Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1276

"The price? hahahaha! Sorry, it's been a long time since I heard someone say that word."

Isley seemed to have heard something interesting, and started laughing wildly with his forehead up , while laughing and shaking violently uncontrollably.

As the No.1 of the first-generation male greatsword, he has never met anyone who can make him feel jealous.

Whether it was Ricardo who had been trying to challenge himself and eventually failed, or the No.1 female sword of the first generation, Livlu who became the second abyss after awakening, or The third abyss, Lucy Aila, was born after the failure of the organization of the Dark Twins. Yi Sili felt that as long as he spared no effort, he had absolute certainty that he could kill or defeat the opponent.

He firmly believes that he is the strongest, so as a powerhouse, he is born with the right to dominate everything in the world.

Let's not say that his subordinates kill a few ordinary persons, but what about slaughtering the city and destroying the town.

Although this guy occasionally shows some residual sympathy in human nature, in the final analysis, his brain has been assimilated by the genes of the Dragonborn, and he no longer regards himself as a human being, but some kind of transcendence.” higher life forms".

Especially the arrogance that comes out unintentionally, but anyone who isn't blind can feel it.

Alan doesn't understand at all that an artificially created "experimental body of semifinished product" may even be the product of a failed experiment. Where does this unfathomable mystery come from?

Just because these guys feed on human guts?

Or because they have seemingly amazing physical fitness and terrifying muscle power?

In the final analysis, ignorance is a bliss.

As an aboriginal who has never left the island under his feet in his life, Isli has no idea what the outside world is like, let alone on the other side of the sea, where awakened like him At best, it can only be used as a one-time cannon fodder on the battlefield.

After thinking about this, Alan looked towards the other party with pity in his eyes.

The original so-called "Silver King" was just a "a frog in well" who was trapped on a small island and had never seen the world.

Isli undoubtedly noticed this change in attitude, and immediately frowned: "Although I don't know what you are thinking at the moment, your eyes are very rude!"

"Don't I just suddenly feel that you are pitiful and pathetic, like a frog trapped in a well, naively thinking that the little piece of sky above your head is everything, and then content with the imaginary Small World, thinking that The well is the whole of the world, and myself is the most powerful existence in the world." Alan replied casually.

"You compare me to a frog in well?!" Yisli's color changed suddenly, and naked and undisguised anger burst into his eyes.

Since he received organizational training to become a great sword, this is the first time that he has been so despised, and it can even be said to be an insult.

"Isn't it?" Alan sneered rhetorically. "Your poor ambition has never jumped out of the land under your feet from beginning to end. As the first generation of great swords, you have not even figured out the real source of the organization's power, and you even try to be the king and hegemony? Sometimes I really I'm very curious, what exactly gave you such confidence. Just the twenty or thirty awakeneds under your command? Or is it your own so-called abyss strength?"

"You will know soon! ”

Isri was undoubtedly thoroughly enraged by this remark, his body instantly swelled and transformed into a huge centaur.

"Is this a fly into a rage out of humiliation by me?"

Alan's expression changed a little bit at the huge abyss full of oppression in front of him nothing.

Because he has seen a lot of things of huge size, like Yisli, I don't know how many are stored in the gene bank of the Sky City Laboratory.

even more how, the cells of the descendant of the dragon themselves are not very strong in battle strength, and the maximum speed limit is only barely able to reach supersonic speed.

And supersonic, Alan did it as early as the world of the first full-time hunter.

As he said to Ricardo, the awakened in this world is too weak, too weak to be of any interest at all.

It's a pity that Yisli didn't realize the bottomless gap between the two of them that day, and suddenly took the lead in charging.

He is like a galloping giant centaur, trying to use the long spear in his hand, which is made of bones and muscles, to penetrate the enemy in front of him in a spurt of energy.

The astonishing destructive power almost smashed the houses on both sides of the road, and even the ground piled up with hard stones was trampled to shreds by the strong as an ox's hooves.


The entire town was shaken by a deafening bang and shaking.

People were running from their homes trying to figure out what was going on.

Especially when the warriors, the great swordsmen sent by several organizations to station here, saw Yisli's fully awakened body shape, her whole body was frightened and stiff, and she didn't know what to do at all. just fine.

But the next second, they saw an even more unbelievable scene.

Alan just raised a finger and easily blocked Yisli's long spear thrust that contained terrifying power.

When the two collide...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Indescribable shock waves and air waves swept the surrounding area of hundreds of meters.

All the buildings and stones laid on the ground were crushed by ruthless.

An awakened who didn't have time to escape, and before he could reflect what happened, the flesh and viscera of his whole body were torn apart by the air as sharp as a blade, and in the end only a tragic white skeleton remained.

Even the clouds overhead were not spared, forcibly blown away.

When all the dust and gravel fell from the sky, everyone saw the long spear in Yisli's hand, but it was Alan's finger that he didn't know when the densely packed was full of cracks. In perfect condition, not even the fingernails are broken.

" is this possible!" There was a trembling voice in the voice of the warrior girl with great swords.

Don't say she couldn't believe it, even the other female warriors next to her opened their mouths wide, unable to believe what she saw with her eyes.

You must know that it is the abyss of the north that makes the organization fearful and helpless - Isli!

"Monster! That man is literally a monster among monsters! Quick! Retreat! We must report this news to the organization!" Another warrior with great swords quickly came back to his senses and suggested loudly.

There is no doubt that such a battle is not something they can participate in at all.

In fact, the reason why the organization sent the Great Sword to stay here is not mainly to defend against Isri's southward movement, but to serve as an early warning.

Those high-level executives are not stupid enough to think that just relying on a few trifling people will be able to resist Isili's attack.

Not to mention Isri, even Ricardo is enough for most warriors to drink a pot.

Especially the afterimage that the naked eye can't catch, if there is not enough Monster Qi's perception and reaction speed, no matter how much it comes, it will be for nothing.

Of course, neither Alan nor Isri paid much attention to the trifling swords.

Because they were simply not enough to have any impact on the battle between the two.

ka-cha ……crack crack ka-cha ……

With a crisp cracking sound, the long spear in Yisli’s hand slammed into countless small pieces Scattered everywhere.

He lowered his head and glanced at it, and asked in a very surprised tone: "What exactly are you? Do you organize the latest research secret weapon? The body is so hard! Also, in your What is the invisible force field wrapped around the body?"

"Oh? You can actually perceive life energy!" Alan also showed a surprised expression.

After all, not everyone can perceive life energy at the first contact, which involves the problem of innate talent.

Generally speaking, people who can perceive the existence of life energy at the first contact tend to belong to the kind of self-taught genius.

"Life energy?"

Isli is undoubtedly the first time he has heard this word, his eyes light up slightly, as if thinking of something.

But unfortunately, the next second he felt a sharp pain coming from his right hind leg, followed by his huge body, losing his balance, and fell to the ground with a thud.

I turned around and saw that Alan had moved behind him at some point, and smashed the sturdy horse's leg with a fist.

But after a successful strike, Alan did not continue to pursue, but explained meaningfully: "Life energy, as the name suggests, is the special energy extracted from cells through spirit strength. There is no essential difference in the magic power used. It is just that the magic power is transmitted through the inside of the cell to greatly strengthen the cell itself. However, the life energy is extracted and covered in any part of the body. And manipulate it."

"Why tell me this?"

Isri didn't care that one leg had been broken, and struggled to support his body with the other three, his eyes full of Doubt and confusion.

He wasn't overly surprised by the overwhelming power Alan displayed.

The reason is simple!

Through the information sent back by Ricardo, the King of Silver already knew that the organization was currently working intensively to track down the two people.

One of them was Artoria who nearly slashed Livlu to death with a sword, and the other was Alan who jumped deep into the Holy City to beyond a thousand li.

From the inadvertent performance of the two and the reaction of the organization as if they were facing a formidable enemy, it is not difficult to judge that these two people definitely possess power far beyond the abyss.

Just before witnessing it with his own eyes, Isli always took a fluke and thought that the rumors were exaggerated.

But now after being beaten...

He has given up any hope of winning this battle.

But what Yisli couldn't understand was why the other party told this kind of personal secrets in front of him?

Alan pursed his lips and laughed: "Riccardo asked me about this question. Do you know how I answered?"

"How? "Isley asked very cooperatively.

"too weak! You are all too weak! I'm so weak that I don't even have the slightest interest in fighting. So while I'm still patient, try your best to become stronger. But before that, I need to Let you pay the price for your actions first! A very heavy price!"

After saying this, Alan disappeared in place again in an instant.

The next second...

His afterimage appeared next to the other three legs and attacked at almost the same moment.

peng~ peng~ peng~ After three strokes, all the sturdy horse legs will be cut off.

At this point, Yisli completely lost the ability to stand, and the huge centaur body fell on the road, like a stray dog, he could only rely on his two arms to barely support.

Too weak?

Hearing these harsh words, a wry smile appeared on the King of Silver's face.

He didn't expect in his dreams, and one day he will be described as "weak" by others.

But unfortunately, this is the hard truth.

As cruel as it is, it is also heart-wrenching.

Similarly, Yisli also understood that Alan's previous sentence a frog in well was not a mockery, but a common description.

His once pride, ambition and self-esteem were completely shattered today, and he was thrown into the dirt and stepped on fiercely by 10,000 feet.

However, this fiasco also allowed Isli to see a wider world outside.

Among them, the invisible force called life energy, he already has a vague idea.

I believe that after returning home, it will not take long for you to initially awaken and grasp the mystery.

In other words, his strength will increase rapidly in the next few months to one or two years.

As for the initiator, Alan, after breaking Yisli's four horse legs, he turned and left this cold and desolate northern town without stopping for a second.

When Alan's breath disappeared completely, Livlu jumped out from the very far hiding place and asked in a half-joking tone: "How? Do you know how powerful these two outsiders are now? ? I seriously doubt that they are most likely from the same place as the organization. And only there are so many powerful forces in our hands that we simply can't understand."

"He's the one who nearly killed you. Compared with women, who do you think is more powerful?" Yisli quickly returned to his human form and asked while clutching his broken legs.

"I don't know! The power of these two guys is far beyond our comprehension. It's you, do you understand what's going on with that thing called life energy?" Li Fleur held his chin up, and the excited rays of light flickered in his eyes.

Isli gently nodded: "en! This man has actually told me how to extract life energy. Next I need a little time to study and try, after I learn it, I will put It's shared with you. Not just you, but the guy to the south."

"Oh? Are you planning to unite all the abyss?" Livlu was obviously startled.

Isley nodded with a serious expression: "That's right! Times have changed! If there is still infighting at this time, then what awaits us will be die without a burial site."

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