Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 302

"Hey hey hey! That Oninin is too fast!"

"Yeah! I didn't even see it clearly!"

"This is really Can the body refinement be achieved?"


Although the two people below fought for only a moment, everyone present began to exclaim.

As the leader of the seventh class, Kakashi had already pulled up his forehead guard to reveal that Obito's wheel-shaped eye, with a solemn expression on his face: "This guy is really What's the chin?"

"But his situation is the same as Xiao Li, he can only repair the Body Refinement Technique, so he won't be promoted. And that kind of extreme speed that depends entirely on muscles , which means thousands hammers, hundred refinements beyond human limits. Kakashi, your Disciple is in trouble." Mike Kay explained meaningfully.

"Ah! I understand. If necessary, I'll end up and bring Sasuke back. But I can't imagine that a small village like Inno-Ninja could train such a good ninja." Cassie sighed slightly.

After all, in the eyes of other big countries around, Yinin is just a small, weak and closed village that has just been established.

Even this year is the first time to take part in such an event as the Chunin Exam.

But who would have thought that such an unremarkable little place would send out an eye-catching jinnin all of a sudden.

On the other side, Ino, who had a brief exchange with Alan, asked nervously: "Shukamaru! Do you think Sasuke can win?"

"Enough! It's not that you don't know how strong the tone is. Although Sasuke is also very difficult to deal with, there is still a gap compared to them." Shikamaru said his own words in a very lazy tone while lying on the guardrail. judge.

"en! Mmmm! And they cook deliciously!" Dingci hurriedly followed nodded in agreement.

"Do you know these three sound ninjas?" Asma's tone was full of curiosity.

"That's right! During the second exam, we ambushed them and failed and were captured. But the guy below not only didn't kill us, he also treated us to a delicious breakfast. ."

Shikamaru rarely showed an embarrassed look when he mentioned this matter.

After all, this is definitely a black history for him, a genius with high IQ, and from the very beginning he has misjudged the strength of his opponent.

"Breakfast, please? Hahahaha! Then it seems that these sound ninjas are still a good group of guys." Asma couldn't help laughing.

Although ninjas from different villages are often hostile, they often fight each other for missions and their own interests, but because of this, it is very valuable to meet people who are willing to live in peace.

"Yeah! Except the thoughts in my head are a bit weird." Shikamaru agreed nodded.

"Oh? How weird?" Asma continued to ask the bushy full beard on the chin touched.

"The man said that ninjas should not only create killing and hatred, but to spread love and justice. And he also said that Six Paths immortal founded the ninja sect and passed the chakra for the sake of Let people understand each other and eliminate disputes and wars forever. But we ninjas are using this kind of power to destroy, which is the greatest irony."

Before Shikamaru could organize the language, Ino rushed to tell everything he knew.

Asma was stunned when she heard this remark, and wanted to laugh several times, but she didn't know why she didn't laugh in the end. Instead, she fell into deep thought.

It took quite a while before he said with a bitter face: "Did you directly deny the existence of the great powers and Ninja Village? What an incredible guy! Although a little naive, this His bearing and vision are indeed worthy of admiration."

"Teacher, do you think what he said makes sense?" Ino blinked in surprise.

"Well! How should I put it, although the truth is like this, the reality is much more complicated. The world of adults is not black and white like children." Ma lit a cigarette and took a deep breath while looking down at the knock-out competition going on below.

At the moment, Sasuke Uchiha has given up his plan to rely on body refinement to defeat his opponent. The dazzling white electric light flashes on his hands, and the terrifying Thunder Attribute Chakra gathers together to make a harsh sound.


Ninjutsu invented by Kakashi when he was young!

In order to defeat the powerful enemy in front of him, he finally had to show this hole card in advance.

And due to the rapid consumption of chakra, the curse of the sky seems to be activated. Large black stripes spread over half of the body at an extremely fast speed, and the whole person looks both hideous and terrifying.

"Go to hell! Chops!"

With a frantic and bloodthirsty roar, Sasuke, who was affected by the curse mark, started sprinting at a very fast speed, trying to use Chidori to penetrate the enemy's chest.

Because the field inside the tower itself is not very big, he successfully came to the front in just a blink of an eye.

At the moment when the silver light on the hand was about to touch the skin, the other hand firmly grasped Chidori's wrist, so that it could no longer move a millimeter.

"I said just now that your movements are too slow, and you lack sufficient strength. It seems that the famous Uchiha also merely this, no wonder the entire clan was wiped out by a traitor." Alan sarcastically pretended to be extremely contemptuous.

Obviously, he was deliberately provoking the other party to see if the two-column writing wheel in front of him would evolve.

"Ahhh Ahhhh!!! Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Under the control of extreme anger, Sasuke's writing wheel did not evolve, but instead The spell seal has evolved.

In just a few seconds, the black stripes covered every corner of the body, and the body structure and appearance also began to change dramatically.

"Not good!"

Kakashi finally couldn't sit still when he saw this scene, and came to the arena in a flash.

But before he could take any action, Alan gathered a lot of chakra in his fist and slammed it down at Sasuke's stomach.


The terrifying destructive power almost instantly dissipated the natural energy drawn from the surrounding by the spell of the sky, and the two pillars flew straight out, on the wall. A big hole was smashed, and he rolled his eyes and fainted.

As he lost consciousness, the power of the spell began to fade away quickly, and people slowly returned to normal.

Kakashi checked the injury on Disciple a little, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, he turned around and said many thanks, and then picked it up and took it away.

He didn't recognize it at all, the one standing in front of him at the moment was the boy who had lived with him for a while.

But Neji Hyuga recognized Alan through this fist.

Because of this subtle control over Chakra, he has never seen it in the second person.

Nevertheless, Neji didn't rush forward to recognize him. Instead, he just sat there quietly and waited for the Moonlight Gale to call him out.

It's just that under the calm exterior, his heart is like the sea, and he can clearly feel the breath before the storm.

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