Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1241

Al Barov's visit is just the beginning.

In the next few days, more than a dozen nobles, large and small, came to the door one after another.

Some of them came to buy iron ingots, weapons and armor, some came to sell their daughters or younger sisters, hoping to be favored by Alan and get married, and some were just to get acquainted, by the way. say hi.

In short, in the process of talking, these nobles are all side-by-side trying to figure out what the next strategy of the emperor is, and when will a large-scale war with the trolls in the north break out.

After all, under the existing system, nobles can only obtain more land and higher titles of nobility by participating in wars.

So basically there is one, and they are all eager to see the outbreak of war.

Of course, the premise is that you must be the winning party.

For these issues, Alan fully demonstrated the qualities that a qualified "politician" should have, and directly took the nonsense that Sir Humphrey said was the same as not saying it, and it was an output.

Where have these first-generation aristocrats from "mud legs" ever seen this, and they were all impressed by his "art of language".

Some people were completely stunned, and they didn't even know when they left.

Standing on the high tower of the wooden castle, Alan condescendingly admired the blank expression on the face of the last visiting nobleman in the distance, and teased with a smile without looking back: "See? The result of losing face. Remember, no matter what time, when you don't understand something, or you don't understand what others say, don't pretend that you understand. That won't make you become Being smarter will only make you look stupid and stubborn."

"Lord Duke, this is not good?" Lyle's mouth twitched slightly.

He really didn't expect that Alan, who has always been mature and steady, has such a bad side.

"Don't worry, even if they know the truth later, they will only cover up the whole thing with lies and deceit. Do you know the common characteristics of human beings, especially those with status and status?" Alan Turned sideways and asked meaningfully.

Lyle thought about it for a few seconds, then quickly looked at the head: "I don't know."

"It's hypocrisy! The more powerful people are, the more likely they are to become The more hypocritical. Because only by wearing a mask, they can gain the upper hand in the intriguing political struggle. Believe me, if these families can last for more than ten or twenty generations, then when the time comes they will play my prank, Depicted as a wise guidance, and used to elevate the historical status of the founder of his family. Even more how, do you think I should disclose well known things like national decision-making?"

As a modern person, Alan undoubtedly has a high sense of confidentiality.

He would not, like a real feudal aristocrat, tell other people some secrets related to the future policies of the entire country, in order to demonstrate his important position in the imperial court and the emperor's in mind.

It is precisely because of this that Thoradin relies so much on him as a teacher.

"so that's how it is!"

Lyle's nodded.

Although he has become the de facto administrator of the duchy, he is not politically sensitive.

In other words, there are too few politically sensitive people in this era.

The way of thinking of most aristocrats stays on land, livestock and people, thinking that these are the most important.

Not many people realize that the most fierce competition for power in the future will be the palace in Torrent City.

But Alan wasn't very interested in this kind of fighting.

He only wants to personally participate and decide the war that will soon determine the fate of mankind, and the future of the entire eastern continent.

The combined army of humans and elves VS the giant Demon Emperor Amani!

Thinking of the trolls who hiding the sky and covering the earth fierce and unafraid of death charging, feels like a fire is burning inside.

Alan really hopes to play against Zul'jin, and see what kind of spell this guy relies on to extend the lifespan of a troll's average of only sixty years, forcibly to nearly three thousand years.

Just as he was looking at the busy scene outside the window, a soldier suddenly rushed in from the main entrance on a horse, shouting gasping for breath while running: "No... not good. NOW! There's a huge army of trolls popping up in the mountain range to the north! They're wearing the banner of the Witherwood Tribe!"

"What? Witherwood trolls!"

"Heavens! Haven't they been driven to the Hinterlands on the other side of the mountain by Imperial troops?"

"Damn! These guys must be back for revenge!"


For a while, everyone on the street who heard the news showed nervousness and panic.

Because for humans, the deadwood tribe is one of the troll tribes they have come into contact with the most and most frequently.

These guys originally lived in the Arathi Highlands and the Hinterlands, and occasionally clashed and fought with human tribes.

The two sides can be said to be old enemies.

It's just that the trolls of the deadwood tribe were always able to take advantage of the Amani Empire, and they even picked up human captives and threw them into pots to cook and eat them.

But since Thoradin took over the human race, the situation has been reversed.

With more powerful organizational capabilities, the Empire soon organized troops to encircle and suppress the trolls throughout Arathi.

Because the deadwood trolls are scattered most of the time and survive as small tribes, it is too late to organize effective resistance.

Either get killed by ruthless, run away, or become a slave laborer in the mine.

No one would have imagined that these guys could even be involved in a comeback and attack humans again from unexpected places.

"President... Lord Duke, what should we do now?" Lyle's voice trembled.

Obviously, this kind of big scene is beyond his ability, so he seems to lose one's head out of fear.

After all, a large number in the mouths of soldiers usually refers to more than 10,000 people.

This also means that, excluding the warriors, the number of trolls is conservatively estimated to be more than 60,000, including the tribe members that follow.

What is the concept of 60,000 trolls with super regeneration ability appearing on the battlefield?

Lyle doesn't know, and doesn't dare to think about it.

At least so far, mankind has not encountered such a large number of troll invasion.

"Don't be nervous. First, send someone to Rapids immediately to deliver letters to our Emperor Your Majesty, as well as the surrounding noble lords. Second, to evacuate all the residents north of here, and at the same time launch an emergency The mobilization order, from now on at all costs to reinforce the outer walls. Finally, and most importantly, organize the adult males for military training, and give them the most basic bows and arrows, leather armor, lances, short swords and shields ."

Compared to the appearance of others losing one's head out of fear, Alan, who was used to seeing big scenes for a long time, immediately gave orders one by one without rushing.

With his lord as the backbone, Lyle and the Knights quickly regained their composure, and began to follow orders without saying a word.

In less than ten minutes, more than a dozen messengers on horses rushed out of the city gate, moving towards all directions.

apart from this, professional soldiers also began to knock on doors from house to house in accordance with active mobilization orders, and gathered adult men over the age of 16 and under the age of 50 for assault training.

At least teach them how to use weapons and shields, how to wear armor, and special precautions when fighting trolls.

The women do some cooking, boiling water, and transportation.

About an hour or two, this semi-military town built of wood and mud entered a state of war.

No one tried to escape.

Because they know that if this place is lost, the first empire of mankind will face the dilemma of being flanked by trolls, or the entire ethnic group will perish.

When it was almost night, the first group of people who got the news withdrew one after another.

Accompanied by the nervous calls of livestock and poultry, as well as the cries of children, it seems to give the illusion that the end of the world is about to come.

All night long, every half hour to forty minutes, villagers from other villages would drag their families through the gate.

When three days passed, this small, semi-military town was completely overcrowded.

Not to mention the house where they live, even the streets and alleys are full of people.

But even so, no one wants to leave, or go to the safer city of Rapids.

The reason is simple!

Before the transportation system of the empire is completed, there is not enough martial power to protect oneself, and walking in the wild for a long time is basically not much different from courting death.

Let's not talk about the troll chasing soldiers behind him, just the carnivorous beasts and wandering elemental creatures along the way can tear the defenseless ordinary person to shreds.

Looking at the crowded town, Lyle said with a wry smile: "Sir, our carrying capacity has reached its limit. Although the grain reserves in the warehouse are still very sufficient, it can no longer be accommodated. The fleeing people have to be dispersed to other places.”

“Where to disperse? Or what do you think is safe around after tens of thousands of trolls arrive?” Alan asked blankly.

"Lord Duke! We must take the initiative to attack and delay the march of those trolls. In this way, we can not only buy time to strengthen the city wall, but also force them to dare not recklessly divide their forces and let the trolls march. The village built in the rear is safe and sound." A nearby Knight in his thirties gave his advice.

I have to say, he is really brave.

Because the forest troll's brown bear and raptor cavalry are much more explosive than warhorses at short distances.

"Bastard! Are you crazy? Those troll spear throwers will wipe out our cavalry!" another Knight retorted sharply.

Just when the two were about to clash and argue, Alan suddenly raised his hand and interrupted: "Enough! According to the current situation, apart from taking the initiative, we don't have a second to delay the time. Therefore, the order goes on and asks all cavalry to prepare two horses and carry supplies for ten days. We will set off in twenty minutes. This time I will personally lead the team!"

"What? No! Absolutely not. !" Lyle protested loudly.

The reason why the current situation has not completely collapsed is because Alan, a lord who can make a decision, is there.

If he has something, he won't have to fight in the next defensive battle, and he may collapse from the inside in minutes.

even more how, and face the wrath of Thoradin Great Emperor afterwards.

"It's not a request, it's an order. You should know what the order means, right?" Alan asked, staring into the youth's eyes.


Lyle was clearly overwhelmed by the unintentional imposing manner, not only stammering, but also brows. Non-stop sweating.

In the end, he couldn't stand the pressure and gave in, with a nodded expression on his face: "Understood, I'll arrange it right away. But please be careful, otherwise the emperor Your Majesty will definitely screw it with his own hands. Break my neck."

"no! You'll be killed and eaten by trolls before he can break your neck."

Alan started After joking, he took off his relatively comfortable robe and put on a suit of scale armor made of steel sheets. At the same time, he took out the great sword with a door panel that was two meters long and thirty centimeters wide.

To be honest, just based on the weight of his current equipment and weapons, if it weren't for the fact that Azeroth's warhorses were stronger than Earth's horses in terms of load-carrying capacity and endurance, it would be impossible to carry them. .

However, the unbelievable thing is that the well-bred warhorse was stunned to carry people, and it could run and sprint.

Twenty minutes later, a full 150 fully armed cavalry finally set off for grandiose.

Are they riding one horse, dragging supplies and supplies with another horse, and quickly moved towards the direction of the troll army according to the information given by the scouts returning from the front.

At the same time, the trolls of the Deadwood Tribe, under the command of an overseer, like locusts crossing the border, destroyed all the gathering places of humans along the way.

But I don't know if they didn't notice, or if they didn't have time, they didn't move the wheat, pumpkin, radish, onion and cabbage that were thriving in the fields.

Be aware of these things, but the main source of human food.

Once the crops in the fields are destroyed, half of Alan's territory will face severe crop failure.

Certainly, trolls wouldn't bother to eat what they define as "weed."

Because in the cognition of trolls, only the weak will regard plants as their staple food, and powerhouses should eat meat.

Especially by eating the flesh of those powerful creatures, and then gaining power from them.

In some troll clans, even powerful-looking alien warriors are invited and entertained with the most luxurious banquets.

After eating and drinking, they will stand up one by one to challenge the guest until the other party finally falls down.

Finally, all the trolls will swarm, tear the mighty warrior to shreds, and eat it alive.

It is precisely because such savage customs have been preserved that the trolls are obviously aborigines and once established an extremely brilliant civilization, but in the end they became the Barbarian Race that everyone despised.

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