Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 306

In order to study the various abilities of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, Alan and Verna Razas hid in the copy for more than 20 hours, and didn't come out until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night to lie down on the bed and sleep for a while.

Second day Early in the morning, the final selection of the Chunin exam is known as scheduled, and there is also the upcoming "Konoha Crash Plan".

Glancing at the bustling crowd in the stands, Alan said meaningfully: "It's really lively! But it will become more lively later, I hope these audiences won't be scared."

"Scared? What do you mean!" Shikamaru frowned on the side asked.

"It doesn't make any sense, I'm just worried that too powerful ninjutsu will make those ordinary people panic." Alan faint smile replied.

"You're a little weird today, aren't you thinking of something bad?" Shikamaru stared at the other side vigilantly.

I don't know why, he always felt a little uneasy, as if something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"Under this kind of surveillance by Jinnin and Anbu everywhere, what kind of storm do you think can be caused by our kind of subinhibition? Sorry, I'm going to play, see you later."


After saying that, Alan came to the center of the field in a flash.

It's just that he didn't look at his opponent, but turned his attention to Orochimaru, who was disguised as the fourth Kazekage.

But this guy turned his back to his teacher and made a don't be impatient gesture with a very subtle gesture.

Obviously, the arrangement of the pockets has not been completed, so he wants to delay it for a while.

【Okay, let’s take this opportunity to test Neji’s progress during this time. ]

Aware that now was the best time to start, Alan immediately turned his head to look at Neji Hyuga who was standing in front of him.

Obviously, due to what he did in the second exam, there was a big deviation between the battle list and the original plot.

At the moment when the referee raised high and shouted with both hands, the first stage of the chunin selection finally began.

But neither of the two in the center of the field was in a hurry.

Especially, Neiji, took the initiative to step forward and probed in a very low voice: "Has it arrived at the time we agreed?"

"Oh? Have you recognized me yet? That's a good observation. That's right! It's our appointed time. But before that, I want to use this game to test your progress during this viewing time, okay?" Alan lifts the head and stares each other's eyes.

"Testing?" Neji showed a puzzled expression.

He didn't understand at all, why would he waste his precious physical strength and chakra here when he was about to betray the village.

Alan nodded lightly: "That's right! It will take a while before that plan starts, so let's give the audience a great performance first. And... you should be very Do you want to have a fight with me?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Neji's calm face: "Yeah! I've always wanted to know how far apart I am from you. How big is it?"

"Then what are you waiting for! Come on! Today is the chance for you. Don't hide it, do your best, and take it as a goodbye to the past. Because from now on, your Life will embark on a completely different road." Alan also encouraged with a smile.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome. Rolling eyes! Whole body hardening technique!" Jianbu rushed to the front, starting with the Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms.

The Sect Master of the Hyuga family in the stands saw this scene, and immediately reminded the youngest daughter around him: "Don't blink! Look carefully! Neji is the most outstanding of the Hyuga family in the past several decades. Genius. His aptitude and innate talent are even higher than mine. Combined with that kind of hardened ninjutsu, he has the dual characteristics of soft fist and steel fist at the same time."

"Yes! father!" Little Spark hurriedly nodded hard.

Just as the father and daughter were talking, the two on the field had already fought each other for dozens of rounds, and the sound of their fists colliding with their palms was like thunder. Blow the surrounding sand into the air.

It's a pity that, after all the sixty-four palms of the gossip were finished, Ningji couldn't touch the corner of Alan's clothes. Instead, he was punched in the lower abdomen, and his whole body suddenly surged with blood energy involuntarily. of retreating.

If it weren't for the improved systemic hardening defense of the earth spear technique, it is estimated that this fist would shock the internal organs, resulting in a big mouthful of vomiting blood.

"Damn it! You're as strong as a monster!"

Ningci not only didn't show a depressed expression because of a failed attack, but instead looked bright Laughed.

Because the stronger Alan is, the better it is for him.

After all, only a powerful ninja can live comfortably after betraying the village, instead of hiding in Tibet and escaping the pursuit of Anbu all his life.

“monster? You are not the first person to use this word to describe me, and I believe you will not be the last. After all, the road to powerhouse was set for myself from the very beginning. The goal is also the only thing I am obsessed with pursuing. But you don't seem to follow my advice to give up the soft fist." Alan touched the chin and responded with interest.

It has to be said that the combination of ninjutsu and body refinement to strengthen the formidable power and destructive power of soft boxing is something he did not expect.

If it wasn't for the fact that Neji's chakra attribute didn't have thunder, he would definitely try to see what kind of tricks he could play by combining the armor of thunder and soft fist.

"You once said that what suits you is the best. And I just feel that Rouquan is just right for me."

Ningji said with both hands Print quickly.

In the blink of an eye, two large hands made of flame emerged from the hardened arms of black.

Without a doubt!

This is another fire ninjutsu created by Alan in his spare time.

As for the prototype, it was a C-rank ninjutsu that Kusanagi stole from somewhere.

It's original effect creates two palm-shaped flames, and then simultaneously launches an attack on the enemy within a distance of no meters up ahead from the left and right sides, just like two big palms slammed together to death a mosquito.

After the transformation, the two palms can continue to exist on the hands of the caster.

Simply put, it is from pure ninjutsu to ninja body refinement.

Through this ninjutsu, Neji succeeded in further magnifying the formidable power of his soft fist.

Especially, the fire and heat generated when swinging can pose a great threat to opponents and even interfere with sight.

After all, ordinary ninjas can't see what's behind the flames without a white-eyed perspective.

"Enhancing soft boxing through ninjutsu? You really gave me a little surprise! Let me see how far you can do it."

With the last word blurted out, Alan's whole body instantly burst into an amazing chakra, that kind of pure energy without any attributes, which shattered the ground under his feet on the spot.

Before the audience came back to his senses from the shock, he disappeared in place.

Next second...

bang! ! !

A deafening bang echoed over the arena!

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