Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 309

"It seems that I shouldn't have taken you in in the first place, let alone made you a ninja. A dangerous person like you will bring great disaster to the village and even the entire ninja world. Fortunately, I still have time now. Make up for the mistakes you made."

While speaking, the three generations of Hokage took off their long-distance running and hats, revealing the black clothes inside.

There is no doubt that he was prepared to kill Alan no matter what, even if it cost his life and even his soul.

As a dying old man, he is not afraid of death, just a little worried about whether someone can replace him to become a new generation of Hokage after death.

Alan couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene and shook the head: "Sorry, although it's a bit rude to say this, but your opponent is not me."

"en? Your Excellency Kazekage, at this time, do you want to continue to cooperate with such a guy? What he wants to subvert is not just Konoha, but the order and system of the entire five countries and the existing world."

Three Hokage turned around and tried to turn against the four Kazuki who also joined the conspiracy beside him.

In his opinion, the other party was only temporarily deceived. In the face of this threat, the Kingdom of Wind should take the same position as the Kingdom of Fire.

It's a pity that standing in front of him is not the four generations of Kazekage, but the craziest scientist in this world - Orochimaru.

"he he he he! Dear Sarubi teacher, you are so old. You haven't recognized me for so long. Sorry, I am totally utterly in this matter. Agree with Alan-kun. He's right! This world has been suppressed for too long by the daimyo, nobles and Shinobi villages, like a stagnant pool of rotten, old and disgusting smells. Maybe... spilled Some seeds of change are also a good thing."

With the iconic laugh, Orochimaru also removed his disguise, and the two golden pupils flashed with excitement and anticipation.

In fact, even he was incomparable by the remarks just now.

But soon, he realized that the youngster who cooperated with him had a vision that transcended the entire era, and also pointed out the essence of ninjas and ninja villages.

That's right!

No matter how nice the Will of Fire and Will of Stone are, they cannot change the nature of the ninja as a vicious dog.

What they maintain has never been peace, let alone those large numbers of commoners, but the interests of the daimyo and nobles, as well as their own interests.

"Orochimaru? You assassinated Kazekage!"

Seeing the appearance of his most dangerous Disciple, the three generations of Hokage instantly guessed that the other party was involved in this huge conspiracy Something, with a shocked expression on his face.

You must know that no matter how weak the fourth generation of Kazekage is, it is still the shadow of a village, representing the face and dignity of Sand Ninja.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to fiercely taking a big mouth on the land of wind, one of the five major countries, coupled with the attack on Konoha, which is equivalent to offending and killing two large villages at once.

Anyone in their right mind would not do something so crazy and stupid!

"You seem surprised? In fact, there is nothing to be surprised about! The current ninja world is no longer the way you think it is dominated by the five great kingdoms. Even if there is no Alan-kun, there will be another person , another organization set off a drastic change." Orochimaru meaningfully taunted.

There is no doubt that another person and another organization in this sentence refers to Payne, who owns Samsara Eye, and the Akatsuki organization he established.

As a former member of Akatsuki, no one knows the terrifying of this organization better than him.

It can even be said that every core member of Akatsuki has the power to invade and severely damage a great country.

Interestingly, no one in the Five Ninja Villages has faced up to this organization so far, and Tuying even regards it as a group of self-seeking mercenaries who can complete some dark secret operations for themselves .

"Your thoughts are becoming more and more dangerous, Orochimaru."

The three generations of Hokage obviously don't want to continue talking nonsense any more, they completed the seal at a very fast speed, and instantly summon Out of the ape demon.

"no! It's not that my thoughts are dangerous, but you have been eliminated from this era. Come on, let me, Disciple, personally send you through the last journey of your life. After all, I But the last thing I want to see is the ugly appearance of your aging..."

After saying that, Orochimaru rushed forward and entangled his teacher with the excellent body refinement, while the four of them took the opportunity. Jumped out and completed an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Formation, completely isolating the two from the outside world.

At this point, the final step of the "Konoha Crash Plan", which is also the most critical step, has finally been completed.

Standing in the middle of the huge arena, Alan watched the war between ninjas from an outsider's perspective, without turning his head to ask Neji who was following behind him: "You still Do you hate Hinata's clan?"

"Hate? Maybe, but compared to what happened to the Uchiha family, I think I'm already very lucky. It hides so much darkness and filth. You are right! Like this thing in Shinobu village, from the very beginning is a mistake, it shouldn't exist at all."

There was a strong tone in Neji's tone. With emotion, the whole person seems to have matured in an instant.

Hearing this remark, Alan nodded with relief: "I'm glad you can agree with my philosophy. Now, I'll give you a few minutes to talk to the patriarch of the Hyuga Sect, maybe he will tell A different version of the story."

"What about you? What are you going to do next?" Neji asked curiously.

"Do nothing! I will wait here for this riot to end, and then use absolute force to declare to the whole world that the era of domination by the five powers is over."

With the last word out of his mouth, Alan used his wooden escape ability to create a huge tree out of thin air, while he sat on a chair woven from vines at the top of the canopy.

"Woo... Wood Dun?!"

Ningji's jaw dropped from this hand.

Not only him, but the ninjas around Konoha all reacted similarly.

After all, this ability is a very special existence for the entire Konoha, and even the entire ninja world.

That is the power that Senju Hashima, known as the god of ninjas, can control and master!


No! I prefer to call it Yangdun, which uses special chakra to give life to inorganic matter.

This is why Everyone knows that the first Hokage's wooden dungeon is the product of the combination of the two attributes of earth and water, but no one can reproduce it again.

Because they lack the investigation of the yangdun attribute. Carat, and this is the most critical part of reproducing the wood escape.

And this kind of power only flows in the bloodline of Qianshou and the vortex family.

Simply put, it is , you don't have the corresponding bloodline, even if you work hard all your life, it won't help you.

Sounds ironic?

But this is the stark cruel reality!

So Don't believe any stupid idea that hard work can change fate.

At least in this world, hard work can't change anything at all."

Alan gave a very bad attitude to everyone present. Pour down a large bowl of "poisonous chicken soup".

In fact, this is also a common problem in all Japanese anime works.

In the beginning, you thought that the passionate protagonists were all from ordinary backgrounds, and they changed their fates entirely by their own efforts?

Don't be naive!

As the plot progresses, more than 99% of the hot-blooded protagonists have an extremely prominent bloodline and background.

Dragon Ball is like this, Yuyou Hakushu is like this, Naruto is like this, One Piece is like this, and Death God is like this...

There is no real bottom-level counterattack at all!

So every Japanese anime is essentially a bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

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