Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1249

Time flies, three days passed in a flash.

Just as Alan was about to set off again with more than 3,000 cavalry after simple training, the 2,000 reinforcements sent by the Emperor of the Empire finally arrived successfully.

Looking at the weather-beaten middle-aged man in front of him, Alan called out his name in surprise: "Ignaius? What wind brought you here?"


"Long time no see, Lord Duke." A smile instantly appeared on the originally serious face of the middle-aged man.

He is none other than the patriarch of the former Altrange tribe, who is now responsible for guarding the north to prevent the trolls from going south through the Altland mountain range—Ignaus.

Under normal circumstances, this one would never leave his territory easily.

And being a highlander, he hates the relatively warm plains and prefers the mountains with snow all year round.

What's even more interesting is that, whether in the original Azeroth script or in this magically altered universe, Ignaus is always through a fight with Thoradin. One-on-one duel, and eventually became friends.

When the entire tribe was incorporated into the empire, there was no war or conflict, so the highlanders in the Auckland mountain range have always maintained a relatively independent state.

In other words, apart from joining the Arathor Empire in name, they still maintain their original tribal style.

The most important thing is that this tribe has fought against trolls the most in the north and has accumulated a wealth of combat experience.

It will even carry enough flammables in battle to stop the troll's powerful regeneration by burning it in flames.

What's even more outrageous is that Ignaius also had a thousand highland cavalry behind him, as well as a thousand cavalry wearing the Imperial Family badge.

Suddenly, Alan thought of something, and immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "Did Thoradin sent you here?"

"That's right! The Emperor Your Majesty is worried that the situation will move. towards the worst direction of development, so let me bring someone to help first. But it seems that you have the initiative and are ready to take the initiative?" Ignaus glanced at the people who were ready to go, looking high morale the warrior.

You must know that when he came, he was ready to face a lonely city surrounded by thousands of trolls.

But the actual situation seems to be much better than expected.

And he didn't see the fear of trolls and war in the eyes of these human warriors, but was eager to have a try and wanted to make a career.

Morale is always one of the most important factors affecting the outcome of a war.

Ignaius wondered what Alan had done to keep soldiers and civilians in such a positive spirit.

Seeing the curiosity in the other's eyes, Alan smiled and pointed to the bloody troll heads hanging on the city wall: "A few days ago, I brought a hundred and fifty The famous cavalry took the initiative to attack and set traps in the wild to wipe out hundreds of the enemy's most elite raptor cavalry. Now, I'm going to take people to hunt trolls, are you interested in joining?"

"The raptor cavalry of the Amani Empire?!"

Ignaus' pupils suddenly dilated, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

As one of the human tribes that dealt the most with trolls, he knew all too well how terrifying the Amani Raptor cavalry was.

Even in the snow-covered mountains, these guys can jump between sheer cliffs and mountain streams and attack in unexpected ways.

Whenever the raptor cavalry appears, the most effective countermeasure Ignaus can take is to hide in the castle and shrink, and use the tall and strong city wall to resist these terrifying monsters.

"en! You know, this land is full of elementals. I happened to spot a thunderstorm elemental cluster on the path of the troll march." Alan explained with a smile.

"So you brought those raptor cavalry into the territory of the thunderstorm element?" Ignaus' face showed a sudden realization.

Because elemental creatures are obviously stronger than some fleshy trolls.

After all, reality is not a game, and it is more impossible to use an ordinary sword in your hand to hack to death an elemental creature that has no fixed shape at all, but a mass of energy.

Even Earth Elements with a form usually require repeated blows with a heavy hammer to barely kill one or two of them.

So if there is anything that can restrain the Amani Raptor cavalry to death, it must be the elemental creatures.

"No, it was I who sent the elements to anger the trolls and charged them with the trolls. Eventually they circled the flanks at the moment of collision. Although this action cost dozens of brave soldiers the trolls Killed, but wiped out all of the enemy's raptor cavalry. At this moment, the troll has lost his mobility, like a strong, slow and bloated giant. And I, ready to bleed it. ”

Alan spoke his intentions openly without any concealment.

Anyway, human beings have just turned from tribes to empires, and most nobles have a considerable number of horses.

And almost all adults can pull a bow and shoot arrows, and they can form a large-scale cavalry archer, imitating the tactics of the nomads on the grasslands on Earth, living in the open plains, grasslands and hills. Demon dragged down.

Ignaius also clearly noticed the equipment of the cavalry behind Alan.

There is no heavy steel armor, but a lightweight leather armor with good defensive power. There is no lance or long spear for the weapon, but a combination of saber and bow and arrow.

This is the dress of a typical tribal ranger. It can't directly attack the enemy's formation. Usually, it can only do some work to contain, harass and follow.

Before the establishment of the empire, there were quite a few of this kind of cavalry in almost every tribe.

Because their biggest advantage is that they don't need to spend too much time and materials to cultivate, and they can pull up one casually.

But since the establishment of the empire, the nobles have their own territory, these light cavalry began to be eliminated by the ruthless, replaced with fewer heavy cavalry with better weapons and armor.

In small-scale battles, the latter often only need a charge of heavy armored cavalry to scare the little monsters such as murlocs and kobolds away.

In addition, the heavy armored cavalry is basically difficult to be injured or killed due to the explosive power of the heavy armor, and naturally it has become the focus of the development of the nobles.

Even Ignaius believed that heavy cavalry was the trend of the future, so he equipped his highland cavalry Legion with a large number of scales, metal helmets, and arm and knee pads.

But now, Alan's approach suddenly gave him a whole new way of thinking.

Therefore, the stout middle-aged man with a height of more than two meters immediately asked enthusiastically: "As far as I know, trolls have strong regeneration ability, and ordinary bows and arrows are difficult to match. It does effective damage. What are you going to do to make up for that?"

"It's easy! Poison!"

As Alan said from the quiver behind him He pulled out a soaked arrow and handed it to the other party.

Ignaius hurriedly took it over to examine it carefully, even sniffing it with his nose, stared wide-eyed in surprise: "Death vine?"

"Oh? You? Know this plant?" Alan's face crossed with surprise.

After all, in this wild era, human tribes can't afford scholars who specialize in these things, so their knowledge of various plants is very limited, and only a few herbs can be used for Hemostasis, prevention of wound infection and other effects.

As for poisonous plants, except for those brightly colored and deadly mushrooms, others will not even touch them.

The most important thing is that this so-called "death vine" can only grow at the foot of the relatively warm and humid mountains, and it is not at all viable in the Alterac mountain range.

"Of course I have! This thing nearly killed me when I was little. But I was lucky, just laying in bed for a few months. Several youngsters who were poisoned with me All of them are dead, and the appearance of death is very terrifying."

When he said this remark, Ignatius showed a lingering expression.

"Because of accidental ingestion or poisoning?" Alan asked curiously.

"Poisoning! We were in a hostile relationship with another tribe at the time, so they used some despicable methods to kill all the youngsters in our tribe who advocated being tough on the outside. A few years later, I personally Lead people to defeat them on the battlefield, and kill all the guys who participated in the poisoning. I can't believe that twenty years later, I can still see such terrifying things again."

With that said, Ignaius returns the Poisonous Arrow to Alan.

He was very careful not to take off his gloves during the whole process.

Because of this toxin, even contact with the skin can produce very terrifying adverse reactions.

"I have improved the process of extracting toxins, which can not only be produced quantitatively in a small area, but also make the extracted toxins more deadly than the original death vine. See the horse archer behind me? Each of them carried two quivers, forty Poisonous Arrows in total." Alan pursed his lips into a cruel smile.

"Over 10,000 Poisonous Arrows? Looks like I'm going to take a moment of silence for the trolls who offended you." Ignatius made a rare joke.

"Come on, let's have fun hunting trolls together. With the two thousand cavalry you brought, I think the action could be bigger."

Alan couldn't help but drag Ignaus into the water.

In this way, the two cavalry grandiose set off from the fortress and approached Northwest all the way.

It didn't take long for them to spot the vanguard of the troll army.

These fangs have clearly learned their lesson, and almost everyone has a shield in their hands.

Although many of them are very simple, and some even have leaves and buds growing on them, they are finally able to effectively resist arrows shot from a distance.

Seeing the massive human cavalry on the horizon, the troll's commander immediately shouted, causing all warriors to gather into a very tight Defensive Array.

Seeing this scene, Alan suddenly laughed happily, and while laughing, he commented: "Very good reaction speed, isn't it? These trolls are not as stupid as we think. Just the opposite. , they're smart and good at learning. The only question is, how long can they hold their shields like this?"

"Let me speed up the process."

Ignaus pulled out his sword with a grin, and led his 2,000 cavalry to start a circle around the troll formation.

From time to time, he will deliberately put on a stance to charge, forcing the opponent to keep changing direction.

Whenever there is confusion in the formation adjustment, Alan will immediately order his cavalry shooters to plug in, and aim at the places where the shield is not completely covered, which is a random shot.

In about ten minutes, this troll pioneer team with a total number of about 7,000 collapsed.

In other words, the troll's irritable and irritable character is simply not suitable for playing infantry phalanx, which requires strict discipline to maintain.

They swarmed forward like crazy, trying to catch up to this group of despicable humans who only shoot arrows on horseback, drag them off their horses and kill them, and eat them as food Lose.

Unfortunately, the troll apparently forgot that a two-legged horse can't outrun a four-legged horse at all.

Even if the warrior charges, it can only narrow the distance for a short period of time, but it will soon be shot to death on the way by the cavalry archers like walking a dog.

For a while, this cavalry archer temporarily recruited by Alan seemed to have suddenly returned to the era of tribal nomads.

They are in groups of three or four, using the speed advantage brought by the horses to keep a certain distance from the trolls, and use the bows and arrows in their hands to kill one by one.

Those who shoot more accurately can even shoot an arrow into the eyes and mouth of the troll, killing it instantly through the brain.

Ignaus also unceremoniously launched raids from behind again and again, making it impossible for the trolls to reorganize effective resistance.

The massacre went on for more than 40 minutes. By the time the follow-up troll troops arrived, more than two-thirds of the 7,000 trolls had been reduced, and the rest had lost their fighting spirit and started to flee. .

By contrast, Alan and Ignaius' losses were almost negligible.

Except for a few unlucky ones who were killed by the lance thrown by the troll hunter, most of the soldiers were intact, but the arms that repeatedly pulled the bow and shot arrows were slightly numb.

"Bastard! It's that damned human again! Who is he?" The Overseer from the Amani Empire roared furiously.

Unfortunately, no troll could answer his question.

In other words, before humans established a country, the trolls didn't care about the humans in the south at all, let alone sent people to collect intelligence.

The death of four or five thousand troll warriors is no small number.

Most importantly, in this battle, the human cavalry showed overwhelming superiority.

In the open grasslands, plains and hills, trolls who are used to hiding in dense forests to fight can't come up with very good countermeasures.

At the same time, Ignatius undoubtedly noticed the gorgeous armor of the Troll Overseer, and touched the thick full beard on the chin and asked, "Is this the Overseer sent by the Amani Empire?"

"Yes. That guy has the power of witchcraft in his body, you better be careful and don't confront him easily. Otherwise, once you get some terrifying poison, even me will be saved. Not you." Alan reminded in a low voice.

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