Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 308

What is the real war in the ninja world like?

In addition to those lucky ones who participated in the three wars and survived, there are still some vague impressions, but most of the New Generation have long forgotten the terrifying of the war.

Especially when faced with such a large-scale invasion, the entire Konoha instantly fell into a panic.

In addition, Danzo gathered members of the entire root organization together and hid in the all black, no daylight underground secret base, which directly led to the instant collapse of defenses in many places, and many young Before the ninja could react to what happened, he fell to the ground and turned into a bloody corpse.

As for the scene of the Chunin Exam, it was even more chaotic.

The one-tailed man of Gaara directly turned on a large-scale ruthless bloodthirsty mode, and in the blink of an eye, he squeezed the nobles and warriors of the Land of Fire in the stands into meat sauce with sand.

Junin Maki leads his subordinates and fights with Konoha's upper ninjas.

Seeing that everything that he had built up with great difficulty was destroyed like this, the old face of the three generations of Hokage suddenly showed an extremely angry expression, and he asked sharply: "You planned all this? Why? Why do you do this? Is it because of the deal with Iwa Shinobi? Or is it all a conspiracy of Danzo?"

" do you say, half of it is Danzo? And the conspiracy with Orochimaru, and the other half is that I am just tired of this boring ninja game.

Ninja village, ninja, daimyo, nobles, this world is represented by you, the old and decadent interest groups Hold on tight, it's time to generate a little force for change.

And I will stand on a higher ground and watch this happen. Watching ninjas who only know how to kill, destroy and create hatred His career was eliminated by history, and the five major countries, including Konoha, were completely wiped out.

Of course, Iwanin may be faster, who made them annoy me."

Alan explains with a smile.


Three generations of Hokage thought that there was something wrong with his ears, and his eyes were like looking at a mentally ill madman.

But Alan didn't care, each minding their own business said: "Look at this world! Power is divided among nobles, daimyo and warrior groups!

martial power is divided by you These ninjas who master chakra and ninjutsu control!

For your own interests, you are fighting endlessly day after day, leaving countless civilians living in dire straits.

They have no choice but to endure desperately.

But now, here I am, I will give them the strength to fight the ninjas.

from now on, the commoners will be no more Lambs to be slaughtered in your eyes, but young beasts that will slowly grow their teeth and sharp claw.

By that time, they will burst into unimaginable mighty power.

And you remnants of the old era will be consumed by the tide of the new era, little by little."

"The power against ninjas?"

Three generations Hokage keenly grasped a key word.

"That's right!"

Alan nods with a smile.

"Remember, what I told you about Qi before?

In fact, its real name is Nian, a power system that extracts life energy from itself and controls it .

Unlike chakra, anyone can master this power through cultivation.

This also means that even civilians can, after putting in time and effort Learn.

And mindfulness can be strengthened through will!

Imagine that millions of civilians in this world have become minders, and they will Ninjas and nobles are the targets of revenge, how long can you hold on?

Even if you can hold on!

What about your family members?

What about your friends? ?

Where's the child?

even more how, I will not only teach those commoners the ability to read, but also teach them ninjutsu.

From the C-level of the lowest Ninjutsu, to the highest level S-Rank forbidden technique, I will rub it in thousands of copies, so that those things that are valued by one's own old broom will be thoroughly spread.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I have copied the entire contents of the Konoha Sealed Book, so..."

"Are you serious?" Kakashi also came to Sandai Hokage at some point. , with a hint of sternness in his tone.

But Alan spread his hands unconcernedly: "Of course! I've always been very serious.

Don't you think this thing in Shinobi Village is full of existence itself. Is it ironic?

How much darkness is there just in Konoha's bright and beautiful appearance?

How many dirty profit exchanges?

You know the Uchiha genocide Is it actually caused by Danzo's selfish desires?

Knowing that Uchiha Shisui's awakened kaleidoscope can actually change a person's will, thus completely eliminating this crisis in Is it invisible?

But it's all just because Danzo spied on these eyes, and because of the prejudice against the Uchiha family since the second Hokage, everything can only end in tragedy.

I can even say that the root cause of Uchiha's genocide is the three generations of Hokage.

Without his acquiescence and indulgence, there would be no boldness with Danzo and Gen, let alone So much darkness and tragedy.

As for Itachi, he's just a fool who has been brainwashed by the so-called will of fire.

He doesn't understand at all, such a twisted and morbid state like Shinobu Village It has no value at all, and even killed his own parents for this, alone bearing all the notoriety."

"You...are you telling the truth?"

Sasuke, who suddenly heard the truth behind the scenes, trembled in his voice.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you?"

Alan instantly turned on his kaleidoscope and stared at this man who was toyed with by others from beginning to end. Small poor.

"Kaleidoscope?! also own the bloodline of the Uchiha clan?"

Sasuke's eyes widened in shock, and unconsciously he also opened his own writing wheel.

"no! You are wrong! The so-called "Sharing Eye" is just the product of the combination of Yin Chakra and the optic nerve. I just extracted a little gene of Uchiha Sharinyan. How, in After learning the truth, are you still going to stay in the place that killed your parents and all the clansman?" Alan asked meaningfully.

"On the contrary! I'm going to kill the three generations of Hokage! Completely destroy this dirty and dark wooden Leaf Village!"

Due to the strong mood swings, Sasuke's The writing wheel instantly evolved from the second hook jade to the third hook jade, and at the same time, the curse of the sky began to quickly absorb the natural energy in the environment, and slowly turned into a pair of huge fleshy wings.

Without any hesitation!

He immediately used the strongest ninjutsu he knew - Chidori, and rushed towards the old man with the red hat and white robe at a lightning-fast speed.

Unfortunately, before he could get close, Kakashi rushed out to stop him.

The teacher and apprentice didn't even say a word of nonsense, and they collided like this.

Because everyone knows that it doesn't make any sense to say anything at this time.

Parents are absolutely irreconcilable!

After Uchiha Sasuke learned the truth about the genocide, it was impossible for him to stay and become a part of Konoha.

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