Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1370

CE 2/3/71.

It has been more than a week since the Zaft Army blatantly invaded the colonial satellite Heliopolis, a major diplomatic event.

Although the so-called neutral country Orb has always refused to admit that the Dawning Society developed new battleships and MS for the Earth coalition, those G-plan bodies that were taken back are more convincing than any language.

After all, although both Gundam and Jean are MS, they belong to two completely different technical routes.

Especially the PS armor technology, which is unique to the Orb Shuguang Society, but anyone who is not blind knows what happened.

But due to the Earth coalition, which is mainly composed of natural people, it has already fought True Fire with Zaft, who represents the adjuster camp.

As a result, the two sides have long since ignored what the truth is, and all kinds of media and public opinion are in full swing, and they will not hesitate to use various means to smear and frame their opponents.

They even deliberately downplayed the fundamental problem of concealing the outbreak of the war. Instead, they tried to describe each other as non-human demons, and declared to the people that there is no need for any psychological burden to completely destroy the enemy physically, even if the target of the killing are civilians.

In such an environment, with the exception of a very small number of people who can barely keep their senses, most of them have become controlled by group thoughts and will only blindly follow the majority of "mob".

Unsurprisingly, the disintegration of Heliopolis eventually turned into a diplomatic spat.

The Zaft Army and the Earth Coalition both blamed each other, but left Aube, who violated the principle of neutrality, aside.

I have to say, this is like a classic black humor.

It is a war for interests, rights, and dominance in the future of mankind, but both sides try to overwhelm their opponents on the moral high ground.

Of course, this is true of most wars throughout human history.

But none of this has anything to do with Alan.

As Lau Rue Crutzer gave up the pursuit, the Archangel finally ushered in a rare brief moment of tranquility and safety.

As a well-deserved "hero" during the entire escape, Alan is currently enjoying the highest level of treatment on the entire ship.

The most obvious of which is that everyone, including Captain Mariu, can only eat nutritious meals delivered, but he can use the ordering service.

And you can eat as much as you want, you don't need to limit yourself like everyone else.

However, such a good life soon encountered a little trouble...

Because there was no time to carry out strict supplies when sailing, the Archangel was heading for the moon at full speed When I was at the base, I suddenly found that there was not enough water halfway through.

As everyone knows, water is the Source of Life.

A person can go without food for a few days, but absolutely cannot go without water for a few days.

In addition to the hygiene habits cultivated by modern people, bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth, flushing toilets, cleaning floors and public areas, all of which require a lot of water resources.

"Oh—damn! What does this smell on you?"

Maryu, who was standing in the corridor, pinched her nose, motioning Mu to stay away from him.

The latter took two steps back innocently and defended himself: "This is the smell of a man. You know, I've been busy repairing the Mebius Zero recently, so I'm sweating a little bit. A little more. And because I can't take a bath due to lack of water, it will naturally smell a little bit over time. Besides, you don't seem to be much better than me."

Speaking, the ace driver among the natural people The officer deliberately moved closer and took a deep breath.

"Stay away from me! The smell on your body reminds me of sewers!"

Mario raised her hand and pushed the old rogue who wanted to take advantage of her.

As a woman who likes to be clean and tidy, not taking a shower or washing her face for a few days is a nightmare for her.

Especially the smell of sweat and socks mixed together on the feet, it can definitely be regarded as a biological weapon when it is taken off.

On this point, just look at the sour expressions on the faces of ordinary soldiers and refugees who live in a room with several people.

"hahahaha! Don't be so mean, everyone is the same now." Mu couldn't help laughing.

Perhaps to release the pressure accumulated on the battlefield, he especially likes to molest women serving in the military.

Especially a beauty like Mariu Ramias who exudes a mature atmosphere.

Of course, if you add the position of captain of the Archangel, it makes Mu have an urge to conquer and possess.

Unfortunately, it may be that the time spent together is a little too short, and his progress has not been smooth.

At least it's not as easy as the women who throw themselves in their arms after hearing the nickname "Eagle of Endymion".

But that's okay!

Tamu La Frada likes difficult, challenging, and difficult targets.

"hmph! Put away your dirty thoughts. Our water reserves are going to bottom soon, and we won't be able to reach the moon base at all. There must be a way to solve this problem now, otherwise all the People will all die of thirst before they reach the moon base." Maliu rolled the eyes angrily.

As a high-ranking officer in the army, she knows better than anyone that this group of pilots, who have been on the brink of death for a long time, often only have two things in their minds when they are not fighting, and that is sex and alcohol. .

This is the only thing that can help drivers relieve huge mental and psychological pressure.

It is almost inevitable that a young, beautiful, good-looking, and high-ranking female officer like herself will be regarded as the object of sexual harassment.

In fact, she had encountered more extreme and worse situations before, such as some sperm-brained guys stealing the clothes and socks that she wore.

In comparison, Mu has been quite restrained.

At least it's the normal way of chasing women.

And this guy is quite handsome and strong, and with the blessing of the "Eagle of Endymion", Mariu is not very resistant.

On the contrary, there is still a little enjoyment.

Mu Shen agreed with nodded: "This is indeed a big trouble! By the way, where is our hero? What is he doing recently?"

"Alan?" He was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded: "He often stares at his half-scrapped body. I think he should be thinking about how to repair or upgrade it. Such as this involves the knowledge of the proven professional field, I don't know much. Besides, I don't know why, I don't smell like you and me on him."

"Oh? Why? Does he use one of the few? the water reserve to take a bath secretly?" Mu's face changed slightly.

"Probably not. I think it's more of a physique problem. You know, he's a guy who hardly ever sweats, even after a big fight. No, no, it's not just It's not that he sweats, but he never shows the slightest bit of nervousness and fear, and he's as calm as a precision machine. Remember the last time he fought, he was paralyzed by a laser cutter and tackled Gundam?"

When she said this remark, Maliu's eyes revealed a strong worry.

Under normal circumstances, almost 100% of people who drive MS to fight will sweat profusely.

Because this is a natural human response to danger and stress.

Even Mu, a veteran who doesn't know how many battles he's participated in, came out of the cockpit with the back of his space suit almost soaking wet.

But Alan's spacesuit stays absolutely dry all the time.

Not to mention sweating, and even a little smell carried by itself will not be left behind.

Mu sighed with a wry smile: "Ai, how could I forget it. That was the most exaggerated performance I've ever seen in my life. If you compare the red-clothed elite of the Zaft Army to a monster, then Alan is The monster of monsters. I suspect he is definitely not the kind of ordinary adjuster that is made in batches, but the product of higher level experiments. Not only him, but the lady with great character is also suspicious."

"You mean Denisa?" Mariu lifts the head curiously.

Compared to Alan's shocking performance, although Denisa is also quite good, it is still a lot worse.

So her attention was always on the former, so she subconsciously ignored the latter.

"That's right! The speed of adaptation and learning of this lady is terrifying. The first time she drove the assault, she was barely able to control it normally. But when she attacked the second time, she had already You can use the fire cover of the Archangel to fight Thunder and Divine Shield, and even gain the upper hand several times. In comparison, Kira, who is also an adjuster, is much inferior..."

Just While walking and talking, the two unconsciously came to the busy hangar.

As soon as they stepped into this place full of steel and oil smell, they instantly saw Alan standing at the foot of the huge body, lifts the head staring at the broken arm, and they didn't know what was going on. Think about something.

"Hey! Alan, what are you doing?"

Mu with a familiar character, waved his hand and said hello.

Alan turned around and shrugged his shoulders: "Nothing. The last battle gave me a lot of inspiration, and it also made me realize the weakness of this machine. In order to adapt it to more intense battles , I decided to make some necessary upgrades after arriving at the destination."

"en? Asked with slightly gleaming eyes.

With the performance of this machine in combat, as long as the weakness of the mechanical neural network can be weakened to a certain extent, then it is definitely good news for the Earth coalition.

"Maybe. I just thought of a plan, and I can try to use another material to replace the current neural network that is susceptible to external interference. Of course, everything depends on the experimental results. "Alan explained with interest.

After realizing that Sakura goes back, she will definitely find a way to make a stronger body. If she doesn't upgrade herself, the next encounter may really capsize.

He didn't want to lose the game because of his paralysis.

"Can a natural person control your upcycled mech?" Maliu cautiously probed.

Alan pretended to think for a moment, then gently nodded: "Yes! Just castrate off some overly sensitive parts, strengthen the anti-interference ability of the mechanical nerve, and make its sensitivity passivated."

"What? Really!" Mu was obviously a little excited.

There is no way not to be excited!

You must know that he has suffered too much from using MA to play MS.

Who wants to drive a MS with more mobility, better protection, and more ferocious firepower, if they can.

No man can resist the temptation to drive a large robot.

"I promise, it's absolutely true. But whether you can drive it depends on what price the Earth Coalition can offer."

After saying this, Alan ignored the two men, picked up his laptop and started planning and designing a series of complex blueprints.


At the same time, the highest council of PLANT on the other side of the universe.

Twelve members of parliament who hold the highest decision-making power are gathered together, watching the battle screen played on the big screen.

Raw Rue Crutzer, Aslan, and Sakura serve as witnesses, telling these high-ranking Adjuster elites about the entire operation and the worrying new developments shown by the Earth Coalition. Airframe and new battleship.

It took more than 40 minutes before they completed their mission.

Watching the final scene of Alan defeating his own newly developed experimental aircraft, Patrick Sala, the Defense Commissioner, suddenly stood up from his seat and said in an impassioned tone: "Everyone! Believe you I have seen what the Earth coalition forces have done. They have no plans to negotiate or surrender at all. Instead, they are secretly studying new types of warfare weapons to counterattack. If we continue to have naive fantasies, then the tragedy of blood-stained Valentine's Day will be It will come again."

The father of Aslan belongs to the hawks in Parliament because of the death of his wife in a bloody Valentine's Day tragedy.

All I can think about is how to use the power in my hand to start a war, and completely kill the "blue cosmos" who shouted the slaughtering adjusters on Earth to the last one.

"Agreed! Put down Orb's false neutrality statement, these actions by the Earth Coalition definitely don't look like they want to end the war. On the contrary, they intend to use the huge resources on Earth to fight us for a long time. The war of attrition." Nigall's father Yuri Amalfi also stood up and echoed.

It has to be said that, compared with those high-level executives on Earth who kept their children in the rear, almost every one of the PLANT Supreme Council sent their sons to the battlefield.

It's no wonder that with a population of only 20 million or so, the Regulators can beat the billions of people on Earth to the ground.

"Sakura! You are a very rare female pilot with innate talent in the military. Tell us what you think about this matter, especially the creator and pilot of this machine in the picture."

Speaker Siegel Klein noticed that most of the members were becoming angry and nervous, and decided to change the subject.

As a dove and anti-war person, he does not hope that the war will eventually go to a level beyond the control of both sides, but is eager to force the interest groups on Earth to finally submit by showing his strength and sign a contract. A peace agreement acceptable to both parties.

Unfortunately, after the bloody Valentine's Day tragedy, most of the members of the parliament began to gradually move towards supporting the war.

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