Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 307

"Unbelievable! Is this a unique body refinement developed by Yinjin himself?"

Mike Kay stared at the big hole punched with his fist, his face full of shock.

Although he did this after turning on the Eight Sects Dunjia, there was absolutely no small side effect of doing so on the body.

"Something's wrong! This guy's strength has definitely reached the level of elite jonin! What exactly did Yinin send him to take the Chunin exam for? And how does this kind of fist give me a familiar feeling? ."

Kakashi raised his forehead to reveal the writing wheel eye, and the whole person became extremely vigilant.

By observing the flow of chakra, he could clearly see the body refinement Alan was using at the moment, just like the red-haired ninja who attacked him on the Wave Land Bridge.

Combined with the sound ninja team, there is also a red-haired girl, which is absolutely impossible and just a coincidence.

"What do you mean... what conspiracy are these Oninin planning?" Mike Kay raised his thick and thick eyebrows in surprise.

"Anyway, be careful." Kakashi replied vaguely.

Obviously, he is just suspicious right now, without any evidence, and he cannot send the news to the three generations of Hokage at this time.

On the other hand, Xiao Huo Huo was also deeply attracted by the gorgeous body refinement shown by Neji, and asked in an excited tone: "Sir Father! I can also use this method to strengthen soft boxing. Formidable power?”

“en! Yes! But maintaining two A-rank ninjutsu while accurately controlling chakra is not something that an ordinary person can do. Neji is really a no-brainer. An uncompromising genius. Maybe...he is the most suitable to inherit the clan." A very rare expression of regret appeared on Rizu's face.

You don't need to ask to know that he has always been full of guilt about his own brother dying for him back then.

It's a pity that there is no Regret Medicine on the world, and the branch that is engraved with the curse of the caged bird will never become the master.

This is the foundation of the Hinata clan that continues to this day, even as a patriarch, it cannot be changed.


"Hokage-sama, didn't expect Konoha to usher in a harvest season after being silent for so many years. This child called Neji, I'm afraid You already have the strength to become a Jōnin." Orochimaru pretended to compliment.

"Hahahaha! Your Excellency Fengying is too rewarding. In fact, I didn't expect that Neji has grown up to this level unconsciously." A happy smile appeared on the face of the three generations.

But soon, he suddenly changed the conversation: "Compared to Neji, I think that the youngster of Yin Nin is really worth noting. Especially the way he uses chakra, it reminds me of A familiar silhouette."

"Oh? You mean Tsunade Princess, one of the three ninjas, right?" Orochimaru asked with a faint smile.

"That's right! Although there is a big difference, in principle, these two people concentrate the chakra at the moment of attack, and then burst out in one breath. And this technique can Not just anyone can cultivate, and they have very high requirements for control. I really don’t understand why Yinin would send such a talent to take the Chunin exam.”

When he said this remark, the third generation There was a strong look of doubt and incomprehension in his eyes.

In his impression, after Xiaonin Village usually found a genius, he tried his best to hide it, for fear of being accidentally targeted by a big country harboring malicious intentions, and as a result, he was assassinated before he grew up. .

"Hehe, maybe he's deliberately showing his strength to the outside world."

After saying that, Orochimaru lifted the head and glanced at it a few seconds before suddenly appearing in the stands The rear silhouette, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised immediately.

This silhouette is none other than the Wang spy pharmacist pocket.

His presence here means that the Konoha collapse plan has been prepared and can be activated at any time.

It's a pity that the three generations of Hokage didn't notice any difference at all and still focused on the field.

After a few minutes of intense hand-to-hand fighting, Neji finally took the lead and couldn't hold on to this huge amount of chakra consumption. He was breathing heavily on the spot.

It took several seconds before he finally asked, "Is the time up?"

"Ah! The time is up." Alan gave a positive answer without hesitation . "Do you need me to give you some time to say goodbye to Kai teacher, Xiao Li and Tian Heavenly Dao?"

From the moment Pocket appeared in the back of the stand, he had already locked on to each other and realized that everything was ready Done, you can start working.

"No! No! It's my own choice, and it's also my own life."

Speaking, Neji took out a sharp knife No, in front of everyone's eyes, he drew a line on his forehead.

There is no doubt that this standard act of treason caused the Level 12 earthquake in an instant.

Among them, teacher Mike Kay, the leader of the third class, rushed over and asked loudly, "Ningji! Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?"

"I know! I'm tired of being a bird trapped in a cage. I long to get out of this cage that binds me, and to fly freely like a real bird."

tone barely fell!

Ningji took off the forehead guard that symbolized the identity of rebellion, revealing his smooth forehead without any marks.


Hyuga Hizu also abruptly stood up from the seat and said in an unbelievable tone: "The cage... the bird spell in the cage has disappeared? How is this possible! That is..."

"Sir Father! What's wrong? What happened?" Little Spark asked blankly.

But unfortunately, no one is in the mood to answer her questions now.

The three generations of Hokage even clenched their fists, completely unable to believe that another New Generation, whom he was optimistic about, would actually choose to rebel on this occasion.


I don't understand!


He kept asking himself in his heart, what exactly was made, which caused Konoha to happen one after another while he was in power.

Admiring the spectacular scene of uproar in the stands, Alan immediately released his transformation to reveal his original appearance. At the same time, the raised high forehead that symbolized the identity of Konoha ninja suddenly released a burst of flames. , melt it into a pool of crimson's molten iron.

After all this was done, he opened his arms and loudly announced to everyone including the three generations of Hokage: "I'm very sorry! The final selection of the Chunin exam may end early. But please rest assured. , what will be staged next is a more exciting and exciting war. Come out! Let's start the carnival!"

"The technique of Nirvana Abode!"

Kou immediately launched A-level Illusion Technique mastered by myself.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of white feathers fell from the sky, and countless people who saw this scene fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

And those Sand Shinobi and Sound Shinobi who were hidden in advance also jumped out one after another, launching long-planned attacks on Konoha from all corners.

All of a sudden, all kinds of giant spirit beasts, large-scale killing ninjutsu, flooded the guards who were too late to react.

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