Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1240

As a nascent human empire, Arathor, there are usually only two channels for becoming a member of its ruling class.

The first is of course military merit.

By showing his bravery and commanding ability, he was appreciated by Emperor Thoradin, and finally he was canonized as a nobleman with a territory of his own.

Because in this wild age, only a powerful enough lord can protect the people from various external threats.

As for the second channel, it was the tribal leaders and Elders who took the initiative to take refuge.

As "heroes" who voluntarily surrendered their power to avoid war, they also received their due rewards and turned into members of the nobles.

It's just that compared with the military nobles in front, the latter obviously bear the imprint of the tribal system, and from the very beginning, they were excluded from the core decision-making circle of the empire.

With the strong character of the Thoradin Great Emperor, he would never allow anyone to hinder his reform of human society, especially those remaining conservative forces.

Therefore, he continued to promote the status of military nobles representing the new era, weakened the influence of those conservative forces, and marginalized them.

Unfortunately, as the founder and leader of the original Barov family, Al is such a guy who has the title and territory of Baron, but has no chance to participate in political decision-making.

In fact, like most noble surnames, the name Barov was originally just the name of his own tribe.

It was later changed to a surname after becoming a nobleman to remember his origin.

In the Empire of Arathor, the ordinary commoner may not even have a proper name, let alone a surname.

As for the nobility, either the original tribal name is used as the surname, or the Fiefdom is used as the surname.

In short, in the later period of Azeroth's history, those famous royal families had each one, and they were basically from "mud legs", not much more "noble" than those ordinary persons.

However, as land, wealth and power continued to be concentrated in the hands of a few high-level nobles, the result was the emergence of the "born noble" argument.

The nobles tried their best to preach how ancient their families were and how noble their bloodlines were, in order to demonstrate the legitimacy of their rule and status.

But now, the Barov family, who will be rich in the future, is only a small Baron, with a total population of less than 1,000 households, two Knights and a total of 30 private individuals. military.


You read that right!

Arathor, the first unification empire that was desperately advocated by later human history books, was such backward and poor.

dignified Baron is basically no different from the mayor of a slightly larger village.

Al Barov couldn't even build a fortified town made of wood and dirt like Alan did, he could only use wooden fences to roughly enclose the residential area to keep out those who would be in the dark at night. Active hunting beasts.

As for leaving the residential area to work in the farmland, civilians can only rely on the farm implements in their hands, such as sickles and pitchforks, to protect themselves.

And expect no terrifying predators like raptors, giant spiders.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of being eaten alive.

The nobles in the early days of the empire were far less able to taste delicious food, wear luxurious and comfortable clothes, live in exquisite houses and castles, and enjoy the service of dozens or even dozens of professional servants as their descendants did later. .

On the contrary, the responsibilities and obligations they have to bear at this stage are far more than the privileges they get.

Not to mention, it takes a lot of money and energy just to defend one's own territory and people.

In order to repel the invading herds or monsters, some nobles even fought together with their families, young and old, and died in a tragic battle.

Development and expansion have never been easy.

It means blood and killing, and means to face natural and man-made disasters including nature.

Al Barov was undoubtedly lucky compared to those who were already dead.

Because his territory is a little wild, but it is next to one of the only two dukes in the empire.

Although there is not much communication between the two sides normally, in the previous operation to clear the wild beast and monster in the territory, he destroyed several troll strongholds on the edge of his territory.

One of the largest villages has hundreds of people.

If these trolls take advantage of the night cover to attack the Barov family's residential area, even if they can successfully repel them, they will suffer heavy losses.

So after hearing Alan's return to the woodland, Al Barov immediately rushed over with a gift.

On the one hand, he wanted to express his gratitude and took the opportunity to get close.

On the other hand, he hopes to conclude a covenant, by giving up part of the proceeds in exchange for some of the things he wants.

Because the number of full-time professional soldiers that small lords can afford is too scarce, and civilian-trained militias are prone to collapse in moments of life and death.

As a last resort, some of them choose to form alliances with each other to ensure that if any one family is attacked, the other families can immediately bring their men to support.

Others will transfer part of the income of the territory in exchange for the protection of the martial power of the surrounding powerful nobles.

The former will slowly form a complex marriage relationship and eventually form a unified alliance that will speak for itself politically.

The latter will form a certain dependency relationship, making the small nobles gradually break away from the emperor's control and become the vassals of the big nobles.

No matter which one it is, it is quite fatal for the Arathor Empire.

But sadly Thoradin was not aware or aware of this and did not interfere.

Perhaps in the eyes of this heroic monarch, the giant Demon Emperor Amani is the enemy who is truly worthy of all his efforts to deal with.

And the issue of the nobility within the country is only a minor inconvenience, and it is not too late to deal with the threat of trolls.

Anyway, with the tacit approval of the emperor, the nobles who were canonized not long ago can be said to be doing everything they can to survive, develop and grow.

Right now, Al Barov was sitting on a chair in the reception room, looking a little nervous.

Because before that, he had never had any contact with Alan, at best he had only seen it from a distance when the emperor recruited vassals to fight.

As for the close dialogue...


He is not yet qualified.

With a little anxiety and unease, El Barov soon saw a young man with short hair and no beard coming out of the room inside under the leadership of his servant.

Al Barov didn't dare to neglect, he quickly stood up and bowed respectfully with one hand: "It's a great honor to be received by you, Your Excellency."

"I'm glad to meet you too, Baron." Alan responded with a smile.

After saying hello, the two quickly sat down again and silently looked at each other across a table.

About a few minutes later, Al Barov took the lead in breaking the silence and offered a small box full of gold bars to his hands: "A little trivial, no respect, please accept it. Thank you. Until now, my territory will be safe."

"Newly refined gold? You found gold mines on your territory?"

Alan picked up the A simple refined gold bar with a surprised expression on his face.

Although precious metals such as gold and silver are not currently used as the legal tender of the empire, they have begun to be regarded as general equivalents in transactions between tribes in the past.

The only problem is that most humans are still more willing to hoard food, cloth, livestock, poultry, steel, weapons, armor, salt, spices than gold, which is neither edible nor drinkable such as life necessities.

This is also the reason why, since the establishment of the Arathor Empire, the three currencies of gold, silver and copper have not been minted.

Without him!

The public has not yet formed a unified understanding of the value of gold and silver currency, and trade is still stuck in the primordial stage of bartering.

When agriculture and handicrafts develop to a certain extent, there will be a large surplus of things produced, and there is an urgent need for exchange, and then the urgent need for currency will emerge as the times require.

Before this, the most important use of gold was decoration.

"That's right! I found a gold mine on my territory and tried to capture some troll slaves to mine and refine. What you're seeing now is the last few months All that has been accumulated." El Barov didn't try to hide anything, and admitted it generously.

Because this gold mine is one of the chips he wants in exchange.

Alan understood the meaning of the other party instantly and smiled nodded: "so that's how it is. It seems that you are really lucky enough to discover a gold mine in your territory. If nothing else happens, then In ten or twenty years, the value of these golds will skyrocket, and they can even buy everything."

Al Barov smiled wryly and shook the head: "Sorry, I may not be able to wait. That time. If you don't mind, I want to exchange this gold mine with you."

"Oh? What do you want in exchange?" Alan put down the gold bar in his hand, spared Interested to ask.

To be honest, he is still a little interested in the founder of the Barov family.

After all, from the current situation and the location of the territory, he really can't think of how such a family developed to master the towns of Brill, Tarren Mill, Keldaron, and Southern Sea. Wait for a large piece of rich land, and even a super noble that can rival the royal family of Alterac.

Does it mean that thanks to the decline of the Arathor Empire, the nobles began to move towards the expansion of the north, and the Barov family seized the extremely rare opportunity?

Or maybe this Barov family did the same thing as the European Habsburg family, and completed the expansion and annexation of the territory through marriage?

Because the history of Azeroth before the Orc War is too vague, it is far more difficult than imagined to figure out the truth in some details.

"I want to trade gold mines for a hundred soldiers, then take the initiative to capture more troll slaves, and then trade slaves for enough food, livestock, weapons and armor. And there are nearby The only person with such strength is you, the Duke.”

I have to say that El Barov is a very courageous person, and his political and business sense is also very keen, and he immediately noticed it. to the intent of that decree.

As human aristocrats begin to use trolls for hard physical labor on a large scale, they will soon discover that this humanoid creature with powerful regeneration ability and very difficult to die is simply born Do slave material.

Because the ordinary person class can get injured and even die from fatigue, but not the troll.

And trolls are never picky eaters, no matter the meat of raptors, giant spiders, or the meat of murlocs or other intelligent creatures, even the corpses of their own kind can be eaten.

Very, very good to feed!

So it won't be long before the demand for troll slaves in each territory will skyrocket, and the price will naturally follow as the tide rises, the boat floats.

At this time, spending a lot of money to set up a professional slave-catching team will definitely be able to make a fortune from it.

Of course, the premise is that you don't accidentally bump into a large army of trolls and get eaten by the opponent in one bite.

Realizing what the founder of the Barov family wanted to do, Alan smiled playfully, and blunt replied in the affirmative: "No problem! I agree with the deal in principle. Not only In this way, before the early sales are opened, I will buy all the trolls you capture, whether they are adults, old people, women, or children, and will give you priority to sell weapons and armor. But there is one thing you must pay special attention to , that is, don't go near the western border. Otherwise, I promise you will die very, very badly!"

"Thank you very much! Rest assured, I am not a fool, knowing that the forest trolls of the Amani Empire have Not to be trifled with. And I don't have that much appetite, the troll tribes in the empire are enough fiercely to make a fortune."

When talking about this remark, El Ba There was unabashed excitement in Rove's eyes.

He would not, like those die-hard nobles, put all the poor materials on hand into the construction and development of the territory.

Just the opposite!

He will use the gold mine, which is of little value for the time being, in exchange for some resources that can be used immediately, and then grow rapidly like a snowball.

When the next time the emperor calls his vassals to fight against the enemy, the Barov family will be able to draw enough troops to win their own honor on the battlefield and obtain higher titles of nobility. and more extensive land.

Obviously, the word greed has been deeply imprinted in the bloodline of the Barov family from the very beginning, and will continue until it eventually perishes.

As a legally binding contract was signed, El Barov immediately obtained from Alan a 100-man phalanx of light cavalry, heavy infantry and crossbowmen.

Alan also took ownership of the gold mine, handing it over to Lyle to mine it, melting all the gold into gold bricks and storing it in the basement.

Although this thing is not very useful in the current human society, but in the northern kingdom of Spirit King, you can buy a lot of good things...

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