Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1369

Almost all MS pilots in the Zaft Army have an unwritten unwritten rule that they must never let their bodies be captured by the enemy.

On the one hand, it is to prevent the Earth coalition forces from capturing Gene and obtain corresponding technologies;

On the other hand, it is to avenge the innocent compatriots who lost their lives in "Blood-stained Valentine's Day". Even before dying, he will drag the surrounding enemies to hell.

When the MS driver realizes that the body cannot continue fighting, they will immediately force the self-destruct program to start.

At this time, those with mobility will open the hatch and quickly escape the blast with the aid of the jet module on the back of the spacesuit.

And the incapacitated will end their lives in bright flames and explosions along with their own bodies.

Obviously, the experimental machine Sakura was controlling was no exception.

After just a few tens of seconds, the body with its severely damaged electronic equipment suddenly released a dazzling red light.

The next second...

The violent explosion quickly affected Alan who was retreating rapidly.

Although in the vacuum environment of the universe, the explosion does not produce shock waves, but it produces the same terrible magnetic storm.

In the blink of an eye, the aircraft Alan was driving was seriously out of control.

Especially the mechanical neural network formed by over-reliance on electromagnetic induction loses its response almost instantly.

In some more serious places, there are even situations that can lead to the destruction of the body, such as the burning of electronic equipment and overloading of neuron connection points caused by large-scale short circuits.

Looking at the red lights in the cockpit and the harsh sound of the external equipment, Alan couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Ah - is it still too reluctant? Maybe I should be like Sakura. , make a certain degree of magical modification to this body. Anyway, with the height that human technology can achieve in this world, ordinary people can't see it."

Because all the electronic equipment was destroyed, and the Affected by the magnetic storm, the communication was basically completely cut off. At the moment, there was no other way than to temporarily abandon the body.

Just as Alan was about to use brute force to open the hatch and fly back to the Archangel like Sakura, he suddenly found that Duel Gundam was rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed, the only mechanical arm that could be used. Impressively grabbed a high-energy beam saber.

"Go to hell! Traitor!!!!" Yitzhak threw off the Mebius Zero that was entangled in him, and roared with a ferocious face.

At this moment, he could even feel that the wound was burning violently, as if the pain was constantly reminding himself to use blood to wash away this humiliation and hatred.

"Damn it! Alan's body seems to be affected by the opponent's self-destruct, and it can't move if there is a problem!"

Maryu caught this scene through radar cleaning, and the whole person was nervous from The captain stood up.

"We must not let our ace in trouble! Calibrate the positive ion cannon immediately! Target Duel Gundam!" Natal Bakilulu immediately gave instructions.


The gunner completed the ballistic trimming through the radar and computer, and responded loudly with a solemn expression: "The two positive ion cannons have locked the target!"


Natal Bakilulu didn't hesitate for a second, and blunt gave the order.

She didn't expect the cumbersome naval gun to hit a target with powerful maneuverability like the Duel Gundam in one go, but only hoped to slow down its approach to buy Alan some time to escape.

No matter how bad it is, at least let the Mebius Zero driven by Mu be able to catch up.

When the two "long legs" in front of the Archangel shot out dazzling red light, the Duel Gundam's radar immediately issued a high-energy warning.

Although Yitzhak is an out-and-out mad dog, he subconsciously stops charging when his life is threatened, and instead chooses reverse avoidance.

I saw that the engine had just withdrawn the huge body back dozens of meters away, and the destructive power amazing positive ion cannon was close to the PS armor of the cockpit on the chest and grazed.

Its violent energy reaction immediately caused the power to drop by more than one third, directly approaching red's warning line.

You don't need to ask, you know that if you get hit from the front, plan a few Gundams with defensive power in G, and it will explode in a matter of minutes.

"Hey! Itzhak! Are you alright?"

Seeing that his companion was almost killed, Diego immediately asked loudly with concern, and raised the beam cannon at the enemy ship Hit back violently.

"Captain Cruze has signaled to retreat! Stop tangling! Our red-clothed queen has detonated her body and retreated! I'm afraid it will be hard to take advantage of it if you continue to fight."

Aslan keenly captured the white flares fired from the battleship behind him, and immediately controlled the Aegis Gundam, which turned into MA form, and shot several high-energy beams to force Denisa's strong attack back, then turned around I want to capture the Duel Gundam that has killed the red eye, and take it back forcibly.

But unfortunately, Yitzhak normally has some dissatisfaction with Aslan's style, not to mention that he is already red-eyed at the moment.

"fuck off! Don't bother me!"

When the Divine Shield Gundam rushed over, he directly lifted his foot and kicked it flying, with the help of the reaction force fiercely Stab the enemy's cockpit.

"Don't think about it!"

At the critical moment, Mu drove his Mebius Zero and finally came over, with the help of four separate wire-controlled gun barrels from different angles Attacked Duel Gundam.

It has to be said that the ace in this natural person still has two brushes.

Immediately put the Duel Gundam into a predicament of being besieged on all sides.

If it wasn't for the PS armor and replaced it with a normal Jean, it would have been beaten and disintegrated by now.

But unfortunately, duel Gundam has overwhelming maneuverability and defensive power, plus the driver is also the red-clothed elite of the Zaft Army, the best group of talents among the adjusters .

"Asshole! Why do you keep pestering me this nasty fly?"

After a short passive beat, Yitzhak decisively started the prevention and control of the head The Vulcan Cannon instantly blew up the three surrounding mobile turrets, grabbed the last one, and made a 180-degree turn on the spot.

"Not good!"

Mu was careless and didn't have time to stop shooting immediately. As a result, he was injured by his own mobile turret. He could only shut down one of the damaged engines with hatred and shake it. Returning to Archangel for repairs.

With the current state of Mebius Zero, it is estimated that there will be no way to continue participating in the battle for a while.

Getting rid of Mu's entanglement, Yitzhak didn't have any intention of chasing, and flew straight to the enemy's body, intending to put away the knife and cut the driver and the cockpit into two pieces.

But just as the sword was swung out, his pupils suddenly enlarged, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

I saw that the originally closed hatch was suddenly pushed open by a huge force, and a man in a white tight-fitting space suit jumped out.

The most important thing is that when this person saw the huge Duel Gundam, not only did he not have the slightest bit of nervousness or fear, but instead showed a playful smile.


Naked and unabashed contempt!

That look seems to be looking at a sad insect...

"Go to hell!!!!!!"

Itzhak was instantly taken Thoroughly enraged, he turned his huge high-energy beam saber to try to vaporize the enemy in front of him from in this world.

With the flesh and blood of human beings, if you touch such a weapon, there will be no residue left.


"Be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"

For a moment, almost everyone in the bridge of the Archangel stood up nervously.

At the crucial moment!

The flight module behind Alan's space suit suddenly shot out a strong airflow, pushing it forward by almost dozens of meters away, just avoiding the fatal blow.

Not only that!

He also picked up a self-made laser cutting machine, jumped deep to the head of the Duel Gundam, directly along the exposed gap in the neck, and cut all the induction device cables including the radar neatly. .


Itzhak in the cockpit found himself unable to see anything.

It was wrong for him to panic, he hurriedly dropped the high-energy beam saber in his hand, and waved his huge mechanical arm to slap Alan who was dead near his head.

Unfortunately, how could Alan, who is experienced in combat, stay in place, and jumped to the joint of one arm again at the moment of cutting the cable. Using a laser cutter to burn out a critical power supply component of the transmission.

As a result, Yitzhak found that his last intact arm also lost control.

This time, the only weapons that can be used in the entire duel Gundam are the two empty Vulcan cannons in the head.

And the two Vulcan cannons also don't know where to shoot because of the loss of perception ability.

If it were a normal person, in such a critical moment, he would definitely ask his companions for help immediately.

But the red-eyed Yitzhak couldn't handle that much at all. He controlled the Vulcan Cannon to shoot at his body, trying to break Alan into pieces on the spot in this way.

But it didn't take a while for this guy to find that all the key connection parts of his body were damaged, and even the rear jet engine was turned off.

"This... what's going on?" Itzhak frantically pulled the joystick up and down.

But the whole machine remains unmoved at all.

He didn't even know that the warring parties outside had been completely speechless by the sight they saw.

Even Lau Rue Cruze, who has always been indifferent to emotion and anger, opened his mouth slightly and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Are there any problems with our radar and detectors?"

"Should... not!" The captain of the Zaft Army had a trembling voice in his voice.

I can't help but tremble!

In just a few minutes just now, Alan did a completely unbelievable thing, that is, he performed a hand-to-hand dismantling of Gundam.

Of course, this bare-handed dismantling of the Gundam does not refer to the use of violent means to tear off the Gundam's armor and internal structure piece by piece.

Just the opposite!

Alan employs a tricky disguise, using a laser cutter to cut through the Gundam's unarmored gaps, destroying its cables and relatively fragile electronic components.

After all, as one of the core development members of the Dawning Society, few people know more about the Archangel and the internal structure and weaknesses of several aircraft of the G plan than him.

"Monster! The driver of that machine is definitely an uncompromising monster!" A trace of fear flashed in Lau Ru Cruze's pupils.

He couldn't imagine that the abilities of individual human beings could reach such an exaggerated level.

On the other side, the captain of the Archangel, Maru, covered her mouth subconsciously, cry out in surprise: "He... how did he do it? No! It should be said that this is really something a human can do. What happened?"

"As a core participant in the G plan, I think he should know the weaknesses and structure of Duel Gundam better than outsiders, so he can solve the enemy with a laser cutter."

Natal Bakilulu tried to analyze it from a rational point of view.

Of course, it would be more convincing if her voice and legs didn't tremble slightly.

In fact, it wasn't just the two highest-ranking women who were shocked, everyone else in the command room was breathing basics, as if they had seen Divine Vestige.

As for Aslan and Diego, who originally wanted to step forward to help, they didn't dare to act rashly at this moment, for fear that their bodies would be dismembered so easily.

Looking at the completely incapacitated body in front of him, and Yitzhak who was trapped in the cockpit and couldn't get out, Alan couldn't help laughing and shook the head and sighed: "Really! Forcing me not to be a human being! Forget it, for Sakura's sake, I'll let you go this time. Of course, before that, I'll leave a small mark as punishment."

Having said that, he raised the laser cutter in his hand and drew a terrifying dog on the door of the opponent's cockpit.

You don't need to ask to know that this is a mockery of Yitzhak's character like a mad dog.

After doing all this, he flew in the direction of Archangel without looking back.

Although the Thunder Gundam, which Nigel drove along the way, wanted to use the mirage system to launch a sneak attack, it was driven back by the strike Gundam that arrived in time.

In the end, the chase ended with an evenly matched match.

Zaft lost the experimental body that Sakura was driving. At the same time, duel Gundam also needed to disassemble and replace a large number of damaged parts and cables.

Similarly, on the Earth coalition side, Alan's body is basically in a semi-scrapped state.

The Archangel's barren logistics make it impossible to repair it unless it reaches a lunar base.

Also, the Mebius Zero was badly damaged, and there were no replacement mobile turrets in the hangar.

Although it is not completely impossible to attack, the battle strength is also greatly reduced.

In short, both sides need to stop fighting to supply supplies first, otherwise they will not be able to fight at all.

However, compared to the Archangel, which is isolated and helpless in the universe, Lou Rue Cruze has an incomparable gigantic advantage, that is, most of the universe is Zaft's sphere of influence.

You can directly contact the rear transport ship to send the new airframe and parts needed for maintenance.

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