.

With the absolute advantage in physical strength and the morale bonus under the big victory, he killed dozens of opponents in just one face-to-face.

Especially for those young warriors who saw blood for the first time, they were immediately stimulated to forget their fears, and all of them turned into tigers and began to follow and kill, first kill those guys on horses, and then little by little chases and eats the hapless bastards who run on two legs.

Watching the corpses fall on the endless plain, Alan couldn't help saying with a smile: "Next year, the water plants and crops in this land will definitely grow better than this year."


"Because the blood and flesh of the enemy will be the best nourishment." Thoradin continued the second half of the sentence without thinking.

At this moment, he has regained his composure, and began to silently sum up the mistakes he made this command and the room for improvement in the future.

About a few minutes later, a youngster about seventeen years old came running from a distance on a horse with a bloody head and shouted happily: "Soladin! Look I found it. What! The head of the leader of the enemy! I know this guy! His name is Elkeson! He is the leader of a small tribe about three days away from here. Not only him, but also some other small tribes have been killed by one by one Identify it. If nothing else, they want to unite to rob us, and then spend the winter peacefully."

"Oh? A bandit group formed by a combination of small clans? They seem to be every year. There's going to be one or two raids like this, right?" Thoradin asked feigningly.

"That's right! These bastard scum will do anything in order to grab enough food for the winter. But before, they disguised their identities well and were almost never discovered, but now , we know their identities, and it's time to launch a revenge. I believe other tribes in this land will be very happy to unite to eradicate this cancer."

One stayed in the tribe by luck. Elder, who escaped the disaster, waved his fist angrily.

Koradin refused without the slightest hesitation: "no! We don't need to unite! Just solve it ourselves. They don't like to plunder other people's livestock, food and wealth to help themselves through the harsh winter. Then I'll loot their clan, kill all the old men, and turn their women and children into slaves. With an undisputed conquest, let the other clans know who is the overlord of this land ."

"Overlord... overlord?!"

Elder was stunned when he heard this word.

Because among the large and small tribes in this land, there has never been any leader who dared to claim to be the "overlord".

"My brave fearless warriors! Do you want to take revenge? Make those who dare to invade us pay the price in blood? Do you want to enslave their women and children instead of farming and herding. , fishing work? Want to take their food, wealth, livestock and land?"

Soladin made no disguise, and blunt began to incite the emotions and desires of the entire tribe of warriors.

Obviously, he wants to tie the entire clan to his station train, and use his interests to drive these warriors to support his constant war.

"Oh oh oh!"

"I want to!"

"I really want to!"

"I don't have a wife yet What!"

"Boss, when are we leaving?"


In less than half a minute, the responders gathered.

After all, the brilliant victory just now gave them strong confidence, and the interests gave them the motivation to continue.

As for the sacred procedure of the ancient ministry, the patriarch and the chiefs discussed and voted together to start a war, now it can be overturned in an instant with a single word from Thoradin.

And the young "Great Emperor" didn't let anyone down, blunt's order said: "Leave half of the people at home, and the rest come with me. Tonight, we will make The enemy's clan blood flows into a river. Trust me, this is just the beginning. From now on, I will lead you to victory after victory, laying down vast lands and sharing with you wealth, power, and glory."

"Long live Thoradin!"

"Long live!"

In the cheers, a full three hundred and fifty warriors rode on their horses, under the guidance of the guide , to start a tribe-by-horde attack.

Because the original population of these small clans is not large, and the leaders and the best warriors are all dead, it is impossible to organize any decent resistance, and soon suffered a devastating blow .

The young Thoradin fulfilled his promise, killing all the old men and adult men who conquered the tribe, while women and children were demoted to slaves and distributed to each warrior fairly. As for those who do not need slaves, they get more food, livestock and weapons and armor compensation.

There is nothing more heartwarming and crazy than naked interests.

Especially when the wealth that was looted in just a few days was worth the sum accumulated over the past ten years, there was no one who could stop Thoradin's expansion.

The most important thing is that he did not just simply loot, but also annexed the land of the other tribe and connected them together through replacement.

When there are enough slaves, the warriors can become professional soldiers completely full-time.

They eat better than other tribes, their weapons and armor are better than other tribes, and their training and organizational skills are also much stronger.

gradually, Thoradin's clan inevitably became the most powerful force nearby.

Although during this period, there are also some unsightly guys to find fault.

But all were defeated without exception, becoming the embellishment of the former's series of resounding names.

As for their clan, they were also annexed by the ruthless.

It's just that as the number of slaves continues to increase, Thoradin also realizes that if this continues, his rule will be ended sooner or later because of the unstable foundation.

Therefore, he pioneered turning most of the slaves into tenants, and divided the tenants and the land together with warriors who were willing to serve them.

And these warriors who have been entrusted are the prototype of the future Knight class

and also the earliest group of nobles in the empire.

As Thoradin's teacher, Alan got the most fertile piece of Fiefdom and gloriously became a member of the feudal nobility.

Although in the eyes of modern people, this Feudal System is simply backward to the extreme.

It can be said to be the optimal solution considering the current productivity of human beings and the environment in which many tribes fish and dragons are mixed in together.

In fact, a glance at Earth's history shows that in the process of transitioning from tribe to nation, the emergence of the Feudal System was almost inevitable.

Whether it was the Zhou Dynasty in the East or the kingdoms established by the invasion of a large number of Barbarian Races after the collapse of the Roman Empire in Europe, they all adopted the Feudal System, the lowest administrative cost method, to maintain the country.

After all, it is much easier to have a good relationship with several large feudal lord families than to directly send people to govern to face various complex problems and contradictions.

even more how, Thoradin also needs to use the privileged class of nobles to bribe the Elders of other tribes, so that he can annex one tribe after another without a fight.

With military, diplomatic, conspiracy and strategy, Thoradin finally unified most of the surrounding land in his twenties.

In addition, the tribe he belongs to is called Arathi, so he named the land after Arathi, and announced that the first country in human history had appeared, and the name was Arathor empire.

At the same time, he did not forget to send a messenger to give an ultimatum to the remaining tribes who had not yet acknowledged allegiance.

The wording is very simple and clear.

There is only one sentence from beginning to end.

Shunchang's death!

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