Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1248

Poison has always been a killing move that humans use to deal with those large wild beasts and monsters.

The creatures with poison sacs like spiders and snakes are the main source of poison used by most hunters.

Anyone who kills a poisonous snake or poisonous spider can dig up a complete poison sac from the body and store it in an airtight container for a period of time.

It's just limited by the conditions and the environment, it won't take long for these toxins to slowly deteriorate and rot, and eventually become a pile of meaningless and stench-smelling garbage.

So acquiring poison has never been difficult for the humans of Azeroth.

The really difficult thing is how to extract, air dry and store.

And protein-based toxins like snake venom and spider venom are actually not very effective when applied to weapons.

Especially when hunting those large creatures, it often takes more than a dozen arrows, plus a long wait, the target will be slowly eroded by neurotoxins, and eventually fall to the ground and lose movement ability.

So Alan is pretty indifferent to this primordial use of poison.

He prefers simple and crude chemical toxins contained in plants to complex protein toxins.

At least the latter is simpler to extract, and it can also be collected or grown on a large scale.

It's just that due to the limitation of manpower and technical level, the production of poison workshops in Alan's territory has not been very high, and they can only barely maintain their own consumption.

At the moment, in this small room with only ten people, three men are stuffing a lot of green vines, leaves and roots into wooden buckets and mashing them, then adding water to heat and stir.

The rest of the women wore gelatinous protective suits boiled out of ooze corpses, cautiously squeezing out the pale green liquid and mixing it with another pale-yellow solution together.


A pungent white smoke splattered in all directions.

A curious bird landed on a windowsill and accidentally inhaled a little.

As a result, he fell to the ground instantly, swallowing his last breath with convulsions all over his body.

There is no doubt that those white fumes are by-products formed after the synthesis of toxins. Even if an adult takes a sip, it will immediately produce symptoms such as epilepsy, convulsions, eye congestion, and difficulty breathing.


These working people have long been accustomed to this kind of sight and don't think make a fuss about nothing.

Because as long as they wear protective clothing and masks, they are not in any danger.

Looking at the large pots of poison just produced in the workshop, Alan couldn't help but sighed slightly and asked, "That's all?"

"Yes! That's all." Lyle smiled wryly nodded.

"Okay. Immediately arrange for someone to soak the arrows in it. After three days, I will see at least 10,000 poisoned arrows." Alan immediately gave the order.

Even though he had just taken a shower and his hair was still wet, he immediately came to check the poison stock.

It's all about how to wreak havoc on troll armies with minimal damage.

"Understood! I'll arrange staff right away."

Speaking, Lyle immediately turned around and whispered to a squire, who ran away in the direction of the warehouse .

About three or five minutes, a dozen people pushed carts of arrows to the door of the poison workshop.

The artisans responsible for making the poisons poured the sealed toxins in the bottles into a groove like a bathtub.

The rest put on masks and discreetly unravel the bundles of arrows and put them into grooves filled with poisonous solution.

The entire movement, everyone is extraordinarily gentle.

They know very well that if they accidentally splash a little on their skin or eyes, they will be tortured dozens of times more painful than death.

The last unlucky guy who was accidentally splashed with venom on his face, half of his body showed a terrifying black purple, blood coagulated into a block, and his muscles were twisted to an unbelievable degree .

So no second person wants to make the same mistake.

These arrows need to be soaked in the solution for more than half an hour before being taken out and hanging in the shade to dry.

In fact, it's never the sharp arrows made of metal that really carry a lot of toxins.

It is a wooden shaft made of fibers that can store a lot of toxins.

When the arrow is inserted into the flesh and blood, the arrow shaft carrying the poison will come into contact with the blood, and then quickly flow through the body with the internal circulation system.

The position of the arrow will soon become paralyzed and unconscious due to the neurotoxin, so that the enemy will ignore that he has been injured.

By the time it was discovered, the toxin had already begun to impair lung function, and little by little suffocated to death.

Unless you encounter creatures that are completely immune to toxins, such as elemental creatures, or those steel giants and rock giants once made by the Pantheon Titans, even a race with powerful self-healing abilities like trolls , will also be bitter under this deadly Poisonous Arrow.

Actually, Amani trolls are quite good at using poison.

In the north against the Spirit King kingdom, they used venom many times to kill knight-errants that appeared and disappear unpredictably, and hundreds of them in a single cast. Mage who counts trolls.

It's just that those poisons that contain witchcraft power are not easy to manufacture, and trolls are reluctant to use them on humans who they regard as "Barbarian Race".

Just as Alan was about to turn around and leave to inspect the next place, a young girl who seemed to be in her early twenties suddenly lifted the head and summoned up her courage to ask loudly, "Your Majesty! This war! We're going to win, right?"

"Of course!" Alan replied without thinking.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Getting this answer, the girl immediately burst into tears and bowed to thank her.

You don't need to ask to know that her family members or friends are very likely to escape without time, and as a result, they are chased by trolls and brutally killed, and then eaten alive.

Similar things have been staged too many times in this land, and even many people have become numb.

But this time, Alan made a very solemn promise: "Don't worry! I will kill all those man-eating trolls without leaving a single one behind, and then build a hill with their heads and corpses, To worship those who died. From now on, no race can invade human territory and kill our people without paying the price."

"May I join your army, my lord? ?" The unknown girl plucked up the courage to probe.

"You?" Alan looked up and down in surprise.

The girl's height is about 1.75 meters. Due to her frequent outdoor work, she has some small freckles that are not particularly obvious. The muscles of her arms and legs are also quite strong.

This is obviously not something that can be trained by doing farm work, but should have received a considerable degree of training since childhood.

After all, human beings in the tribal era were almost all soldiers.

As long as they reach a certain age, they will receive more or less combat training, or learn to draw bows and arrows, and at least master one weapon skill.

Otherwise, when encountering monster or robber invasion, there is no way to protect yourself.

This is a cruel era, and it is also an era in which only powerhouses deserve to survive.

After realizing that girls are not the kind of "vases" that overestimate one's capabilities, Alan asked with great interest, "Can you ride horses and shoot arrows?"

"Of course! I can hit a target dozens of meters away on horseback." The girl immediately replied confidently.

Perhaps in other respects, she doesn't have much confidence, but the two skills of riding and archery have long been deeply engraved in her soul.

You should know that humans in the tribal era are usually divided into two types.

One is nomadic and hunting for a living, and the other is farming.

She belongs to the former.

Although most of them were transformed into tenant farmers after the establishment of the Arathor Empire, the noble lords still retained some animal husbandry talents and raised livestock such as cattle, sheep and horses for themselves.

"Very good! Lyle, give her a place in the cavalry. When I go out in three days, I will take her with me." Alan instructed without looking back.

"Understood! I'll make arrangements." Lyle hurriedly agreed.

In his eyes, the life and death of this young girl is not worth paying attention to at all.

Since the other party wants to go to the battlefield to experience the bloody scene of purgatory, then send it.

In this way, after fulfilling the wish of a young girl to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, Alan soon returned to his place of residence and began to meet the neighbors who brought soldiers from the surrounding area to support him.

Although he didn't look down on the soldiers and weapons brought by the other party at all, but people came all the way to help them in mortal danger, so I still have to say thank you.

So and, in this tense time of war, a banquet was held in the hall of the lord's mansion.

What is real magic?

This is the real magic!

Looking at the sumptuous food and drinks on the table, El Barov couldn't help twitching his mouth and asked, "My lord, is this a bit too expensive? It's war time now. Ah! If those trolls besiege the city, food is the most important material."

"Don't worry, my friend. Those trolls won't have a chance to besiege the city." Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"No chance to besiege the city?" A strange color flashed in El Barov's eyes.

Because he had just heard, Alan personally led one hundred and fifty cavalry to take the initiative to attack, not only completely wiped out the most elite raptor cavalry of the Amani trolls, but even forced the other party to have to deal with it. ground repair.

This record alone is enough to shock other nobles.

After all, before this, did the entire human race have a record of defeating the raptor cavalry head-on.

even more how

But those troll heads and gear that were brought back couldn't be faked.

Right now, the blacksmiths are desperately burning red furnaces, trying to melt those Thorium equipment and rebuild them into weapons and armor suitable for human wear.

There are already many nobles who have offered high prices and want to buy one or two of them as family heirlooms.

Alan raised his cup to gesture to the nobles who were bowing to him in the distance, before replying in a low voice, "That's right! I've killed those trolls' only mobility. From that moment on , the initiative of the war falls into our hands. I plan to gather the cavalry into several groups, and constantly harass the moving troll army, constantly draining their energy and stamina. When an army collapses, We dashed up and followed and killed. In short, none of these trolls who invaded the Empire's territory would want to leave alive."

"Utilizing the speed of the cavalry? That's a good idea. But as far as I can tell You know, trolls have an amazing regeneration ability, and it is difficult for ordinary arrows and weapons to cause fatal injuries to them. If we fight close to each other, our soldiers will suffer a lot of casualties." El Barov revealed in his tone. A hint of worry.

Since closing the deal to get a phalanx of infantry, he has managed to find and break through several troll villages, knowing how tough these cannibal monsters are.

If there is not enough numerical advantage, it is more difficult to capture it alive than to tame a wild wolf.

"Don't worry, I've prepared enough Poisonous Arrows. This thing only needs one or two hits, and even trolls will fall to the ground. At that time, all we have to do is kill them first. Witch Doctor and Shaman who can detoxify. Oh, by the way, I have a business I want to talk to you about, I wonder if you are interested?"

Speaking of which, Alan's eyes twinkled. Undisguised viciousness.

Since the trolls of the Deadwood Tribe dared to leave their old, weak, sick and disabled, and rushed out to invade human territory, don't blame him for pushing back.


At this moment, Alan has already thought of going through the road from the trolls across the mountains, sweeping the southern part of the Hinterlands directly, and capturing all the trolls encountered as mines , slave workers who build roads and fortresses.

Al Barov is obviously not a fool, and immediately responded with a smile: "I have always been very interested in business matters. After all, I'm just an insignificant Baron, and I can't compare to your Duke. rich and imposing. And as long as this war can be won, Thoradin Your Majesty will fiercely compensate for the losses suffered in your territory."

"Maybe. Come on, let's talk in the study Talk about this plan to make a fortune. You know, there are hundreds of thousands of troll slaves, and most of them are women and children who have little resistance, so they are very suitable for domestication and slavery."

After saying, Alan stood up and walked towards the study at the other end of the corridor next door.

El Barov followed closely with the envious eyes of the other nobles.

He knew that in the eyes of this group of people, he was already equivalent to being favored by His Excellency the Duke, and indirectly possessed a certain prestige and appeal.

Next, what he wants to do is to attract more nobles to join the group through marriage and bundling of interests, and finally form a huge alliance of interests.

Only in this way can I and my family continue to climb up the empire.

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