Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 310

During the next bowl of "poisonous chicken soup", which was thick and strong in taste, Neji quickly turned around and left with a black face, intending to take advantage of this opportunity to ask the patriarch of the Zong family to ask how the father was forced to What the hell is suicide.

From the hidden truth behind Uchiha's genocide, he realized that the high-level Konoha was not as innocent as he originally thought, and the patriarch of the Hinata clan was probably responsible for the village.

Looking at the young silhouette approaching, Hyuga Hizu did not flies into a rage as many people expected, but showed a very calm smile and asked softly: "You really decide Are you going to leave?"

"en! Can you tell me what happened back then? Why did my father choose to commit suicide." Painful question.

"Of course! But it will take a while."

Hizu sighed in the affirmative, raising both hands in a soft fist.

As the first wealthy family after Uchiha's annihilation, the Hyuga family is obviously impossible to break away from Konoha This big tree, so no matter what kind of thoughts he has in his heart, he must state his position in front of everyone's eyes .

Ningji's indifferent shrugged shoulders: "It's okay, we should have a little more time. And...I don't think Konoha can threaten Alan now. His power has surpassed everyone's. imagination.”

tone barely fell!

The two Hyuga opened their eyes at the same time, waving their hands to perform the secret technique of soft boxing and the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.

Although the fighting scenes seen by outsiders are very exciting and exciting, only they know that this is actually just a discussion, and neither side really wants to kill the other side.

In the process of constant confrontation, Hizu little by little talked about what Yun Ren did in those days, as well as the persecution of the three generations of Konoha Hokage and his advisors to the Hyuga family.

And these things strengthened Neji's determination to leave Konoha.

At the same time, the battle between Sasuke Uchiha and Kakashi is coming to an end.

Although the strong anger and hatred made Erzhuzi burst out with unprecedented battle strength, but after all, he was still too young, and his combat experience and reaction speed were far inferior to his own teacher.

"Ai, stop it, Sasuke, there is still a chance to recover if you stop now." Kakashi persuaded helplessly.

He didn't even think his words were convincing.

After all, in the matter of Uchiha's genocide, the black pot of Danzo and the three generations of Hokage cannot be cleaned no matter how much they are washed.

"Stop? Then, like an idiot, continue to be a pawn at Itachi and Konoha's mercy? No! I'd rather die right now! I don't want to stay in this shameless village. One second."

In order to show his determination, Erzhuzi drew a horizontal line on his forehead in front of his teacher and his former companions.


vortex Naruto saw this scene, and a painful expression appeared on his face.

But unlike in the original book, who betrayed the village simply for the pursuit of power, this time Sasuke made the decision after learning the truth about Uchiha's genocide.

It also includes the tragic deaths of countless clansmans, parents and parents.

No matter how strong his mouth is, it is impossible to change the bloody feud between his friend and the village.

As for Sakura, she has long since lost her ability to speak, and her whole body slumped to the ground, not knowing what to do at all.

Many of Konoha's young ninjas were also frightened by the dark side that was suddenly revealed in the village.

There are others who are seriously considering whether Ninja and Ninja Village are really just vicious dogs kept by daimyo and nobles, as Alan mentioned. It has no value or meaning.

As the saying goes, sometimes the mind is a more terrifying weapon than the sword.

Once people's hearts are scattered, no matter how strong the organization is at the moment, it will inevitably decline and perish.

Just as Kakashi was about to capture Sasuke first, a sharp arrow suddenly burst through the air and penetrated his shoulder at a speed that naked eyes could barely catch.


The huge inertia and strength made the Konoha elite fly backward uncontrollably, and finally fiercely hit the wall with horror in his eyes.

Because he had already formed a seal and cast a substitute technique just now!

But I don't know why, the moment the arrow hits, this technique actually fails.

What's even more terrifying is that the arrow piercing the shoulder cannot be pulled out at all, as if there is some kind of mysterious force that binds it completely to the muscles and bones.

"You must be surprised, why the arrows I shoot will make you unable to perform the avatar technique, let alone pull them out from the wound, right?" Alan asked with a faint smile.

"Is it the ability of those kaleidoscopes?" Kakashi resisted the severe pain from his shoulders and lifted the head cautiously probed.

"That's right! The ability of my left eye is sure to hit! No matter what kind of ability, ninjutsu, is meaningless in front of my arrows. If I just aimed at the shoulder instead of the shoulder. Yes heart or head, then you're dead now. And it was impossible for you to draw that arrow before I disarmed it," Alan explained casually.

As everyone knows, the biggest problem with ranged weapons like bows and arrows has always been hits.

Because the distance will give the opponent more time to react.

Especially in this world, there are also unreasonable space ninjutsu such as Flying Thor and Divine Might, so when he opened Sharinyan, the first thing he thought of was to make his own attacks work. to 100% hit.

Through the unique "creation of nothingness" of Yin Dun Chakra, he succeeded in doing this.

This also means that if Obito wants to play with the ability to blur in front of Alan in the future, he will be killed 100% miserably.

"Is it a sure hit? The ability to write a kaleidoscope is really quite troublesome." Kakashi sighed slightly.

"Be honest! I'm sure you can see that I don't want to kill people." Alan warned meaningfully.

"Ah! I can feel it, but the problem is that you've done far more terrifying things than killing and destroying. Tell me, was your sunny and cheerful look just pretending? ' Kakashi asked in a low voice, gritted his teeth.

"Half and half. In fact, in the final analysis, it's all because you want to force me to stay in Konoha. Do you know what I hate most? What I hate most is someone restricting me. Personal freedom leaves me with no choice. From the moment the three generations of Hokage tried to force me to become a ninja, I have decided to leave here. It's just that the disgusting things he did later made me change a little bit. The original plan to leave in a low profile."

Alan didn't hide anything, and frankly explained the reason why he joined Konoha's collapse plan.

In his eyes, Shinobu Village's practice of giving no choice from birth to death is simply inhuman behavior that is completely inhuman, not even comparable to the feudal system, and a complete slave system.

It's like a job that's described as glamorous, but it's essentially a piece of shit!

Once you choose it, you have to do it until the end.

Unless death or disability, there is no chance to quit midway.

If you want to quit or change jobs, the executives and bosses of this company will kill you immediately.

Perhaps in the eyes of this twisted and sick world, the relationship between ninjas and Ninja Village should be like this, but Ailu from the other world doesn't think so.

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