Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1247

In the endless field, countless troll warriors are slowly marching.

The reason why it is so slow is that on the one hand, it consumes too much physical strength when climbing the mountains, and it is not enough to rest for a long time, so the whole person is in a state of extreme fatigue. .

On the other hand, they are currently stomach rumbling with hunger, and they haven't filled their stomachs for a long time.

After all, there was no way to carry too many supplies in this invasion.

According to the original idea of the trolls, it would be good to fight all the way to eat humans and the poultry and livestock they raised.

But who would have thought that as soon as he walked out of the mountain, he was discovered by the patrolling scouts, and then it was Alan who gave the order to clear the walls and clear the fields.

Let alone fresh meat, not even an iron pot for cooking rice was left.

In desperation, these forest trolls can only use their specialties - hunting, killing all the wild beasts they encounter along the way, and then eating the bloody raw meat.

The cruel and bloody level of that scene makes people feel like they have one's hair stand on end.

But even so, it still can't satisfy the appetite of tens of thousands of trolls.

They were so hungry that some of the guys couldn't hold back and started secretly stalking their kin.

All kinds of sap slaps in the back and kill people and eat corpses are more and more forbidden.

But even so, the Overseer remained optimistic about the war.

Because he knows that human beings have been impossible and have been constantly retreating and running away.

Someday, they will stop somewhere.

When the time comes, as long as you let the brave fearless troll warriors rush up, you can get enough food at one time.

That's right!

In the eyes of the Overseer, humans themselves are the most ideal source of food for his army.

But just when he was thinking about how to deal a heavy blow to the newly established human empire, a silhouette of a human on a war horse suddenly appeared on the horizon in the distance.

This silhouette looks so lonely that there is not even a passerby around.

But as the distance got closer, the Overseer finally saw what made his eyes bloodshot, a human head hanging from the saddle.

To be exact, it was the head of Calais, the commander of the Raptor cavalry he sent not long ago.

As the commander of only one mobile force, the appearance of Calais' head here means that the Raptor cavalry, known as the elite of the Amani Empire, was wiped out.

The Overseer couldn't imagine how the other party did this.

You must know that today's human beings have neither magic nor the inspiration of holy light, but a group of "Barbarian Races" who have just ended the tribal era.

"Why, you seem surprised?"

Alan cut the rope and threw the bloody head forcefully, completely ignoring the harboring malicious intentions from both sides. troll.

"You really defeated my raptor cavalry?" The Overseer's tone was filled with strong doubts.

Up to now, he still holds a fluke in his heart, and hopes that Calais's death is just an accident.

But unfortunately, Alan immediately shredded the fluke: "Well, that's right. I set a trap to kill all those raptors under your command without leaving behind. He Like you, they are too arrogant and made the mistake of underestimating the enemy. If you don’t believe it, you can send someone to the hilly area not far away to check. But don’t blame me for not reminding me, their death is a little bit miserable, almost gone There is a way to identify it."

Hearing this sentence, the Overseer immediately showed the ominous light, narrowed his eyes and asked, "So you are here to provoke?"

"Provocation" ? No, no, no, I'm not that boring. I'm just here to tell you and the Amani Empire behind you the fact that the age of trolls is over, and the next will be the age of humans. This war, you guys Defeated."

Alan publicly asserted to all trolls in troll language.

Not only that, but he deliberately tugged on the rope in his hand to make all the trolls notice the head on the ground.


Every little movement stopped.

Anyone who knew Calais would invariably widen their eyes, looking at the blood-dyed red head with fear and despair in its pupils.

Anyone who is not a fool can feel what a terrifying sight he saw at the last moment before his death.

No one knows what the Overseer's esteemed warrior saw!

No one knows how the hundreds of elite raptors were wiped out!

One thing is certain.

Humans are no longer the objects that they can capture and hunt arbitrarily.

It is a race that is rising and threatening the Amani Empire's domination of the northern regions of the continent.

After all, the last enemy who could annihilate so many raptors was the high elves in the northern Silver Moon City.

From Alan's face, the Troll Overseer saw mockery, contempt and unabashed disdain.

These are exactly what he thought of human beings before.

But now, after just one confrontation, everything seems to have reversed.


The thought popped into the Overseer's mind instantly.

Because after losing the raptor cavalry, he has no way to resist the harassment of human cavalry.

Continuing to move forward will undoubtedly drag the living force of the entire Deadwood tribe into the abyss of destruction and death.

But soon, he dismissed the idea.

The reason is simple!

If he withdraws like this, then he may face censure from other high-level officials of the Amani Empire, or he will be sent to the altar in the name of defeat as a first gift to Spiritual God. offerings.

Troll traditions and customs are undoubtedly primordial, brutal and bloody.

The high-ranking Overseer knows this better than anyone.

So I would rather bury all these tens of thousands of deadwood troll warriors on this land, and give the Empire of Humanity a vicious and fatal blow.

Thinking of this, the Overseer's eyes became dangerous again, and he opened his mouth to say with a cold laugh: "Human, you are very arrogant and brave. But you know that provoking in front of me means that What?"

"What does it mean?" Alan asked, chin raised slightly on his horse.

"Means death! Go! Catch him for me!"

The Overseer growled giving orders to all the troll warriors around him.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of trolls rushed up from all directions, trying to drag the human who acted recklessly from their horses.

It's a pity that they ignored one thing, and that is the strength of their opponents.

Alan didn't hesitate for even a second, he pulled out the giant sword and swung it back sharply, directly cutting off six or seven unlucky bastards.

Following, he urged the horses to gallop forward, beheading more than a dozen people again.

Not only that!

He also broke into the position of the Overseer, leaving a humiliating sword mark on the opponent's face with his hand.

If you get a little closer, maybe half of your head will be cut off.

But unfortunately, there is no such opportunity.

A few giant bear cavalrymen, who were sent by Amani to protect the Overseer, immediately rushed over with a roar, trying to throw the warhorse to the ground.

Alan doesn't want to lose his warhorse and try to kill all the tens of thousands of trolls with strength of oneself.

This is not in line with the character he set for himself, so without saying a word, he immediately turned around and made a bloody path.

All the lances and javelins thrown by the trolls along the way failed to break through the defense of the giant sword.

Some of the Witch Doctors, secret technologists and shamans wanted to cast spells to keep Alan behind, but without exception, they were all pierced by lances and javelins thrown by the backhand, and were nailed to death. land.

One person!

One horse!

In this way, under the siege of thousands of trolls, forcibly cut a bloody path and finally walked away.

Although a few giant bear cavalry tried to track and intercept, their mounts were too large to perform in a place where trolls were everywhere.

All I could do was watch Alan disappear on the horizon, laughing wildly.

What's even more terrifying is that what he's doing has dealt a huge blow to the trolls who were already high on morale.

So much so that the Overseer had to order the army to stop and fix it in place.

Because if it is not trimmed, it is estimated that some small tribes will start sneaking into the deep mountains and old forests.

Don't think that the Amani Empire is monolithic.

On the contrary!

They are called the Empire on the surface, but they are actually divided into the Amani tribe, the evil tooth tribe, the evil branch tribe, the deadwood tribe, the rotten moss tribe and so on.

And Deadwood is just one of the big tribes.

Below these large clans, there are countless smaller clans.

Amani clansman has the most mouths, is good at sorcery, and is brave in combat. In addition, they made great achievements in the fight against the insect empire and the servants of Ancient God, so they naturally became the empire's heroes. The ruling class.

Among them, the Overseer is a high-ranking member of the Amani tribe and was sent to command and supervise the war between the Deadwood tribe and humans.

If the war goes well, the people of the Deadwood Tribe will naturally not have any dissatisfaction, because this is the ancient tradition of the Amani Empire.

But now, when the war is unfavorable and morale is frustrated, all kinds of ideas will inevitably emerge.

In fact, during the tug-of-war with the northern high elves, Spirit King, there were already many small clans that did not obey orders and ran away secretly.

This is also one of the evidences of the decline of the Amani Empire.

Just as the troll warlords are trying to revive their morale and get some fresh meat to fill the stomachs of these stomach rumbling with hunger, Alan has caught up with the retreating cavalry and joins them. Yitong returned to the fortified town.

Compared with the time when we left, not only the height and thickness of the city wall have been greatly improved, but also densely packed with more watchtowers and arrow towers.

Apart from this, the moat was also dug deeper and wider, and in some places there were even a lot of stones and logs that would be used for the defense.

As the cavalry, laden with troll heads and spills of war, passed through the city gate, cheers erupted from the expectant crowd.

In times of war, there is nothing more joyful and joyful for these implicated citizens than the death of an enemy.

Lyle rushed out immediately and asked loudly, "Your Excellency, are you all right?"

"Of course I'm fine. It's just that those brave soldiers have one third Failed to come back alive. Immediately in the name of the lord, give pensions to their families, and provide corresponding tax relief policies. I don't want the relatives of these soldiers to suffer any bullying! Don't be afraid to spend money, I promise the war will end When the time comes, we'll get a huge fortune."

Speaking, Alan dismounted and handed the mount to the servants to take to the stable for washing and feeding.

His dark horse had been blood-dyed into dark red during the battle, and the hair was all stuck together, exuding a pungent stench.

If you don't wash it well, it is estimated that a large number of mosquitoes will soon be attracted, and you will get skin diseases.

Lyle hurriedly nodded: "Understood! I'll tell someone to do it right away. But before that, can you tell me the result?"

"The result? They killed more than 600 of the enemy's most elite raptor cavalry, and even cut off their commander's head and sent it to the troll warlord. If nothing else, the enemy will be unable to launch an attack within a week. Take advantage of this Give me time to continue strengthening this fortress, and gather all the soldiers who can ride horses."

Alan took off his blood-dyed red armor and clothes under the service of the attendants. , walked into the bathroom naked and began to wash the dirt from his body.

In the blink of an eye, what was originally a large bucket of crystal-clear water has become the red that sends cold shivers down one's spine.

A large amount of clotted blood disperses immediately after encountering hot water.

When he saw that there was not even the slightest wound or scratch on his duke's body, Lyle was completely relieved, and his face was full of joy and cry out in surprise: "You have wiped out hundreds of giants. Demonic raptor cavalry? Oh my god! This is a feat never done by human beings! I believe the Emperor Your Majesty will reward you for it."

But Alan didn't care. shook the head and explained: "You're focusing on the wrong point. Just imagine how those trolls who have lost their mobility are moving in the open and suddenly encounter harassment and raids by archers?"

"What do you mean...relying on bows and arrows to force those trolls to be unable to care for each other, and eventually their morale collapsed and ran away? And we use the speed of cavalry to follow and kill?"

Lyle understood instantly The meaning of it, he lowered his head and fell into contemplation.

About three or five seconds later, he lifted the head and said with a bitter smile: "Sorry, my lord, the poison in our inventory may not be able to support so much consumption."

"Oh? How many poisons are left in the stockpile?"

Alan took the sackcloth handed over by the maid, stood up and began to wipe the water droplets from his body, and then began to dress one by one.

As for the clothes that were originally blood-dyed red, it is estimated that in this era without strong decontamination detergents or soaps, they will always be impossible to wash.

It is extremely difficult to wash out part of the original color, let alone wash it.

"Probably enough to soak 10,000 to 12,000 arrows. And due to the outbreak of the war, we have temporarily been unable to organize manpower to collect the rhizomes of those highly poisonous plants in the wild, and there is no way to pass the complex The process of refining." Lyle quickly gave a rough figure.

These poisonous weeds are things that Alan found by chance when he was free to collect all kinds of magical plants and herbs over the years.

Obviously, Azeroth's interesting plants are not limited to just the few herbs that appear in the game, there are many unnamed and discovered species.

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