Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 305

"What's going on here? What happened to your body? How did you suddenly get Mu Dun and Shulanyan?"

Four-tailed Sun Wukong no doubt noticed this change , immediately couldn't help but ask.

"Stupid orangutan! Of course it's my ability!" Verna Lazas jumped out instantly and showed off.


Four Tails said with a hint of surprise.

As for the other party calling him "stupid orangutan", he has long been used to it.

To be precise, these two guys quarreled and bickered together in their spare time to pass the boring time, and even nicknamed each other.

"Of course! I can analyze and screen other people's genes by devouring their flesh and blood, and keep the parts that cause blood changes, remove those unfavorable parts, and finally integrate them into the master. Swallow, seize, fuse, this is my power! How about it, am I much better than you, a stupid orangutan who can only provide chakra fusion?" Verna Lasass explained triumphantly. .

"hmph! What's there to be proud of! You are just created by that magical ability called mind."

Four-tailed Sun Wukong pretended to be disdainful It looks like curl one's lip.

But it is not difficult to tell from the tone of voice that it is actually very envious of the ability of Verna Razas, and even more envious of the other party's ability to have flesh and blood, without having to think that he is sealed in the body of Ren Zhuli. .

Alan ignored the daily bickering of these two guys, each minding their own business checking the changes in his body, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Since I have merged with Senju The blood-wheel eyes of the cells and the Uchiha clan, coupled with the natural power of the tailed beast, should theoretically have gathered Yin and Yang. But why hasn't that barrier been broken to give birth to Samsara, which symbolizes the power of Senra's myriad forms What about Eye?"

"Because it's not enough! Especially the secret of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is not as simple as we imagined. In addition to the power of chakra and yin, it seems to be integrated into a certain Such subjective strong desires and emotions can only be activated. If you originally intended for me to swallow that kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, I might be able to find the answer." Verna Lazas hurriedly explained.

"Strong subjective desires and emotions? Ah! I understand. The Uchiha family's Yinxuan Sharinyan creates form and matter through the power of the mind. So from the breakthrough of Sangou jade to the level of kaleidoscope When the time comes, various abilities will be born according to each person's choice. Shishui is eager to make up for the ever-growing rift between the family and the village, so the Heavenly God was born, and Obito is pressed by the rock and eager to escape. So I got dive might..."

After a simple analysis, Alan quickly figured out the conditions for turning on the kaleidoscope and the reasons for the different abilities.

To put it bluntly, there are two words - creation!

Combining subjective will with yin and escape, the result is the enviable powerful ability of Kaleidoscope Shaker.

As for the Frightening-Soul Sting from the outside world, for example, seeing loved ones, friends, and family members die in order to open one's eyes is simply due to the inability to precisely control the yin.

"Verna Lazas! Find the hidden shadow in the bloodline of my body and activate it!"

After Alan figured this out, he immediately ordered the red dragon without a second thought command.

"As you wish!"

As a dragon of life born from the power of mind, Vernarasas can even monitor the function of every cell and every nerve in the master's body. Change, not to mention a flowing energy like chakra.

In just a few minutes, she found a small part of the hidden mysterious chakra at the connection between the brain and the optic nerve.

Completely different from the five attributes of earth, water, fire, Wind, Thunder, and the blood chakra produced by their fusion, this slightly gloomy energy is like a mass of Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice, which completely covers where the cerebral cortex uses to store memories.

It is foreseeable that once it is activated, it will definitely cause intense discomfort, even extreme pain.

But Verna Razas didn't hesitate, and directly activated the chakra representing the yin.

The next second...

Alan only felt that his brain exploded in an instant, and the indescribable pain was transmitted from the nerve center to the eyeball.

In less than a minute, he reviewed the most painful, uncomfortable and uncomfortable parts of his memory from beginning to end.

When all this is over, the three-goose jade writing wheel eyes, which have just evolved and completed, finally merged together and turned into three outwardly expanding arrow shapes.

There is no doubt that this is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye formed by his strong subjective desire.

As for ability, it is naturally related to bow and arrow.

After all, the hunter professional template is his strongest trump card, there is no one.

"This feeling... is really bad. No wonder every Uchiha's personality changes drastically and unstable after turning on the kaleidoscope." Alan complained, touching his still swollen and painful eyes road.

"The Yin Dun Chakra has been completely fused with your optic nerve, and then I can try to fuse the Yang Dun in the original Naruto cells." Verna Lazas reported the changes in his body softly. .

But Alan shook the head and refused: "Don't worry! The kaleidoscope is just the first step! The next step is the eternal kaleidoscope! Tell me, what's wrong with these eyes now?"


"Yin escape chakra is limited and almost completely fuses with the eyes. If it is replaced by other people, once it is consumed, it will cause permanent blindness, but it doesn't matter to you, it can be passed Activate the gene to create a new chakra out of thin air." Verna Razas gave the answer nonchalantly.

"So...the reason why ordinary kaleidoscope Shakers use lifespan is because their own yin chakra is exhausted. Then why can this restriction be lifted by changing to another pair of your own brother's eyes? "Alan asked with a puzzled face.

"I don't know. Maybe some recessive gene is activated, or it may be the result of the interaction of two completely different Yin Chakras. We can devour more kaleidoscopes, or It is an eternal kaleidoscope to obtain information."

After finishing speaking, Verna Razas lifted the necklace state and floated in midair in the form of a cartoon small dragon.

Her eyes also condensed into a kaleidoscope in an instant.

It's just different from the pattern of Alan's three arrows, her kaleidoscope looks like a red dragon's head.

Driven by curiosity, Alan asked directly, "What ability did you acquire?"

"Life! The ability to give real life to inanimate objects." Verna Lazas replied in a rather excited tone.

Although she is not technically a red dragon from Azeroth, the egg gave her the instinct of a red dragon, the power to control life.

This instinct has finally been sublimated after a thorough transformation and evolution.

"To give life? That is, you can give life and wisdom to the elemental puppets I created?"

Alan immediately thought of how to use this ability.

"Not only that! I can also change their life forms, even the bloodlines and genes of other creatures. From today, I am a life controller not just in name only, but also in reality."

When saying this remark, Verna Lazas's scarlet eyes flashed strange rays of light...

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