Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1274

"Who gave you the guts to run wild on my territory? Is it Isli?"

Alan slowly climbed out of the falling pit and approached several awakened people on the roof. , especially the leader Ricardo cast the same look at the dead.

There is no doubt that the "Silver-Eyed Lion King" has been sentenced to death from the moment he invaded the city and condoned the killing of civilians by his subordinates.

But before Ricarudo could speak, the awakeneds around him rushed forward when they saw their companions being killed.

"Go to hell!"

"A guy who doesn't even have the slightest bit of Monster Qi dares to talk nonsense in front of us?"

"Go on! Rip open his stomach first! Dig out his intestines!"

"I can't wait to taste the fresh guts!"


For a while, except for a very cautious awakened, including Ricardo Rudo, the rest swarmed up and surrounded Alan from all directions to three floors inside and three floors outside.

Not only that!

They also attack with tentacles, bone spurs, bone blades, sharp claw and other weapons formed after transformation.

Some strong awakeneds even split the whole house in half with just one blow, which shows their terrifying destructive power.

Let's not say it's the era of cold weapons, even in the era of hot weapons in Earth, monsters with super fast moving speed and powerful defensive power and self-recovery ability can also be changed in local areas with no difficulty The direction of the war.

But unfortunately, this time they encountered an enemy who could not be judged according to common sense.

I saw Alan raised his right hand and made a pointing pistol, and then spit out a word from his mouth: "peng!"

Next second...

The terrifying life energy began to gather at his fingertips, compressed, and finally fired like a bullet.

Before these awakeneds could react to what happened, their bodies were torn apart by a terrifying force invisible to the naked eye, turning into a rain of blood and shredded flesh.

The entire process took less than a second, and the streets were flooded with an unidentifiable mixture of sticky flesh and blood.

As the leader of the team this time, Ricardo Rudo was shocked to the point of incompetence, and silver's pupils sharply enlarged, narrowed, and enlarged again.

Although he doesn't really care about the life and death of these awakened cannon fodders,

The problem is that these guys didn't play the role of the cannon fodder at all, and in a flash Just got killed.

Even until now, Ricardo doesn't know what method Alan used to turn his subordinates into pieces of meat in an instant, even a few guys who are known for their defensive abilities Couldn't hold on.

No familiar Monster Qi release!

There is no more amazing destructive power generated by awakened with powerful physical power!

It is this kind of unknown that makes Ricardo, who has a cautious character, feel an unprecedented fear.

He suddenly realized that the information he had heard from several businessmen some time ago was most likely true.

In order to confirm this, Ricardo took the lead to break the silence, frowned and asked, "You are the mysterious person who made a lot of noise in the Holy City?"

"yes and how, no yes and how? You're unlikely to leave alive today anyway. I'll unscrew your head and hang it on the tallest flagpole in the middle of the city, as a warning to all the demons and awakened. Plus, I'm also Will go north to break Isri's four legs and let him understand that in this world there are some people he can't afford to offend."

When he said this remark, Alan's tone was full of nakedness An undisguised threat.

Compared to those women who were forced to awaken when their mental and physical endurance reached the limit, these men basically gave up their human identity and chose to awaken.

And after becoming awakened, they often have no control over their distorted, pathological desires.

More than 80 percent of the slaughtered villages and towns were done by the first-generation male great sword awakened.

So among the three abyssmen, Alan has the worst senses for Yisli and his subordinates, and is also particularly disgusted psychologically.

Although Ricardo is relatively calm and rational among Yisli's many subordinates, in the bones is still the old-fashioned concept of "the strong eat the weak".

The reason why he is loyal to Isli is because the latter is stronger than himself, and there is no second reason to part from this.

It is this distorted mentality that typically agrees that the powerhouse should dominate everything and the weak should die, which has caused the population in the north to wither, and a large number of civilians are awakened as cattle and sheep and wantonly slaughtered.

Riccarudo undoubtedly felt the malice emanating from Alan, jumped down from the roof with a deep jump, and responded expressionlessly: "Unscrew my head? I'm afraid there is no you in this matter. It's as easy as I imagined. I'm not one of those trash fish!"

tone barely fell!

His entire body began to swell rapidly, turning into a half-human, half-lion monster in just the blink of an eye.

The muscles of the upper and lower body are extremely developed, and it is obvious that Dao Accumulation contains explosive power.

"no! To me, you're no different from a trash fish."

Alan pursed his lips into a cruel smile, while patted slumped on the ground, frightened. girl, motioning for her to leave the place quickly.

"hmph! What a big breath! Let's test it first to see if you can keep up with my speed." Force, the whole person instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

After only 0.1 seconds, he appeared out of thin air behind Alan, and slammed his claws down, trying to dismember the enemy in front of him.

Unfortunately, Alan's silhouette disappeared when the paws were about to come into contact with the clothes.

The sharp claws caught only one of the same afterimages.

Before Ricardo could react, he heard a familiar voice behind him: "This is the speed you are proud of? It looks like slow motion to me! "


The silver-eyed Lion King was visibly provoked, and the backhand was a paw.

In the end, people didn't catch it, but tore a brick wall to pieces.

As for Alan, he stood up ahead of his opponent with a relaxed face, lightly flicked the tuft of mane he was holding on his hand, and taunted with a smile: "Sorry, it's still too slow. Could you hurry up, please? Otherwise, I'll be so bored that I'll fall asleep."

Riccarudo subconsciously touched the top of his head and found that the hair on his head was actually forcibly tucked away A pinch, and even exposed White's scalp.

Without a doubt!

This is an unabashed public humiliation!

And this also means that Alan can take his head off whenever he wants.

As a person who values warrior honor very much, Ricardo couldn't bear such humiliation at all, his mind was instantly dominated by violent emotions, he opened his big mouth full of fangs and roared: "You will do it for you. Your own arrogance pays the price! Now, feel the full power of me!"

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!!!"

With the full power of the demon, His body size nearly doubled in less than a second, while the muscles of his legs became more developed, and he also grew an outer skeleton like a greaves.

But Alan turned a blind eye to this and said with a nonchalant expression: "The price? Sorry. You are not worthy to say these two words in front of me. The awakened, demon, and Yisli are not much different. Because you are all too weak!"


Rikaru Duo violently launched a charge, instantly creating a deep pit with a radius of two meters on the ground, and at the same time, the body broke through the sound barrier in less than a second, so fast that naked eyes couldn't catch it at all.

Some of the surrounding houses began to collapse under his ravages, as if an invisible, irritable ghost were wreaking havoc.

"Damn! This... what kind of monster is this!"

An officer in armor who came from a distance was clearly frightened, and the voice With a little trembling.

Not only him, but all ordinary persons who saw this scene inevitably began to feel fear and despair.

For a city that is still at the medieval level, the power displayed by the Silver-Eyed Lion King is almost like a god. Even if all adult males are organized, it is impossible to beat each other.

When Ricardo raised his speed to the extreme, he finally seized a good opportunity that he thought was extremely rare and attacked Alan from behind.

No fancy tricks!

Only the simplest extreme thrust!

He wanted to use the sharp claw to rip open his opponent's stomach in a split second, cutting the man in half in the middle.

But unfortunately, the end result was not much different from the last attack.

Riccarudo didn't feel that his claws touched anything at all, and he still passed through the afterimage.

"Don't you understand what I said? You are all too weak!"

As Alan's voice came to his ears again, the silver-eyed lion king suddenly found The scene in front of him suddenly rotated 180 degrees.

Then he saw his headless body hit a wall and crash to the ground.

Am I dead?

Is my head really screwed off?

With such shocking and unbelievable thoughts, Ricardo finally began to feel severe pain, and it didn't take long before his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

Compared to the chaotic picture he saw visually, others around him could see clearly more clearly.

Especially the officer in armor, staring wide-eyed at Alan standing on top of the ruins holding a huge lion head, his face still had that indifferent expression on his face, as if killing him. A strong awakened is no different from crushing an ant.

At this moment, both the awakened who did not do it out of caution, or the ordinary person, are aware of the overwhelming power Alan possesses.

Especially the former, he immediately turned around and ran without saying a word, for fear that if he ran too slowly, he would end up like Ricardo.

Don't look at these guys being more tyrannical and cruel when they massacred the ordinary person, but in the bones they are quite afraid of death and cherish their lives.

Unfortunately, Alan didn't want to let these guys go, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.


After the crisp sound, all the awakeneds who were running wildly, without exception, began to expand uncontrollably.

When they exceeded the limit that their own cells could bear, they burst open with a bang, turning into blood and minced meat scattered all over the sky.

Such a spectacular and bloody scene made many civilians scream in fright.


The soldiers responsible for maintaining order soon came forward to take over everything and began to organize people to deal with the aftermath.

A middle-aged man who looked slightly fat even ran out of the city hall, knelt in front of Alan with a plop, and asked with surprise: "Sir City Lord, you're back?"

"Yeah! If I don't come back, these rubbish-like things will probably be killing them. Here! Embalm this thing and give it to me Hang it on the flagpole in the central square of the city, and make sure that everyone can see it clearly."

Speaking, Alan threw Ricardo's huge lion head to the other side.

The middle-aged fatty was obviously taken aback by this thing, and hurriedly threw it to the followers around him, loudly instructing: "Didn't you hear what Sir City Lord said? Go and embalming this demon's head. From now on If there is still a demon who dares to hit our attention, this is its final end."

"Understood! Leave it to me!"

The young follower's eyes twinkled With the rays of light of hatred, he soon dragged this huge head and turned away.

There are not many people living in this land who don't hate demons.

So they're pretty keen on stuffing demon heads and hanging them up.

even more how, anti-corrosion is not a very technical technology.

About half an hour, Ricardo's huge lion head was inserted on the highest flagpole in the central square of the city.

Many frightened youngsters took to the streets one after another, pointing fingers at the head, and some simply spit to express their inner anger.

Similarly, while venting negative emotions, the public also began to express their most sincere gratitude and gratitude to Alan, the City Lord.

Although at the beginning, they were not very cold about this outsider.

The reason why he was willing to accept him as City Lord was entirely because Alan publicly killed the original ruler, a female awakened disguised as a human noble.

But now, after tasting the feeling that there is a powerful City Lord who can stand up to protect them in times of danger, their attitudes immediately took a 180-degree turn.

Some guys even solemnly vowed to say they'd be willing to double or triple their poll tax every year, as long as the city was never threatened by a demon.

No way!

In this dangerous world, the value of safety is so high.

Some of the more forward-looking businessmen secretly began to plan to shift the focus of their business from elsewhere.

After all, no matter how much money you make, you have to spend your life.

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