Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1242

"Overseer! We have destroyed those human houses and villages! But there is no trace of any living people." A troll Berserker reported to the top commander of the operation.

There is no doubt that as a primordial empire composed of tribes united, anyone who can be called a warlord in Amani usually stands in the pyramid of power, cream of the crop That handful.

The power they wielded in times of war far exceeded even the patriarchs of the tribes.

It's just that this temporarily assembled army is not the regular army and main force of the Amani Empire, but the members of the deadwood troll tribe who were driven away by the Thoradin Great Emperor.

Some of these guys lost their relatives, some lost their property, and some left hideous scars on their bodies.

And all of this is caused by humans.

So they have each one, and they all hate humans.

The purpose of this all-out attack is to destroy this country that was just established by human beings and to kill all visible living people.

In contrast, the Overseers sent by the upper echelons of the Amani Empire need to consider another thing, and that is to use these "stray dogs" to test the strength of the Human Empire, and then decide what to do. Whether to deal with the high elves in the north first, or turn around and strangle humans in the bud first.

He never counted on these mobs to be able to destroy or defeat the Arathor Empire all at once, he just wanted to cause as much damage as possible and kill as many people as possible to weaken the overall war of mankind potential.

After all, for Amani, who has a history of tens of thousands of years, the high elves who master the power of strong demon magic are the scourge.

In contrast, humans who have just risen up and don't even know what magic is, are just a group of uncivilized "Barbarian Races".

That's right!

In the eyes of the trolls of this period, humans were the real Barbarians.

There is neither civilization nor cultural heritage, nor any frightening powerhouse, nor the level of technology and magic.

Looking at the army of grandiose passing by, and the burning human village in the distance, the troll warlord said with a cold laugh: "Don't pay attention to those cowardly peasants, and they The plants that grow in the fields. We have only one goal, to destroy their few armies, to kill Thoradin who calls himself Emperor. As soon as he dies, these humans will degenerate again into scattered tribes and become arbitrary again. Prey at our mercy."

"The emperor who hunted humans? Please entrust me with this honorable task!"

Another troll headhunter listened. Go to this remark, and immediately start to fight with bright eyes.

Not only him, but other guys around him who have a certain status in the tribe also showed expressions of be eager to have a try.

Because in the inherent concept of trolls, only the most powerful warriors or priests are qualified to be leaders.

So the emperor who unified mankind, Thoradin, must be an extremely powerful warrior.

If you can kill it yourself, it will be a very honorable thing.

And you can also gain the opponent's power by eating the human emperor's corpse.

"Okay! Don't make any noise!" The Overseer raised his hand to interrupt these hungry compatriots. "Since you all want to participate, show your strength. Whoever can kill a sufficient human noble lord first and defeat an army of theirs, I will hand over this honorable task to Yes. Very Fair, isn't it?"

"Fair indeed! I'll be back with enough human noble heads to see you."

The first troll, Berserker, patted chest, and then immediately turned around and started a rapid march with his men.

In his eyes, mankind must have been terrified by this massive invasion and would not dare to face it head-on.

So as long as you chase fast enough, you will definitely be able to catch a few slow-running nobles and win this internal competition.

Of course, those who have this idea don't know the Berserker leader himself, and there are many trolls who have similar ideas.

As a result, they scrambled to run along the road, ignoring that they had already consumed a lot of physical strength while climbing the mountains, for fear of being overtaken by their competitors.

The result was no accident, directly hitting the 150 cavalry led by Alan.

The location where the two sides met was a rolling hill.

Unfortunately, Alan said the cavalry he was leading was just above, and the trolls were below.

Seeing these enemies wearing simple leather armor and holding lances and sharp axes, Alan didn't even hesitate, and immediately ordered the cavalry to spread out to the wings, taking advantage of the height to pour arrows down.

For a while, arrows rained down.

The trolls who discarded their shields and other armor in order to speed up their journey were attacked one after another, screaming and falling on the road of the charge.

However, they did not die as easily as other creatures, but forcibly pulled out the arrows that gnawed their teeth into the muscles and skin, and used their powerful recovery ability to heal the wounds quickly.

Obviously, ranged weapons have extremely limited damage and impact on these guys.

It didn't take long for the arrow-wounded troll to sense something was wrong.

First of all, their hands and feet trembled uncontrollably, and then it became more and more difficult to breathe, and little by little suffocated to death.

In the end, there is only fear and despair in the eyes that prove what these dead trolls have gone through.

"Lord Duke! It works! Those poisons work on trolls!" a Knight shouted excitedly, holding a bow and arrow.

Alan satisfied nodded: "Very good! Keep shooting! Don't let any trolls climb up. When their numbers are reduced to a certain level, we are chasing them and rounding them up in this area. In the wilderness."

"Relax! Even if you don't tell me, I'm not going to let these damn trolls leave alive."

When talking about this remark, the tall and strong Knight almost gritted his teeth, squeezing each word from the gap between his teeth.

Because along the way, he had seen many villages that were set on fire by troll scouts and were burning, as well as civilians who were caught up and killed after running late. monster" is full of naked and unabashed hatred.

In addition to the grievances accumulated over thousands of years between humans and trolls, it can be said that both sides can't wait to kill each other to the last one.

There is no room for compromise or concession in this war between two races fighting for living space.

With the speed of cavalry archers advancing and retreating like wind, and arrows laced with neurotoxic toxins.

The encounter only lasted ten minutes from start to finish.

When the last unlucky guy was beheaded by whistled past's saber, this army of trolls with a total number of over 400 people finally died cleanly, and none of the lucky ones alive escaped.

Alan didn't even order a prisoner to be left for interrogation to gain intelligence on the large forces behind.

Because he knew it didn't make any sense.

Since the Amani trolls decided to start this war, they must have felt the threat posed by the establishment of the Arathor Empire.

And humans must win this defense battle, giving the trolls an impressive lesson, so that they dare not start wars easily.

At the same time, establish the absolute dominance of the Arathor Empire in the region.

No matter in any world, a country or even a race, there is only one way to win the respect of other countries and races, and that is war, and it must be a war of glorious victory.

Only war can build a strong self-confidence in ordinary person in mind!

And only war can make those potential enemies awed!

Feeling the strong smell of blood in the air, Alan rolled over and dismounted and sat on a fairly clean stone, watching with great interest as the soldiers chopped off the troll's head one by one, and then followed the instructions. It is custom among troll tribes to pile the heads together into a small pyramid, and hang the flag of the small tribe's army at the top, and then urinate on it in humiliation.

The crushing massacre of the light infantry by the light cavalry made everyone present relax and vent their nervousness.

As everyone knows, this small victory means nothing to a troll with an army of tens of thousands.

And cavalry has an incomparable gigantic advantage over infantry.

The real test is to take on the raptors and giant bears.

These are the real killing moves of the Amani trolls.

Legion, the most elite raptor cavalry at the time, shattered nearly 20,000 cavalrymen from the Human Tribe Alliance with a single charge.

So the thought of the giant magician, the Witch Doctor and the priests, and their terrifying matchless cavalry, immediately awakens the memory of that fiasco in the human mind.

Let the soldiers vent their emotions for a while, the sturdy Knight hurried to Alan's side and asked in a low voice: "Lord Duke, we have annihilated a group of trolls who underestimated the enemy. I believe they are in When we saw the pile of heads, It shouldn't be rash. Our purpose of delaying time has been achieved, should we retreat?"

"Retraction? This is not like from you Words that come out of your mouth. Know that taking the initiative is your suggestion." Alan lifts the head and stares at each other with a playful look.

Knight explained with a wry smile: "I admit that I took it for granted at the time. Through the battle just now, I have realized that trolls are much more difficult to deal with than I thought. I don't know you. Have you noticed that they still resisted stubbornly despite more than half of the casualties, which is very rare in the battle between humans. Although this kind of resistance did not pose much threat to us, during the pursuit process We also lost seven people in the middle. Every one of them was a sharp lance that directly penetrated the chest and head and died on the spot. If the number of them reaches thousands, and they hold a certain number of heavy shields, it is very difficult for us. Take advantage of it."

"Haha, so you're starting to get a little scared, right?" Alan smiled disapprovingly.

He didn't blame the other for being timid.

Because this is such is human nature.

Courage is the most precious quality of human beings.

But this quality is often a momentary outburst, closer to an impulse than a judgment made through rational thinking.

When the impulse subsides and reason returns, even those heroes who have been inscribed in the long history will be shocked and afraid of their original actions.

Obviously, the Knight in front of him was in such a contradictory state of mind.

"You're right, I'm a little scared. I'm afraid that I'll make wrong judgments, which will eventually kill you and myself."

Knight He didn't try to deny anything, just wiped the blood stained on his face.

He is extremely sturdy in battle, and he is never afraid to fight against those seemingly powerful monsters.

Whether it is a troll with powerful regeneration ability, or a giant spider and dinosaur with fast and ferocious action, it used to be his departed spirit under this sword.

But now, when faced with a critical moment that determines the fate of the entire human empire. Even a brave and fearless warrior like him could not help feeling nervous and afraid.

After all, every decision made now is not only related to his own life and death, but also the life and death of more than 100 cavalrymen and the lord he is loyal to.


Hearing this, Alan couldn't help laughing, slapping Knight on the shoulder while laughing comforted: "Relax, I'm not As fragile as you think, it is not so easy to kill. On the contrary, I lead you to victory and glory. Come on, let's set a trap for this group of arrogant trolls and tell them that human beings can be not to be trifled with. Anyone who dares to provoke us must pay for it."

"Trap?" A look of consternation appeared on Knight's face.

With his IQ, he couldn't understand what kind of traps could be laid in this hilly area.

"Ah! That's right! Traps! Got it? Not far from here, there's an interesting confinement array surrounded by thousands of thunderstorm elements. Think, if those How will trolls accidentally intrude into the realm of these elements?" Alan's lips curled into a sinister smile.

Don't look at it in the game, Arathi Heights is just a map that can be run in ten or twenty minutes.

But in reality, he is a vast land that takes two months to cross.

Not many people know the secrets hidden in the untold corners of this land.

Especially elemental creatures, regardless of the actual situation, will launch ruthless attacks immediately if other creatures break in.

generally speaking The unlucky person who accidentally breaks in will be torn to shreds in minutes.

By chance, Alan discovered a gathering place of thunderstorm elements near the Refuge Valley in the game, and decisively marked it on the map.

Now, he intends to use these elements of thunderstorms, some of them, to teach the Amani trolls a good lesson.

In the face of the magnificent power of nature, the resilience of trolls is fundamentally insignificant.

Any thunderstorm element can with no difficulty electrocute a living troll to coke...

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