Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1235

With the defeat of the last human resistance in the land, the Empire of Arathor begins a top-down reformation.

Imperial Emperor Thoradin has only one goal, and that is to thoroughly understand the traces left by the tribe on everyone, so as to ensure that all human beings feel from the bottom of their hearts that they are the subjects of the Empire, not the previous ones. a member of a certain tribe.

Of course, this is not an easy task, and he still has a lot of work to do.

Apart from this, the new human empire urgently needs to recuperate, reform technology, improve productivity, and pave the way to connect the various enfeoffed noble territories to the capital city of Rapids, and strengthen the Imperial Family's strength control over the entire country.

In short, every day all has a lot of work to do.

The only thing that makes Thoradin happy is that his teacher Alan built a simple bureaucratic system from scratch.

And a few years ago, some children began to develop skills such as common language writing, arithmetic, measurement, and overall management.

Now, more than two hundred educated teenagers have officially assumed the responsibility of running the country.

Although their performance is still quite immature, and they often do some ridiculous things, but compared to those old patriarchs who don't know a few big characters and only know how to find experience from their predecessors, they are already strong. too much.

Three months have passed since the relocation and resettlement of those prisoners of war was completely dealt with.

Except for the occasional bad news about wild beasts or trolls attacking human villages, the Arathor Empire is generally stable and prosperous.

Even some tribes who settled in the deep mountains heard that a powerful and prosperous human kingdom was established, and sent messengers from thousands of miles to accept the canonization of the emperor and join the empire.

It takes a lot of time and energy to meet these messengers every day.

Meanwhile, Rapids continued to expand to accommodate a larger population of craftsmen, especially furnaces, blacksmiths, carpenters, and leatherworkers.

These are all directly related to the foundation of rule - the army.

Because of the influence of Alan since childhood, Thoradin knew very well that only by mastering the powerful machine of violence, the army, could he ensure that his rule would not be shaken.

As for the legal system and bloodline, they are all based on violence.

Therefore, as long as he is alive, he will never give up on strengthening his army.

Standing at the top of the just-completed Palace Lord tower, Thoradin looked down at the busy crowd of densely packed people below, and said without looking back: "teacher, I will be married in a while. Are you ready to give me something?"

"What do you want?" Alan asked with a faint smile.

"I want knowledge! More about how to rule a country and command an army." Thoradin demanded unceremoniously.

Since becoming the emperor of the Arathor Empire, he has gradually lost interest in wealth, land, livestock, and food. Instead, he is full of hunger and thirst for knowledge.

The reason is simple!

The former is easy to get after having great power.

But in this wild age, the latter is rarer and more precious than anything else.

At least so far, there is no one in the entire Arathor Empire who can give Thoradin constructive advice, except for Alan.

So Thoradin needs his own teacher's wisdom, and he can't even pry open the other's head, dig out all the knowledge inside, and stuff it all into his own head.

He knows better than anyone that ruling an empire and ruling a tribe are completely different things.

If nothing else, the establishment of institutions and laws is an incomparable gigantic project.

So far, it has only temporarily established the privileges that the noble class can enjoy, as well as the various responsibilities and obligations that must be assumed.

As for civil administration and taxation, it is still in a very primordial and rude state.

In addition, business is not very developed, so business tax revenue is very small, mainly relying on land rent and agricultural tax to maintain the national financial operation.


With the vigorous development of the slave-catching movement, a large number of trolls and murlocs have taken the place of human beings to engage in those dangerous and heavy manual labor, which has greatly eased the originally tight financial and human resources.

Several mines near Torrent City are basically replaced with shackled slaves.

A few days ago, one of the mines unfortunately collapsed, resulting in the death of hundreds of slave miners.

In the old days, the pensions and compensation alone would be enough to make Chief-In-Charge, who runs the mine, despair.

But now, he just needs to submit an application form, and he will soon get a large number of captured trolls or murlocs from the slave team to fill the vacancy.

And these slaves who will work to death don't need to pay wages, don't need to care about their health, or even treat them as "people".

The value created by their labor will be completely deprived, contributing to the rise of the Arathor Empire with blood and tears.

It can even be said that Alan this move alone has solved the troubles that have plagued Thoradin for a long time.

Not only that!

With the capture of numerous murlocs and trolls, the security situation in the Empire-controlled territories was quickly eased.

At least most villages don't have to worry, they will be raided by troll tribes at night, and those fishermen and cargo ships don't have to worry about being besieged by murlocs.

Laughing at Thoradin's expectant eyes, Alan couldn't help laughing, took out a handwritten book bound with parchment from his arms, and handed it over directly: "Here, I think this It is the knowledge that is desperately needed."

"The Prince?"

Seeing a line of Common Language letters written on the cover, the Emperor's face showed an expression of incomparable surprise. .

Alan nodded lightly: "Yes! After you really read this book, you will understand what a country is. What a monarch should do to avoid taking away or diluting power in his hands. You know , the political struggle begins from the moment the nation is born."

Of course, this Azeroth edition of The Prince has undergone a series of revisions and deletions, including the religious part. All were eliminated.

Because there are no priests who have mastered the power of holy light among the human beings at present, so the beliefs are very mixed, and no system has been formed, so it is not worth wasting time to pay attention to.

even more how, Alan is a little disgusted with religion, this thing, so he won't bring the original author's thinking mode heavily influenced by religion into the book.

Driven by intense curiosity, Thoradin quickly flipped through the pages, and was immediately attracted by the point of view expressed in the book, and then asked without looking up: "teacher, where are you from? Did you get this knowledge? As far as I know, you grew up in a similar environment to mine, and you have always stayed in the tribe and never traveled far. Could it be that... you have been inspired by the gods?"

"en! That's right! I did get some enlightenment, so that's why I have knowledge of this unfathomable mystery." Alan let out a small panic.

"so that's how it is! Your luck is really enviable. But I'm a little strange, why do you have to train me and let me do it when you can do it yourself? ?" Thoradin finally revealed the secret that had been in his heart for many years.

In his opinion, if the other party wants to, he can definitely repeat his own establishment of the Arathor Empire, and maybe he will do better.

"Because I hate bondage. It's a joy to be the Emperor of the Empire and make a huge mark in history. But equally, it's a huge sacrifice. Take you as an example, even marrying a queen is not about whether you like it, but what kind of benefits she can bring. So in my eyes, the throne of the emperor is not so much a glory as it is a yoke. ”

Alan didn't hide anything, and spoke his inner thoughts openly.

He also thought about playing the life of Thoradin Great Emperor himself.

But it was later discovered that he couldn't act at all.

After all, the Emperor was first and foremost a political creature through and through.

If Alan plays the role, he will be willful and will eventually change the history of Azeroth beyond recognition.

"The shackles? hahahaha!" Thoradin laughed self-deprecatingly. "Well, I have to admit, your description is quite accurate. But such shackles are what countless people want."

"Yeah. Power this thing is like a kind of Poison, most people will inevitably become addicted to it after tasting it. So you must always be vigilant and not one day become a monster controlled by power." Alan warned in a very serious tone.

"Don't worry, I will never be corrupted by power." Thoradin assured without hesitation.

Of course, how long his guarantee will last is unknown.

But at least in this brief moment, he was serious.

"Then about your wedding, how did you arrange it?"

Alan obviously knew that there would be no happy outcome to continue discussing this issue, so he moved decisively. topic.

Soladin, with his bushy beard on the chin, responded: "I plan to take some of the food and drink from the treasury and share it with all the residents of Riptide, so that they too can feel the joyous atmosphere. .apart from this, I will give birth to a boy with my queen as soon as possible to stabilize people's hearts."

"What about those nobles? Don't you plan to take this opportunity to tell those who own land Do nobles give expensive gifts? You must know that this is the best chance to make money." Alan reminded meaningfully.

But when Soladin heard this, he immediately shook the head: "Forget it. As the first generation of nobles, they spent no less than me to build their territory. In addition, the autumn harvest has not yet come, and there is no There is no future output. Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered, teacher, you seem to have never checked your territory, right?"

"Yes. Your side has always been short of manpower, I Where do you have time to inspect your own territory." Alan spread his hands innocently.

Actually, he doesn't care about that piece of land that is extremely rich in the eyes of others, let alone the output of that little bit of land.

From the moment I got it, I handed it over to a person named Lyle to take full responsibility.

Anyway, as long as the emperor calls out, it is enough to gather 800 soldiers.

"Sorry, it's all my fault. While the empire is safe at the moment, why don't I give you a vacation and go back to your own territory to have a look. Apart from this, you're not too young Now, it's time to find a woman to marry and have children."

When he said this remark, Thoradin's tone was full of ridicule.

"Are you doing something wrong again?" Alan was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Soladin hurriedly denied it: "How is it possible! I am concerned about you, teacher. After all, a bloodline of an excellent noble like you should inherit no matter what. And I also hope that my son Or a daughter, who can marry your son or daughter."

"But you are only in your twenties, do you need to think so far?" A look of amazement appeared on Alan's face.

"Anyone who has no foresight will have immediate worries. It is never a bad thing to do more planning for the future. Even more how, in the first stage, the enemy we have to deal with is the trolls of the Amani Empire. I But there is no certainty of surviving this war that determines the fate of mankind."

Whenever the word "Amani" was mentioned, Thoradin's eyes became particularly gloomy.

There are so many forest trolls in the north that it is impossible to count them, and they block the sky like a dark cloud, making him not dare to relax for a moment.

"Relax! We will win! Nothing can stop the rise of mankind!"

Alan raised his hand and lightly patted Thoradin's shoulder before turning to leave the Emperor's study .

Since the Emperor of the Empire gave him a fake, he naturally wouldn't give up the opportunity to return to his territory to take a look.

After all, when he first learned about the history of the East and the West in Earth, Alan felt that the western history was more interesting than the eastern history because the former was the real Feudal System, and the noble lords had the power of Supreme on their own territory.

Although this system once kept Western production time in the dark Middle Ages, the indicators of various human societies are appallingly low.

In this way, after a simple handover of the work at hand, Alan quickly rode a horse, brought a cavalry sent from the territory to protect himself, and headed straight for hundreds of kilometers away. Valley Plain.

He slept in the wind and slept all the way, and even encountered the attack of highland raptors at night.

But no one died at all. It was just a hapless one who was caught off a large piece of flesh and could no longer do any strenuous activities for a short period of time.

After several days of running in the wilderness on horseback, everyone finally saw a lush and green farmland rising from the horizon.

Some tenant farmers are wielding tools, cautiously cutting weeds near their crops and diverting water from a nearby river for irrigation.

A few cows are lying on the riverside drinking water quietly, and the hound lifts the head and patrols all around vigilantly. Once they find something suspicious, they will bark.

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