Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1275

"Lord Alan, so blatantly hanging the demon's head in the most conspicuous place, won't you provoke revenge from the other party?" The fat middle-aged man looked through the window and looked at the bustling scene in the square outside, cautiously asked.

He who was a businessman, in the bones, actually rejected this kind of flamboyant and easily offended behavior.

In his opinion, killing these "demons" is enough to show his strength, and there is no need to take the risk of offending more demons and hang Ricardo's head to show the public.

It's a pity that the real power of the city is not in the hands of this fat middle-aged man, but in the hands of Alan.

He's just in charge of the tedious, day-to-day affairs in Alan's absence.

After all, in this world, violence is the weight that determines the ownership of all resources and rights. Rich businessmen often can't even save their lives, let alone acquire rights through money transactions. .

Looking at the cautious look of his subordinates, Alan replied casually: "Don't worry, I will take care of the aftermath. After this incident, I believe there will be a long time and there will not be a demon. Dare to approach the West. You'd better seize the opportunity of this time and merge all the surrounding villages and towns together to form a unified whole."

"Understood! I have been promoting this recently. At present, forty villages and two small towns have agreed to accept our management and protection. If nothing else, after your glorious victory over the mighty Great Demon spreads, there will be more still. Join the waiting village. After all, in this world, there are not many people who have the power to kill demons. Compared with half-human and half-monster's silver-eyed Demonness, you are worthy of the title of hero." Middle-aged fatty hurriedly bent down with a flattering compliment.

"Forty villages and two small towns? Did you use some shady means?" Alan turned around unexpectedly and stared at each other.

Don't think this number is small.

On the contrary, that's quite a number for a demon and awakened island.

If added together, the total population is likely to exceed 100,000.

And the population of the city below is only about 40,000.

fatty hurriedly shook the head: "No! Of course not! I am all dignified, and I am explaining the conditions to the other party, and I will send people to station after I get a positive answer. In fact, most villages So they are willing to accept the conditions we offered, all because the fee for the big sword is too expensive, they can't afford it at all. If they can't pay the fee, they can't hire the big sword to clean up the demon, so they choose to accept our asylum. In any case, the Knights of our Knights are still capable of killing ordinary demons."

"so that's how it is!"

Alan's face showed a sudden realization.

There is no doubt that not every village or town in this land can come up with enough money, please organize a big sword to clean up the demon or awakened hidden by your side.

And those who can't afford the high remuneration are naturally faced with two choices.

One is to let these cannibal monsters lurk around as if nothing happened, little by little eats up the whole village, and then the village is completely abandoned.

The other is a family run away, betting that the demon is not a relative or friend around him.

No matter which one it is, it means that the original peaceful and peaceful life is broken.

But now, they have a third choice, which is to accept the rule of fellow human beings in exchange for protection.

You must know that Alan didn't do nothing after becoming the City Lord, but he personally formed a knight group with a size of 100 people, and granted these knights the life energy cultivation method.

Through the one-week hell-style special training, they have each one, and they all have some basic skills in Initial Mastery.

At least there is absolutely no problem in identifying demons and people at close range.

In addition, wrapping life energy around the weapon can greatly enhance the attack power, so killing ordinary demons is basically no problem.

Such a force may be nothing in the eyes of the organization and other abyss, but it is enough for ordinary villagers.

It doesn't take much, as long as the Knight has the power to kill demons once in public, many villages will offer one third harvest in exchange for the protection of martial power.

Of course, in the face of awakened, the battle strength of this group of Knights is a bit worrying.

This can be seen from the fact that Ricarudo brought a group of awakened into a no-man's land.

Fortunately, the timing of Alan's appearance was timely enough, otherwise, the more than 100 Knights who were finally cultivated, I am afraid that all of them would have to be explained here.

"Sir City Lord, I think our number of Knights is still too small, we can consider expanding it a little bit." The middle-aged fatty reminded in a low voice.

Obviously, in his eyes, Knight the more the better with the power to kill demons, it is best to get thousands of people.

In this way, not only can the security of the city be better guaranteed, but it can also be used to deter villages and towns that are unwilling to join.

The most important thing is that with such a powerful martial power, several of the most important trade routes can be protected, and the tax amount of the city hall can be greatly increased.

But Alan blunts the head of the blunt: "No! No! One hundred people is the limit so far. Haven't you found it yet? The consumption of those Knights alone is worth it. The sum of the top ten most elite soldiers. If you expand too much at one time, the city's finances will be bankrupt. Even more how, you think the organization behind the Silver Eye Demoness will watch us steal it all. Is it their business?"

"But...isn't there a rule for the great sword to not kill humans for any reason?" the middle-aged fatty asked with a puzzled expression.

"Ha! Then how do you explain the fact that all the villages that did not pay their wages correctly were attacked by a large number of demons without exception, regardless of the fact that all men, women and children died?" Alan sneered and asked.

"Oh—damn! It turns out... it turns out that they all did it in secret!"

fatty opened his mouth in surprise, and then followed with a look of sudden realization. .

After all, the organization's strategy is never brilliant, it is bullying the limited level of local indigenous knowledge, and the speed of information transmission is extremely slow.

"Okay! You don't need to worry about these now. Remember what I said, first try to unify all the cities and villages in the entire western land. To deal with those who are stubborn, you can Consider launching a war to achieve your goals. As for other things, don't take care of them for the time being, and don't interfere. I still have some aftermath matters that need to be dealt with in the north, and you will be fully responsible here."

After saying this, Alan ignored the middle-aged fatty's reaction, and jumped from the window directly, and soon disappeared along the street into the woods outside the city gate.

Seeing his receding back, the middle-aged fatty immediately smiled bitterly and sighed: "Our Sir City Lord is really more capricious than expected. The goal of unifying the western land is achieved through war. Isn't it? This is not an easy job."

"Mayor, I think I can make a big fuss about this demon invasion and scare the villages who are still on the sidelines." A follower next to him made a suggestion.

fatty thought for a while and immediately nodded: "Yes! Let your people act. Apart from this, notify the Knight group and send people to screen the entire city to ensure that no demons are hidden from us. In the middle. I have a hunch that those businessmen will act soon and transfer their industries to us. So the next stage should be urban renovation, building more luxurious houses, workshops and markets.”

"Understood! I'll go and call the officials in charge of this immediately."

After saying that, the entourage immediately turned around to make a room and disappeared at the end of the dark corridor.

With the great prestige of Alan's beheading of Ricardo the "Silver-Eyed Lion King", the entire city and surrounding area soon entered an almost frenetic construction vibe.

In just a few days, a large area of the original dilapidated slums were demolished and replaced by brick buildings three to fourth layer high.

Through the centralized resettlement of the poor, the city hall has obtained a large amount of free land that can be used, and on this basis has built exquisite and beautiful villas, workshops with huge chimneys, and commodity exhibitions and shops for sale.

And those businessmen who migrated with their families to avoid the demons also invested a lot of money and chose to settle down in this city that showed that it could withstand the attack of the powerful Great Demon.

In just over half a month, the entire city has become crowded and prosperous at a speed visible to naked eyes.

And those villages and towns that joined in quickly became rich because of a huge market that could absorb a large amount of non-staple food such as agricultural products, vegetables, fruits and meat.

Since everyone has benefited from this feast, the social order has also become relatively stable.


Of course, none of the above has much to do with Alan.

Because after leaving the Western Land, he soon arrived at the town of Pieta, where a large-scale melee broke out in the original plot.

Strictly speaking, this is the boundary between the organization and the northern abyss Isri territory.

Normally, as long as the balance is not broken, no matter whether it is the organization or Yisli, provocation and confrontation will be avoided as much as possible.

Because they don't want to be picked up cheaply by the other two abyss.

But now, with the emergence of Alan and Artoria, the originally balanced situation has undergone subtle changes.

Nishizhi Livlu was so frightened that she gave up her own territory and fled directly under Isri's eyelids to hide and recuperate, and she no longer had any ambitions.

And this move also made Yisli feel that his chance had come.

On the one hand, he began to try to join forces with the injured Livlu, and even wanted to subdue him as his deputy.

On the other hand, he did not forget to send Ricardo to the West to inquire about the news, and at the same time to see if he could swallow this piece of fat and make it his own territory.

So although Pieta seems to be still under the control of the organization on the surface, in fact, there are several awakeneds of Isri's subordinates hidden.

Feeling the weird and depressing atmosphere, Alan couldn't help laughing and muttering to himself: "The King of Silver - Isli. This guy is really a wild ambition formidable person! Only It's a pity that the head is empty, empty of ambition but no talent to match it."

tone barely fell!

He jumped deep to the top of the tallest building in the town, looked down all around, and quickly locked onto a young man in silver armor.

There is no doubt that this young man who seems to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, riding a group of robust stallions under his crotch, is the famous "Northern Abyss".

And next to him was Livlu who was almost killed by Arturia's sword not long ago.

Without any hesitation!

Alan instantly turned into a meteor, slammed into the ground just one step away from the two of them with a bang, and splashed a lot of dust and sand.


Maybe because of being almost killed before, Livlu's alertness is very high, and she almost immediately releases her demon power to enter an awakening state.

Without a word, he waved his tentacles and launched a tentative attack on the stranger who suddenly appeared.

At the same time, she also controlled her body to retreat quickly to prevent the situation from happening last time.

But the next second...

terrifying killing intent instantly made Livlu feel cold from head to toe.

"get lost! If you don't want to die!"

Alan waved his arms, forcibly tore off all these noodle-like tentacles, and threw them on the ground.

You must know that this is a part of the body of the West Abyss, and its tenacious level is definitely no less than steel.

If it was changed to the old one, Livlu would definitely stand up and make good moves with the opponent.

But after seeing Artoria's devastating holy light energy with her own eyes, she had already become a frightened bird. "Turn around and run.

Duff followed closely from behind and also had no will to fight.

In the blink of an eye, there are only two people left here.

The two sides looked into each other's eyes. After about a minute, Isli took the lead to break the silence and asked with a smile, "You should be the mysterious man who was recently investigated by the organization, right? "

"Ah! That's right! Since you know who I am, you must know why I came to see you today, right?" Alan asked meaningfully.

"Because of Ricardo?" Isli said with a hint of uncertainty.

"Yes! He actually dared to run wild on my territory, so I had to unscrew his head and hang it on the flagpole to show the public. And as the secret mastermind of all this, you think you will pay for it What's the price?"

When he said this remark, Alan's eyes showed rays of light of harboring malicious intentions.

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