Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 304

The appearance of Jiraiya has undoubtedly made the three generations of Hokage, who had already been cornered by Danzo, have the illusion that he can turn the tide against the wind. Even the very obvious signal of Orochimaru in the Chunin Examination was ignored.

As big names, nobles and wealthy merchants from all over the world gather in Konoha, the old man also focuses his full attention on showing the prosperity and strength of the village.

Prepare to take this opportunity to sweep away the negative Omokage caused by Uchiha's extermination of the clan, and let everyone realize that Konoha is still a powerful ninja village with enough strength to repel all incoming enemies .

It has to be said that he does have the vision and skills that most ninjas lack in domestic and foreign affairs.

Otherwise, it would not have been in the state of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, where the entire village was almost razed to the ground, and the reconstruction was completed in just ten years or so, and the economy was completely restored to prosperity.

But the three generations of Hokage have forgotten one thing, that is, the ninja world has always been powerhouse is respected.

If there is no martial power that matches the economic strength, then the best development will only become an illusion, and a war or sneak attack can easily destroy it.

When the time came to the eve of the Chunin selection finals, Alan finally couldn't hold back his desire for Danzo's first-generation cell-transplanted arm, as well as his desire for a water-stop kaleidoscope. The cover quietly came to the underground base of the root organization.

Different from the last time he came here, he could clearly feel that the level of guards here has risen by several notches, and even the Formation that is normally dormant has been fully activated.

Without a doubt!

The entire root organization has completely entered a state of war under Danzo's order, and even through the mask, the faint murderous aura emanating from these members can be detected unintentionally.

"Tell me, do you have any important information when you suddenly come to see me at such a critical moment?" Danzo asked in an extremely cold and emotionless tone.

"I got all the information about the reincarnation of the dirty earth from Orochimaru!"

Alan without the slightest hesitation threw the prepared bait.

As he had expected, Danzo immediately burst into naked and undisguised ecstasy the moment he heard the news, and he left the two bodyguards and walked straight to the front, in a hurry. Nai stretched out his left hand: "Give it to me! Give me the information about the reincarnation of the dirty earth."

"Please take a look!"

Alan took out a separate record of the reincarnation of the dirty earth from his arms. The scroll is offered with both hands.

"Hahahaha! Very good! Very good! You didn't disappoint me!"

After reading the contents of the scroll, Danzo immediately burst into laughter.

At this moment, he was completely attracted by the powerful forbidden technique of reincarnation, and he didn't even notice that Alan had a strange hat on top of his head.

The next second...

The dwarf brainwashing cap is activated!

This "Darkness of the Ninja World" didn't even have a chance to react, and was instantly controlled.

Right now, whether it was the arm he prepared for Izanagi, or the writing wheel eye that belonged to Shishui in the eye socket, all of them were useless.

Because even Izanagi needs to have the corresponding subjective consciousness of the caster.

The function of the gnome brainwashing hat is to directly control the thinking of the human brain, and the controlled person will not notice anything wrong until the effect is lifted.

In this way, under the control of Alan, Danzo swung his big hand to drive out the few remaining guards around.

In just two or three seconds, there were only two people left in this dark underground chamber.

"It's easier than I thought."

Alan smiled and took back the scroll of Reincarnation from the opponent's hands, and at the same time released the red dragon and wrapped Danzo in one bite. The right hand under the bandage bites down and swallows it.

And the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in the eye socket was also cautiously removed by the Chakra scalpel and put into a test tube full of solution.

After all this was done, Danzo just broke free from the control of the brainwashing cap.

When he found that his right hand and right eye were all gone, but Alan had an extra kaleidoscope of blood on his hand, he suddenly understood what happened, and his face was gloomy and dripping water. Come on, gnashing teeth questioned: "You betrayed me? Why? Are you bewitched by that guy, Orochimaru?"


Alan turned the kaleidoscope writing wheel Eyes tucked into his pockets, then lightly look at the head.

"no! You are wrong.

I have never been loyal to anyone since the very beginning, be it you, or the three generations of Hokage, or this one named Konoha The village.

You naively thought that I would dedicate my value and life to the identity and name of a so-called ninja like those stupid guys.

In me It seems that the so-called ninjas and ninja villages are nothing more than a group of tools to maintain rotten and old vested interests, vicious dogs kept by daimyo and nobles.

What's even more ridiculous is that you clearly have the power to overthrow and even change the The power of the entire world, but they are complacent for a bone rewarded by the master, and even kill each other, just to seize so little sad rights and interests.

Too ugly!

This distorted view of values and world must be corrected!"

"You...are you crazy?"

Tuan hides his face after listening to this remark Immediately he showed a terrified expression.

In the eyes of a traditional ninja like him, this can no longer be described as deviant, but completely subverts everything.

Subvert the five-nation pattern established by the first Hokage since the end of the Warring States Period!

Subvert the way of cooperation in which the daimyo and nobles are in charge of rule, and the Shinobi village is in charge of defending the country and launching foreign wars, each performing its own duties!

What he couldn't understand the most was that if there were no daimyo and nobility, then who should rule the country?

Where should Ninja and Ninja Village go?

"Hehe, in my opinion, it's not me that's crazy, it's this twisted and sick world. Farewell, Danzo."

With the last word, Alan blurted out. The whole person instantly disappeared in place.

The next second...

He directly smashed the opponent's head to pieces, giving Danzo no chance to activate the "Four Immortal Sealing Technique".

To a certain extent, this is one of the advantages of being familiar with the plot and the abilities of the opponent.

While other organizations were desperately trying to gather information on the enemy, Alan already knew what kind of ninjutsu and what kind of cards the next person he was going to deal with was good at.

After killing Danzo, he quickly cleaned up the blood on the ground and sealed the body, ready to hand it over to Orochimaru for reincarnation.

I believe that the three generations of Hokage will be moved to tears when they see their old friend after the Konoha collapse plan is launched.

In the end, when he left, Alan did not forget to leave behind a Shadow Clone that turned into a Danzo, to ensure that no one would find out that the leader of the root organization was dead in a short time.

In this way, he returned to his residence contentedly, silently feeling the genes extracted from the primary cells and a large number of three-goose jade writing wheel eyes entering his body.

In just half a minute or so, the writing wheel in his eyes changed from two hooks to three hooks, and the chakra of his body was like a flood that broke through a dam, and it instantly increased several times. times.

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