Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 303

There is no doubt that Alan defeated Sasuke, who mastered Chidori, with simple body refinement with no difficulty, which surprised many people present.

Even even the old fogey of the three generations of Hokage couldn't help but praise a few words.

After all, Tianzhiguo is a relatively poor, backward and closed place, and Yinin Village is just a small village that cannot make any big country feel threatened.

Even if a few geniuses emerge, it cannot change the cruel reality that they are the pawns of the five major countries.

If you did good diplomacy, you might be able to win over to become an ally.

People are always more than happy to be kind and generous when dealing with goals that never threaten their status and interests.

But the three generations of Hokage don't know that the leader of the sound ninja village is the deceased discipline Orochimaru, and also personally launched the "Konoha collapse plan", ready to tear off the disguise at the climax of the chunin exam end your own life.

One-on-one eliminations and selections come to an end soon.

Xianglin defeated a Yuren without much effort, while Shiro pretended to resist for a while and then voluntarily abstained and conceded defeat.

Because his Frozen Blood Escape is too obvious, it is not suitable to be displayed in front of everyone, otherwise it will definitely arouse the suspicion of Kakashi and the seventh class members.

In this way, two people are eliminated by one person.

The sound ninja established by Orochimaru is completely famous!

But none of this has anything to do with Alan. After completing the second round exam, he started to get busy and never had the leisure he was before.

After all, attacking a village like Konoha is not something that can be done by going to a dozen or twenty genin and one or two people.

How to hide from Konoha's intelligence agencies and dispatch a large number of people to ambushed around the village, and how to bypass the strict defenses and launch a silent raid, all of which need someone to coordinate and organization.


As a bridge between the root organization and Orochimaru's secret cooperation, this task inevitably falls on Alan's shoulders.

For more than two months in a row, he has been out at night, constantly looking for gaps and loopholes around Konoha, and put all the sound and sand in place properly.

After everything was arranged properly, Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, finally appeared.

It's just that the place where he appeared was a little strange, it was the roof of the female soup...

Looking at the man with long white hair and a wretched face, who was being raped by seven or eight people. The aunt pressed the old man on the ground, and the corners of Alan's mouth twitched slightly. He couldn't help but ask, "Has he always been like this?"

"Hehe, yes. Very idiot, isn't it? "Orochimaru raised the corner of his mouth with a playful smile.

Alan agreed with nodded: "It's a bit of an idiot. But this person suddenly appeared in Konoha, won't it affect our plan?"

"Don't worry! He may pose a considerable threat to the sand ninja attacking Konoha and my cannon fodder, but it will not affect the core part of the plan. In addition, I remind you that if you want to attack Danzo, it is best The night before the final." Orochimaru suggested meaningfully.

"Why? Wouldn't it be better when the whole Konoha was in chaos on the day of the final?" Alan touched the chin and asked rhetorically.

These days he's been thinking about when it's better to get rid of Danzo.

Obviously, if it is too early, it will definitely be discovered by others in the root tissue.

But if it's too late, it's hard to guarantee that Danzo won't take some action on the spur of the moment, such as taking someone to launch an ambush where the Sand Ninja retreated, and when the time comes, they have to find it again.

"Because you don't know Danzo!

That Old Guy probably got the news of Jiraiya's return and is hiding in the secret room of the root organization base and flies into a rage.

After all, once you choose to fuse with the darkness, it is very difficult to stand in the sun again.

And with Jiraiya's achievements and prestige, he is fully qualified to sit Stabilize the position of Hokage.

So he will definitely try to take some actions, or spread some false information to let Jiraiya leave, or use the power of the root to threaten those who were originally from the Hokage faction and turn to support himself.

In short, when the Konoha collapse plan is launched, he won't obediently and honestly stay in one place and wait for the result."

Orochimaru casually expressed his thoughts on the group. hidden cognition.

If there is anyone in this world who knows Danzo best, that person is definitely not the three generations of Hokage, but himself.

The cooperation between the two began a long time ago, and it has not been interrupted even after defecting.

In the eyes of Orochimaru, Danzo is a person who truly achieves goals by fair means or foul, an ambitious who completely inherits the cold political thinking of the second generation Hokage.

Especially in order to drive the water-stopping kaleidoscope writing wheel, and even transplant primary cells, just to slow down the cooling time of Heavenly God.

He was so ruthless that even Orochimaru couldn't help but feel a little admiration.

After all, there are many guys who are ruthless towards the enemy, but Danzo is the first to dare to be so ruthless towards himself.

Anyone who has seen the terrifying erosive ability of primary cells to the body can't help but feel their scalp tingling.

"Got it! I'll deal with him the night before the Chunin finals." Alan decisively set Danzo's final date of death.

"Then what reason are you going to use to approach him? You must know that at times like this, Danzo's vigilance will be higher." Orochimaru reminded with a smile.

Alan replied without thinking: "It's very simple! I will take out the dirt and reincarnate! You must know that Danzo has coveted this technique for a long time. With his character, he will never allow the root organization to be reincarnated. The two meet and learn, so they will choose to show up no matter what."

"hahahaha! Is reincarnation used as bait? It's not wrong that Danzo can die in your hands. But I'm curious. , why do you always have no intention of keeping secrets when dealing with these formidable power and powerful ninjutsu and knowledge. Are these things not precious enough in your eyes?"

Orochimaru Finally, I asked the question I had always wanted to ask in my heart.

Compare the heart to the heart, if he has mastered the power called mindfulness, he will never share it with anyone.

"In my opinion, knowledge and various complex ninjutsu are precious, but it is people who create and use them in the end.

This also means that people's The value is far above knowledge and ninjutsu.

even more how, knowledge and technology can only progress through a lot of research, experimentation and communication.

So throw away that ridiculous value one's own old broom, treating these things with an open attitude is a good choice for everyone.

It's like a deal between us, although you learn to read, but I also get It's a way of letting Nian and Chakra exist at the same time.

This means that from this collaboration, we are all stronger, not weaker.

Only the weak will be Thinking of monopolizing something, it's better that other people never have the qualifications to challenge them.

But the powerhouse would love to see challengers come along and enjoy beating them..."

Alan answers with a smile.

Because he already has the consciousness of being a powerhouse, and he is ready to spread the power of chanting at some point in the future, so that the ordinary person is also qualified to challenge the ninja.

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