Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1236

"Your Majesty, this is your territory."

A cavalryman stopped and pointed to the endless fields ahead.

"How big is my territory?" Alan touched the chin and asked with interest.

"If you only count the plains, from here to the mountains at the end, you need to run for two days and one night without rest on horseback.

As for the mountains and forests, there are countless. There is even a beautiful lake.

It is said that the fish-flavored Dao Idol in it is good, and it can be caught once in autumn and then dried for reserve.

Compared to The area of the mountains is much larger than the plains.

Since the Emperor Your Majesty did not give exact boundaries, theoretically, whatever you occupy can be considered part of the territory.

Apart from this, you also own about 32,000 tenant farmers, 4,000 horses, more than 3,600 cattle, tens of thousands of sheep, more than 5,000 pigs, and 20 hunting dogs. and fifty shepherd dogs.

And the number of fowls, such as chickens, ducks and geese, is innumerable..."

In this cavalry's proud Under the description, Alan probably has a general understanding of his territory.

If you guessed correctly, this territory should be located in the game map near the northeast of Hammerfall to the battlefield - near Arathi Basin.

It's just that it's still very early before the orcs invade, so there is no Hammerfall at all, only a temporarily built human town as the ruling center.

As for the area suitable for cultivation, there are almost tens of thousands of square kilometers.

If you count the area of mountains and forests, it is almost equal to the sum of several modern metropolitan areas.

In addition to the feudal system, the lord's Absolute Control over his territory can already be regarded as a country within a country.

The only regret is that the population is a little small, with only 30,000 households, about 100,000 people, and it is impossible to effectively develop such a huge land.

And the scale of the army of several hundred people is far from enough to meet the needs of protecting its own security.

Simply put, this is a place that lacks everything and is extremely backward.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, these properties are enough to make Alan look down on other nobles, but in his own eyes, it is basically a broken house that leaks everywhere.

In this way, while inspecting the production, labor and living conditions of the tenant farmers, they moved towards the ruling center of the entire territory.

It took another two days or so before arriving at a town built on a raised hill.

This is a semi-fortress-style building made of logs and mud.

There are not only four-meter-high walls around, but also towers of arrows, with soldiers holding crossbows guarding them.

Outside the wall, there is also the steep inclination angle formed by the hill itself.

If there is a foreign invasion, they must first cross the moat formed by the incoming river water, and then climb the soil slope to the bottom of the city wall.

During this period, the archer is free to shoot at these unobstructed targets.

Of course, this level of defense can at best deal with enemies who do not master magical power and heavy siege weapons.

If you really want to encounter a big attack like the orcs, or if the giant Demon Emperor country Amani is dispatched, it will be broken and razed to the ground in minutes.

However, Alan didn't have any complaints about this ruling center that only took a few months to build, but rather admired Lyle's ability.

After all, civil engineering towns are also towns.

Especially the four-meter-high wooden fence and the mud wall are enough to give the ordinary person who used to live in tents a sense of security.

The security of being protected can make the tenant farmers have a sense of belonging and identity to the territory and lord, which helps to unite people's hearts.

When the team crossed the suspension bridge to the main entrance, Lyle, who had already received the news, personally led someone to guard the door, and bowed deeply with one hand on his chest: "Welcome back, honorable. Your Excellency."

"You did a good job, you didn't let me down."

Alan generally praised without hesitation, dismounting and handing the reins to the servant next to him.

The latter hurried to take it, led the horse to the stable, and prepared High Level oatmeal mixed with eggs and salt for it.

This is to allow the horses that consume a lot of physical strength along the way to quickly replenish nutrients.

Although Azeroth's horses are much tougher than Earth's, it's important to eat well after a long journey.

"Thank you for your compliment, this is all my duty." Lyle's tone was respectful and humble.

After all, his ability was learned from his own fief lord little by little.

As a youngster from the Arathi tribe, Lyle has witnessed how Alan, Thoradin and Arturia have grown from nothing to today.

Full of admiration for their great achievements.

Seeing the rays of light flickering in the young man's eyes, Alan couldn't help laughing and shook the head, went straight through the city gate and walked along the town's road, and asked without looking back: "How is the situation in the territory lately? Is there any threat from the outside world?"

"The situation inside the territory is not bad for now. We have enough food in our warehouses and can also be caught from rivers and lakes. Fresh fish, shrimp and crabs can last 100% until the autumn harvest. Moreover, due to sufficient irrigation, I believe that this year's grain harvest will be bumper. The livestock are also multiplying, and a large number of calves, lambs and ponies will be born soon. The herd size should double next year. The pit side, by contrast, has a lot of problems. We were digging a rich iron mine when we accidentally encountered a group of kobolds. And under the attack, I had to temporarily stop going into the mine, resulting in a serious shortage of steel production."

When the kobold was mentioned, Lyle immediately put on a scowling look.

I can't help but frown!

Be aware that in head-to-head combat out there, human warriors can shit these nasty kobolds out.

Unfortunately, in tangled and complicated tunnels, fighting against these little monsters who are good at punching holes and have night vision is nothing short of torture.

They will not fight head-on at all, but will break into pieces, constantly attacking when the enemy is resting, irritable or losing their minds, adhering to the principle of hit and run, and will never fight.

Although the army was sent down several times to suppress the mines, the results were of little effect. On the contrary, many people were injured as a result.


Alan flashed the kobolds in the game around Hammerfall for a moment, and immediately understood what was going on, and smiled immediately comforted: "Don't worry, I'll take care of it myself. Aside from kobolds, haven't we encountered murlocs or trolls harassing them?"

"How could there not be. In this world, is there any place where there is water without murlocs? On both sides of the lake, there are always murloc tribes operating there. I organized people to launch a cleanup on them, killed some of them, and also caught some of them It is used as a slave. As for the rest, most of them escaped to hide under the lake, and will not pose too much threat for a long time. The troll tribes in the south also sent people to harass them, but they were all repelled by us. In the course of the battle, we killed several of the strangely dressed guys, and found some wooden stakes carved with strange patterns and patterns from them."

Speaking, Lyle walked from behind The attendant took a box and opened it, and took out four wooden sticks that exuded faint energy.

These sticks are about 60 centimeters long and about the thickness of a big arm, each of which is carved with extremely complex patterns.

The ends are cut into a sharp shape that can be inserted into loose soil with a little force.

"This is... Elemental Totem?"

Alan grabbed one of them with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"Totem? What is that?" Lyle's face was full of confusion and confusion.

It's not his fault.

After all, Arathi is the traditional human range, and most of the forest trolls are driven north of the Auckland mountain range and the Hill Splade.

Most of the rest have been cut off from the Amani Empire for a long time, and gradually degenerated into primordial cannibal tribes, which were impossible to cultivate sorcerers, whether they were priests, Witch Doctors, or secret technicians.

"You can understand that this is a medium for casting spells. Through Totem, some trolls who have been cultivated and trained can summon the power of the four elements Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, or to Treat yourself and your allies, or deal devastating blows to your enemies. In short, there seems to be something weird behind this." Alan threw Totem into the wooden box casually, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

He had a hunch that there was a Witch Doctor, a troll who could use Totem, around his territory, and it was very likely that the Amani Empire could not get rid of it.

However, according to the historical process, the Amani giant Demon Lord at this time should focus on dealing with the high elves in the north.

As for the war between the south and humans, it will not officially break out until at least ten or twenty years later, when the high spirit Spirit King sends an envoy to request an alliance.

Could it be that his arrival has caused some unexpected changes in the situation?

Or is this just a temptation by the Amani trolls?

Just when Alan lowered his head to think, a Knight next to him suddenly shouted, and said excitedly: "Ah! I remember! During the battle, these sticks were inserted into the ground. , those troll wounds heal at an incredible rate. Could it be that these Totems can speed up healing?"

"That's right! That's what the Water Totems do. Send someone to find these right away. Where the trolls hide, I'll see what the hell they're up to." Alan blunt ordered.

"Understood! I'll make arrangements right away!"

Lyle turned around and whispered to a Knight without saying a word.

About a few minutes later, the latter took five scouts to charge ahead from the main entrance on horseback, and moved towards the place where they fought with the trolls last time.

Their goal is very clear, and that is to follow the footprints to find the location of the troll tribe.

When the silhouettes of these soldiers disappeared from the horizon, Alan also led Lyle to the mansion specially built for the lord.

Like the whole town, this place is simply spliced together with logs. It looks rather rudimentary from the outside.

The only thing worthy of praise may be the surrounding flowers and plants swaying in the wind.

Fortunately, since his arrival, Alan has been living in a relatively primitive and backward tribal tent, and has long adapted to this harsh living environment, so he sat directly on the bear skin in the hall. In his own seat, he flipped through the various ledgers handed over by Lyle.

After about half an hour, he finally had a general understanding of the "family property" of the territory, and he instructed without raising his head: "Prepare me something to eat first. After lunch Then, take me to the mine to see the situation of the kobolds."

"As you wish!"

Lyle hurriedly turned around and gave the servants a wink.

The latter understood and immediately turned around and ran to the kitchen.

In less than twenty minutes, plates of steaming hot dishes were brought to the table.

Because human civilization is still in the emerging era, most of the food is simply steamed, boiled, roasted, and then sprinkled with a little salt and condiments like garlic.

It doesn't taste good, but it's not bad either.

At least Alan, who is a duke, doesn't have to eat those hard and brick-like bread like an ordinary person. Fresh fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits can almost satisfy his body's consumption.

apart from this, and a huge bowl of delicious clam soup.

Through the attitudes and reactions of the people around him during the meal, Alan could clearly feel that servants, attendants, and knights were full of curiosity and awe for him.

Although this was his first time to the territory, there was no outward devotion but inner opposition.

You don't need to ask to know that this is where the title of the Imperial Emperor teacher played a vital role.

As Thoradin's prestige and power in the human world are getting higher and higher, it can be foreseen that his teacher's status will inevitably become more and more popular with everyone over time. Attention and attention.

But what Alan didn't know was that just when he just returned to the territory, a question about his marriage in Torrent City was officially put on the imperial meeting of the emperor.

Soladin didn't hide anything, and said directly to his ministers: "I believe you should all know that my teacher, the Duke of the Empire, Alan, has not yet been married, nor has any children. . So I ask you to select suitable candidates from all the noble ladies to be married in the next month, and send them all to Rapids. At that time, I will hold a grand banquet."

"Your Majesty! Did you get Duke Alan's consent to do this?" An old man with a gray beard stood up cautiously probed.

"Of course not. Do you think he would have come if he had known in advance?" Thoradin rolled his eyes angrily.

"Where's the Duchess Artoria? She also seems to be at the age when she should get married." Another middle age person flashed greed in his eyes.

"Then let's go together! Gather the aristocratic youths who have not yet married."

After thinking for a while, Thoradin made a decision immediately.

He had no idea what the terrifying results would bring about by doing so...

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